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The Left keeps claiming that they control the youth of tomorrow. They’re not doing so well with boys.
In annual surveys over the last three years, roughly one-quarter of high school seniors self-identified as conservative or “very conservative” on the Monitoring the Future survey, a scholarly endeavor that dates to the 1970s. Only 13 percent of boys identified as liberal or very liberal in those years.
The figures represent a striking shift in the political views of boys. As recently as the late 2000s, liberal boys occasionally outnumbered conservatives. Back in the Carter era, both boys and girls leaned liberal.
Nowadays, it is girls who are drifting to the left. The share of 12th-grade girls who identified as liberal rose from 19 percent in 2012 to 30 percent in 2022. Only 12 percent of girls identified as conservative in last year’s survey, administered by the University of Michigan.
What’s the issue? I’d argue that it’s the culture.
2000 seems to be a dividing line. The 80s saw the greatest convergence of liberal and conservative male support. By the 90s there’s a sharp decline among teenage male conservatives. And then it suddenly goes in the other direction.
What happened? 9/11 obviously, but it’s hard to believe that it made that much of an impact. Popular culture in the 80s and 90s is friendly to men and perhaps even male-centered. There’s no real sense that there’s a contradiction between liberalism and masculinity. The dial starts to turn in the new millennium. Conservative numbers grow but there isn’t as sharp a decline among liberals. And then 2017 arrives and it’s all bad.
That’s also the point where wokeness becomes turbocharged, but the earlier part of the decade is a cultural dividing line. Positive depictions of men disappear. There’s a constant hectoring and scolding.
Gilette’s infamous toxic masculinity ad airs in 2019. By then the number of liberal teenage boys has dropped to 13% from 19% in 2016. Mission accomplished.
Why aren’t you seeing that in the stats? Because, as is often the case, they’re misleading.
The political leanings of young men have changed little over the past two decades, according to an analysis by the Survey Center on American Life. Last year, 43 percent of young men identified as moderate, 31 percent as conservative and 24 percent as liberal. Twenty years earlier, the numbers were more or less the same.
But the leftward drift of young women alone has sufficed to move the needle on young adults as a whole.
Lefties claim that they’re the future based on a preference cascade among young women, not young men.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Having spent a fair amount of time over the decades observing males and females, it seems to me that males and females generally do different kinds of work. Although there is some overlap.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Yep. There are always outliers and overlap. Equality is not sameness. Complementarianism is an undeniable reality.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks KH, love your comments!
Nathan Z says
Men and women are different. God made us that way. We have equal worth at the foot of the cross, but our roles are supposed to be different as God explains in His Word. The Bible speaks of Christ’s headship over man and the husband’s headship over his wife. Feminists don’t like it but they are rebelling against God’s created order.
Jeff Bargholz says
Men are doctors, women are nurses. Career choices are what makes us who we are. Or our lack of choice. And despite the very many intelligent women who comment here, women tend to be dumb.
Goodnight Irene says
Women aren’t dumb, but they are prone to bad judgement. Even the Bible speaks to this and the Bible is TRUE. A truly Godly woman will always defer to men when serious situations arise. The sin of women is generally coveting. Eve was the first to want the forbidden fruit as Satan told her it would give her great knowledge. She offered it to Adam who ate of it but hid from God and denied he took it of it. The sin of men is running from responsibility.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Yes. Prone to bad judgment. Because we are more easily deceived and easier targets of deception. Satan chose to appeal to her, not Adam. She was his weak spot. We women are often the weak spot of men who love us.
The irony of it all to me is that women have a more SENSITIVE discernment, especially in interpersonal matters. We are plugged into people relationally in a more powerful way.
The sin of Adam was he listened to Eve and violated God’s command. He fell in reason and prioritized Eve. Abraham did the same with Sarah when she disbelieved God and told Abraham to have sex with Hagar.
I struggle with submission. I felt my hackles come up with you said women should defer to men. I know what you mean, but the submission is to be given to father first, and then to husband. Men are usually the authority in life’s hierarchies, but that is not submission to the man so much as it is submission to rightful authority.
I feel great affection for Jeff Bargholz. I know what he meant when he said women are dumb. I agree with him, actually. The truth is, and I think he might even agree with me, Jeff is a bit of a slave to us.
Nathan Z says
You are right to a degree. To be fair to Jeff, he said there are intelligent women – “despite the very many intelligent women who comment here, women tend to be dumb..”
I have some very intelligent women around me. I have female relatives I think would beat quite a few men when it comes to intelligence tests. Of course some women are smarter than some men. But isn’t it true that many women make decisions with their hearts while men tend to use their heads? As a general rule, men tend to be more logical.
But when it comes to who should be the leader, I don’t think that’s just because of intelligence. The Biblical story of David and Abigail and Abigail’s foolish husband is a case where the wife was a better thinker than her husband. But the Bible says, “For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.”
Christ is the authority, as man is the authority in marriage. I, as a man, don’t have equal authority as Christ who is to be the head. Many today would say the husband and wife should have equal roles in marriage (or in church leadership), but marriage is a picture of Christ and the church. To take away our distinctions and say we are all equal in everything actually belittles Christ’s authority.
Jeff Bargholz says
Oh, you don’t know how much of a slave I am.
And I never learn! Pretty much any chick who walks through my door gets the royal treatment. And boy, do some of them take advantage of that.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Nathan, I am sorry if I am being “dumb,” but I really don’t see where you disagree with me.
Could you clarify?
Kynarion Hellenis says
Nathan, when I was very young, my father had my IQ measured. I was told it was in the high 120’s. If average IQ is 100 for Americans of European descent (like me), then I am smarter than most men – but certainly no genius.
I agree that men are smarter than women, but I think it might have more to do with statistics falling in the bell curve pattern. At the extremes of both ends, I imagine there are more males than females. Perhaps the low end is explained by the XX chromosome being more stable than XY. And perhaps the higher end is explained by something that men just have more of than women – an intelligence that makes civilization and all progress possible.
Just a thought.
Nathan Z says
You said, “I really don’t see where you disagree with me. Could you clarify?” But I think we are on the same page here. If you’re wanting clarification about, “You are right to a degree,” you said, “I know what he meant when he said women are dumb. I agree with him, actually.”
So I was trying to point out with my comment that there are a lot of smart women too.
It’s like you said in this comment, “I agree that men are smarter than women, but I think it might have more to do with statistics falling in the bell curve pattern. At the extremes of both ends, I imagine there are more males than females.”
To say “women are dumb,” seems kinda unfair when there are so many exceptions, including you! God bless.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Thank you for your time, Nathan. I understand your meaning now.
Jeff Bargholz says
Running from responsibility? The last time I noticed, men are bread winners and women waste the money men earn. Generally speaking.
And I don’t think all women are dumb. Just most. Most men, too.
I wish I could find another Godly woman. I always throw them away and run off with the godless slatterns, though.
Kynarion Hellenis says
May God give you a wonderful, godly woman whose adores your masculine strengths and your blunt, irreverent manner. She will need to be very strong, and someone who has passion for life. Someone in whom you can safely trust.
NAVY ET1 says
As obvious as it is to some, I’m quite partial to my conservative RED southern state…but you never really know about the younger generations unless you have a child that age. As I’ve just recently signed up for Social Security, those days are long past, but I witnessed something at the end of the last school year that validates the survey’s findings.
We have a county-wide High School in my rural county where kids drive or are bussed in from the far reaches. It’s actually a very large campus and drivers avoid the intersections with the school like the plague because it takes forever to get through the lights. While I was sitting there fuming at myself for being at the wrong place at the wrong time, I saw them.
What looked to be several miles worth of 15-20 year old 4×4’s coming out of the student parking lots, with giant flags mounted in each, yelling their heads off. Then I noticed the flags were perfectly staged: American flag, followed by a Trump flag, followed by the Gadsden flag (don’t tread on me). They were throwing themselves a little parade for the end of the school year.
It was at this point I stopped fuming at myself and cracked a little smile.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment. I join you in the hope that our young people can re-build what our generation largely squandered. Their world is so very different from the one we knew, and I do not blame them for resenting us boomers.
I want to help them in any way I can. The lives ahead of them will be hard, but strong men will once again restore sanity. Women are always lost without strong men. I never thought I would one day think women should not be allowed to vote, but I am beginning to see the wisdom of it. And I am a woman who was born in the late 1950’s and grew up with bra burning, equal rights, etc.
virginia macdonald says
I have a hunch that many young women out there are scared to admit they love Trump!
: /
Lightbringer says
Some years back I read a piece by Ann Coulter in which she posited that women should not vote and explained why. She did not say that only remarkable women like herself should vote, but that no women should vote. I agree with her.
However, let’s posit a different way of determining who ought to vote. At the polling station, take each potential voter aside and ask him or her (in American Standard English):
1. What offices will be filled by the election today?
2. What is the job of each of these office-holders?
3. Who are the candidates for each of these jobs?
4. What are their positions on relevant issues?
5. What are their qualifications?
Add or delete whatever you want for your county. Anyone not able to answer at least the first two questions ought to be told to leave.
Alternately, each potential voter could be given the standard citizenship test — after receiving a copy of the course materials to study well in advance — and, if (s)he does not score a passing grade, be told to study and try again next election.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Although I love your idea and agree with it, it would not pass the parameters set by the Supreme Court (poll tests) and would also still allow Marxists and Communists to vote (and cheat).
I think our only hope is Christian nationalism (as practiced in the beginning of this nation). That very phrase is going to cause a firestorm because it is so feared and that fear has been whipped up by our enemies and used against us the same way as women’s suffrage, equal rights, open borders and the separation of church and state (which functioned only to usher in the new satanic “secular” religion now enjoying the force of government).
Christian nationalism would require our magistrates, from local, state and nation jurisdictions, to be committed to Christian principles found in Scripture. The laws should be Christian and the public servant limited to those who serve the public and not themselves.
The young people who gave hope to NAVY ET1 might be able to embrace this and turn our nation away from that awful judgment God will certainly deliver if we do not repent.
Constance Conserv says
The Trump trains here were organized by some young high school kids, and they had several, and they were very well-organized. There were mostly young kids participating. The Republican party here is run by older people who did NOTHING to fight against the stolen election and NOTHING to support President Trump after the stolen election. I think the young kids need to take back the party. They give me hope for the future!
Ugly Sid says
Naked corruption is the Biden “contribution”.
If the Republic can be saved by hanging her traitors, so be it.
Beez says
Unfortunately, the Traitor-in-Chief resides in a mansion guarded by federal officers on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.
Jeff Bargholz says
Bareback Hussein Osama is no mastermind. He’s a lazy simpleton. Slow Joe isn’t making decisions, as even the most obtuse conservatives FINALLY realize but Obie couldn’t mastermind one of Alzheimer Joe’s diaper shits.
Obama is a joke. Wake up, you dumbfucks.
CowboyUp says
Dems have gotten smart. We know little to nothing about the people who are actually making the decisions. They’re mostly behind the scenes, with people like joe and hussein obama as stalking horses and fall guys.
Bird of Paradise says
Boys need to return to being Truck Drivers and Athletes and forget the Ballet Lessons
Taylor says
>>What’s the issue? I’d argue that it’s the culture.
>>2000 seems to be a dividing line.
This process has been well underway amoung the non-orthodox 90% of American Jews starting in the late 60’s and reached its tipping point in the early aughts of this century. It’s why the rate of out-marriage has skyrocketed.
Robert Hagedorn says
Single women tend to be leftists because they need the feeling of protection they can only get from a leftist government.
Kynarion Hellenis says
When men are strong again, women will behave better. The government is not designed to protect women or help them raise their children.
Taylor says
When it is necessary to modify or renew fundamental doctrine, the generations sacrificed to the era during which the transformation takes place remain essentially alienated from that transformation, and often become directly hostile to it.
AUGUSTE COMTE, —Un Appel aux conservateurs
Houellebecq, Michel. The Elementary Particles (p. 129). Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.
Goodnight Irene says
THANK GOD! Now you know why women are disastrous in leadership positions. It even says so in the Bible.
TRex says
This may explain why marriage rates are so low, divorce rates so high. and the “hook-up” culture is in full swing. Are young men realizing, beyond physical attraction, there’s nothing to hang around for?
CowboyUp says
They’ve been told all their lives that masculinity is only good in a woman., otherwise it’s “toxic.” They’ve learned that women can just vote for daddy government, and they don’t need a man for anything other than a booty call. They’re doped up with ADHD drugs and antidepressants to ‘fix’ their behavior. They’re starting to realize the problem isn’t them, it’s what they’re being taught in school, and by pop culture.
MK McMillion says
Thanks Readers.
These are some of the most sane thought provoking comments I have seen on any subject on any site.
Constance Conserv says
I agree. I actually enjoy reading the comments more than the actual article. I noticed that a lot of sites disallow comments now, which is a shame because comments often provide interesting insight and tidbits about some happenings which are never reported in any kind of news, but happen to actually provide fascinating insight into our world, ergo, the Trump Train mentioned by the one poster.