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As of now, Vice President Kamala Harris looks to be Donald Trump’s opponent in November. She’s secured the pledged support of enough delegates to the DNC for the nomination, and Biden’s $100 million war chest for now will go to her campaign, on top of the donations starting to pour in, and the Democrat Committee’s $91 million. Murkier are her chances against Donald Trump, who leads her in head-to-head polls, and whose campaign has been turbocharged by a spectacular Republican convention and a unified party.
But as Hillary Clinton learned in 2016, and Joe Biden just a few weeks ago, events and contingencies we often cannot predict can change everything in a day. That’s why in politics, as in war, one should heed Sun Tzu’s advice to “know your enemy as you know yourself.”
Harris’s weaknesses are well known from her stints as the District Attorney for San Francisco, Attorney General and Senator for California, and Vice President. All three offices are revealing of her leftist bent, “woke” prejudices, and big-government proclivities, but the latter is the most important job for revealing what kind of president she’ll be.
She is certain to follow Biden’s tax-spend-redistribute economic policies. As the Wall Street Journal writes, “So mark her down as endorsing the spending blowouts that caused inflation, the Green New Deal, entitlement expansions and student loan forgiveness. Until she says otherwise, we should also assume she’s in favor of Mr. Biden’s $5 trillion tax increase in 2025.”And don’t expect a President Harris to increase much-needed defense spending to restore our military’s dangerous deficits in both personnel and materiel.
In other words, her mind, like that of most Democrats, is filled with received progressive wisdom and shibboleths. And based on her public pronouncements––at least those that are coherent––she lacks the moral intelligence and critical thinking skills necessary for recognizing when policies are chosen for their political advantage rather than the nation’s long-term flourishing and security.
Consider her short stint as the “border czar.” Apart from one trip to El Paso, she never visited the region to see first-hand the damage Biden’s policies are inflicting on our country.
Instead, she simply mouthed cliches like “root causes” such as the left’s all-purpose “climate change” as the reason for the influx of illegal aliens. Such ignorance gives force to thecomment by Brandon Judd, past president of the National Border Patrol Council, that Harris has shown a “complete disregard to border security by either political ambition or incompetence.” Under Harris’ and Biden’s “leadership,” illegal entries during their term exploded to more than 10 million unvetted illegal aliens.
Border policy also reveals how far left Harris is: as the Make America Great Again PAC pointed out, in 2019 she was the most leftist Senator, ahead of comrade Bernie Sanders. “That year in the Senate, Kamala Harris co-sponsored legislation to protect illegal immigrants from deportation and backed Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation. Kamala even backed banning private health insurance and giving taxpayer-funded coverage to illegal immigrants.” Farther left than Joe Biden, Harris is likely to pursue other policies equally harmful to our economic health and national security.
When it comes to foreign policy, Harris followed Biden’s program. But according to the Journal, “While she has backed the Administration’s military assistance to Ukraine, she has equivocated about support for Israel. In March she chastised Israel for not doing enough to ease a ‘humanitarian catastrophe’” one of the most egregious of Big Lies that Israel-haters have been peddling for decades.
Also, her juvenile ignorance of the need to strengthen our power of deterrence is a danger sign. As the Journal continued, “She lambasted the Trump Administration for killing Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Gen. Qassem Soleimani, claiming it could lead to bigger war in the Mideast. The killing chastened Iran’s rulers instead, at least until the Biden Administration began to ease sanctions and tried to repeat the 2015 nuclear deal.”
But such leftist orthodoxy still might not be good enough for the “woke” pro-Hamas, anti-Israel lobby in Congress, especially if, as is likely, she has to shift towards the center, despite the leftistpromises in her first campaign rally. The Squad ingenue Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, when asked if she supported Harris, replied, “If you think that there is consensus among the people who want Joe Biden to leave that they will support Vice President Harris, you would be mistaken,” she said, according to The Hill. “A lot of people don’t love that we have the same exact match-up all over again, which is to say that the debate didn’t change much at all. It didn’t really change a lot in terms of people’s perceptions, in terms of where the electorate is at.”
The implication is that the leftist Dems would be as put out with Harris as they have been with Biden for any support of Israel, and would pressure a President Harris to abandon our most important ally in the region. Fearing that possibility may be why Harris snubbed Prime Minister Netanyahu’s address to Congresslast week, the only visiting foreign head of state she’s ignored her whole term. Will she indulge in such immature grandstanding when she’s president?
Then there are questions regarding Harris’s toxic leadership style. Often a boss’s treatment of underlings is a tell of his or her character. As Eli Lake reports on The Free Press, “People who know her best also seem to consider her a terrible boss. In June 2021, White House staffers told Politico that people in the vice president’s office ‘are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment.’ By early 2022, four of her most senior advisers had bolted for the exits, prompting The Washington Post to report that many of her critics and supporters ‘worry that her inability to keep and retain staff will hobble her future ambitions.’”
Such intemperance in the Cabinet Room or meetings with legislators, especially coming from an insecure president with few achievements and an “any means necessary” modus operandi, could magnify her weaknesses and discourage useful advice.
Finally, Harris’s third-rate intellect, bankrupt left-wing ideology, and lack of gravitas–– obvious in her grating cackling, “see-Spot-run syntax,” banal obiter dicta, and “word–salad” buffets––may compromise her effectiveness at governing, especially when meeting with global leaders.
But first she has to get elected, and the same weaknesses make her vulnerable, especially from the albatross of Joe Biden’s destructive record of failure that contrasts so starkly with Donald Trump’s successes with the issues that concern voters such as border security, inflation, and our tattered prestige abroad. In addition, the Journal observes, “she’s stuck with the White House’s embrace of Hillary’s malpractice of condemning Trump voters as fascists and racists.”
And don’t forget, despite the regime media’s current puffery PR hyperbole, many Democrats don’t like her, especially those who are disturbed by Biden’s feckless border policies that treat law-breakers better than their own citizens. The Dem conspirators who kicked Joe Biden out of the 2024 race didn’t remove him from office perhaps because that would have automatically made Harris the president. Won’t the disenfranchisement of 15 million Democrat primary voters create a toxic “selected, not elected” charge for the candidate and that party that boaststhey’re “protecting our democracy”?
But none of that means she can’t win, especially now that the media are lavishing her with Obama levels of adoration and praise, and Democrat plutocrats spooked by Biden are opening their wallets. That’s why it is even more important that Harris be kept out of the White House, and why the Republicans need to hammer continually her and Biden’s failures, and make her defend them, as well as her own complicity in lying to the American people about Biden’s cognitive and physical decline.
They can start, for example, with her mendacious comment about Special Council Robert Hur’s report that confirmed Biden’s decline: “The way that the president’s demeanor in that report was characterized could not be more wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated,” Harris said of Hur’s report. As Eli Lake observes, “Harris will have to find a way to walk back her comments at the same time that Trump will be sure to torment her for her past hypocrisies.”
Not just Donald Trump, but the whole party should “torment” Harris with her lies, failed policies, and left-wing ideology. This election may be the last chance to undo Barack Obama’ and Joe Biden’s malign “transformation” of the United States and its Constitutional order of unalienable rights, and balanced and limited government power.
She is not only certifiable Marxist. She is also incompetent. Her claim to fame starts with Willie Brown. We all know the story. and their relationship. Leave it at that.
Could there be anything worse than an incompetent Marxist? I can’t think of one.
A competent cannibal ?
Are there enough informed people left? I don’t think so. The level of brainwashing, lying, manipulation is so extreme. We have layers upon layers of deceit and a huge percentage of the electorate seems not to notice and perhaps not even care.
If you do a google search for Trump, apprently it autopopulates with links to very flattering news about Harris. If you search for the assassination attempt on Trump nothing comes up.
Every minute of every day without relent the left is steam rolling across America, transforming our once great nation into a communist state. The overton window shifts steadily along. The brainwashed masses continue to adapt.
I hope I’m wrong, but I think our fate was sealed long ago.
Never except defeatism. Never surrender. Just work hard at getting our none voters out to vote along with true facts.
The greatest generation did not fight, with 400,000 giving their lives, 80 years ago to let a bunch of democratic communists destroy America.
Remember Churchill’s concluding words when England was in his darkest hours:
“We she’ll never surrender.”
They know they can’t win on the battlefield and now Communists and Muslims are winning at the ballot box. I trace it back to Vietnam when the CPUSA and KGB teamed up to recruit millions using THE WORLD “PEACE” COUNCIL which used “peace as a weapon of war.”
The CPUSA and KGB teamed up again to take over Central America with Communist Sandinista Daniel Ortega still ruling Nicaragua only because he arrests, deports, and bans all political opponents “as a threat to our Democracy.” He was supported by Democrats, acting like PEACEMAKERS, but were then aiding the Communist FMLN rebels in El Salvador!
This ’60s-’80s was the period of massive recruitment which began the TAKEOVER OF OUR COLLEGES/SCHOOLS, Hollywood, MSM, Big Tech, city/state/national leaders, Congress, and the proudest moment for the CPUSA AND KGB, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA who only surrounded himself with the same Recruits. THEIR JOB TODAY IS TO RECRUIT THE NEXT GENERATION OF COMMUNISTS!
You’re using the Google search engine. Bad choice. There are others that are not as fraught with bias and censorship issues as Google. For example: DuckDuckGo and Bing, There are others but that’s getting into the weeds.
If you insisted on staying wedded to Google, try using a keyword search and use certain predictable phrases. Google’s AI can be “tricked” into yielding unbiased results if you’re clever enough and savvy enough. By default it assumes that most people aren’t and that’s generally true.
Another far left Demon-Rat just like Clinton(Both of them)Obama and Biden no one should vote for anyone supported by the M.S. Media and the Eco-Wackos Nut Jobs as w ell as Soros and his Open Society
Soros’s Open Society is code for Communist Utopia (i.e.,totalitarian tyranny for the masses, wine and caviar for the rich and powerful and a peasant class for them to mistreat and abuse.)
I don’t think pounding Harris for who she is will work.
America is oversaturated with who and what she is.
That will just feed into the image of Trump as a dictator. Rather than focus on Harris, Trump should focus on the voter. This is not a race about morals; it is a race about money, who has it, who doesn’t and especially where it’s going.
‘Don’t ask what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country‘ has been flipped on its head. The definition of what it means to be an American has flipped. We are being used for our money.
‘ What’s in it for me?‘ should be the hook for all Americans. Where is my money, my taxes, going? Is it going for services for illegals? Is it going for jobs to the illegals? Is it paying for illegals‘ food, shelter and clothing, while I pay higher prices to eat and to live. Is it paying for abortions and sex mutilation operations? Is it paying criminals to endanger my children?
Is it paying for others’ schooling costs?
Is my money going to terrorists in Gaza, ‘the West Bank’, Hezbollah(=Lebanon) and Iran, who will kill me?
They will pull the same shenanigans as 2020 to drag her over the finish line.
Sorry I just can’t except that. I don’t believe in defeatism. Do what you can in your area to help secure your vote.
Don’t except that, instead don’t accept that.
How did the US find itself in such a position? That of having a person such as this in the position to become POTUS, given that she couldn’t even make it to the Primaries? And what lack of character must those delegates have that already pledged her nomination. Or am I being too harsh?
America found itself in this position by Boeing to the god of Tolerance, welcoming in the riff raff of the Third World (or, not being willing to deport them or deny them basic services once they are here), and accepting “national security” as a reason for not getting answers from her elected officials.
You can have either a white society or white guilt. If you believe in the latter, you will tolerate anything.
Regarding the :”god of tolerance:”, you might be interested in my book, “Tolerism: The Ideology Revealed.
The Left are all part of the globalist cabal who want the One World Bureaucracy. They have subverted times, laws, and protocols to do it, including trying to re-write history and destroy the voting system of the people. There has been a Shadow Government running the US.
It’s all about money. There are plenty of people in Washington DC and elsewhere in this country who willingly and eagerly prostitute themselves for profit and favors. Some will even sell out their family & friends and their country if the price is right. Some will even lie to you knowing that you know they’re lying to you.
Why? Because it’s worth it for them to lie to you. Politicians do this 24/7/365 and regard it as “business as usual.”
Lies and damn lies is the lubricant that keeps the engines of government running. Proof? Budget deficits, national debt, fiat currency, etc.
“THE FIRST ____!”
How many of those have we had and how is that working out? The First Freak Show!
Buttigieg breast feeding his baby with plastic boobs??? HELP!
Deb Haaland, who couldn’t pass the bar exam and is a recovering/maybe not, alcoholic who is incompetent and only got that FIRST due to the help from JUDITH LEBLANC, a Caddo Indian, who lobbied all the main Senators and who is the MAIN ACTIVIST FROM THE COMMUNIST PARTY USA GOING ON SINCE 1974 DURING THE COLD WAR?
Dr. Rachel Levine…. who I’d love to see hold the bathroom door open for Pelosi, Dr. Jill, Kamala, AOC, Omar, Talib, and other Trans supporters, as he follows them in! (Get that viral video of them making an excuse not to enter, but then demand that the likes of Riley Gaines must shower with a man!)
KAMALA… another First Black and Woman President. Would the people that vote for FIRSTS, vote for Condi Rice? Did they vote for Sarah Palin? OH… I SEE!
“MLK’S DREAM turned into his Worst NIGHTMARE now that people are chosen, hired, appointed, and ELECTED, based only on the Color of their Skin, their LGBTQ-WXYZ status, Being a FIRST, gender, and political tilt, and NOT the Content of their Qualifications!” sc
DNC will oust Cackling Kamalala and will entice RFK, Jr back into the fold – make no mistake, RFK, Jr will bend and compromise and spout the demoncRat bs lies because it’s power RFK, Jr wants – question Cackling Kamalala goofy stupidity of a complete moron whore word salad of nonsense or RFK, Jr’s warbling voice –
Dire warning – get your loved ones to see the light and get them to vote Trump-Vance!
Nothing changes by replacing Biden with Kamala. The real focus should be on their handlers who will continue with their Marxist policies.
The election cliche’ about the most important election of our time is now a true reality. A Harris presidency will finally reduce America to a third world, United Nations client state. The process has been in play since the Carter abomination of the 1970s.
The cumulative damages of the Clintons, Bush neo-cons, Obama Marxists were temporarily slowed by the Trump presidency. Four more years of open borders and socialist governance will end the American dream forever.
…………..that’s when the fight may start…………..
In a November 13, 1787 letter to William Smith, Thomas Jefferson wrote:
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
Today, the tree of liberty is dying of thirst and in desperate need of watering…..
Mr Thornton-you’re a little late to the party.
It’s all done, she will be sworn in January 2025.
The theft is not even being hidden, the DS is laughing in our faces and not a thing will be done as before.
No judge will hear any evidence as before despite Kraken 2.0 being released.
Review the Harris policies. Shes doing a switch on radical policies because she knows they are unpopular, not acceptable to the American people. She is the second coming of Barack Obama who started this Fundamental Change to begin with.
If she wins, America will not be taken seriously. We will be the punchline of a world joke,
If she wins China will immediately take Taiwan and there won’t be a damn thing the US (short of a sudden all out nuclear attack on China) can or will do about it. Not long afterwards, NATO will more than likely collapse.. Plus the Chicoms already have near hegemonic over the African continent and soon, South America and the middle east.
Alas, all that doesn’t seem to bother most Americans. Mass illegal immigration into our country is happening for a reason and most Americans don’t understand way. Moreover, blaming the Biden administration is narrow-minded and shortsighted.
The problem goes far beyond that but unfortunately, most Americans don’t bother with trying to understand the root cause.
My theory of why that is so is that most Americans are not aware of the extent to which they are captive dupes (dopes?) of the US main stream media and their lies, propaganda and bullsh*t.
I’m sure there will be many who don’t like what I have to say but the truth is the truth and it needs to be boldly and fearlessly spoken.
Love the photo of her with her finger pressed against her temple as though she is lost in thought. Thinking and Kamala do not go together, not in any context.
Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of Democrats desperate to hang onto political power.
Amnesty for 40 million and I still suspect FJB will grant their wish very soon so the Democrat machine can help with their citizenship papers and voter registration in time for November. With those new numbers of mail-in ballots already filled out for them, and the Democrats will rule FOREVER! THAT’S THE GOAL… THEIR AMERICAN DREAM… ONE-PARTY RULE!
I quote the author Bruce S. Thornton for emphasis ….
” Not just Donald Trump, but the whole party should “torment” Harris with her lies, failed policies, and left-wing ideology.
” This election may be the last chance to undo Barack Obama’ and Joe Biden’s malign “transformation” of the United States and its Constitutional order of unalienable rights, and balanced and limited government power. “
Few Democrat constituents strive for self reliance. Knowing their inability to provide a life for themselves and family (what ever that might be) they vote for a living and the vain hope of a better life That state of dependency is the real danger to our national fabric/culture.
Never wait for others to do for you that which God created us to do for ourselves.
And who better to fulfill that dream than “Momala”?
A house/apt you don’t pay for, food you didn’t earn or grow, cash you didn’t work for, “free” healthcare, “free abortions” a “get out of jail free” card, legalized theft up to $950, a standing invite to enter the country illegally with free legal aid and the list goes on.
You are absolutely right. Dependency is what they seek and the Dems will give it to them for the wee price of a vote. The cost of political hegemony is not cheap and the independent working class will pay for it. until they, too, are forced into dependency. None of this is organic.
I wonder how many American voters saw the (real, not fake) clips of her saying that she will empty the prisons, defund the police and stop calling illegal migrants “criminals”.
Under her incompetent and demented rule, American cities will start resembling Gotham City with crazies released from asylums running amok and the city water supply being poisoned (an analogy to Americans’ minds being poisoned by all the leftist propaganda).
The rhetorical question should be asked, which is “Isn’t the situation in the United States bad enough now , because of Joe Biden, without the possibly, maybe, of that obnoxious Communist Kamala Harris entering the White House next year ,as a US President ?” This would make the condition of that nation even much worse, even so much so that that it would be to the most drastic extent possible for America.
The result of Kamala Harris being President would be a catastrophe in many , one way would be that America would because and third world country ,never to become a great nation again. In other words, so terrible would the harm that she would do to the United States that the damage that would do , it would be completely irreversible.
As Abraham Lincoln had, rightly, said “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
That Kamala Harris isn’t that intelligent, that’s a specific problem because if Joe Biden resigns that having someone as President who is unintelligent is dangerous to America and her citizens.
Likewise, since Kamala Harris favors Communism, having a Marxist in the Oval Office would be disaster for the United States. Furthermore, that embraces the economic /political /social philosophy of Karl Marx no only further real that she might not be intelligent, at all.
As Alexander Solzhenitsyn, rightly, in a speech declared, “No intelligent person can accept or believe in Marxism.”
How about the first American president that runs on making America great again! What a concept! Not race based…not gender based…not victim based…just merit based …policy based…fact not personality based…no person should be voting on skin colour or gender.
The REAL Kamala Harris. See it before it gets scrubbed from the internet!
Yes , Kamala Harris is definitely dangerous ,to both America and the American people. For That Communist, Kamala Harris really likes the Marxist terrorist organization that has the title of Black Lives Matter., which is linked to Hamas in the Red / Green alliance. For she does everything that she possibly can to get those violent and vicious arsonist hooligans of BLM released from jail with complete impunity after that had horrific committed crimes that were much worse violations of the law that many American patriotic at the January 6th 2021 Washington DC rally had been accused on committing . Unlike, those violent and malice –filed BLM thugs , the American patriots from 1/6.21 are still languishing in an Federal prison in horrendously cruel conditions and brutally treated by the leftist appointed guards of that “Biden gulag.”
If ,”by hook of by crook” Kamala Harris does “win” the November 5th US Presidential national election of 2024 , then I’ll be glad that I’m no longer a young man, and at the same time I will very sorry for the children of this nation.
Therefore, the rhetorical question should be asked, which is “Isn’t the situation in the United States bad enough now , because of Joe Biden, without the possibly, maybe, of that obnoxious Communist Kamala Harris entering the White House next year ,as a US President ?” This would make the condition of that nation even much worse, even so much so that that it would be to the most drastic extent possible for America.
The result of Kamala Harris being President would be a catastrophe in many , one way would be that America would because and third world country ,never to become a great nation again. In other words, so terrible would the harm that she would do to the United States that the damage that would do , it would be completely irreversible.
As Abraham Lincoln had, rightly, said “You can’t unscramble eggs.”