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The “Bible” of the English Language, the Oxford English Dictionary of 1932, defined the word “ghoul” as “An evil spirit supposed in Mohammedan countries to rob graves and prey on human corpses.”
That sounds right. The world was even treated to a display of this on October 7 when an army of Jihadist Arabs violently raped not only living Jewish females but also their dead bodies. One can also assume that they sodomized the remains of dead Jewish men and boys too.
From reports by survivors of captivity in Gaza, there is reason to believe, given what is known of Arab sexuality, that the remaining men and boy hostages have been sodomized and females continually raped throughout their two months of captivity.
It would be instructive to note that the Jewish Bible teaches that Ishmael, father of the Arabs, was a “wild ass of a man” – meaning a man in human form but in spirit an undomesticated jackass with, presumably, the sex life of an animal.
The Jewish people, meanwhile, have a very different relationship with the human body. The Jews were mankind’s first sexual moralists, which surely contributes to Jew-hatred. The Jews, after all, gave the world the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.
The Jews’ religion also sometimes calls for capital punishment by hanging, with the rule that the corpse must be taken down and buried before sunset. It must not be allowed to be pecked at by birds or allowed to decompose and smell. No matter how awful the criminal had been, his body was the handiwork of G-d.
And so, the IDF has lost soldiers in Gaza trying to retrieve the bodies of dead comrades-in-arms who either expired from the bestiality of their barbaric captors or were outright murdered by them. Indeed, since 2014, the Muslim Brotherhood (HAMAS) in Gaza has held onto the earthly remains of two IDF soldiers, tormenting their parents every day since then by not returning their sons for a proper Jewish burial.
Besides being sub-civilized ghouls who deal in dead bodies, Muslim Arabs have long histories of being kidnappers and enslavers. For a thousand years before the first black African was enslaved in the New World, the Arabs routinely had been raiding black Africa to scoop up black boys, hundreds at a time and castrate them on the spot. Most did not survive, but those who did were taken back into the Arab world and sold as eunuchs to tend to the needs of a Muslim man’s harem.
The north coast of Africa was once dotted with four Muslim maritime powers: Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli, whose cruisers hunted for ships at sea belonging to Christian nations to not only plunder the vessel and its cargo, but to also enslave the passengers and crews until ransomed. They were known colloquially as the Barbary Pirates, but in truth they were not pirates, if by that we think of independent highwaymen on the high seas flying the Skull & Bones who when ashore hung out in taverns, got drunk singing “Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum” while pawing at wenches.
No, these tee-totaling seamen, when at sea, prayed to Mecca three times daily (five times when ashore) and flew three flags vertically arranged at the masthead of their cruisers. The lowest represented the pasha in the cruiser’s home port; in the middle flew the pennant of the Ottoman Sultan in Istanbul to whom these regency city-states paid tribute; at the top, symbolically above all, flapped the green flag of Islam.
Indeed, it was Islam’s jihad that justified their hijacking, kidnapping, and enslaving. For example, in late March 1786 in London, a clandestine meeting transpired among three diplomats: Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, respectively U.S. ambassadors to France and England, and a Sheik Abdurahman of Tripoli (Libya) representing the pasha there. At that time, there were twenty-one American merchant seamen enslaved in Algiers, the most feared of the Barbary ports, with the sheik threatening, however politely, to start hijacking American merchant ships too. To prevent that, he was asking for “tribute,” roughly a third of the American government’s annual budget at the time.
When Jefferson asked him why, since the U.S. was less than two years old and had never done anything wrong to Tripoli, the sheik explained that the jihad was eternal. The Crusades may have ended centuries in the past but the hostility between Christendom and Islam and smallbore clashes never did. A century previous, Vienna was menaced with conquest by the Muslims.
Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli were governed by Turkish Janissaries, commonly Christian boys kidnapped in the Balkans by Muslims, forcibly converted to Islam, and used as homosexual boy-toys for the Ottoman grandees. As adults, they went off to North Africa to sire sons with the local women but also take for themselves a boy-toy they liked to dress in fine clothes and show off to other men.
Yasser Arafat (1929-2004) according to the highest-ever Soviet bloc defector, Ion Pacepa, former head of Communist Romania’s version of the KGB, wrote in his book Red Horizons that Arafat traveled with bodyguards who as little boys were orphaned when the Mossad liquidated their terrorist fathers. Arafat then “adopted” them, raised them to be his bodyguards, and every night they all partied in “gay” orgies.
Arab Muslims also practice corporal punishment as no other culture does. Steal something and you can have your hand chopped off. What other religion in the world acts like this?
So, anyone who saw the 43-minute IDF video of what Hamas Muslims did to Jewish bodies on October 7, including the mutilation of their sex organs, should not be surprised.
In 1972 at the Munich Olympic Games, when Arafat’s boys took Israeli athletes hostage, they flaunted their power over them by castrating the weight lifter in front of his teammates.
Muslims also practice polygamy, which is a form of slavery for women. Indeed, what might be the signature distinction between Judeo-Christian civilization and Islam is the sex lives of Muslims.
Lost in the horror of what Hamas did to Jews on Oct 7, the perpetrators were 2,500-3,000 homicidal maniacs bent not only on mass murder, mutilation, and sexual depravity, but suicide – yearning to be killed by Jews. Dying in their jihad would result in their immediate insertion into Muslim paradise – where the jihadist gets to violently rape 72 virgins for all eternity. It is no coincidence that the word “assassin” is, like “ghoul,” a product of Arab-Muslim culture.
Westerners must throw some cold water in their faces and ultimately confront the reality of Islam, which means “submission” and glories in holy war against all non-Muslims, and especially against the Jews – against whose victims’ bodies anything goes.
Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on
This is a must read. Thank you for publishing this article. I think one can sum up Islam as the most perverse ideology in the history of man, an ideology that sanctions and permits every perversion, every form of violence and cruelty that the human mind can conceive. Actually, Islam is Satanic, and that is why its adherents practice everything that the God of the Jews called sin, abominations. They are worshipping the father of lies, the greatest of deceivers.
Yes, satanic, that is a good description. of Islam.
My theory: God’s two Covenant Religions, Judaism and Christianity, had to be countered by the rogue angel, Satan. He created Islam. We now witness in full color, the minute it happens, the increasingly savage fight between good and evil. Scripture foretells it. . .there is no way to stop it and no way to escape the coming apocalypse. Let’s face it, on 10/7 many Jews faced their own, personal apocalypse.
“The roots of a death cult.”
The gods of ancient Canaan all spawned cults that worshipped them.
Baal, Moloch, Ishtar, Dagon etc. demanded human sacrifice.
Moses in Deuteronomy warned against this until his dying day.
Another Jewish guy said……….”That which was will be again………..there is nothing new under the sun.”
How verifief are Ion Pacepa’s allegations against Arafat? Even Hitler, even Stalin, even Arafat, may all their names be erased, should not be made the subjects of unverfied scuttlebut.
I remember reading a memoir by a survivor of one of Stalin’s gulags. She described one of her fellow prisoners claiming that she’d been a nanny to Stalin’s children and been sent to the gulag because she’d seen him murder his wife
“How verifief are Ion Pacepa’s allegations against Arafat?” Pretty much in this case, these orgies were videotaped – with sound if my memory doesn’t fail me – during his stay in Romania. Not to mention the cause of his death kept (almost) secret by the various medical teams who attended him.
Read the Sword of the Prophert by Serge Trifkovic is an excellent book that speaks the same truth about Islam. I have read many books and articles about Islam. I have also read Red Horizons and Disinfotmation By Pacepa .
I believe they were audiotaped. Whenever Arafat went to Europe, he stayed in the goverment guest house in which every room was bugged. I don’t know if the video technology at the time was what it is today.
I lived in the Middle East in the 70’s and hung out with an expatriate crowd of archaeologists, media people, CIA spooks, Egyptian movie stars etc. etc. All this was common knowledge back then as well as some ugly truths about CIA experiments on unsuspecting Americans etc. Turns out THAT was true as well.
The Tuskegee syphilis experiments are a well known fact.
“Unverified scuttlebutt” ???!!! Are you serious ? These are not rumors ! Understanding our enemies’ perversions is essential to knowing who/what they really are . You would do well to read The Hidden Hitler by Lothar Machten . Nothing in his work can be dismissed as hearsay .
You might check out “The Man & The Myth: Arafat” by Thomas Kiernan, W.W, Norton, 1976, in which Arafat as a student leader in a political group in Cairo became angry with an effeminate boy whose parents remained in Israel and lived under the Jews. Arafat demanded the boy denounce his parents; he refused, and Arafat ordered another student to castrate the boy, who the next day committed suicide.
So…. You’re willing to give the worst of the worst the benefit of the doubt?
The fact is that boy rape has been ingrained into Muslim culture since its founding .
The worst of the worst deserve to have juicy stories about them fact-checked. What a fool Arafat must have been, to fool around in a government guest house he should have realized might be bugged.
The Tuskegee syphilis experiments are a well known fact.
During the war in Afghanistan, American troops were sickened to find young, abused and traumatized boys, dressed as girls, chained to beds, as toys of adult Afghan men. These boys had been sold by their own parents. How can any civilized people even imagine reforming the basic ideology of Islam? The men OR the women. And certainly not living right next to them in any suicidal Two State Solution in Israel ! The “Palestinians” don’t want a TSS, they want ALL of Israel from the River to the Sea. 10/7 must never happen again and the next time Antony Blinken shows up to order Bibi around; show him the door ! He’s nothing but an embarrassment to America and so is Biden. Bibi Netanyahu has always been our great Ally in the Middle East and often our ONLY Ally.
They weren’t just his allegations. Arafat’s proclivities were pretty well known to western intel agencies too. It’s also my understanding that it was confirmed by soviet and Romanian archives after the fall of the iron curtain. Yasser preferred young boys.
A few weeks ago, a dorky looking white guy on the staff of Democ-rat Senator Ben Cardin was the passive player in a naked anal pounding on a conference table in a closed-for-the-day U.S. Senate hearing room. The prurient sodomites videotaped and posted their buggering on the Internet. Curiously, Senator Ben Cardin has had very little to say about this desecration of the people’s house, except that the passive player was fired and that Cardin considered it a closed personnel matter. Given their perverse proclivities, perhaps the dominant bugger was a Hamas terrorist and the Jewish Cardin is intimidated. That would explain the absence of a hue and cry over this Democ-rat defiling of the U.S. Senate floor. Everybody’s scared. Query: should this splattering event be characterized as an “erection” or an “insurrection?”
Sexual activity is a primal drive in all civilizations and culture. Sexual perversion becomes more creative, extreme and commonplace among people who have failed to maintain the knowledge of the God of the Bible.
The longer the departure, the more extreme and horrifying the sexual expressions. The closer to Satan, the more horrific the sexual expression.
The only good Islamist is a dead Islamist. Western governments need to wake up and make this happen before it’s too late.
September 11, 1565 The Siege of Malta. The Knights of Malta were vastly outnumbered, but they defeated Islam.
September 11, 1683 The Siege of Vienna. King John 3rd Sobieski of Poland defeated the Muslims.
September 11, 1697 The Battle of Zenta .Muslims again defeated.
September 11, 2001. Finally they won. Stop being passive. Actively oppose Islam. It is a totalitarian political ideology.
637 AD Unprovoked attacks in the Middle East Jerusalem takem.
711 AD Unprovoked invasion of Spain
1571 Battle of Lepanto (They lost.)
It goes on and on. Mohammad was a sociopath if not worse. So were his successors.
mohammed was a pig-faced dog who enjoyed f*ing donkeys. It’s just islam.
Is there truly any word sufficient to describe those subhuman, inhuman beings. Even alligators or crocodiles who mindlessly and violently kill animals and humans do it only to satisfy their physical hunger. Hamas and other Islamists are so much worse than animals.
That demonic jihadists, of Hamas have no limits, at all, to its cruel heinous and vile sex crimes and other horrendously horrific Islamic evils that it so maliciously commit.
Those Jihadists of Hamas who viciously engaged in that vile heinous sex assaults and outright rapes as well as other malicious and murderous Islamic terrorist jihad attack against those peaceful young people at that music festival , on October 7th., are also horrendously heinous and vile by raping girls and women and brutally cruelly hateful and wickedly mutilating them are Muslim terrorists of the most abhorrent and despicable sort.
Those Hamas jihadists are an outright abomination.
I was stationed in then-West Germany in 1972 when the Olympic murders happened in Munich and was stunned to read here that the weightlifter was castrated by Black September. That way too many are lauding the latest demonic Islamic group Hamas is absolutely horrific and shows the death of humanity and souls in these “supporters..”
“Black September ” was a false front. It was just Fatah in disguise. The one who managed finances for them was the current PA head Mahmoud Abbas.
Mark well those who support HAMAS. When TSHTF, they will become HAMAS!
That is a long article about Arab sexual behavior without mentioning goats.
“The Jews were mankind’s first sexual moralists, which surely contributes to Jew-hatred. The Jews, after all, gave the world the story of Sodom and Gomorrah.” And how ironic is it that they now own and control the pornography media?
the left will continue the fiction of the ” peaceful religion ” and the 2 state fiction and the fakestinians . nothing will change . the jews have got more of the same coming until jesus their messiah comes to the rescue during the second half of the tribulation just before they are to be obliterated by the antichrist , if this is what the chosen people of god have in store for them imagine what you can expect will happen to the gentile races who ignore the gospel of christ . if you have a bible its time to read up on it while you can . israel is the canary in the coal mine . time to wake up everyone . !!
Since when do demonic evil terrorists have any rights at all? And you expect Israel to deal fairly with Barbarians!
Important to remember Islam thrives by making it an easy to enter (by repeating the shahada) but its blasphemy and death to exit. Centuries of conditioning has reduced the descendants of former European, middle eastern and north African Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians and animist into mind numbed followers.
Islam is a pagan cult. The god they worship was a pre-Islamic moon god (hence the crescent symbol) so in essence, they are the true infidels that they so despise.
The moon is also symbolic of Islam. Like the moon which is a dead world, producing nothing, serving only to reflect the light of the sun, so in Islam there is not one idea/concept/belief not stolen from the Jews. Islam is nothing but Judaism purloined and perverted. The crescent moon also portrays a world in which one side is in the light, the other side in darkness. Dissembling/taqqiya reflects this split. What you see is not what you get.
Excellent. Should be mandatory reading.