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As the 2024 presidential candidates jostle for position and their campaigns gather (or lose) momentum, it’s instructive to review the accomplishments of the incumbent Democrat Party to ask ourselves, as Ronald Reagan once urged us to: Are Americans better off than we were four years ago?
Under the administration of figurehead President Joe Biden, Democrats have waged an economic blitzkrieg of crushing inflation and astronomical gas prices designed to crush the middle class and grow state power. They have instituted pro-crime policies that create lawless urban war zones and drive businesses out of inner cities. They have thrown open our southern border and facilitated a tsunami of unvetted, illegal migrants bussed and flown all over the nation. They have allowed rampant homelessness and a flood of fentanyl to ravage our cities. They have exacerbated racial tensions by stoking anti-white racism and backing ideological subversion like Critical Race Theory in our schools and DEI policies in every human resources department. They have alienated our allies by putting LGBTQ demands at the very center of our foreign policy goals. They have pursued a full-frontal assault on our constitutional freedoms, including weaponizing federal agencies against political enemies like concerned parents at school board meetings. And they have empowered our enemies through tepid leadership, military debacles like the exit from Afghanistan, the funding of the nuclear ambitions of the Islamic terror regime in Iran, and bending the knee to the Chinese Communist Party.
The conclusion any neutral observer would have to draw about the state of the union since Donald Trump’s exit from the White House is that, as bestselling author and talk radio superstar Mark Levin put it in the title of his newest book, The Democrat Party Hates America.
“The Great One” Levin is the author of the previous books American Marxism, Liberty & Tyranny, and many others in which he, like David Horowitz, has established himself as a modern-day Thomas Paine, broadcasting a rallying cry to save our country from the predations of the radical Left. In his latest work, from Simon & Schuster’s Threshold imprint, he devotes eight profound chapters to exploring various aspects of the Left’s assault on the America we know and love: their authoritarianism, anti-black racism and anti-Semitism, anti-white racism, language and thought control, Stalin-like attacks on political opponents, and wars on our families, our citizens, and our constitution.
“People ask me all the time,” Levin writes, “‘Why is this happening to our country? Don’t these Democrat politicians and their friends care about our country?’”:
The answer is power. The power to rule over the citizenry and remake not just society but mankind into the kind of image that these would-be masterminds prefer and demand. In other words, they do not share our values, beliefs, and principles. They have a totalitarian mind-set. This means the party must come before country, as the party is the means by which the country is to be conquered from within and ultimately ruled.
“Unlike the Republican Party, the Democrat Party is more than a political party,” Levin notes in the book’s epilogue. “It is the state party. It seeks to monopolize the political system, the culture, government, and society.” Thus,
the Democrat Party single-handedly builds permanent centers of power, including in the vast federal bureaucracy, subsidized nongovernment organizations, lifetime activist judges, tenured professors and teachers, Party members in the media, etc. The Democrat party uses the culture and politics to empower itself and its agenda…
Consequently, over time, it becomes increasingly difficult to reverse the Democrat Party’s political and cultural damage.
Indeed it does, and the feckless, “flat-footed” Republican Party, by contrast, “fails in its most important mission: to defend the American people from a Democrat party that literally hates the country and is destroying it from within.”
Levin begins by explaining how the “political chameleon and intellectual lightweight” Biden is following in Barack Obama’s Marxist footsteps by “fundamentally transforming” our republic through an authoritarian, monopoly party that is eviscerating the Constitution and targeting its political opponents. The Great One then proceeds to dissect the various ways, as listed above, in which this fundamental transformation is being carried out.
As a constitutional scholar, Levin is at his best in the chapter on “War on the Constitution,” as you might expect. But he also shines in the chapter on “War on the Nuclear Family,” where he examines the Biden administration’s obsession with pushing gender theory, abortion without restrictions, and the indoctrination of our youth in schools and the culture. Ditto in the short chapter “Stalin Would Be Proud,” in which he writes, “The Democrat Party long ago abandoned comity and civility for character assassination and the iron fist, a fact that establishment Republicans have difficulty grasping.”
Those highlights aside, Levin infuses every chapter – indeed, every page – with the razor-sharp, intelligently written insights and wit his listeners and readers expect from him.
“As I spent more than a year researching and writing this book,” Levin writes,
it became obvious to me that the Democrat party is a treacherous political organization dating back to its founding; that its obsession is with self-empowerment and societal control; that it has never embraced Americanism; and that it is the entity through which, and in coordination with, American Marxism (self-described “Progressivism” and “democratic socialism”) intends to impose its top-down revolution.
America is unraveling, Levin writes, adding, “It is my deepest hope that this book, like a Thomas Paine pamphlet to the early colonists, will help alert our fellow citizens to the existential threat and rally them peacefully to the cause before darkness descends on the Republic.”
He can’t be accused of not getting the word out. Featuring over 50 pages of endnotes documenting his argument, Levin’s new book went straight to the top of the New York Times bestseller list for hardcover nonfiction upon its release in late September. It was his 8th straight book to hit the shelves at number one – no mean feat for any political writer, much less a conservative one on the leftist news outlet’s coveted listing, which notoriously discriminates against books by conservative authors.
Mark Levin concludes his essential new book with this sobering message: “The Democrat Party stands for the relentless pursuit of power and control. America was founded on the principle of individual and human liberty and the dispersion of political and governmental power… If the Democrat party succeeds, the American experiment will have failed.”
That would be a civilizational tragedy that we and the rest of the free world cannot afford. Today’s far-Left Democrat Party likes to crow that they are on the right side of history; The Democrat Party Hates America is Levin’s call for American patriots to ensure, instead, that the Democrats’ Marxist agenda is consigned to the dustbin of history once and for all.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior
Ugly Sid says
Don’t be surprised if your local Barnes and Noble isn’t featuring the new release.
Mine is run by a dude with a wardrobe worthy of a Hollywood starlet.
Jeff Bargholz says
Too bad Borders went out of business. It was better than B&N even without the trannies. Both bookstores have long had the practice of putting conservative bestsellers out of sight and prominently displaying leftist worst sellers near their entrances.
Stephanie says
No but they are featuring Mien Kopf (sp) and other communist books.
I try not to buy books from them.
RS says
They probably won’t feature Levin’s book. They are not allowing people to buy or order The Great Disapperance by David Jeremiah.
Ugly Sid says
How is it I, just a few weeks ago, slipped in a one sentence comment that escaped moderation? My ip address and no moderation?
Why else do the Democ-Rats want Open Boders and Disarmed Citizens they also hate the Constitution and want to replace it with UN Treaties
Jeff Bargholz says
UN treaties and a new Little Red Book. If the mandates in the book aren’t followed, they’ll arrest you seize your property and maybe even worse, like the royally decreed prayer books in some European countries during “the Enlightenment.”
That’s the D-Bag goal, anyway.
RS says
its all about the Rush to the One World Government, a place where Freedom and Liberty don’t exist anymore. Thats why there are so many elites and rulers influencing the US. We would all be One, and they will be in control, change times, laws, and constitutions, including no more sovereign borders.
THX 1138 says
Sounds like a theocracy in the making. Either a Christian theocracy or a Muslim theocracy, but a theocracy is the logical end point.
You cannot have a lasting totalitarianism with all its misery, poverty, stagnation, and death without promising the people an ultimate reward for all their misery in a Christian Heaven or a Muslim Paradise when they die.
“Socialism is really helping religion. The bigger the statism, the more people are accustomed to government rule over everything. The more people are ready for religionists to take over the lead away from the more secular side… the socialists are building the basis for totalitarianism but only the religionists are going to cash in on it and take over….
I believe that the medievals understood much better than the moderns on what basis to build a totalitarian society that would last and not collapse in less than a century. They did it. And the people in the rising religious movements today know that full well. They’re the ones who have millions, upon millions, upon millions, of followers and a real insight into the fact that economics is not the crucial factor in history, but philosophy and culture are.
Religion was the root of [totalitarianism] from the beginning. It has ruled in disguised forms and still is. And now the disguise has to be stripped off if there is to be a lasting totalitarianism. For a lasting totalitarian state, religion is the only means.” – Leonard Peikoff
Intrepid says
You know T, I checked and I didn’t see the word theocracy in the article or in the post you responded to. But the guy said more in one short paragraph than you ever will in your verbose world.
Maybe that’s because the article is not about theocracy, the post, or you and your crackpot ideas. And beating Peikoff’s theory about the relationship between religion and totalitarianism into the ground is not exactly catching on is it.
Remember, as much as you want it to be, the world is not about you. Snuffy Carter was right. You should be kicked off of this site, mainly because you contribute nothing useful or intelligent to any discussion.
Perhaps someone should write a book entitled “THX Hates America”. I have a lot of source material.
Mark Sochor says
Socialism is a religion. A religion of the state, the state of man.. Christianity is a belief in a power beyond man. Even an atheist believes in something. Religion has been a tool for totalitarianism not the cause’.
Jeff Bargholz says
Dirtbagocrat totalitarianism would be a theocracy? Are you saying the D-Bags want us to worship them, THX?
Jeff Bargholz says
Do you honestly think the D-Bags would share power?
Mark Sochor says
The enormity of details of the power grabs and the ubiquitous tentacles permeating every aspect of American life is alarming and nauseating. As a people we are being dragged to the pit of Marxist hell and it is difficult to know where to begin to concentrate the fight for revival. So many fronts, so little time. The real battle is with awakening the somnambulant ill educated fellow citizens who remain unaware of the fix we are in and continue to support the Democrat party despite the damage they’ve created. And reach them we must if we are to have any hope of remaining a free country. Marks book is that slap in the face that concentrates the mind.
Jeff Bargholz says
I like that your wrote “Democrat party” instead of the incorrect “Democratic party.” I hate when people do that Democrat party is a compound noun and has nothing to do with an adjective. Even otherwise intelligent conservatives fall for that trick of the Dirtbagocrats to equate their party with democracy. And as we know, America isn’t a democracy, it’s a Republic. NO country is a democracy.
TRex says
There’s a reason they are called “LIV’s”. The last thing they’ll do is read a book about politics. They have been conditioned to think everything wrong in America is the fault of Republicans. The Democrat Party had a field day pushing this narrative when Trump came on the scene. The spread of TDS among Dems was as effective as the wuhan Flu. They never question the narrative coming down from the top because it’s easier than reading a book or thinking for themselves.
THX 1138 says
“In any conflict between two men (or two groups) who hold the same basic principles, it is the more consistent one who wins.” – Ayn Rand
The conservatives, liberals, Democrats, Republicans, and the Marxists all believe in the same basic moral code, the moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice as man’s highest virtue and duty.
In such a situation the more consistent group will win and as we are experiencing; is winning.
Intrepid says
And what does that tell you? It says basically that people seem to be enamored with altruism, in all of its forms, and that no one is paying attention to your beyond idiotic ramblings about Objectivism.
But hey, keep pushing that boulder up the hill and keep having it roll back down on top of you, Sisyphus. Or shall I call you Sissy-pus?
I think deep down you already know the world is not going to change into your Objectivist utopian paradise simply because you post some dumb a$$ quotes by Piekoff and Rand over and over again.
OK cue the requisite down vote from THX.
Mark Sochor says
That all those groups listed have the same moral code is simplistic malarkey..
Jeff Bargholz says
Between two men it’s usually the meaner one who wins. Between groups, it’s usually the more underhanded one, the one that lies and cheats, like the D-Bags. And the D-bags do not share the same principles with the Republicans or even the RINOs.
Greg says
America has ceased to exist as the self-governing polity of “we the people” in a constitutional republic. What we now have is a Deep State perversion of the nation as founded. It’s obvious. Radio blowhard Mark Levin has achieved fame and fortune by repeating the obvious, over and over. Good. But when congressman Matt Gaetz sabotaged the speakership of Kevin McCarthy because McCarthy reneged on a pledge to return the majority Republican congress to regular order in the passage of legislation, including money bills that threatened the debt ceiling, what did Mark Levin do? Did Mark Levin join the call for constitutionally necessary legislative reform? No, Mark Levin viciously attacked Matt Gaetz for drawing a line against government excess. Mark Levin denounced Matt Gaetz as a “bonehead.” The Democ-rats denounced Gaetz, too. Mark Levin makes common cause with Democ-rats even as he sells books claiming the Democ-rats hate America. From the looks of it, Mark Levin loves America like a pimp loves a ho.
Mark Sochor says
A really stupid take. I haven’t the words or the interest in refuting anything you burped up. All sound and fury signifying nothing.
Jeff Bargholz says
Matt Gaetz is a champion. He went RINO hunting for the good of the country, particularly normal people who oppose the Dirtbagocrat party, which is the anti-American party of hatred. Mike Johnson is a man. McCarthy was pure RINO. His head should be mounted on a Capitol Building wall along with Pelosi’s.
aristotle cam says
Greg-Your statement is wayyyyyyyy overdue!!!!!
internalexile says
As Alinsky says in “Rules for Radicals,” elections are fine, but what you are after is power–“the maintenance and wielding of power.”
Onzeur Trante says
An excellent read. Will the people who need to/ought to read it do so?
VOWG says
Democrat communists are a pox on humanity and clear and present danger to America and the world.
John Blackman says
saving america cant be done , its too late .
aristotle cam says
So sayeth: Hitler, Stalin, George the Fifth etc..
Jeff Bargholz says
Romulus Augustulus and Constantine XL Palaiologos said the same thing about their empires, which are lost to history despite having been far mightier than America has ever been.
DC says
“The Democrat Party Hates America”
What’s next?
Oranges are orange and water is wet……….and the Pope really is a Catholic?
RS says
When you don’t want to be held accountable for your actions, just blame religion or some other person who is in your way of One World Globalism,, and lives by honesty, and morality, then. you can get away with anything right?