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“Are you ready to vote for freedom?” President Joe Biden asked the attendees during his farewell speech late on the first night of the Democratic National Convention. “Are you ready to vote for democracy in America?”
Certainly not the Democratic Party power brokers who forced President Biden to abandon his reelection campaign against his wishes and installed Kamala Harris as his replacement in what can only be called a party coup. Harris was anointed as the Democrats’ presidential nominee even though she never received a single vote for president during either the 2020 or 2024 primaries.
Indeed, the entire Democratic National Convention in Chicago was a Hollywood-produced con job intended to convince the American people that the Democratic Party stood for freedom, democracy, and patriotism. The party elite tried mightily to portray their hand-picked candidate for president and her running mate, Tim Walz, as ordinary middle-of-the-road Americans who love their country and the freedoms that it stands for.
In truth, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the most left-wing nominees for president and vice president of a major party in the history of the United States. Their vibe campaign of joy and faux patriotism is meant to hide their extremist progressive ideology that has contaminated our country’s culture and core institutions, from schools and the mainstream media to Soros-funded law enforcement.
“I love our country with all my heart,” said Kamala Harris during her acceptance speech on August 22nd. “You know, our opponents in this race are out there every day denigrating America, talking about how terrible everything is.”
This is a perfect example of what psychologists call projection, which the American Psychological Association describes as “a defense mechanism in which unpleasant or unacceptable impulses, stressors, ideas, affects, or responsibilities are attributed to others.”
It is Kamala Harris who has denigrated America as a systemically racist country to this day, discounting the great progress that America has made in living up to its founding ideals of equal opportunity and justice.
Contrary to their rhetoric at the DNC extolling freedom’s virtues, the Democratic Party’s nominees to lead the U.S. have amassed far-left records over the course of their decades-old careers in public service that have undermined freedom at virtually every turn.
The stark reality is that a Harris-Walz administration would fight the hardest for illegal immigrants’ freedom – release from custody, amnesty, and a path to citizenship – and for violent criminals’ freedom from incarceration under a cashless bail system.
On the other hand, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz believe that the government needs to restrict constitutionally protected freedoms such as freedom of speech and freedom of religion to serve their idea of worthier social justice goals.
“There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech and especially around our democracy,” Governor Walz said on MSNBC in December 2022. He disregarded a whole line of Supreme Court decisions that have reached an entirely opposite conclusion strongly supporting free speech, including, as a recent Supreme Court opinion put it, “the freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate.’”
Kamala Harris has her own record displaying her willingness to trample on First Amendment rights.
During her unsuccessful campaign for president during the 2020 presidential campaign cycle, for example, Kamala Harris said, “We will hold social media platforms accountable for the hate infiltrating their platforms, because they have a responsibility to help fight against this threat to our democracy.” In other words, Harris was advocating government censorship of social media content in direct conflict with the constitutionally protected “freedom to express ‘the thought that we hate.’”
As California’s attorney general, Kamala Harris abused her powers to compel targeted conservative nonprofit organizations to turn over sensitive IRS documents that disclosed the identities of their donors. Harris’s attorney general office then just happened to post the information online, providing leftist activists the opportunity to dox these organizations’ donors. This was a convenient way to deter more donations to groups whose conservative viewpoints offended Kamala Harris’s sensibilities – chilling free expression in a blatant violation of the First Amendment.
Then-Attorney General Kamala Harris also endorsed California’s Reproductive FACT Act, which forced pro-life clinics to violate their own core beliefs by compelling them to inform pregnant mothers about how to get an abortion.
The First Amendment prohibits compelled speech. “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein,” Justice Robert Jackson wrote in his majority opinion back in 1943.
As California’s senator, Kamala Harris chastised a judicial nominee, Judge Brian Buescher, for his membership in a Catholic charitable organization because of its opposition to abortion on religious grounds:
Since 1993, you have been a member of the Knights of Columbus, an all-male society comprised primarily of Catholic men. In 2016, Carl Anderson, leader of the Knights of Columbus, described abortion as “a legal regime that has resulted in more than 40 million deaths.” Mr. Anderson went on to say that “abortion is the killing of the innocent on a massive scale.” Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization?
Kamala Harris’s critical questioning of a judicial nominee regarding his core religious beliefs and association with a religious organization that shares his beliefs implies a religious test for public office that is contrary to the Constitution.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz have opposed parents’ freedom of school choice for their children. Their idea of freedom to choose is limited to abortion on demand. Harris and Walz enthusiastically support the freedom of biological boys and men to participate in biological girls’ and women’s sports. But at the same time, they would deny biological girls and women the freedom to compete in fair athletic events that do not require them to face anatomically and physiologically superior biological males.
Despite Governor Walz’s claim during his acceptance speech that his “Golden Rule” is “mind your own damn business,” he set up a snitch line for neighbors to turn on each other during the Covid-19 pandemic by reporting violations of Minnesota’s strict stay-at-home orders.
How Kamala Harris and Tim Walz responded to the riots following the death of George Floyd in May 2020 speaks volumes about their true beliefs. Harris participated in a protest in Washington, D.C. on May 30, 2020 that later devolved into mayhem including looting, physical violence, and vandalism. Bricks, rocks, bottles, fireworks, and other projectiles were aimed at Secret Service personnel, some of whom were also kicked and punched.
Kamala Harris reflected on the personal meaning to her of the Black Lives Matter-led protests engulfing Washington, D.C. and the rest of the country in her article published in Cosmopolitan on June 4, 2020. “This past weekend, I joined thousands of protestors in Washington, D.C. as we marched through the streets to demand justice for George Floyd,” she wrote.
Kamala Harris proclaimed that it was time to “confront the fact that structural racism lives on in our policies and everyday life.” She declared that “incremental change” was not enough. “In times like this, silence is complicity… The time for outrage is now.”
Major targets of Kamala Harris’s “outrage” were the police and what she characterized as “the two systems of justice—one for the privileged and another for the oppressed.” Nowhere in her article did Kamala Harris condemn the violence perpetrated by the rioters against innocent people, their businesses, and law enforcement officers who were fulfilling their duty to protect these people and their properties.
Harris put her money where her mouth was, so to speak, by urging folks to make “donations to the Minnesota Freedom Fund,” adding that “Your support will help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.” This same fund, which helped to post bail for rioters who looted and started fires on the streets of Minneapolis as part of their “protesting” of George Floyd’s death, used donations to spring murderers and other violent criminals from jail.
Meanwhile, Kamala Harris’s running mate, Minnesota’s Governor Tim Waltz, allowed the rioters to run amok in Minneapolis before finally activating the Minnesota National Guard to restore order rather than do so immediately when local authorities first requested such support. Even Walz admitted at the time that his decision to delay deploying the National Guard was an “abject failure,” along with the city’s own response. However, he cast blame primarily on “Minnesotans’ inability to deal with inequalities, inequities and quite honestly the racism that has persisted” for the chaos that engulfed Minneapolis rather than the thugs themselves whose criminal violence caused the turmoil.
Indeed, Governor Walz did not seem fazed at all by the burning of a police precinct in the city. Expressing the oppressor versus oppressed ideology that he shares with Kamala Harris, Walz denounced what he called the “stain . . . of fundamental, institutional racism” on law enforcement.
Finally, when it comes to railing against disinformation, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz do not practice what they preach.
Vice President Harris was part of the coverup of President Biden’s rapidly declining cognitive state. She put out false information on repeated occasions that President Biden was mentally fit. For example, Vice President Harris characterized Special Counsel Robert Hur’s description of President Biden as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory” in his report on Biden’s handling of classified documents as “wrong on the facts and clearly politically motivated, gratuitous.”
Kamala Harris’s and Tim Walz’s campaign, along with their supporters in the mainstream media, are also spreading disinformation about the candidates’ own past records. They are trying to fool the American people into believing that voting for the left-wing progressive Harris-Walz team would be a patriotic act and as American as apple pie.
Moreover, both Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are guilty of spreading blatant disinformation about Donald Trump’s stance on various issues including abortion, for example. Contrary to their outright lies, Mr. Trump does not support a national ban on abortion. He believes that decisions on public policies involving abortion should be made by voters’ elected representatives at the state level.
Let us hope that Abraham Lincoln was right when he said: “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”
The Denon-Rats are trying to sell us their Snake Oil(UN/Global Government) and No One wants to go and Oil a Snake
Tragically, it appears that the Con Job was a hit with the dumbed down voters who represent a significant swath of the electorate, IF one can believe the poll numbers. If the race is as close as pollsters say it is, I am horrified by the thought of Harris getting elected and fearful that there is no stopping the Democrat behemoth before November 5th.
Kamala and Walz appeal passionately to anyone who identifies as “oppressed”
such as Black people, welfare people, feminist women, illegal immigrants,
gays and transgenders.
So at the DNC they pushed on the crowd and on Americans watching elsewhere
how much they are for the Little Guy. And how much Donald Trump is a bully
billionaire with corporate cronies – who looks out only for himself.
Kamala Harris also appeals to any stupe who would rather reactively feeeel
rather than reflectively think about the issues. Which explains why she and
the rest of the Commies are importing illiterate, ignorant third-worlders who
in future will explode with emotion at every freebie given and little guy platitude
uttered. A dumbed-down Communist America is the ultimate Democrat goal.
We all know the issues before us in the upcoming election – issues glaringly
ignored by Kamala and the rest at the DNC: illegals overrunning the country to
deplete our resources – out of control terrifying crime – astronomical cost of
living – sexualizing little children for the gay agenda – and so on.
Even thinking through the issues and realizing that Trump is overwhelmingly the
best choice – I do admit to a strong feeling as well. That of 100% contempt for
Communism and its new chief spokeswoman Kamala Harris.
“Freedom is slavery”
“Democracy is what we tell you it is.”
Right, the party of “freedom” is actively at war with the Bill of Rights. But don’t worry, when they strip you if your constitutionally protected natural rights, they’ll give you back abortion and sexual deviancy. The old bait and switch. I don’t buy the phoney patriotism of the anti-American, Marxist democrats for one second. Unfortunately, there are millions of weak minded drones that do. And they are allowed to vote. This could get interesting.