A curious statistic from the survey of broadcasting representation.
Broadcast network programs had higher percentages of black female (28%) and Latina (7%) characters in major roles than programs on streaming services (21% and 3%, respectively). Streaming programs included a higher percentage of Asian and Asian American females than those on the broadcast networks (15% vs. 10%).
White people make up 57% of the country, Latinos 18.7%, black people 12% and Asians 6%.
Black women are highly overrepresented, Asians somewhat so, while Latino women hardly exist.
But that’s what artificial managed diversity looks like. It’s not representative of the actual demographics. It doesn’t elevate minority groups. Instead, it plays favorites, it picks and chooses based on which minority groups are politically in vogue and politically useful.
A way to buy off minority groups.
I don’t trust the survey of broadcasting representation any more than I trust a crackhead in a hoodie or one of Alzheimer Joe’s handlers, but managed diversity definitely plays favorites and so is fake.
And almost everyone is gay. OK.
I noticed in British shows, that all white women have non-white children. It is fine with me but you’d think one or two would have kids who look more like themselves, just by chance.
And without question, all bad guys are white supremacist “nationalists’ with swastikas, guns, the whole nine yards (some have a blond business man leader).
Leading characters who we are supposed to identify with, and cheer for, are all socialists. Thats why they are good guys.
All ads in the US show us that Black people love the products shown which they use in their happy, beautiful homes.
Am I brainwashed enough yet?
Netflix: Christians are all evil or psychotics. Always showing someone using the bathroom or vomiting.
Boy have you hit this right on the head! I am so tired of every commercial being “BLACK” that I want to puke! The pandering just goes on and on. Let’s elevate all the criminals as well since they are also just poor mis-understood souls! It’s time to fight back!
Read “camp of the saints”. Plan is all laid out
We stopped watching TV 8 years ago but when we occasionally see it like in a bar or some friend has it on, apparently black folks now make up 80% of the population for some reason. Amazing…. .
too cowardly to say JEWS, you inbred buffoon?
I’m going by your history of posting JEW hating drivel on this site. What drives your feeble mind and black soul is one thing: JEALOUSY
Lyndon Johnson made his money in Texas television, using levers of political power to tamper with Federal licensing.
You want to bad mouth Jews, come to my crib. I’ll outfit you with a Kosher Wheelchair. Lithium battery chair and megaphone and you can be a self-contained pogram demander.
Enjoy your new career.
The youth today watching old programs like Father Knows Best, Leave it to Beaver, My Three Sons, The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet Etc. will wonder why the kids in these old shows are not climbing up trees to save the Tree or objecting to Fur Coats in a time before the liberal mindset of Norman Lear
I don’t have any statistics, but my casual watching of TV ads reveals a highly disproportionate percentage of black actors in TV ads, far beyond their percentage of the actual population. In addition to that, they are almost always presented as affluent professionals living in pricey houses in high-end neighborhoods. The contrast with the actual living conditions of most blacks is almost comical if it weren’t so insulting.
I have also noticed that many of the people in ads – not just blacks – are depicted as practitioners of yoga or Tai Chi, occasionally as Muslims, but almost never as identifiably Christian. Contrary to “intersectional” dogma, identifiable Christians are probably the most marginalized group in contemporary American television, virtually invisible. When they do make a rare appearance in a TV drama, it is likely to be in an unflattering role as a terrorist, bigot, or hypocrite.
In most commercials, it seems that it’s always the minority or female who makes the wise choice when choosing a product. The white male is usually the dummy.
When there is a white male.
Mothers are portrayed as parents constantly but few fathers, unless they’re portrayed as incompetent boobs.
As if that isn’t reverse reality. Every child needs a father, especially boys. Prions are filled with scumbags whelped by single mothers.
Prisons are filled with blacks. And frankly, I can’t blame any black woman who doesn’t want to be married to one of those brutes.
Leftists. You racist putz.
Commercials are the worst case of the networks pleading, “Please don’t call me ‘racist.'” Literally, over half of the characters one now sees on cable and regular network ads are black, whether depicted as individuals, friends or family.
I am so tired of having the ‘gay alphabet soup agenda’ thrust down my throat. It appears that Hallmark is now getting on this particular bandwagon. It seems that every movie I have watched (or tried to watch) has the obligatory gay, trans- or whatever character as a noble and fine person. BTW, I am NOT a ____phobic (insert your pejorative of choice here). A phobia is defined as an unreasonable or irrational FEAR of something. Just because I don’t approve of the gay lifestyle, it doesn’t make me homophobic, transphobic, or a bigoted monster. As a Christian, I am called to love the sinner. I pray for those who are caught in this web of deceit. Jesus was accused of hanging out with “sinners”, but those “sinners” did NOT get His seal of approval. Remember He told the woman who was caught in adultery, “Go, and sin no more.”
“The only way to remedy past discrimination is with present discrimination. The only way to remedy present discrimination is with future discrimination.” This is from Ibriham X. Kendi’s book, “How to be an Anti-Racist”.
It is Sooo logical! Discrimination can be overcome with…………………..ta da…………….more discrimination!
Kendi also espouses that in order to be truly anti-racist, one must be anti-capitalist. I’m pretty sure that he has reached millionaire status by now through book sales and zoom talks at over $300/hour. He is a very successful hypocrite and capitalist!
This is the ideology behind what is being seen in advertisements.
The British comedy ‘See How They Run’ is a great example. It’s set in the early 1950s. Around 1 in 4 of the main characters is black. The proportion of black people in the UK in 2022 is around 3% That’s 3 out of 100 people in the UK are black. In this show, set in the early 1950s, around 1 in 4 is black. Back then, around 1 in 1000 people in the UK was black. (Of course, proportions would have been higher in London, where this film is set,) That’s a monumental overemphasis carried for purely political ends. Some black actors are brilliant, However, when the producers, directors and film companies are going out of their way to employ black actors for the hell of it, then some of the black actors chosen will, inevitably, be rubbish. And that shows in this film.
The racial content of advertising acting personnel is even more distorted than actual population racial content. Just based on the racial representation in advertising, one might infer that it was not intended for North America.
Makes me wonder what would ensue if ads in majority black populations where 75% white, riots, TV stations burnt to the ground. Just askin. Plus the number of false Mixed marriages in UK tv Ads. Dr Gobbels is doin just fine.
Anyone who uses the Hanson Brothers to help make their point can’t be all bad. 😉