In case you have not noticed, something perverse and bizarre is happening in the United States of America right now. The recent hearing and exchange between Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Attorney General Merrick Garland was telling. The progressive socialist left, as embodied in the Biden administration, and across the country, is purposefully and intentionally targeting those who profess, believe, and advocate on issues based upon their Judeo-Christian faith.
In the exchange between Sen. Hawley and Garland was the recent revelation of the FBI’s targeting and proposed designation of Catholics as “domestic terrorists.” Of course, Garland displayed unrighteous indignation that such a thing would happen and declared implausible deniability as well. But one has to ask: how could the Attorney General of the United States not know what is happening in the FBI? We have already been down this road with his desire to designate concerned parents as domestic terrorists.
This is not something new, or unfamiliar, for those of us residing in Texas. It was not long ago that the former Mayor of Houston, openly lesbian Annise Parker, sent out an order for pastors, preachers, and clergy to submit their sermons. Her reason? Well, she wanted to issue an edict, a mandate, that would have facilities — including churches — allow individuals to use the bathroom facilities of their chosen gender.
We have whistleblower testimony that the FBI made a concerted decision to focus on pro-life organizations instead of the violent anti-life gangs, such as Jane’s Revenge, who are targeting pro-life centers and churches. I find it rather interesting that pro-life advocates are being arrested, or that a young person wearing pro-life attire is told to remove those articles in the Smithsonian Institute during the January March for Life.
This is occurring in our Constitutional Republic because the left has a very disturbing religion, and to defy them, regardless of your faith, results in persecution, and potential prosecution.
There is a reason why the very first freedom for Americans in our individual Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments, is the freedom of religion and the free exercise thereof. The founding fathers were very aware of what drove the first Pilgrims to the shores of America . . . and it ain’t the insidious 1619 Project assertion. Those people were looking to flee religious persecution. They wanted to be able to freely exercise their faith. The reason was that King Henry the VIII of England had wanted a divorce. The Catholic church denied him. So Henry VIII decided to create his very own church, the Church of England, and made himself head of the church, little “c.” Those who did not submit to his religion were persecuted and prosecuted, including his closest advisor, Sir (Saint) Thomas More who would not recognize the king as his King. He was summarily executed by beheading. If you have never watched the classic film, “A Man for All Seasons,” you should.
When Thomas Jefferson wrote his letter to the Danbury Baptist Convention of Connecticut and addressed the concept of separation of church and state, the delineation was clear. The Danbury convention was concerned that the Presbyterians would have greater influence in governmental affairs. Jefferson clearly explained the separation, which was not to separate our faith from the foundation of this nation, but to separate government intrusion into the matters of the church . . . and that has been flipped on its head.
We are now supposed to believe that we cannot pray in public. It is a good thing Coach Kennedy won his Supreme Court case. We, at the American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU), were happy to file an amicus brief in support of Coach Kennedy. There are those, primarily leftists, who seek to remove any references and monuments of the Judeo-Christian faith. Good thing we won the Bladensburg (MD) World War I Supreme Court case—another case in which ACRU submitted an amicus brief. There is an assault on those who not only believe the first inalienable right endowed to us from the Creator God (Judeo-Christian) is life, unborn and born. After all, Deuteronomy 30:19 is where the Judeo-Christian God directs us to “choose life.”
However, the religion of the left is based upon what man — meaning the leftists — decide based upon their ideology. Marriage is not between one man and one woman. If you don’t believe that, you will be persecuted. Heck, a sitting Supreme Court justice, a leftist, could not even define what a woman is. Yet, she was selected based upon her being touted as the first Black woman Supreme Court justice. There are as many genders, according to the leftists, as there are states in the United States . . . unless you are Barack Obama who believes there are 57 states.
This disturbing religion of the left is rooted in secular humanism and moral relativism. It is the descendant belief of one Karl Marx who despised Christianity as he believed it was the “opiate of the masses.” See, leftists do not want you to believe that there is objective truth, good and evil, right and wrong and that there is a reward in heaven. They would prefer the masses to believe that they can create an earthly utopia where everyone is happy as they decide what everyone equitably gets . . . the equality of outcomes.
Another intended purpose of this secular humanism is to render folly the belief that there is a Creator God who endows us, naturally, as articulated by the father of classical liberalism, John Locke, with the rights of life, liberty, and property. In other words, the leftists redefine freedom of religion into freedom of worship, and prescribe the limits thereof . . . as we saw with mandating church shutdowns, but not Home Depot, marijuana stores, or abortion clinics.
Now the left has become so emboldened in their delusion and disturbing religion that not only do they wish to murder unborn children, but also those who even survive the heinous practice, and now the full sexualization of our children. Our children are now being groomed for gender mutilation procedures. They are shamelessly brought before adult perversions, and where exactly is child protective services? Most disconcerting is the attempt to normalize what we refer to as pedophilia and redefine it as “minor-attracted persons.”
Now, there are those who claim to be Republicans who say “Colonel, we should not speak of these things, lest we lose elections.” These are the people who need to read last week’s missive on “The Politics of Confrontation.” I will not sit back and allow the new acolytes of the Baal god Moloch to sacrifice our children into the fire of their disturbing religion and ideology. As well, I will not surrender my Judeo-Christian faith to those who embrace a belief system that is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions since it was first introduced by Marx. Of course, secular humanists will decry that Christianity is violent. No, it is not, but man’s desire to control, dominate, and attain power by using religion is.
The most persecuted faith today across the world is Christianity. Sadly, it is happening right here in America as well. Progressive socialists are free to believe as they wish, even though it is rooted in abject failure and inconsistent with the fundamentals of a Constitutional Republic and individual liberty. However, the religion of the left means any opposing thought, perspective, insight, or faith is to be squashed, subjugated, and made subservient. I will never surrender or succumb to that ideal.
In order to Live Free in America, the very first liberty, Freedom of Religion, and the Free exercise thereof must be respected, regarded, and defended. The Bible, 2 Corinthians 3:17 (New International Version), “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom”. Psalms 33:12 (New International Version), “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He chose for his inheritance.”
I am not speaking of a theocracy. I am speaking of the foundation of this nation, and a constitutional right to be a believer, and not have the government prosecute individuals in matters of our Judeo-Christian faith heritage.
Steadfast and Loyal.
Banastre Tarleton says
Even wise atheists know that if God never existed it would be necessary to invent God, otherwise the natural religious impulse is shoe horned into secular utopianism and neo paganism like Environmentalism with its vision of the apocalypse in ”Global Warming”
Leftists are just religious fanatics in secular form ; they are burning with the zeal of the converted, determined to build a utopian heaven upon the Earth as a substitute for the cosmic heaven that no longer exists
As such they are reading from the same Utopian blueprint of Marx, Lenin, Mao etc and that’s exactly why the West, especially the US under the radical Biden Administration have became a parody of the former Soviet Union but in a less tyrannical form . Moreover, they have taken on one of the sinister characteristics of the Soviet Union , insomuch, they expect us to live in a virtual reality of government lies and outright fantasies that are at odds with our own lying eyes . THIS is what the captive peoples of the Soviet Union had to endure for 70 years !
Banastre Tarleton says
Wise, worldly atheists with a pessimistic view of human nature understand intuitively that it’s better to invent God or at least give God the benefit of the doubt so Christianity acts as a ”safe harbour ” for these destructive crusading impulses of the secular utopian fanatics . Have you noticed how every attempt at Utopia from the French Revolution to Cambodia, Red china and the former Soviet Union ends in bankruptsy and mass murder ? Well that’s what happens when the predictions and great plans by secular intellectuals are confronted by reality !
Robert O'Donnell says
Indeed, the wrath of God is revealed from heaven upon all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest among them, for God has manifested it to them; For the invisible things of Him are perceived from the creation of the world, being understood by the things that were made–both His eternal power and Godhead– so that they are without excuse; Because when they knew God, they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful; but they became vain in their own reasonings, and their foolish hearts were darkened. While professing themselves to be the wise ones, they became fools And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into the likeness of an image of corruptible man, and of birds, and four-footed creatures, and creeping things. Romans 1:18-23 AFV
Glenn says
The “Delusion” has been sent.
Glenn says
2 These 2-11 is being realized today
Ken says
The birth pains have begun. We have entered the Last Days. ” you will be hated by all nations because of My name – Jesus the Anointed One.
10ffgrid says
Great article –
William James Ward says
The left is wrapped in evil and unless their dark souls come to the light we
can only expect dark days ahead. Pray for the peace of America, our children
deserve better than the vile society the left thrives in, Devine intervention
looks to be the only answer.
Lightbringer says
When Trump was improbably elected in 2016 I honestly believed that this was G0d’s sign that He was not giving up on the United States yet, but would continue to bless it. What happened between the euphoria of that election and the shock of seeing the 2020 one blatantly stolen proved that He is still testing us to see if we’re worthy of His continued blessing. Maybe, maybe not. Just keep praying and acting righteously.
James says
In case you haven’t noticed a common thread running through US government and the left worldwide is that most of not all levers of power are in the hands of particular non Christians. Dennis Prager put it succinctly in an older CSPAN interview that puts it in perspective:
Start at the 30:00 mark.
Intrepid says
Garland and Mayorkis……two pansy liars who look like they are wringing their hands in the picture.
John Blackman says
if you reject CHRIST as LORD and Saviour then hell awaits , and it is for eternity and its a long time . the current cabal of criminals can flout the law and the constitution but it wont last forever whereas hell does . thumbing your nose at God has consequences if not in this life then the next otherwise there is no such thing as justice .
Spurwing Plover says
When all the voters approve of a Constitutional law and a judge overturns the will of the voters its time to remove the judge from the bench and retire them toa rest home
CW Glaeser says
There is another new state religion of the Left that is even a greater evil, its called USA of Gay (as per Jesse Kelly). Where elected legislators are pushing and disrespectfully coercing and manipulating their constituents of faith Christian, Jews, Muslim and others faithfuls to go against their beliefs, their traditional world view and morals and to bow prostate to the alter of sexual deviancy, transgenderism, homosexuality, drag queens all in the name of diversity and inclusivity. Many that have been forced to attend the State indoctrination church of LGBTQ Training sessions at their places of work otherwise be shamed, embarrased, ridiculed or terminated for not complying.