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Even as America was in the throes of a major crime wave, instead of fighting it, the Justice Department played a key operational role in enabling it by suppressing law enforcement. The key element in it was the Civil Rights Division. The Civil Rights Division of the DOJ is essentially the enforcement arm of the Left whose prime mission used to be rigging elections for Democrats, but then developed a sideline in lynching police officers in order to enable BLM riots which were geared to elect Democrats during election years.
The DOJ is now freezing the consent decrees that the Biden admin was trying to rush through at the last minute. Memphis blew off the DOJ and its demand for a consent decree that turned out to be the smart move. Some Dem cities, including Minneapolis, went along with settlements and consent decrees that the new DOJ leadership will now try to toss out.
Getting rid of them is key to putting law enforcement back on the streets and fighting crime. The police lynchings, beginning with Ferguson, created the Ferguson Effect, which kept police out and boosted the confidence of criminals and rioters. The DOJ is sending a whole new message now.
The Ferguson Effect is dead and with it the nationwide crime wave.
Good news for Memphis. Good news for America. Bad news for criminals or as the old DOJ’s Civil Rights pro-crime hacks might have said, “bad news for justice-involved youths who are really victims of society.”
Fund the Police Defund the United Nations and the CFR/Globalists Pull America Out of the United Nations and move the whole lot to Beijing we can turn the UN facility into a Homeless Shelter
Hooray! What about self responsibility don’t these people understand?
My 9 year old son learned that lesson swiftly after having taken a comic book from a local, small-business owner. This man was kind and generous allowing my son to regularly visit and read the newest editions since money was very tight and he could not purchase them.
All parents know the lowered eyes that will not meet yours when the question asked requires an honest answer and they keep silent to avoid it. Why? Because they already know what they have done is wrong. So the question was asked, the truth revealed and a walk commenced back to the store.
There was tremendous power in my son having to tell the owner what he’d done. I was there and in silent support of my son being required to admit stealing and for him to await the owner’s response. The owner told him how disappointed he was, took the returned comic book and told him he was still welcome in the store but if he ever did that again he would no longer be welcome to come and read comic books there anymore..
On the walk home, we talked about choices, consequences and the impact to others when you have taken from them what doesn’t belong to you. Today, live in a world where parents too often excuse and protectively defend this behavior by their kids. This negligence becomes the foundational license for additional disregard of others, all-too-often advancing to criminal misbehavior requiring law enforcement.
Law enforcement is to promote civility and safety of the citizenry and to those for whom there is intentional disregard of the law, they reap the penalties they have sown. This indulgence of criminal behavior with endless excuse making has finally hit a brick wall.
May the days ahead see criminals arrested, charged, detained and prosecuted while the streets become safe again for the rest of us and our children to enjoy.