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An Algerian immigrant stabs a bunch of kids outside a Catholic school in Dublin and the response is that only bigots jump to conclusions.
A landlord-tenant dispute in Chicago spins into violence and somehow, even though the landlord isn’t Jewish, this is blamed on Israel’s campaign against Hamas.
A Jewish man is assaulted and killed by a Muslim man at a pro-Israel rally in California. The media and local authorities spend weeks spinning and denying everything while churning out surreal headlines like, “Arrest made in death of man who fell and hit his head.”
Now, three Muslim men were shot and wounded near the University of Vermont. And the media, egged on by Islamist groups, are describing it as a “hate crime”. Burlington, Vermont being known as a major hub of right-wing politics and anti-Muslim sentiment.
Now we don’t, as of this writing, know what really happened. But the double standards are fairly obvious.
Any crime committed by a Muslim is tagged, “let’s not jump to any conclusions”. While a crime against a Muslim is immediately and permanently set as a hate crime and no amount of evidence otherwise will ever change that.
Take one of the more outrageous cases: the murder of Nabra Hassanen by an illegal alien after an altercation with her pals. There was and is zero actual evidence that the crime was motivated by her ideology.
Darwin Martinez Torres pleaded guilty to multiple charges related to the rape and murder of Hassanen.
Torres attacked a group of Muslim teens as they were walking back to the mosque after picking up food at a nearby shopping center, police said. He drove his car over the curb and the teens scattered. According to police, Torres allegedly grabbed Hassanen, hit her with a baseball bat, raped her, killed her and dumped her body in a pond.
Torres was an illegal alien and linked to MS-13. The evidence for it being a hate crime?
The Washington Post’s Petula Dvorak nsisted that it might still a hate crime because “hitting a 17-year-old girl with a bat and dumping her body in a pond would be an act born of hate.”
As opposed to your average murder which is motivated by love.
Vox insisted that, “the killing of a 17-year-old Muslim girl may not officially be a ‘hate crime’, but it sure functions like one.”
Whatever that means.
Islamist groups include Hassanen’s death in their list of Islamophobic acts of violence and add it to their tainted statistics.
Every attack on a Muslim person is always ‘Islamophobic.’ But Muslim attacks on everyone else are never ‘Infidelophobic’.
We can guarantee the absence of Islamaphobic attacks here by expelling all the incompatible knuckledraggers.
The sooner the better.
I thought an attack on a Moslem was humanitarian.
Whoever down voted me should take a walk through Gaza.
FWIW, go moderate someone else.
But……the Jihad Joe administration and Susan Sarandon assure us that islamophobia and assaults on Moslems are rampant and they need to be protected from us Infidels and Kaffir. And we all know that Islamic reports of hate crimes are every bit as believable as black ones.
Moslems. They’re the Jussie Smollets of religion. Even though Islam is obviously a cult of Muhammad.
In my mind this absolving of the muslim for obvious vicious crimes that are absolutely instigated by HATE started with George W Bush. A week after the slaughter of September 11th 2001 the President of the United States went to the sewer of their cult not 2 blocks from ground zero and groveled to the filth promising understanding and compassion for the coming retaliation from any American for the slaughter caused by the filth they preach in that very sewer against anything non islamic. I’ve despised Bush ever since.
Making the story fit the pre-existing narrative.
Gee, maybe it was a Jewish person who did this. Can’t imagine why they would be so upset to do it. That fact will never ever be brought up or discussed of course because of the glaring double standard.
Muslims are feared by the authorities because Muslims fight; everyone else is seen as chumps–and maybe they are.
Fight? Only if it’s ten to one.
Thanks Jeff, that’s interesting. Triggered a new insight in me. It isn’t just the rational calculation that the odds are 10 to 1 in their favor, but also the group dynamics of members of the group egging each other on. So it’s a double whammy, both the numerical odds and group dynamics working to encourage them to attack.
Yeah, knowing they have back-up and don’t have to rely only on themselves works them into a frenzy of faux bravery. And I don’t care how tough a guy is, he isn’t going to beat up ten guys at once. That only happens in movies and comic books.
Any attack in moslems isn’t islamaphobia it is self defense
Islamaphobia is a fake crime