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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
She once asked whether the Mars Pathfinder would be able to find “the flag the astronauts planted there before”. In remarks to Congress, she pontificated that, “today we have two Vietnams, side by side, North and South, exchanging and working.” And she complained that hurricane names were too “lilly white” and urged that “all racial groups should be represented” proposing Hurricanes “Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn”.
As the possible next mayor of Houston, she will be seeing lots of hurricanes, but it’s the city that will be hit by the catastrophic force of stupidity that is America’s dumbest congresswoman.
With weeks to go, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee is polling a close second at 32% and with her opponent clocking in at 34%, the dumbest congresswoman is within a margin of error (and a runoff) of being the nation’s dumbest mayor.
“Sheila Jackson Lee wants to come home to be your mayor for the city of Houston,” she said, speaking of herself in the third person in the manner of fictional characters and mental patients.
Then she finished with the ominous call, “let the fire start now.”
When the Houston Chronicle asked her why she was running, she replied, among other things, that, “I have been a leader in human and sex trafficking.”
Like most things she says, it’s probably best not to think too hard about that sentence.
She also explained that, “I have impacted every bayou in the city of Houston” and urged that the “skill set of staff is experienced and understanding of the process.”
How does a woman who can’t tell apart the moon and Mars, and Korea and Vietnam, become a leading mayoral candidate in a leading city? The answer is that like Joe Biden she’s been around a long time. And an idiot who spends enough time in Congress is going places.
Jackson Lee’s bid is short on details but emphasizes that she is “serving her thirteenth term as the representative for Texas’ 18th Congressional District.” And, much like whether astronauts landed on Mars or whether there are two Vietnams, there’s no arguing with that.
Unable to come up with a coherent platform, Jackson Lee has settled for calling her Democrat opponent, John Whitmire, who leads her by 2%,, of being a MAGA Trump supporter.
How dumb do you have to be to believe that? Almost as dumb as Rep. Jackson Lee.
“I stand here as a freed slave,” Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee once claimed. But standing behind Jackson Lee’s bid to run the country’s fourth largest city (further) into the ground are Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who claimed that the congresswoman “has achieved a remarkable legislative record in the Congress” and Beto O’Rourke who cheered that, “I had the pleasure of working with Sheila Jackson Lee for 6 years in Congress. In that time, I didn’t meet a single member who worked harder.” Considering O’Rourke’s notorious laziness, that may be true.
You can’t blame Pelosi for wanting Jackson Lee to go to Houston and leave D.C. Jackson Lee does work hard at elbowing into the aisle at every State of the Union address, but the only remarkable thing about her record is her idiocy and her ethical violations. That and her legislative achievement of sponsoring a resolution to honor the legacy of a child molester.
Jackson Lee’s talent for idiocy and ethical violations came together when she appeared on CNN and declared, “I happen to represent Enron”. This was a little too on the money even for her.
Rep. Jackson Lee is currently promising that, “my extensive relationships in corporate America and my relationships worldwide with foreign governments will play a significant role in luring new investments into the city of Houston.” Which foreign governments would those be?
In 2016, Jackson Lee visited Cuba and was hosted at Havana’s Palace of the Revolution by Raul Castro. In 2021, she attended an event at the Chinese Communist consulate in Houston, which was the epicenter of a spy operation, to commemorate 50 years of diplomacy. Jackson Lee isn’t capable of luring a mouse with cheese, but foreign governments won’t have much trouble luring her, especially not considering the class of intellect they have to deal with.
Whatever foreign governments may be supporting her, her more public backers include Emily’s List, which really doesn’t have a choice since her opponent is a man and it never endorses men, the Houston LGBTQ Political Caucus and the Houston Black Firefighters Association. There’s no word on whom the black lesbian firefighters are supporting.
And the talent behind the scenes of the campaign is even worse than the endorsers.
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s campaign is as inept as she is and its media section consists of an internal campaign messaging document advising that, “Democratic Hispanic voters – especially women and blue-collar Hispanic voters – need to see on the go contrasts around education” and that “independent women under age 60 need to read or see on the go reinforcement of the abortion contrast.”
A media section is supposed to contain press releases, not accidentally leaked campaign documents, but expectations of the campaign are so low that nobody even noticed.
And if you doubt that Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee can give Kamala Harris a run for her money in sheer inanity, when asked what her favorite place in Houston is, she replied, “I love the uniqueness of our neighborhoods throughout Houston and how each is so full of vitality and life. We must continue to build new neighborhoods and rebuild our older neighborhoods so everyone can live the American dream. They are what makes Houston ‘Pop!'”
What makes Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee ‘pop’? “I have never accepted NO as the answer for solutions. I ask WHY NOT,” she declared. That may also explain her decision to run for mayor.
Jackson Lee’s brain is always popping, but it’s not her fault. Stupidity, unlike her racism or shoddy ethics, is not her fault. But her party allowed her to nest in the House, gather seniority, move up through committees and is now supportive of a mayoral bid for a major city. In 2019, she had to step down from House leadership positions after she was accused of retaliating against an employee who had been raped, but that was quickly forgotten.
No matter what stupid, horrible or racist things she does, her career moves forward. There has never been any accountability and now she may be in a position to do real damage.
“Stay tuned, Houston will hear from Sheila!!” the campaign has warned.
Before long, Houston may end up hearing from Sheila all the time.
Can you imagine how stupid Pelosi and Beto think black people are if they conjure political gain by foisting this sub moron (the only US congressman named after not one but two Confederate generals) on,them?
She’s a disgrace to both her last names.
Houston, we have a problem.
NYC has Ewic an’ he be pretty dumb .
This moron is also reportedly the worst member of Congress for staffers to work for. She’s a real prize pig, she is.
Life has been Hell lately, the Visigoths and Vandles invaded Israel, Oklahoma beat Texas, so on. I needed the comic relief.
Yes! This column was quite funny, actually. I found myself laughing out loud at several points. Thank you, Mr. Greenfield.
What I still can’t fathom, though, is how any reasonably intelligent Texan could vote for this woman. And not just once, but multiple times. Daniel Greenfield says stupidity is not Jackson Lee’s fault. I wouldn’t bet on that. There are many things a person can do to alleviate their own stupidity, foremost among them is to get a good education. I seriously wonder whether Ms. Lee ever went to school anywhere, at any time.
I wonder if perhaps she found a way to make her stupidity an asset. After all, she was a member of Congress…
Lol! …….lol!
It’s no different than asking yourself how could anyone vote for Biden or any democrat. It’s a completely brainless act. Complete ignorance!
I couldn’t help but chuckle at this line: Like most things she says, it’s probably best not to think too hard about that sentence. I’ve written a lot about her over the years, and I have an extensive file on her, and I just can’t believe how this person ever convinced anyone she’s qualified to represent them seated in Congress. Arrogant, ignorant, rude, inconsiderate, dumb, and downright nasty. Not to mention a finger pointing blame shifter. And if anyone doubts that, just ask all the staff that runs through her office like a turnstile.
If Houston elects her, then they deserve what follows.
Funny stuff. Actually, there are a few in Congress. One graduated from Boston U with a degree in economics no less. Another is a grifter and former bartender in NY. Well, ok, there are too many to discuss here. Enough to say they are legion in our Congress.
It’s scary.
Not a degree in Economics. Her degree was in International Studies, with a concentration in Leftist Thinking about Economics. Trust me, I actually researched what coursework was involved.
Maisie Hirono
And, of course, the entire ghetto squad.
At this time, Houston is already a very dangerous city, crime is out of control. Adding SheJac to the mix will bring the city to a new low level. I assume she will win the election and the decline will continue.
Actually, if the polls are to be believed, John Whitmire, the other major Democratic candidate, should trounce her in the runoff, because almost all of the Republicans in the city will vote for him. Of course, whether having a smart Democrat is better than a dumb one is something I leave up to you.
Yes, and I carry a concealed handgun no matter which part of Houston I travel to or through.
Chi-town South!
“I have been a leader in human and sex trafficking.” I believe this. 85,000 missing children from the boarder, they have to be somewhere. The money the boarder pimps get for transporting the children else where is being paid to someone. Financially it is a good product. Morally it is depravity of the vile elitist.
The worst ones ALWAYS win elections and re-elections!
Can’t Houston do better?
She is a carpet bagger from Lousyanna
Having that racist bitch out of congress is a win for America and to hell with Houston – they deserve her
Not only does she seem to have mixed up Korea and Vietnam-North and South Korea are NOT “exchannging and working.”
This idiot (with apologies to true idiots) probably all of us Asians look alike so she can’ ell he difference!
Listen to this moron and her fellow Democrats, I just keep hearing the Twilight Zone theme running through my head. Our country is in the Twilight Zone now, and unless we wake up and kick every one of these idiots out of office, the Twilight Zone is where we’ll stay.
Reminds one of the Dem Congressman who argued that the Island of Guam would turn over under too many people.
Intelligent they are not.
That would be yet another idiot named Hank Johnson, GA-4. Sill in office. I was watching that hearing live and canno believe how the admiral he posed that question to did no laugh his stern off!!!
Some of their stupidity is actually stunning.
And to think they “work” as representatives. OMG.
I’m old and this is the scariest time that I’ve seen in my longish lifetime.,….”clowns to the left of me,…..clowns to the right of me”,… we are stuck in the middle” of a catastrophe. Very depressing. Even parts of Texas are going insane and stupid. Very very depressing. The DimOHcraps are working hard to change all of the demographics of Texas and The Former United States Of America to DisUnited States of Amerika..
They elected that Pea-Brain Ron Dellums in Oakland now this scatter brain wants to run Houston? Will they then demand a name change for the City?
As dumb as she is, there’s always someone dumber. Like everyone who voted for her.
I lived in her district when she was first elected. The guy she replaced ( a guy named Craig Washington, IIRC) was just as bad -maybe worse. At least I used to think so, until I considered the fact that Rep Washington -a lefty nut Dem just like Sheila – was actually *better* because he was almost never around to cast a lousy commie-inspired vote. He had the worst absentee rate in congress, and failed to cast votes over 50% of the time. He was immeasurably better, simply because he was never around to help inflict hard-left damage like Sheila has been.
You are completely right, though. As dumb as she is, there is *always* someone dumber, and that someone dumber will probably be the one who replaces her.
I don’t have to say anything because a picture is worth a thousand words.
it doesn’t matter how profoundly stupid one is, the criteria for getting into politics is your record of serving the special interests. case in point is walking idiot joe biden.
if you think being a moron is a hinderance to a political career, take a look at kamala harris. her record of serving banksters and high tech billionaires is substantial despite be as stupid as they come.
If this sh*t-for-brains gets elected, the residents of Houston are just as dumb as she is, and they will get exactly what they deserve and what they voted for. But then again, I wouldn’t be surprised… American politics are dominated at so many levels by twits with the intellect of the drain of a toilet bowl.
They’ll ramp up the cheating machines again and she’ll “win” easily!
So how did this woman graduate from Yale and the University of Virginia School of Law?
SHE DID??? Goodness, excuse me for squeaking at you, but those are remarkable accomplishments for someone not on the AA Gravy Train.
That says a tremendous amount about the catastrophic decline of our educational system doesn’t it. The commie left is in total control of our entire educational system. Very frightening.
I think that the vast majority of American students are all a bunch of ignorant and naive morons. They don’t have a clue about how the real world works. I fear for our future.
This lard ass used to take a chauffeured car to work every morning. She lived 1 block from the Capitol building.
Too lazy to walk? My goodness,….that’s such a long way for a “lard” “Pass” to walk.
What do WE THE PEOPLE do about this?
ANOTHER possible AFFIRMATIVE ACTION MOVE that proves how useless AFFIRMATIVE ACTION is. How, in America, that those that DO HARM and VIOLATE THEIR OATH daily, be GIVEN ANOTHER JOB after they already destroyed things doing their evil in their ‘other’ job?
Shelia Jackson-Lee…a black female LOSER never did a good thing in ITS life…a mouth that opens and vitriol and hatred comes forth with what I am quiet sure is VERY BAD BREATH.
She should be in the FIRING SQUAD that comes with the HONEST, MONITORED NEXT ELECTION of Donald John Trump
PS: F the feds.
That’s such a long way to walk for such a lard “Pass” sans “p”. .
Dear Lord…….if this is not bad enough there is as well major reflections on our Educational Institutions. “Jackson Lee graduated from Jamaica High School in Queens. She earned a BA in political science from Yale University in 1972 and a JD from the University of Virginia School of Law in 1975.[4] She is a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority.”
All I can ask is HOW?
Does the term “quota hire” perhaps apply here?
“I have been a leader in human and sex trafficking.” said this ditzy woman. Of all the stupid statements made by this Barbara Jordan wannabe this one tops the list. She probably doesn’t understand what that sentence means in reality. Houston, prepare for the city IQ to drop IF she is elected.
Ya can’t fix stupid !
Better be careful, or Houston might tip over and fall into the sea 🙂
Another wacists low grade Dem – that’s what the voters like.
Dems are in such a hurry to dismantle the US and the Constitution it takes my mind off things here in Europe.
If she was any more stupid she could run in the Republican primary and beat Trump!
I’ll have you know that Sheila Jackson Lee was graduated by Yale!
Yeah, but does Yale want us to know that?
That would be an affirmative action degree just like Obama’s.
As a Houstonian I can tell you we are very worried and every Republican I know is voting Whitmire, who himself is no peach. Why we can get a white straight non-criminal conservative mayor in this town I can’t figure out! The great businessmen who could straighten this city out won’t run because the voting fraud here is so vile that it’s a waste of their time and money and the black contingent won’t let them in!
Will someone please run Jackson Lee’s criminal record? Hundreds of thousands of dollars to her daughter and bribes to and from all kinds of people. In the debate last night only one outsider corrected SJL’s lies.
Houston isn’t really Texas anymore, it’s an international mega city that was destroyed by immigration. There are 40 mosques in Houston and it’s probably 1/4 criminal invaders.
This one is a pearl among our political elites – she is not the first one, neither will she be the last one, not by a long shot.
There were also Dan Quayle, former US Vice-President: “I love California, I practically grew up in Pheonix.” Or: That lowdown scoundrel deserves to be kicked to death by a jackass, ad I am just the one to do it!”.
Marion Barry, ex Washington DC Mayor: “Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country.” Or: “The brave men who died in Vietnam, more than 100% of which were black, were the ultimate sacrifice.”
And either Vice President Al Gore or President Clinton: “If we don’t succeed, we run the risk of failure.”