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There is an epidemic of bicycle theft in the Netherlands; the thieves are Muslim migrants. The authorities realize that to deal with the problem in the traditional way will not work. After all, it costs a great deal to find the thieves, to put them on trial, and to then lock up offenders. Every stage of the criminal justice system costs money, far more than the stolen bicycle is worth. Now Dutch authorities in the town of Dronten have hit on another way to end bicycle theft. The municipality will simply provide Muslim migrants with good bikes at very low prices — $20 each – in the hope that that will greatly decrease, and perhaps eliminate altogether, this bicycle thievery. Daniel Greenfield wrote on this crime busters’ “solution” here.
Residents of the asylum seekers’ center in Dronten will soon be able to purchase a cheap bicycle. A workshop for bicycle maintenance will also be available. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) hopes that this will reduce the number of bicycle thefts in the area…
The police will deliver part of the 150 bicycles. These are specimens that were once seized and for which no one has reported. The COA is still looking for the remainder. “We fix up the bicycles and make them available for a reasonable price, between 20 and 50 euros.”
Just to fix up these bicycles that had been abandoned by thieves, and were never claimed by their owners would likely take a bicycle mechanics between one and four hours of labor for each bike, which at $25 an hour for the labor would mean that to put them back in good working order, all shipshape and Bristol fashion, could cost the government anywhere from $25 to $100. Those bikes are now going to be sold, apparently only to Muslims, at the rock bottom price of $20.
The hope is that with bicycles so cheap, these migrants will stop stealing them. The bikes will be cheap, granted, but nonetheless, stolen bikes remain cheaper still, for they cost nothing..
The migrant officials claim that the migrants didn’t steal the bikes, just bought them from the bicycle thieves, who for some reason, entirely unrelated to the migrant invaders, began stealing bikes in the area. Occam’s Razor rebels, but sure, let’s go with that story. The already gargantuan fortunes being expended on the migrant invaders will be supplemented with a bike center and a bunch of heavily discounted bikes.
The Dutch welfare state spends a “gargantuan fortune” on these “migrant invaders” who came to the Netherlands precisely to take advantage of every conceivable benefit that generous welfare state has to offer: free or highly subsidized housing, free medical care, free education, family allowances (that increase with each new child), unemployment benefits (even without a work history in the Netherlands), and more. And now, if this new plan spreads from Dronten across the country, there will be an added cost, if Muslim economic migrants are to be bribed – there is no other word for it — not to steal bikes, by giving them bikes for the scarcely-believable price of $20. But as Greenfield says, this legalized bribery is unlikely to work: a stolen bike, after all, costs nothing.
Geert Wilders has some thoughts. “Will they also give millions to potential bank robbers to prevent bank robberies?”
“Insanity. I say stop asylum & close the borders.”
Wilders has a point. Should we bribe Muslim migrants in other ways than offering to sell them bikes for practically nothing, to stop their criminal behavior? Instead of that, why not listen to Wilders, and stop the unceasing flow of Muslims into the Netherlands? Do the Dutch owe the world’s Muslims something? Must they welcome them? Of course not.
For those of you who think that offering Muslims bikes for $20 will indeed cut down on bicycle theft, why stop with bicycles? Let the Muslims themselves provide a list of things they are most likely to steal in street muggings and house burglaries, and then allow them to purchase those goods, just like the bicycles, at way-below-market prices. Gold chains, for example, that Muslims often rip off the necks of girls, or fashionable sneakers taken from young men, or rings, bracelets, and iPhones. Provide those chains, those sneakers, those iPhones to Muslims not at low prices, but for free, in exchange for — what? For a “promise” that they will stop their street muggings as long as they are supplied with the following: one gold necklace or chain, at least two feet in length, every six weeks; a new or gently used pair of Nike or Adidas sneakers four times a year; one new or refurbished 4G iPhone every six months, with a prepaid calling plan, as well as a steady supply of rings, bracelets, and wristwatches. And to make sure the plan works, and ends Muslim robberies and burglaries, don’t charge even a nominal amount; make all those items absolutely free for any adult Muslim male that demands them. That should end the Muslim crime wave, and spare the government the cost of more police ,more prosecutors, more court-appointed lawyers, more judges, more prison guards, and more prisons. In the end, the Dutch government will pay less out-of-pocket, and the Muslim migrants will no longer have to take the risks that robbery and burglary inevitably entail. It’s a classic win-win situation.
And it’s not just goods that the state will need to supply to Muslim immigrants. It’s also services. In order to decrease the number of sexual assaults on, and rapes of, Dutch girls and women, the government could provide Muslim males with coupons, good for a fixed number of sexual encounters with the paid ladies who advertise their wares in the Red Light districts of Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
These measures should work splendidly to cut down on crime by Muslim migrants, don’t you think? There will be doubters, of course, there always there. And a few details would need to be worked out. What level of calling plan should be prepaid by the government for the iPhones it distributes? How many coupons for sexual pleasures does a young Muslim male require to sate his needs, so that he won’t relapse into sexual assaults and rapes? That’s what the government is for – to work out those details on how to keep the Muslim migrant population happy and crime-free.
Daniel Greenfield is not an enthusiast for the bike giveaway:
“nstead, the Dutch have learned to give danegeld or danebikes to the new Vikings. And I’m sure those bikes will be put to good use… stealing other bikes. And then those stolen bikes can be resold to the migrants yet again.
But I repeat: we can cut down on Muslim crime, of every kind, simply by meeting the demands of those who otherwise would feel compelled to commit those crimes. It is cruel to admit people into your country, and then to refuse to provide them with what they so obviously need. Give those Muslim migrants what they want and need, and they will become the law-biding citizens we all hoped they would be. Start with the cheap bikes, but don’t end there. Just extend that program to many other goods and services that will now be offered at no cost to Muslim migrants, and watch their rates of criminality plummet.
Bterclinger says
This proposal is very anti Muslim and racist,
Holland should use the standard Muslim punishment for theft.
Cut off their hands.
Noah Andeark says
Stealing from infidels isn’t considered stealing. They call is jizzy or something like that.
Poetcomic1 says
A generation ago Holland had a not inconsiderable population of migrants from the former Dutch Indies (now Indonesia) who spoke Dutch, Ran the hugely popular Bami & Nasi Goreng noodle shops and were ‘Dutch in their own way’. Need I compare them to this scourge of locusts?
Gary Hope says
Better would be “Off with their heads!”
Send them to their Paradise.
To hell with them.
Tionico says
the RIGHT hand only. That way they would be shamed by eing forced to eat and clean their own bums with the remaing left hand. Nor could they participate in cummunity meals, as no one would tolerate their use of the left hand for sopping their bread in the same bowl as the rest. Further, they will be shunned socially as few would tolerate interacting with them, they are now by definition UNCLEAN.
Of course they would soon enough learn how to skifully apply their remaining hand for the effective use of knives and clubs and guns.. making them more dangerous.
The BIBLICAL punishment for stealing is for the thief to be forced to repay FOUR TIMES what was stolen. If that means indentured servitude oh well. Don’t steal. Their example may dissuade others from taking up that craft.
Garrett Fulton says
The islamics only cut off the right hand of a thief. That is the one they eat with and the left hand is the one they wash their backside with after defecation. They use a water bottle, no toilet paper. Now, they have to eat in public with the left hand after the amputation. Really devious and hateful punishment. Worked in Saudi Arabia for 4 years and I come by this knowledge honestly.
Jonscot says
Just one hand at first. Well, on second thought, maybe something else could be
Algorithmic Analyst says
I predict it won’t work. Psychologically it is quite interesting. $20 probably seems like a cheap price to the Dutch authorities, but even a quarter (25 cents) would likely be a sufficient deterrent to keep the thieves from buying.
I vaguely remember trying to make a similar point decades ago about street criminals overrunning the local parks. The authorities were talking about a $5 fee to get into the park. I told them even a quarter (25 cents) would be enough to keep the criminals away 🙂
Higher ups often can’t fathom the mentality of street criminals.
Kasandra says
Right on. The plan doesn’t even consider the possibility that the thievery isn’t due to economic ability so such as it is the humiliation and subjugation of the native population. Utter fools.
Banastre Tarleton says
Just more evidence of the fawning appeasement of muslims and migrants
The West are committing suicide by decadent/ spineless government
When Putin talks about the ”crisis of LIberalism” ; THIS IS IT !
J.J. Sefton says
Maybe if they deported the Muslims, they wouldn’t have this problem. And a few others.
Craig Austin says
Treat them like like infidels and charge them a ‘tax” to live.
WhiteHunter says
Excellent point. Have there ever been any Moslem terrorist attacks in Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, or the Czech Republic, even a single one?
Of course not–because those Eastern European countries are unapologetically Catholic (not as an “established” state religion, but because of their overwhelmingly Catholic majorities), and their hard-headed realism about invaders and enslavement by them–the Czars, the Nazis, and then the Soviets.
They all have “No Moslems Need Apply, Immigrate, or Demand Citizenship or a Citizen’s Rights or Benefits Here” policies, along with well-guarded, razor wire-topped (and maybe even minefield-protected) barriers on their borders.
And they don’t make any apologies for it, nor bother to listen to any criticism of it, nor feel the slightest “guilt” for it.
Nor should they.
Steve says
Why not deport them, if they engage in criminal activity (it rarely ends with stealing bikes) and their claims of being asylum seekers as opposed to economic migrants are almost invariably specious anyhow?
WhiteHunter says
Here’s an alternative solution:
1. Renunciation of Islam;
2. Sincere, openly confessed Conversion to Christianity or Judaism, with a minimum of 3 months’ Instruction from an ordained Catholic priest, Protestant minister, or Rabbi in preparation for the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation for Christian Converts (or Circumcision and Bar Mitzvah for Jews), with a certificate signed by the clergyman attesting to the Convert’s sincere Conversion and satisfactory completion of the course of Instruction.
3, Proof of diligent, devout attendance at, and participation in, weekly worship at a Catholic church’s Sunday Mass, a Protestant Service, or a Synagogue’s Sabbath Service, for at least a full year.
After all of these requirements have been met, the former Moslem gets his free–not even $20–bicycle!
Of course, given the Koranic doctrine of Taqqiya–lying to “Infidels”–it’s not an absolute guarantee. But it’s an idea that might be worth discussing (if only to infuriate the Left, and drive them into paroxysms of spluttering outrage). And, hey, it might even save a few souls!
Carolyn says
How about not only deporting every their that is caught– but his entire extended family as well? This will either deter constant stealing or will quickly take care of the ruining of Dutch culture and community.
Carolyn says
THEIF not their
When you open your door to thieves and looters this is the results
BLSinSC says
Hmm, wouldn’t just rubbing them down with BACON deter the mussies??
Algorithmic Analyst says
Bacon Spray….
Ugly Sid says
Restart the Crusades. Begin with Constantinople. Make NATO worthwhile.
Tionico says
these people are there because of their rampant sense of entitlement. Cut them off at the welfare line, trim their “benefits” to barebones supplementation, and require work of some sort. Their problem is they don’t have to DO anything toeat. God’s Word declares this: If a man WILL NOT work, DON’T feed him.
when they get hungry enough they will figure it out, and either leave in search of more chumps to coddle them, or for greener pastures where they CAN work and eat. Or simply decide to knuckle down and work HERE instead of waiting for the wyte fokes ta feed them.
John Blackman says
great black comedy article .
Andrew Blackadder says
Meanwhile muslims across Europe are laughing their hairy arses off at the infidels who hand them everything they demand.
Fred A. says
The program the Dutch are using will not work because why pay $20 for a used bike, when Muslims can steal an expensive state of the art bike costing several hundreds dollars. They save $20 which they can used to go to a Arab coffee restaurant for the day.
Neto says
They had it coming. They will celebrate their diversity until the last White Dutch is annihilated.
Gordon says
I see a pattern with the progressive ‘s approach to justice. Rather than punishing the offender, they take away the implement used in the crime. They fail to see that the offender has a moral, spiritual and phycological deficiency.
The only successful way to create a just and safe society is to deal with the offender and to punish them in an attempt to get them to understand they are at fault and need to change.