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WATCH: After identifying terrorist activity and movement of a Hezbollah portable rocket launcher in southern Lebanon, the Israel Air Force thwarted the threat
— i24NEWS English (@i24NEWS_EN) November 29, 2024
Ceasefires against Islamic terrorists are observed mainly in the breach. Islamic terrorists don’t observe actual ceasefires, they use them to reorient and regroup, but continue attacking to celebrate their ‘victory’.
(To Muslim terrorists, the other side agreeing to a cessation of fighting or proposing peace is a sign of their weakness.)
So despite all the hype, the fighting between Israel and the Hezbollah terrorist group continues.
The Israeli air force struck Hezbollah terrorists and a rocket launcher in southern Lebanon on Friday, the IDF reported.
Troops detected terrorist activity and the movement of a Hezbollah portable rocket launcher, according to the military.
The IDF noted that it will actively enforce violations of the ceasefire agreement, which took effect on Wednesday.
What that means is that there’s a ‘ceasefire’ between the bouts of fighting.
According to Biden, “under the deal reached today, effective at 4:00 a.m. tomorrow local time, the fighting across the Lebanese-Israeli border will end — will end. This is designed to be a permanent cessation of hostilities.”
No, it wasn’t. It was designed to save Hezbollah to fight another day. And another day may be sooner than we think.
I always laugh wryly when I hear about “cease fires” with jihadi terrorist organizations. What a dumb joke. As if the jihadis ever quit. They’re like mold and mildew.
Call it jerk itch. The cure is the final twitch.
“Ho chi Minh is a son of a bitch. Got the blue balls crabs and the seven year itch.”
Crotch rot. I had that a couple times when I was young. The anti fungal cream for athletes foot is the same as the nut bag cream and not nearly as embarrassing to buy.
Three down votes. That means three dick lickers.
There. is no ceasefire. This was strong arm tactics against Israel by the Biden administration, denying Israel weapons. The UNGA demands that the entire world gang up on Israel; leave Israel defenseless; destroy Israel and her citizens economically; and bring about Israel’s total destruction.
I was surprised that Bibi agreed to a “ceasefire” with the hezbollah terrorists. IMHO, he knows how they lie. But he’s hoping to hold off the Bidenistas’ arms embargo against his country until President Trump is sworn in.
Yeah, that’s what I figure, probably a clever strategic move to get through until Trump is sworn in.
Do you mean to tell me that Hez-ball-less didn’t honor the cease fire with Israel? I’m shocked! SHOCKED!!!
Knock me over with a feather. Does anyone think the ICC will do anything besides whine about the Jews?
When’s Obama going other there to call for end to it all?
“This is designed to be a permanent cessation of hostilities.”
Coming from the Biden administration one has to figure they don’t understand the meaning of
permanent, cessation, and hostilities. Why does repeated failure not inform these folks?
The one way this non-ceasefire might help is that it could be less expensive than a day in and day out assault. Israel has to figure out how to turn a war, which is always expensive to fight, into something like an exchange of a commodity — cheap in other words. There is no way the Israeli economy can carry on a permanent all-out fight against all comers and a normal life for its citizen at the same time.
Like Carthage vs Rome.
Except Rome decisively beat Carthage and sowed salt into its ruins, as you know. Too bad, Carthage was a great empire and Hannibal was a great general. North Africa has never been the same since. Camel jockeys aren’t Carthaginians.
The biden bunglers couldn’t negotiate a Goat Wedding that lasts! This “ceasefire” is just a temporary reprieve for the terrorists. They’ll continue to do their usual crap but the Israelis are ready and will stomp the cockroaches when they come out! When the hezzies think it’s time they’ll launch a bunch of rockets and then Israel will FINISH them before they “cease fire” again! You’d think the Lebanese Army that we FINANCE would be interested in joining the fight to remove the hezzies!