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The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday, November 21, 2024, issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense chief Yoav Gallant. Arrest warrants were issued also against slain Hamas leader Ibrahim Al-Masri. All three are charged with alleged war crimes against humanity in the ongoing Gaza conflict.
The ICC judges have stated that there were plausible grounds to believe that Netanyahu and Galant were responsible for criminal acts that include murder, persecution, and starvation as a weapon of war as “part of a widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population of Gaza.”
The judges have insisted that the blockade on Gaza that facilitates the lack of food, water, medical supplies, and fuel has “created conditions of life calculated to bring about the destruction of part of the civilian population in Gaza, which resulted in the death of civilians, including children due to malnutrition and dehydration.”
Masri was charged with spearheading the mass killings during the October 7, 2023, attacks on Israel that initiated the Gaza war. He is also indicted on charges of rape and the kidnapping of hostages. He is also dead, having been killed by the Israeli Defense Force.
The European Union’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has called on member states to execute the ICC’s arrest warrants for Netanyahu and Gallant as well as Hamas’ military commander Mohammed Deif. Borell has said that neither side can achieve total victory in the Gaza war.
Observe that Netanyahu and Gallant are accused of committing crimes against humanity, while the terms of Deif’s warrant were classified as secret to “protect witnesses and safeguard the conduct of investigations,” according to the court.
On the day that the warrants were issued, President Joe Biden released a statement declaring, “The ICC issuance of arrest warrants against Israeli leaders is outrageous. Let me be clear once again: whatever the ICC might imply, there is no equivalence—none—between Israel and Hamas. We will always stand with Israel against threats to its security.”
I submit that the United States has not gone far enough in response to the gratuitous behavior of the ICC. In an implacable defense of its alter-ego in the Middle East and one of its most strategic allies, the United States must insist that the ICC retract its arrest warrants against Netanyahu and Gallant immediately. And further: since Josep Borrell has called on any member state to arrest Netanyahu and Gallant should they set foot on the soil of any member state, the United States must threaten military action against any such unilateral violation against the sovereign head of the state of Israel and his former senior cabinet member.
If the ICC can have the infernal impertinence to threaten Prime Minister Netanyahu with arrest and authorize its signatories to arrest him should he enter their countries, then the ICC can and will eventually issue an arrest warrant against any U.S. president engaged in lawful warfare.
A promise to inflict military action against any country that fulfills the arrest warrant would serve to undermine the legal and jurisdictional reach of the court and its member surrogate states. A military intervention would be both a preventive and preemptive strike against the court that would neutralize its ability to ever dare (regardless of context) to issue any arrest warrants against any American political official. I suspect that in the global imagination, the ICC is a symbolic international legal institution with little causal efficacy.
But let us take a step back for a moment and analyze the sheer effrontery of the court in issuing arrest warrants against the leader of the free world in the Middle East, and leaders of Hamas, one of the most violent and nihilistic terrorist organizations in the world. To begin with, to treat the two Israeli leaders and Hamas leaders as moral equivalents is not a case of moral obfuscation or clouded judgment. It is a deliberate anti-Semitic and virulently anti-Israeli ideology and sentiment that drives such a crusade. A country that was brutally attacked and defends itself by attempting to excavate a terrorist leadership whose charter calls for the elimination of Jewry and the obliteration of Israel, that is, a country that is fighting under the moral principle of self-defense, is equated as no better than (in fact, worse than) an illiberal and permanent jihad organization.
Indeed, speaking at Jordan University on Wednesday, November 20, Mr. Borell stressed that there was a limit to the right of defense. If we were to apply this to the personal sphere of one’s life: what is the limit of a right of defense of a man holding a gun to your head demanding your money or your life? What limited right of defense to protect your life do you possess? And what principle secures that right? The moral principle is a compromise. In any compromise between your right to life, and a gunman’s assertion of his right to your life, the only logical outcome is your death.
Since most people in Gaza support Hamas, and since the people of Gaza democratically elected it, what right of restraint supersedes Israel’s right to vanquish its enemy totally?
The motives here are obvious. It is to equate a lawful right of defense held by Israel, with the savage and criminal behavior of an outlaw and rogue region (Gaza) and its political leaders (Hamas). Since as far as the ICC is concerned, the right to defend oneself is as equally wrong as an unprovoked attack by a foreign entity, all objective standards of appraisal are eroded. All that is left are baseless accusations of genocide, unlawful retribution, and deliberate starvation on the part of Israel.
But as Mr. Borrell demonstrated further in his speech, this entire legal and moral onslaught against Israel involves a clash of competing narratives. He states:
There is a narrative trying to present the problem as a fight between the West and the East or against the South, or against the Muslim World. This is a caricature that has to be deconstructed and rejected. We have to avoid any clashes based on religion, civilization, or ethnicity.
Has Mr. Borrell ever read the charter of Hamas? It is not Israel that has declared a religious war. It is the uncivilized Islamic extremist group Hamas that has waged and continues to wage a religious war against Israel and the West. Mr. Borrell, though, is right about one thing: the war in Gaza does not constitute a clash between civilizations. It is a fierce clash between a civilization and a nihilistic and apocalyptic counter-civilizational force that threatens to undercut the possibility of any continuance of freedom, individualism, liberty, and liberal values in the Middle East and anywhere else in the world.
A closer inspection of Mr. Borrell’s lecture betrays an appeal to a plethora of double-talk, equivocations, platitudes, appeals to emotional bromides, and myriad linguistic and rhetorical ruses that are meant to silence independent thinking and dissent. He states:
Do not listen to the ones who claim for total victory. The victory is never total. Let us talk about inclusion. Any message of hate whether from an Israeli minister as much as it comes from the voice of an extremist from any field must be rejected.
The slur and the swill directed against Israel are illimitable. Israel’s claim of achieving total victory against a rapacious and maniacal enemy is as destructive and morally wrongheaded and as extremist as is the implied Jihadist extremism whose perpetrators are never explicitly named.
Extremism in pursuit of the good — that is, in pursuit of a moral victory by Israel in a war visited upon it by Hamas — is just as nefarious as extremism in pursuit of the annihilation of innocent young people enjoying a music festival, or of families gathered in their home for prayer and meals who are brutally tortured, raped and murdered. If ever there was a case of a person perverting language and committing linguistic evil to demonize Israel and trigger anti-Semitism, this is as ostensive an example as one is ever likely to find.
Mr. Borrell has not committed a false equivalence here. He has intentionally destroyed objective moral standards and smuggled in alleged crimes of genocide and intentional starvation attributed to Israel as legitimate arbiters of a reality that can be used to accuse, judge, and announce an irrefutable verdict against Israel.
He and the ICC are successful in their endeavors. As of this writing, a day after the arrest warrants were issued, the city of Montreal is burning as violent protestors clash in anti-Israel protests. They have set cars ablaze, looted, rioted, and burned Netanyahu effigies.
The ICC is a sham institution. Its goals as far as Israel are concerned are not to achieve justice in crimes against humanity, genocide, crimes of aggression, and war crimes. It is a propaganda machine meant to inflame the passions of Anti-Semitism sweeping the West. One could be more accurate here: anti-Semitism does not motivate it. It is enlivened and made relevant by its open, naked show of sheer Jew-hatred.
Excellent article Jason, thanks !!!!!
Thanks. I appreciate the support
It does however miss a critical underlying issue: the financial underpinnings of Iranian money to allegedly bribe the South Africans to bring the charges in the first place, and in second place the more visible historical anti-Semitic rants of several of the ICC officers and judges themselves.
The efficacy of “follow the money” looks like it will be proven again. This I appears to be lawfare writ large, subsidized by Iran at the bottom of things.
Personal aside: it amazes me how antisemites DO what they accuse “Jews” of doing without any proof. Unfortunate that hypocrisy is not a capital crime. The world could be so much better for their demise. Well like Scripture says: “judge not lest you be judged” — Kahmeni condemns Netanyahu and Gallant to death — methinks he’s going to get there first. The irony is that as much as he invokes “inshallah – if God wills it” he rebelliously never applies that to himself at the very least. And THIS is what non-Muslims are supposed to see, yet ANOTHER piece of hypocrisy as being a “supreme leader”! Oh really!
One of Bill Clintons last acts of Treason against America and Americans was signing America into the ICC
In addition to the genocidal Hamas Covenant mentioned in the article, the manifesto of the PA/PLO, the “Palestinian National Charter”, exhibits the same intention to annihilate Israel.
“Indeed, speaking at Jordan University on Wednesday, November 20, Mr. Borell stressed that there was a limit to the right of defense.”
Mr Borell, you low rent EU swamp rat, screw you. I will protect myself and my family with or without your idiotic permission. I and I have a feeling that Israel’s leaders really don’t give a crap what you and your pussy-ass toadies have to say about self defense.
The EU, the ICC, and the moribund UN are the reason that Europe is circling the drain. It is mostly run by Muslim supporting weenie men and women who want to be weenie men.
When are the real men of Europe going to man up and throw these traitorous bums into the road. Time is running out.
Yes, I don’t care about the Euro trash and wouldn’t care if they went extinct but I don’t want the islamopithecines to take over.
And boy how I’d love it if the Mossad snatched up those ICC judges and brought them to Israel to Stan trial.
Laws in “civilized” countries are only recognized to provide a jobs program for lawyers. If the funds for the ICC, UN etcetera were cut off by the US. they would all cease to exist. Their loss would not even be noticed. The law is what the guy with the gun, sword or fist says it is. The whole concept of “just war” while shrieking “the children” has worn itself out.
The American President has the right to grant a pardon to any US citizen who murders a UN diplomat (who just happens to come from a country which is persecuting Israelis), as long as the murder is committed on American soil.
Who knows?
It could start a trend …
The Almighty is using the predations and evil of men to bring all the Jews back to Israel in preparation for the End of Days.
Amen to that. But, the End of Days has already arrived. Remember the Scripture says ” and when you see these things ‘BEGIN’ to happen, look up, for your redemption draweth nigh”. Luke 21:28 This world has never been closer to nuclear war than right now. If you do the math in Revelation (and other Scriptures), you find that in the 7 yr. Tribulation period some 5 billion people will die horrible deaths. How does one understand how the world will annhilate 5 billion people when that number is not even comprehensible for anyone ?
Well, Russia has about 7,000 nuclear missiles and the uS has about 6,500. With other nations ranging from 10 to 10-200 nukes, there are about 14,000 nukes on planet earth. Many are 1,000 times more powerful than the ones used on Hiroshima or Nagasaki, so work it out.
(By the way, to kill 1 billion people at 50,000 a year, it would only take 22,0000 years to accomplish).
Maranatha, come Lord Jesus……< (This year).!!!
Rev. Roy…………..<
It would seem that the Nukhba forces, part of the military armed wing of Hamas, engaged in “limitless aggression” having absolutely nothing to do with any form of defense as they were the undeniable aggressors who usurped the border of the sovereign Nation of Israel Additionally, with cameras recording their invasion, they engaged in the most horrific, egregious defilement of both men and women in rape, further “limitless aggression” by mutilating women, cutting off their breasts while still alive and additional forms of violent disfiguration of men, women and children, beheading and incinerating babies, shooting family members in the kibbutzim before their children, often pausing to open the refrigerators to eat or drink before those wounded and terrorized and then calling home to their mothers in Gaza to receive accolades for having successfully engaged in such a murderous, evil rampage.
If one simply pauses momentarily to review what the Nukhba members did, knowing that their ravenous frenzy against Israel was/is supported by those residing in Gaza, the ICC should have it’s focus upon these “limitless aggressors” as the source of ABSOLUTELY ALL that has subsequently transpired.
It is the ICC’s heinous mutilation of even the most rudimentary precepts of justice and the acknowledgement of a sovereign nation and its citizens to defend their country and lives against such an unlawful invasion, that blatantly calls these warrants out for Netanyahu and Gallant nothing more than the internationally cloaked antisemitism by which they have been issued. Israel’s IDF is the most moral fighting force in the world and during this war, in spite of the willful and covert condemnations by organizations in unobstructed allegience with Hamas, Israel has engaged in its defense with greater regard for the Gaza residents than ANY OTHER MILITARY EVER!!
The residents of Gaza, in overwhelming support of Hamas and its military actions, have innocent blood on their hands. Try as the ICC might, the truth of Hamas’s “limitless aggression” and the subsequent issues for Gaza go all the way across the Middle East to the Khamenei terrorist regime in Iran. Send a warrant for him!!
Hamas succeeded in expanding their moral showdown across the entire world. Do we support Democracy and tolerance, or do we support an authoritarian, Nazi-like state that thrives on terror is is ruled by Sharia Law? For Western leaders there is no place left to hide. There can be no compromise where the West is not destroyed .
That leftist institution that is the ICC has been long thoroughly corrupted and infiltrated by the insidious Red/Green alliance. Therefore, it would naturally make unfounded and unproven false accusations o “war crimes” against Benjamin Netanyahu.
The ones who should really have of war crimes and genocide warrants out against them for the arrest are the jihadist chiefs of Hamas The reason why this is so is twofold.
First, this is because they are top dogs of a violent and deadly jihad organization, that reveals in its charter that its intention to the commit worldwide genocide against the Jewish race.
Second, the heads of Hamas used its jihadist stooges invade Israel on October 7, 2023 to commit mass murder as well as other vile and heinous atrocities against the Jewish people.
Furthermore, the Muslim despots of that hostile Islamic regime of Iran should also have arrest warrant sent out for them. This is because they had sent many deadly weapons to Hamas and encourages those Hamas top dogs to launch a jihadist invasion of Israel murdering her people.
Their posture is so comical it would make a great story line for an episode of South Park. I can see a bunch of UN bureaucrats in their three piece suits donning their blue berets, armed with legal summons, as their Chairman shouts, “Let;s go peacekeepers. Give ’em heck!”
The International Criminal Court (ICC) on Thursday, November 21, 2024, issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defense chief Yoav Gallant. Oh, and by the way, arrest warrants were issued also against slain Hamas leader Ibrahim Al-Masri.
How convenient – claim to be even handed by issuing an arrest warrant against the dead Hamas leader.
Think anyone will catch on?
Yes! Let us take a step back. A limit to the right of defense? How preposterous is Mr. Borrell against our two brave leaders who lead the fight for our lives!!! Reminds me of the daily garbage salad that used to pour out of Arafat’s mouth!!!
Another insightful article by Jason. Clearly Biden admin has not gone far enough in its reaction . We can expect Trump to impose sanctions on the ICC and its judges but the US should,, as Jason points out, also impose sanctions on countries that say they will enforce this outrageous judgment.