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Imagine the U.S. canceling the Fourth of July holiday due to high crime in our cities and you get a sense of what has occurred in France. Cities across France canceled Bastille Day observances July 14 because of rioting that ignited when a police officer shot and killed 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk, a French citizen of Algerian and Moroccan descent, during a traffic stop in Paris on June 27.
News reports said churches were burned to the ground and graffiti was scrawled in red paint on a church in Marseilles declaring: “Mohammed was the last prophet”. Bank branches were ransacked and ATMs opened with chainsaws. Some shouted “death to the police,” “death to France,” “death to the Jews,” and “Hitler was right.” A Holocaust memorial was defaced. Thousands have been arrested.
Kosher food restaurants and shops have been looted and burned during the rampage.
Ayat Oraby, a former Egyptian TV and Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, has contributed her dose of venom to the French riots: “To where is France heading? To hell, God willing!”
Is France now paying a heavy price for admitting so many radical Islamists into the country? As Sorbonne University Professor Bernard Rougier has written: “Since the 1970s, France has welcomed an ever-increasing number of immigrants from the Muslim world. … Only a tiny minority have assimilated into French society. The others live as they lived in their countries of origin.”
Guy Milliere, on his webpage for the Gatestone Institute International Policy Council, recently posted these various quotes on the subject: “Radical imams came from the Muslim world and allege that France is guilty of having colonized their countries, that Muslims should continue to live according to the law of Islam and that, in the imams’ view, France should pay for its crimes. Many politicians have told the newcomers that France is racist and had exploited them.”
Milliere also posted this one: “Criminal gangs formed and began ruling these neighborhoods … French political leaders closed their eyes. Meanwhile, these Muslim neighborhoods have grown and crime from them increased.”
Some politicians have tried to appease the radicals by sending more money to Muslim neighborhoods following riots by mostly young people who believe they have no future. To no avail. Rioting has now spread to Muslim areas in Belgium and Switzerland.
Again, none of this should come as a surprise. As the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi predicted: “We have 50 million Muslims in Europe. There are signs that Allah will grant Islam victory in Europe — without swords, without guns, without conquest — will turn it into a Muslim continent within a few decades.”
In 2018, a House of Representatives subcommittee held hearings on the influential Muslim Brotherhood and what it called its “global threat.” Then-Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) said: “The Muslim Brotherhood’s Supreme Guide, Mohammed Badie, has said that the organization’s goal is to establish a new Islamist caliphate, including the imposition of sharia law, which is the totalitarian Islamic legal code. We saw what happens when the Brotherhood takes control of a country in Egypt from 2012 to 2013, and the results were chilling, that then-President Mohamed Morsi defied the rule of law and granted himself near absolute power. As Egyptian leader Mohamed El Baradi put it, Morsi usurped all state powers and appointed himself Egypt’s new pharaoh.”
While it is obligatory to say not all Muslims are terrorists, nor do all share the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood, the rioting in France, Belgium and Switzerland shows the influence of the growing radical wing of Islam. It should be a warning because the extremists’ have announced their ultimate targets are Israel and the U.S.
If you take a snake into your bosom you will eventually get bitten
The people in France and many other European countries still do not realize that the Muslim goal is take over every country and make it an Islamic nation. Middle Eastern culture, language, and customs will replace every European language, culture, and custom over time. They are already electing Muslims to local and national positions in European governments.
There are right wing political parties that can correct this situation. Its about time they vote them into office over the next two years. If not, they can kiss their countries good-bye.
“ Only a tiny minority have assimilated into French society. The others live as they lived in their countries of origin.”
Change France to every other European country and the result is the same.
Almost every British city is overrun with savages who have turned western wealthy comfortable places into islamic shitholes.
Islam arrives girded for war and subjugation.
Because Islam has no other purpose.
And it’s codified in a 1400 year old document… protected by guilt-filled western nations who try to shake hands with a scimitar.
Conversion, enslavement or death. Few process that concept.
For all the people that think that Islam is a “Religion of Peace” & are gullible & do not do their homework,
here is something to enlighten you all.
The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.
Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, most verses of violence in the Quran are open-ended, meaning that they are not necessarily restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.
The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God. Most contemporary Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book’s call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Islam’s apologists cater to these preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally don’t stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology.
Unfortunately, there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to balance out those calling for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad’s own martial legacy, along with the remarkable emphasis on violence found in the Quran, have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history.
Well, the Left, both in Europe and the U.S., is either ignorant of the 14 century history and the beliefs of Islam or it shares Islam’s desire to destroy Western Civilization. I don’t see any other possibilities.
History, for good or evil, has always been made by the radicals, the extremists, the intransigent, the true-believers.
The Founding Fathers were not conservatives, they were radicals, extremists, intransigent, true-believers, in freedom, and they were militant. The Russian communists in 1917 were a minority of radicals. So were the Nazis in 1930. It’s the extremists and radicals that make history. The rest are too busy, too scared, or too lazy, and they follow the lead of the radicals.
“History is made by minorities—or, more precisely, history is made by intellectual movements, which are created by minorities. Who belongs to these minorities? Anyone who is able and willing actively to concern himself with intellectual issues. Here, it is not quantity, but quality that counts (the quality—and consistency—of the ideas one is advocating)….
The battle of human history is fought and determined by those who are predominantly consistent [in other words radical, extremist, intransigent], those who, for good or evil, are committed to and motivated by their chosen psycho-epistemology and its corollary view of existence.” – Ayn Rand
“The rest are too busy, too scared, or too lazy, and they follow the lead of the radicals.”
So if history is made by the radicals what happened to Objectivism and the Objectivists. I would say all of you are too busy reading books, too scared or lazy to actually do anything, so you follow the lead of the leftists and simply bash religion.
And how is that working out for the average Objectivist? Hint: you aren’t part of any radical movement, except for the one you dreamed up in your bedroom.
France is your ideological country, THX. It has never given up on its Liberté, égalité, fraternité enlightenment mindset.
THX (quoting Ayn Rand): “History is made by … [intellectual] minorities. [People who] concern [themselves] with intellectual issues.”
And THX’s undisputed foundational Objectivist postulate:
“Existence exists by the grace of existence.”
THX: “The battle of human history is fought and determined by those who are predominantly consistent …who, for good or evil, are committed to and motivated by their chosen psycho-epistemology and its corollary view of existence.”
The Objectivist foundational postulate (quoting directly from THX):
“Existence exists by the grace of existence.”
The French loved Vichy and haven’t forgotten how wonderful – NOT – that regime was.
Otherwise, why would they have continued to vote in Vichy shit, including those great resistance fighters (NOT) De Gaulle, who spent most of the war sitting on his ass in London, and Mitterrand who was a resistance fighter before – or was it after – he was a Nazi collaborator.
Even Sarkozy, the self-hating Jew who promised to be tough with the Islamists was just as much a coward and collaborator as all the rest – Chirac, D’Estaing, the merde pervert Hollande and of course sissy boy Macaroon, Moron, oops, Macron.
And the French themselves keep voting in the Vichy shit. They could have elected Ms. Le Pen three times and Zeymoun – but the latter was a Jew and the former a Fascist (never mind the Fascists they stupidly voted for).
Those who sow the wind will reap the whirlwind. You deserve what you got, France.
So I guess the U.S. will also get what they deserve?
The inevitable is coming for Amerika as well. We, as a collective, have not only allowed a 20-year long invasion of our country, we have encouraged it, nay, ROOTED for it. Our time is coming. When (NOT IF) all the radical, hateful, animalistic invaders have reached critical mass, they will become a majority in Congress and what will pass as “government.”. Then the fun will really begin. Day-to-day living for all Amerikans will become Hunger Games on steroids.
Illiterate Barbarian War Lord MohamMAD was history’s Original Muslim Terrorist who murdered his critics. His transparent lie of Islamism is the most murderous Geopolitical IDIOTology in history with over 300,000 murders. Yet people think Hitler’s 14,000 was bad?
Pat, what are you talking about ? Hitler’s 14000 was bad ? Try doing some research.
An estimated 17 million people were murdered by the German Nazi regime and their collaborators between 1933 and 1945, according to data published by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum…
And now Islam. No wonder Hitler admired Islam as a fighting religion. He stood in awe of Islam, whose butchery even he did not surpass.
Over 110 Million Blacks were killed by Islam.
And remember the killing of Hindus?
About 80 million Hindus were killed by muslims between year 1000 and 1525
islam itself is an ideology of conquest and subjugation. All of islam is “radical” if it is being practiced correctly. Stop with the disclaimers. All muslims may not be “terrorists,” but all muslims are dedicated to a world dominated by islam. Dar al islam vs Dar al Harb.
Let those in the UK who favour immigration stop and rethink. Thank goodness for the English Channel, although some do manage to overcome that water barrier
How is all that diversity, brought in laborers, and clash of cultures workin out for ya? Make stupid decisions and continue the insanity? The good people who were already citizens of their countries are the ones who suffer from rediculous decisions.
islam is a Fascist Religious Cult.
Fascist because you are not allowed to question or speak against it.
Religious because they speak about God… a lot.
Cult because a person born into it will be killed if they wish to leave it by changing their mind about what God is, or isnt.
hate the Sin, Love the Sinner… Christianity.
Hate the Sin Kill the Sinner… islam.
When will homosexuals and Far Left idiots learn that islam despises Liberty and Gay people, the Liberals will be thrown off the rooftops right after the Gays once Europe become islamic and that will happen as its too late now to shut the door and as the Foxes are now well and truly taking over the Chicken Coop.
Im a European but do not live anywhere near the Western World and I will never return to the Western World.
They are all bat shit crazy.
The current French problems are fueled by one thing. The Muslim chimp invasion. The French “solution” seems to be , import more chimps.