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An impeachment inquiry looms and the shrieks of outrage are beginning.
The Left is now suddenly voicing warnings that those who recently undermined the system could be targeted by their own legacies.
So, for example, now we read why impeachment is suddenly a dangerous gambit.
True, the Founders did not envision impeaching a first-term president the moment he lost his House majority. Nor did they imagine impeaching a president twice. And they certainly did not anticipate trying an ex-president in the Senate as a private citizen.
In modern times, the nation has not rushed to impeach a president without a special counsel investigation to determine whether the chief executive was guilty of “Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
But thanks to the Democrats, recent impeachments now have destroyed all those guardrails. After all, Trump was impeached the first time on the fumes of an exhaustive but fruitless 22-month, $40 million special counsel investigation—one designed to find him guilty of Russian “collusion” and thus to be removed from office but found no actionable offenses at all.
Instead, dejected Democrats moved immediately for a second try. In September 2019 a few weeks after Trump had announced his 2020 reelection bid, the Democratic House began to impeach the president on the new grounds that he had talked to the President Zelensky of Ukraine and said he might delay offensive arms shipments—unless the Ukrainians could demonstrate that they had ended corruption and, in particular, were no longer influenced by the Biden family quid pro quo shakedowns.
Trump was proven right: the Biden family is not just corrupt, but, in particular, Joe Biden as head of the family and Vice President had intervened in the internal politics of an aid recipient, by threatening not to delay but rather to cancel outright all U.S. aid to Ukraine—unless it fired Viktor Shokin, a Ukrainian prosecutor.
Shokin was then looking into the misadventures of Biden’s son Hunter, and why the Vice President’s imbecilic son was receiving lucrative compensation on the boards of a Ukrainian energy company Burisma, yet without any demonstrable expertise or education in matters of energy policy.
Since Trump was impeached, we now know that Joe Biden did lie that he had no connection with or even knowledge of his son’s business. And we know that the fired prosecutor believed the Bidens were recipients of bribes. We know that contrary to Biden’s assertions, he was not following State Department policy.
In contrast, the U.S. had, in fact, lauded Shokin’s efforts to repress corruption. In sum, Biden was undermining the stated policy of the U.S. government to protect his son’s—and his own—efforts to leverage money from Kyiv by monetizing the influence of his own Vice Presidency. In some sense, Biden was guilty of the very “treason” charge—altering U.S. foreign policy for personal benefit—by which Rep. Adam Schiff had earlier falsely accused Trump.
Given that reality, it is easy to argue that the House impeached Donald Trump in 2019 for crimes that he did not commit, but which the current president Joe Biden most certainly had during his Vice Presidency.
But weaponizing impeachment is just one baleful legacy of the Left. There are plenty more of their own precedents that Leftists now would not wish to have applied to themselves:
- Will the next president have the FBI pay social media censors to suppress the dissemination of any news it feels is unhelpful to the reelection of a Republican president?
- Is it OK now for the next Vice President to invite his son onto Air Force Two to cement multimillion dollars deals that benefit both, with Chinese, Russian, and Ukrainian oligarchs who enjoy government ties?
- Should a conservative billionaire stealthily insert $419 million late in the 2024 campaign to absorb the work of registrars in key voting precincts?
- If a Democratic president wins the 2024 election should conservative groups riot at the Capitol on Inauguration Day? Should a conservative celebrity yell out to the assembled crowd of protestors that she dreams of blowing up the White House? And if a Republican wins, should he prosecute any Democratic rioters who once again swarm Washington on Inauguration Day and charge them with “insurrection,” meting out long prisons sentences to the convicted?
- Is Joe Biden now vulnerable to being impeached for systematic family corruption, or using the Department of Justice to obstruct the prosecution of his son in his last days in office, and then being tried in the Senate as a private citizen?
- If the Republicans gain the Senate, will they move to end the filibuster in agreement with Democratic assertions that it is “racist” and a “Jim Crow relic”?
- If the midwestern Electoral College “Blue Wall” seems to reappear, or if Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada recreate new blue walls, will there be a conservative effort to end the constitutionally mandated Electoral College?
- If in 2024 there is a narrow Democratic win in the Electoral College, should conservative celebrities conspire to run ads urging the electors to reject their constitutional duties and not vote in accordance with their state’s popular vote that went Democratic? Should a Republican third-party candidate sue to stop a state’s selection of its electors on grounds the voting machines were rigged?
- If Supreme Court decisions begin to appear to favor the left, will Republicans talk of packing the court, or have the DOJ turn a blind eye when mobs began to swarm the homes of liberal justices? Should the conservative media go after liberal judges with serial accusations of corruption? Should the Republican Senate leader assemble a mob of pro-life protestors at the doors of the court and call out Justices Sotomayor or Jackson by name, with threats that they will soon reap the whirlwind they have sowed, given they have no idea of what is about to “hit” them? Should conservative legal scholars urge the country to ignore Supreme Court decisions deemed liberal?
- Will local prosecutors in red jurisdictions begin filing criminal charges against leading Democratic candidates on various charges, among them accusations of old inflated real estate assessments, campaign finance laws, questioning ballot results, or taking classified documents home? If Joe Biden or Hillary Clinton were to run in 2024, will their past illicit behavior gain the attention of a city or state attorney in Utah, West Virginia, or Wyoming?
- If Joe Biden continues to decline at his present rate, will Republicans demand he be given the Montreal Cognitive Assessment? Will they subpoena Ivy League psychiatrists to testify that an intervention is needed to remove him from office? And will an FBI director and a deputy Attorney General plan to wear wires, and record Biden in his private moments of senility, as a way of convincing the cabinet or Congress that he is demonstrably mentally unfit for office?
- In the 2024 election, should the Republican nominee hire a foreign ex-spy to compile falsehoods about the Democratic opponent and then seed them among the media, and Department of Justice? Should the FBI hire such a Republican contractor and likewise use him to gather dirt on the Democratic nominee?
- If there appears incriminating evidence concerning a Republican nominee, should the FBI retrieve such evidence, keep it under wraps, lie about its veracity, and instead go along with media and ex-intelligence officers assertions that it is a fraudulent production of Russian intelligence?
- Will conservative CIA and FBI directors, and the Director of National Intelligence be given exemptions from prosecutions for systematically lying while under oath in Congress or to federal investigators?
- Will conservative celebrities ritually on social media, without fear of censorship, brag about ways of decapitating, shooting, stabbing, burning, or blowing up the Democratic nominee?
- Since in many states the statues of limitations have not yet expired for arson, murder, assault, looting, and attacks on 1,500 police officers during the summer 2020 riots, will state prosecutors now begin identifying those 14,000 once arrested and mostly released, and begin refiling charges of conspiracy, racketeering—and “insurrection”?
- Will they also file insurrection charges against those who torched a federal courthouse, a police precinct, and a historic Washington DC church, or conspired to riot and swarm the White House grounds in an effort to attack the President of the United States?
- Will they file charges against Vice President Kamala Harris for “inciting” ongoing violent demonstrations with monotonous, emphatic, and repetitive threats in the weeks before her nomination? Contrary to liberal “fact checkers” at time of nationwide violence, Harris certainly did not distinguish violent from non-violent protests, but in fact implied that they were intimately tied to the upcoming election and beyond. So given the hundreds of police officers injured, the hundreds of millions in property damage, and the dozens killed, what exactly did Harris mean by tying that ongoing summer of often violent protests to Election Day?:
“But they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop, and this is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop, and everyone beware, because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day in November, and they’re not gonna stop after Election Day. Everyone should take note of that, on both levels, that they’re not going to let up — and they should not. And we should not.”
Was the above more or less inflammatory than Trump’s January 6 remarks for which in part he is under indictment: “We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore…I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard”?
In sum, the Democratic leadership along with the media long ago deemed that Donald Trump posed such an existential threat to democracy that they were entitled to destroy democratic norms to destroy him.
Their actions were predicated on three assumptions: one, they had that right because they were more sophisticated, morally superior, and smarter than the rest of America and thus deserved the exemption to blow up customs and norms to achieve the “correct” ends; two, whatever damage they did to long-standing protocols of equal justice under the law paled in comparison to the damage that Trump supposedly would or did do; and three, their conservative opposition either lacked the wherewithal, the brains, or the audacity to emulate such behavior and thus there was no worry anyone would dare do to them what they did to others.
And now? For the first time, given recent polls, the Left is scared that a Republican House and perhaps soon a Republican Senate and White House might follow its own precedents, and use new leftwing guidelines to enact conservative agendas.
Sjam says
An eye for an eye…..
Cat says
Don’t forget the tooth or teeth!
VDH’s best article ever. In fact, he may have lived his entire life just to be able to write this.
Finally, he stopped whining about Trump’s “ style” which is at the core envy of Trump’s courage and masculinity.
Finally, VDH becomes a courageous man too!
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
VDH has always been courageous. He even wrote a book supporting Trump a few years ago. Every time he runs to a store in Selma, he walks among invaders, lawbreakers, and gang bangers.. It’s what true Californians do these days, that is, those who have not yet left.
Christine Z says
Cat, I implore you to read The Case for Trump by Hanson. I’m not sure why you think VDH doesn’t like Trump.
Beez says
Trump’s J6 speech was not only incoherent; it was monumentally stupid. A rhesus monkey could have foreseen the Democrats’ reaction to it. What does “fight like hell” mean? When and where were his supporters to fight like hell peacefully? Sadly, a Washington, DC jury with a racist judge will now decide what he meant.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Correcting the many errors in the Elections that Dems/leftists installed deliberately. You left out the part wherein he asked them to demonstrate peacefully as well as his offer to to Pelosi and Schumer to bring in fed troops. They refused his offer because probably it would have been an obstacle for their plans for the “insurrection” they had planned.
Ugly Sid says
He wants to sit on the jury.
Michael Harris says
Asking about why they refused gives you an answer equal to why there are no Jews left on any Muslim majority countries. Nobody wants to answer either. Question
Ugly Sid says
No one is accussing you of incurable optimism.
I am “monumentally stupid” right along with him.
If you don’t like living in a free country, then leave.
Jeff Bargholz says
Trump said to protest peacefully, you lying asshole.
What is it with you leftists? Why can’t you ever be honest? Is it genetic or a sick personal choice
I think it’s both. Born scum and choose to be scum.
RS says
The Left can get nowhere unless they lie and cheat.
Christine Z says
Lie and cheat, that’s what Dems do.
Atikva says
It’s common practice for pinheads to insult someone’s intelligence when theirs doesn’t allow them to understand what he said.
“Fight like hell peacefully” = “fight any which way you can – except using violence”.
At this point, whatever the islamo-leftist clique chooses to do trying to bury President Trump will fizzle anyway.
THX 1138 says
“They Will Not Go Quietly; This Will Not End Well” – Michael J. Hurd
“What I see happening is Biden will step down due to covid (hence mail in ballots) Kamala will step in as prez and PARDON all of the Bidens…they will run Gavin and the dead vote will sweep him into office.” — Jeannie Chmielewski-Royack
Interesting theory. Leftists are capable of anything. Biden isn’t really in charge. Neither is Kamala. Not even Dr. Jill. Goodness knows, these people are too unscrupulous and stupid to be in the positions they’re in from their own abilities or achievements. Whoever put them there certainly has even worse things in store for us. Until or unless we the people rise up and bring about another 1776 or, failing that, another French Revolution, things will continue to spiral downward. Surely they will try another COVID lockdown strategy. Why wouldn’t they? It was the most successful totalitarian move in human history.
Sooner or later, whether through mass passive resistance or more than that, WE will have to stop them. They are NOT going to stop peacefully, or voluntarily.
Intrepid says
Yeah tough guy. You are going to stop them. How? From your NYC walk-up? By holding up your collection of Rand books, whining about Christians and altruism, and complaining that your moribund philosophy isn’t taught at the university level?
Somehow I doubt whether I will be seeing you on the front lines.
Ugly Sid says
Try letting it go.
Intrepid says
Like I’m going to take your advice?
Hellhound says
Having a bad day, Intrepid ?
Beez says
Aren’t we all? And not just a bad day but a bad year, etc. Has anyone thought that we are due a good day?
Intrepid says
Every day is a great day.
Sheila says
Brilliant Mr Hanson !
Spread this far and wide These arrogant
People have been beyond culpable on
Hellhound says
Hang ’em all !!!
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, by their balls and twats.
Anne says
SOROS Though Obama.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Excellent points, and true. Especially the part about the dude and his handlers being too unscrupulous and stupid. Notably, the inside supporters of Obama are the inside supporters of the bumbling fool Biden. Valerie Jarrett, Susan Rice, Ron Klain, David Axlerod, communists from Chicago who were in on the selection of O and assist him with his 3rd term via Biden. I won’t mention Zuckerberg, the Linked-In dude billionaire, Bill Gates, Soros and his kid, and the MEDIA. The media is a significant player in this terrible scene and should never be underestimated or forgotten.
J.J. Sefton says
Sorry, Dr. Hanson. The Left isn’t frightened of anything. Our alleged side and spurious party will do nothing, either via the Constitution and certainly not abrogating the Constitution to punish the wicked and right the wrongs inflicted on us. Even if they wanted to, all of our institutions both in and out of government have been so thoroughly corrupted by the Left that that avenue is impossible.
For someone as intelligent as yourself who writes so eloquently about why civilizations crumble, to not see it right in front of your face as it’s happening is really a puzzler.
Ugly Sid says
If Trump reenters the White House, and Kash Patel is AG, I expect a flurry of prosecutions.
So do they.
Beez says
Trump will not reenter the White House. This has been explained ad infinitum. Independent voters will NOT vote for him, and even if they do, the Democrats have the mechanisms in place to cheat him a second time.
Jeff Bargholz says
Independent voters WILL vote for Trump, just like last time. Only Dirtbagocrat vote fraud can bring him down, just like last time.
Beez says
Patel would make an excellent AG… under President DeSantis.
Ugly Sid says
DeSantis lacks fire.
Trump is an ego driven workaholic.
Up before the farmers, he posts eighty hour work weeks.
This explains how he accomplished in spite of all the “resistance” and sabotage. Whether he did it for himself or for us, he did it.
He sounds like a white guy from Queens, because that’s what he is. He is 100% authentic.
He is also an alumnus of the Wharton School of Business. I passed the Uniform CPA exam in 1974. I consider the Wharton School to provide the finest preparation there can be. I wish I had been good enough to go there.
Trump is very, very far from stupid
RS says
Exactly, Trump made America Prosperous, and Strong, and he is Pro-American, not Pro-World. We voted for Trump because of His successful policies that benefitted and helped Americans., and our military. The Oligarchs, CCP, Dems, Globalists, and Rinos didn’t want Trump to drain the Swamp, its been one created plot after another to destroy him.
Nikolaos Halkides says
DeSantis is now in FOURTH place in the latest South Carolina poll, behind Nikki Haley and Tim Scott as well as Trump. I suggest you throw away your old “Win With Willke” button and recognize that Donald Trump is going to be the Republican nominee for President. If you want to stop the Left, you need to get behind him 100% and stop whining about how he can’t win – if he can’t, then no Republican can. (You might also try to get your local county voting rolls cleaned up so the Dems can’t mail out phony ballots to phantom voters there.)
Onzeur Trante says
I suspect VDH does see it right in front of his eyes, but he clings to the last vestiges of hope, as many of us do. In the absence of hope, there is only le grand neant.
evildoctor says
Regrettably, hope and a buck won’t even get you a cup of coffee these days.
roberta says
”And now? For the first time, given recent polls, the Left is scared that a Republican House and perhaps soon a Republican Senate and White House might follow its own precedents, and use new leftwing guidelines to enact conservative agendas.”
And the first treasonist rino voice that speaks up and says, ”This will be bad for the country, this is vindictive politics, it will be too divisive, now is not the time” (and my personal favorite) “”That’s not us, that’s not who we are””
He, she, or they need to be investigated right along with the dems.
roberta says
Forgot a couple of the other greatest hits……”We are better than that” and ”This will backfire on us in the next election”
These are the words of politicians with something to hide.
Ugly Sid says
The grand catharsis the great unification, would be Biden’s torso slipping through the trapdoor of the Presidential Gallows.
We have the High Crimes & Misdominers, we have the Bribery, we lack nailing Treason.
Let the Congressional Investigations proceed till we do..
Ugly Sid says
Impeachments are not criminal trials. The rights of defendants are not paramount.
The interests of the Republic are.
THX 1138 says
Right on Roberta!
THX 1138 says
90% of the Republicans are corrupt thieves too, like Mitch McConnell.
That’s why they don’t want the Swamp to be drained. If you uncover all the thieving scams and prosecute and jail the Democrats the evidence will show that 90% of the Republicans were in on the theft too and the Republicans will have to be prosecuted and put in prison too.
Ugly Sid says
When Uniparty membership decalre that processes that reveal them will proceed over their dead bodies they are speaking in absolute literality.
Intrepid says
Maybe you should have been more supportive of Trump and the MAGA supporters when he was trying to drain the uniparty swamp. But you weren’t. Why am I not surprised?
Ugly Sid says
I voted for him twice.
The same for Reagan.
This is hardly my first rodeo. I shook Richard Nixon’s hand at a political rally in Ridgewood, New Jersey in 1960. I was fourteen.
Ugly Sid says
You have a knack for unthruthfulnes.
You insisted Harry Truman retired to wealth, when he couldn’t even cover the postage of Presidential correspondence.
Lightbringer says
I voted for Richard Nixon in my first presidential election — and his. He was a great man and a fine president, but the left was really out to get him. He had many reasons for being paranoid.
Intrepid says
So you are older than me. Wow, you shook Nixon’s hand. I’m supposed to be impressed? And was I talking to you anyway?
Jerry Adams says
Works for me! Anyone who abuses his/her elected office for personal gain regardless their party affiliation is fair game.
Kasandra says
Because the Left controls the media – all of them, news, social, and entertainment, it is impossible for conservatives to generate enough public/political support to do any of those things. News of, and posts about, Dem misdeeds are and will continue to be suppressed. Propaganda for the Dems’ policies will continue to flow like waters from a mighty stream. Movies will continue to be made with girl bosses/warriors defeating conservative white male villains. And so on. Did you know that, at least prior to his capture, not NBC, CBS, or ABC ever mentioned that the Brazilian murderer Cavalconte was an illegal alien? Was this an oversight? No, it was deliberately omitted because widespread public knowledge of this would undermine the Left’s open borders policy. We are living in what VDH himself has called “an empire of lies.” And much of the public has no idea. So I don’t see a turnabout on the horizon.
Christine Z says
I didn’t even have to have it”confirmed by the media” that he was an illegal. These days, you just know when you hear of a heinous crime committed by someone of Hispanic origin, he’s going to be illegal. No surprise here.
The Democrat Donkey in the Mire and sinking fast and too darn stupid to get itself out
James says
Fear? Hardly. The Covid fiasco taught the UniParty that it can do just about anything, with minimal pushback from the Masses. They are now going for the final kill of what’s left of the republic.
SheilaWalk says
Cultural Marxists
Jerry Adams says
I want to believe that the people learned from the covid fiasco. But I still occasionally see the proverbial single person driving, alone, in a car with a face mask on. So…
Jim says
I agree with VDH, and I did not realize there were so many wrongful actions by the Dems, supported by many RINOs, but there were. However, my experience is that if one confronts a leftist with these facts, they will refuse to listen or will ignore them and keep on harping that Trump is a terrorist, traitor and criminal who belongs in jail. They will say, I am not interested in Biden or Obama or Clinton, I am talking about Trump, a criminal and traitor. That is how leftists think and act, and the facts are mere speed bumps on their trajectory toward one party rule. Just as the swine in Animal Farm would not have listened to reason, and dictators everywhere in the past would not listen and not stop. We can already see Schiff, Schumer and other top Dems trying to trivialize and ignore the evidence assembled by the Republican House committee. They know we know they are lying, but they will keep on as long as they have the power to do so.
RS says
When God created the world it was good;;the earth, animals, and man, the object of God’s love. But men have spurned God’s love by and turned to serving their own flesh and other idols. They have ridiculed God’s son, and many have perverted the Word of God.
Romans 14:12. “So then every one of us shall give an account of himself to God.”
Hebrews 10:30-31. “For we know him that hath said, “Vengenace belongeth to me, I will recompense.” It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.” Its God they need to fear for their deeds, and believe me, everyone’s deeds are being recorded minute by minute.
Lightbringer says
It’s interesting that you, presumably a Christian, should write this. We Jews, your brothers and sisters, are getting ready to celebrate our High Holy days, and believe me, nothing gets one’s attention better than the traditional Orthodox liturgy of those days. It’s terrifying, no matter how banal and trivial one’s sins, and no matter how scrupulous the level of one’s religious observance and how carefully one treats one’s fellow man. So thanks for spreading the word, which is what Christians have been doing for 2000 years.
Peter Arnone says
This article is a masterpiece of historic importance. Thank you, VDH.
Jack Wisdom says
For me the main problem with impeaching JB is that if he is impeached and then removed by the Senate, then Kamala Kamala (the chuckling one) would become President. Joe’s a liar, and she is just too mentally weak and uninformed for the position. We are in a very bad spot as a country. But, even if JB is impeached, with all the RINOs in the Senate, I don’t think there would be a 2/3 vote for removal. Lord, help the USA!!!
Lightbringer says
Lord help the USA indeed. We all need to pray; it’s our only weapon against the evil that threatens to engulf us and our children.
SheilaWalk says
Cultural Marxists
Gloria Bauer says
As I approach my 80th birthday, I am sad to note the America I have known no longer exists. I don’t see the flag flying on holidays either because people are afraid to display patriotism or afraid their homes will be vandalized.
Please God….save us from ourselves!
Kit_Jefferson says
They were more than eager to dish it out but now they’re on the receiving end they demonstrate they are not able to take it.
John Blackman says
none of the recalcitrants , antifa , blm , DOJ , the pelosis of the world , brennan , comey , no FBI , no CIA , clintons , will see the inside of a jail . the only ones that will are trump supporters and the j6 crowd as already demonstrated . america is now a dangerous place for conservative law abiding citizens and those who believe that this current bunch of criminals do not represent them and that includes so called conservatives . now that the left know how to rig the election process they will do it again . kiss goodbye to the u.s. as was once known .