In Noah’s generation, the book of Genesis records that mankind had utterly corrupted God’s way. They were “filled with violence,” greatly wicked, with their thoughts and imaginations being “only evil continually.”
God warned Noah of a flood that would destroy man and alter the Earth as it existed until that time. “Moved with fear,” Noah built an ark and warned his generation about “things not seen as yet” (Hebrews 11:7).
They didn’t listen.
The flood came and went, and God instructed Noah to “be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth,” exactly as He did the first man, Adam. Noah and his family were to be the beginning of a regenerated and repeopling of the Earth – the planet’s first and greatest-ever “reset.”
God promised Noah, his sons, and “every living creature” … “for perpetual generations” that He would never destroy “all flesh,” or the Earth, again with a flood. The reminder? His “bow” in the clouds.
But many came to doubt that promise, according to Jewish historian Flavius Josephus in an account of the biblical story in his Antiquities of the Jews (93 AD).
Thanks to the tyrannical influence of Noah’s great-grandson, Nimrod, Josephus wrote that “multitudes” were “ill-instructed” into having contempt for God. Repeating a narrative that submission to God was cowardice, Nimrod used exaggerated fears of a catastrophic flood to harness his power and to build a tower “whose top may reach to heaven” (Gen. 11:4).
If He “should have a mind to drown the world again,” Josephus wrote of Nimrod’s intent, mankind would stand a better chance by working together rather than scattering to repeople the Earth. “… for that he [Nimrod] would build a tower too high for the waters to be able to reach! … and that he would avenge himself of God for destroying their forefathers!”
It worked.
No pains were spared to create cutting-edge technologies – burnt brick “cemented together with mortar made of bitumen” – to build a tower designed to avert a climate disaster that, as God had promised, was never going to happen.
The massive building project only stopped after God confused their language. The ancient skyscraper, a true marvel of that day, came to symbolize a giant middle finger to the Creator.
Fast forward to 2022.
Despite the near-magical advance of human invention, the same rebel spirit that inspired the tower in the ancient city of Babel (eventually Babylon), thrives today.
Unelected global elites, using fear and force, have big plans for the world. And, unless I missed it, submission to God is not in them.
Elite revolutionaries are working feverishly on cutting-edge technologies to avert a flood of climate catastrophes that, more than likely, will never happen. To save the planet, they’ve turned to the gods of “science” and money.
“We are on a fast track to climate disaster,” said Antonio Guterres, UN General Secretary, in a video message to a panel on climate change in New York in April. “Major cities underwater. Unprecedented heatwaves. Terrifying storms. Widespread water shortages. The extinction of a million species of plants and animals. And this is not fiction or exaggeration. This is what science tells us will result from our current energy policies. …. This is a climate emergency.”
Leaders in governments, businesses, and global institutions who believe the planet has a better chance by working together have created a highly influential global movement to reconstruct “a better world” – a Great Reset.
Thanks to technology, the movement towers over anything the planet has ever seen (except the flood) in a global effort to remake the world.
These elites make up the world’s largest banks, pension funds, insurance companies, asset managers, and international organizations, like the World Economic Forum, which partnered with the United Nations in 2019 to implement its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for Agenda 2030.
Today, hundreds of the world’s largest corporations in finance, technology, media, credit cards, energy, food, heavy industry, manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, consulting, and consumer goods, have signed pledges to be strategic partners in the movement.
Doing “voluntarily” what governments, by law, cannot do, unelected elites have implemented a scoring system called ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) that audits and measures the value of private companies – even whole countries – based primarily on their performance on climate change, social justice, and a more “inclusive capitalism.”
That means working to disinvest in fossil fuels, cutting gas-powered cars, and subsidizing wind, solar, and electric cars. It means fighting for social justice, and racial and gender equity, diversifying corporate boards by race and gender through DEI training, and taking a stand on transgender rights, voting laws, abortion, and gun control.
Governments, universities, and private institutions have become so malignant with these ideas that the simplest things we know to do to get “back to normal” post-COVID, post-George Floyd, have never been more frustratingly difficult.
But “normal” is not part of the plan.
“Many of us are pondering when things will return to normal,” wrote Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum in his book COVID-19: The Great Reset. “The short answer is: never. Nothing will ever return to the ‘broken’ sense of normalcy that prevailed before the crisis because the coronavirus pandemic marks a fundamental inflection point in our global trajectory.”
The COVID pandemic, and all the record suffering and death that came with it, is never-ending because people like Schwab use it as a pretext to accelerate a “reset” of the world – “a time for reinvention” when “many things will change forever.”
“A new world will emerge,” Schwab wrote, “the contours of which are for us to both imagine and to draw.” The future is not just happening, he said at a Davos meeting in May. “The future is built by us. … we have the means to improve the state of the world ….”
It would be laughable if it weren’t for the fact that Schwab and a cabal of hydra-headed central planners have spared no expense to reimagine the world.
“The sustainability revolution is the single, largest business and investing opportunity in the entire history of the world,” said climate crusader Al Gore, co-founder of the $36 billion investment firm, Generation Investment Management.
And that’s not fiction.
In a 2021 Bloomberg report, ESG assets were tracked to surpass $50 trillion by 2025, which is more “than a third of the projected $140 trillion in total global assets under management.”
But what globalists and Joe Biden sees as “an incredible transition,” people with common sense see global elites using a common woke language to create mass confusion – modern towers of babel: gender confusion, border confusion, confusion over fighting crime, energy confusion, confusion over race, confusion about history, confusion about the constitution and the rule of law, climate confusion, confusion over food production and supply chains, economic confusion, confusion over the legitimacy of the Judeo-Christian ethic, and confusion over the meaning of once-settled things, like the rainbow.
Synchronized at a moment in history to deliberately demolish norms at the heart of Western democracies, global do-gooders have unleashed a brand of violence, wickedness, and “imaginations” reminiscent of the days of Noah and Nimrod.
While efforts to oppose this stuff should be big, bold, relentless, and never-ending, at this rate, it may require another divine intervention to break up the cabal of “ill-instructed” false prophets who toy around with the lives of billions, as if they are gods.
Mo de Profit says
“Unelected global elites, using fear and force, have big plans for the world. And, unless I missed it, submission to God is not in them”
No, but Allah is.
They have stolen the image of the rainbow and turned it into an image of perversion under the disguise of inclusion.
The world elites are deliberately creating division because without it they have no purpose.
When will people wake up to the fact that at the head of the division is the U.N. not the German led WEF the U.N. Agenda 2021 culminated in the convid hysteria, how will the U.N. Agenda 2030 end? It openly calls for depopulation and they don’t mean African or muslim depopulation.
Mo de Profit says
“But what globalists and Joe Biden sees as “an incredible transition,” people with common sense see global elites using a common woke language to create mass confusion – modern towers of babel: gender confusion, border confusion, confusion over fighting crime, energy confusion, confusion over race, confusion about history, confusion about the constitution and the rule of law, climate confusion, confusion over food production and supply chains, economic confusion, confusion over the legitimacy of the Judeo-Christian ethic, and confusion over the meaning of once-settled things, like the rainbow.”
Find and replace confusion with division and the paragraph will be more accurate.
Jeff Johnson says
It’s both.
Confusion creates division.
Confusion creates fearful followers of the false saviors who manipulate those who are not anchored in truth to do their dirty work of reinventing the world in their own image for them.
Confusion and fear hinder love for one’s neighbor, bringing division and destruction.
Dawn Krajenka says
Better if it were “delusion”, than division or confusion. The Bible tells us that in the latter days, strong delusion will come upon the people. This is how they get so many to believe the lies; it is through this “delusion” that they will all comply.
Steven Brizel says
We are living in a generation that epitomizes the worst of the generation of the Flood and the Tower of Babel
lisa grillo says
Mr. Alexander , you forgot to mention one group that helps perpetuate this, the CLERGY. Churches have taken on the worldly agendas like Climate change and LBGT and trans issues over the word of our Lord! Prioritized their goals instead of the laws and precepts of our God!! I pray continually that a revival happens within our churches to return to Godly principles.
Dave Johnson says
Fortunately, not all the Clergy has done so…but it is becoming increasingly common! The Church is being ‘sifted’, I believe–and it will continue (see Matthew 24: 9-14).
icydeadpeople says
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring”…
“Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.”
“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea,”
The waves of the sea are the results of the perplexities brought upon the ignorant and unknowing that follow their masters of science and religions and governments. Mankind highlights their lusts for moral decay and moves to stomp out the few voices of reason left on this Earth. The hearts of mankind buckle and fail under the fears of this world that their masters place upon them, from climate to money to food and water and all will be ripened for the righteous judgement that is soon to come. We see it played out in riots and movements and pandemics and wars and out of that purposed chaos will arise the global leadership that is now forming and let it be known that God is not the God of chaos and this global transformation that is taking place is therefore not of God. Everyone knows deep in their hearts of the horrors to come and they are afraid and they should be, He is coming.
Bee says
Brilliantly summed up, thank you.
As for “it may require another divine intervention to break up the cabal….”, it’s coming, it’s coming.
If biblical prophecy is anything to go by, the cabal called ‘Mystery Babylon’ in the book of Revelation chapters 17 and 18 will come to its end. Soon, by any reckoning, towards the end of this upcoming 7-year Shemita cycle. That’s how the God of Noah’s day operates.
Tex the Mockingbird says
The Great Reset its just the code for a New World Order and living under the Eco-Freaks and their backwards way of living without fossil fuels all over the totally fake threat of Global Warming, Climate Change
Ron says
You are absolutely correct about divine intervention called RAPTURE
Kynarion Hellenis says
Ron, I am not secure in premillennial rapture eschatology, but I am secure in my desire to fight for the restoration of righteousness and peace. The primary sin that comes from that premillennialism is that we just sit around and wait for Jesus to rapture us out of the problems which WE have largely created.
Some people believe in Christ’s return AFTER a non-literal thousand-year reign of Christ, I am also undecided about that and need to study further. But what I find very attractive about it is the mandate to work and restore the foundations – like Ezra and Nehemiah.
I read the M’Cheyne plan every year. Yesterday was 2 Chronicles 15. That short chapter makes clear that abandoning the LORD and His principles (v. 3) causes internal problems like loss of social trust (v.5) and external attacks from foreign nations (v.6). All can be restored by a return to the God of Israel, who through the promises to Abraham is also the LORD of all the earth. That is what we must do.