It’s not about science. If the green cult were about science, they wouldn’t routinely demand professions of belief. Instead, like the rest of the Left, they want you to take a knee to their cause. Whether it’s critical race theory, transgender bathrooms or global warming, the overriding demand is that you swear fealty and repeat the dogma after them.
If you don’t, there’s a warm stake and some pitchforks waiting for you, no matter who you are.
World Bank President David Malpass will not resign, he said Friday during a virtual conversation with Global Insider author Ryan Heath. NGOs and leading climate activists have been calling for Malpass to step down after he repeatedly dodged questions about the science behind climate change at a New York Times event Tuesday.
“I don’t even know — I’m not a scientist,” he said at the event.
On Friday, Malpass apologized for those remarks.
Let’s pause for a moment to contemplate the glorious Stalinism of Malpass apologizing for saying, “I don’t know.”
These are the wrong words to say. Malpass was supposed to launch into a speech with the approved talking points about oil and gas destroying Mother Earth. Instead he, blasphemously said, “I’m not a scientist”, which sounds innocuous but is one of those responses that infuriates leftists.
“When asked, ‘Are you a climate denier?’ I should’ve said no,” Malpass said, adding later, “It was a poorly chosen line, I regret that, because we as an organization are using the science every day.”
And this green cult has nothing to do with science.
At the White House, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre condemned Malpass’s earlier comments at a press briefing Friday, but declined to say whether the White House supported removing him from his post, noting that doing so would require support from a majority of shareholders.
Hey, Biden is funded by a lot of green investors who stand to make a lot of money from destroying affordable energy and replacing it with premium-priced and unreliable ‘green energy’. Nothing must be allowed to stand in the way of Americans losing access to the ability to drive or even own cars, or heat and cool their homes. And the fanatical foot soldiers of the green inquisition will help see to that by demanding that every official swear to their dogma.
If green energy is sustainable, why does it still require subsidies. 40 years after the U.N. announcement?
The head of the world bank is probably as woke as the rest of them.
Right. Thanks Mo!
Fanatical foot soldiers of the green inquisition is a good way to describe them. The Climate Taliban would also work,
Right. Reminded me, that the foot soldiers in such movements are often even more fanatical than the people who sent them.
Inquisition is an excellent analogy.
I think Lysenkoism is also a good analogy. I’ve been going back and forth today, trying to think what I would have said in his place.
Good point about the Green Revolution wrecking good, functional technology and replacing it with dysfunctional green technology. Like water saving toilets that don’t work right. In olden days we had toilets that worked right.