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The Nazi cheers of Sieg Heil didn’t start out in Munich, but in Massachusetts.
The Nazi chant was borrowed from Harvard football cheers and imported to Germany by Ernst “Putzy” Hanfstaengl, a Harvard man in good standing who befriended Hitler and helped build a more respectable brand for the National Socialists.
“Putzy” was one of a number of Ivy League elites who were enchanted by the Third Reich.
Socialism forcefully implemented by great men, whether it was FDR, Mussolini, Stalin or Hitler, was the great obsession of America elites of the era who were convinced that it was the only answer to the chaos of capitalism and the hurly burly of democracy and technology.
Columbia University, whose Hamas occupation fills the front pages of every newspaper in the country while driving Jewish students off campus, has changed little in some ways. A hundred years ago, Columbia University President Nicholas Murray Butler was laboring to keep Jewish students out while celebrating Mussolini’s fascism. Butler’s admiration for fascism was common among university presidents, leaders of society and even in the FDR administration.
Not just remastered football cheers, but eugenics, another obsession of Ivy League elites, made its way over to Germany where it was implemented in a far deadlier fashion, not only against Jews, but against German disabled and others deemed to be “life unworthy of life” in keeping with the ideology whose adherents included Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger.
Peeling back the layers of the dominant ideologies that Ivy Leaguers hold today leads to National Socialist or Communist ideologies. The Ivy League elites who were environmentalists, socialists, globalists and population control advocates a century ago were strongly influenced by these totalitarian ideologies that called for tyranny and mass murder.
They weren’t liberals then and they’re not liberals now.
A century ago they believed that human beings were defined by race and they still believe it now. A century ago they were convinced that mankind would go extinct unless strong leaders clamped down on independent thinking and undertook emergency measures to impose order. And they still believe it now. A century ago they believed that the only way forward was a planned economy, expert rule and the necessary deaths of certain people and groups.
Do they still believe it now?
The complete support for Hamas at Columbia, Yale and other Ivy League schools took some by surprise, but the idea that elite academic institutions ever had their politics defined by reason, liberalism and a respect for the rights of man has no basis in reality. While these universities and many others had some brilliant professors and students, and provided a rich environment of methodical learning at one time, university politics were always shot through with radicalism.
Even early in the twentieth century, the poison Ivy Leagues were filled with loathing for Americans, democracy and free enterprise while being attracted by any radical ideology. The question was only whether the Marxists or the National Socialists would triumph on campus.
After National Socialism died a mostly unlamented death, Marxism and then, a late entry, Islamism began a battle for the hearts and minds of America’s elites. What does Hamas offer the Ivy League? Much like Nazism and Communism, it believes that America, individualism and free enterprise are worthless, and that only a revolutionary ideology implemented by force can turn around our society. Few of the Yale or Columbia non-Muslim students cheering for Hamas believe in the message of the Koran, but they find it more believable than the American one.
Radicalizing Ivy League students is a lot like tripping the blind. Between the wealthy Third World activists who claim to be victims of racism and the radical rich brats whose hobby is revolution, they need little convincing to support any cause, no matter how horrible and evil, as long as it’s directed against America and is a good fit for their addiction to virtue signaling.
Generations of Muslim Brotherhood activists and their leftist allies did for Hamas and the Jihad what “Putzy” did for the Nazis. They made them respectable by rebranding them, giving them some new chants, logos, and an agenda that is less religious and more anti-American.
The Jew-hatred of “Putzy” or Hatem ‘Hate’em’ Bazian, the professor behind the campus Jihad, made them more popular on campuses where many students, especially those most likely to join leftist movements, quietly resented the competition from the sizable number of Jewish students. Turning on those students by supporting Hitler or Hamas was all too easy.
The multicultural Nazis of today may be more racially diverse than their forebears in the thirties, but, much as then, their intellectual diversity runs the gamut from one totalitarian movement to another. Back then the Ivy League was torn between Fascism and Marxism, now it’s Marxism and Islamism, which have signed their own sort of Hitler-Stalin pact, enabling them to team up against America, Christians, Jews and the entire fabric of Western civilization.
The one thing that the Ivy League can agree on is that the world should be run by the right sorts of people and that they are just the right sort of people to run it. Behind the hysterical rallies and the feigned victimhood is a deep contempt and even hatred for much of humanity.
Right now the campus Hamas Nazis may be cheering for the death of Jews, but tomorrow they will be cheering once again for race riots burning down cities or for some new evil wave of terror. The real question is not just whom they hate, but whom they don’t hate.
That hatred is why the Ivy League has always been so easy to radicalize with a steady drip feed of students eager to be taught that everything they grew up with is a sham, that nothing can be trusted and that the only way to save the world is to put them in charge of managing it.
Generations of Ivy Leaguers have been told at ponderous graduation ceremonies that they are the hope of tomorrow, and that history has tasked them with solving the troubles of the nation and the world by implementing the dogma of the moment. No king was more blatantly endowed with the right to rule without the fitness for it than these puffed up and well-connected children.
Each ruling class is more vicious, hollow and inept than the last. From cheering Nazis to cheering Hamas, the only thing the Ivy League elites have learned is an appetite for destruction.
Yes, the question of the target of hatred is less important than hatred as a method of totalitarianism. Human sacrifice is ultimately diverse.
Indeed. Human sacrifice is always diverse, but monotonously consistent. The sacrifices are always to an incarnation of ultimate evil, whether it is Satan, Quezecoatal, or Allah.. The elite always have a designer devil they are willing to offer human sacrifice…the more innocent the better. Thus is the simplistic, moronic nature of mass narcissism.. The hallmark of the genocides of the Nazis the leftists, or the Muslims is that they always seek to eliminate those who are their intellectual, spiiritual ,and moral superiors…the Jews and Christians. Isn’t this really all about their loyalty to Satan and their rebellion against the Lord? Isn’t it really an admission that since they can’t change the rules they will murder the competition? There isn’t anything intelligent about it. It is simply wishing death on their superiors/competitors. The left can’t compete on a level playing field, and neither can Islam’s depraved followers.
Our job is to recognize their true intent and act upon the recognition by preventing them from attaining positions of power or living amongst us.
And speaking of evil, I just heard that George Soros is funding these pro-Hamas rallies. That means Obama and the entire leadership of the so-called Democratic Party are collaborators in this treason.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see.
Jesus of Nazareth was a human sacrifice par excellence. “Eat this for this is my body, drink this for this is my blood” is symbolic cannibalism but who knows it might be actual cannibalism since the magic of transubstantiation allegedly transforms the Eucharist into the real flesh and blood of Christ.
“Christ, in terms of the Christian philosophy, is the human ideal. He personifies that which men should strive to emulate. Yet, according to the Christian mythology, he died on the cross not for his own sins but for the sins of the nonideal people. In other words, a man of perfect virtue was sacrificed for men who are vicious and who are expected or supposed to accept that sacrifice. If I were a Christian, nothing could make me more indignant than that: the notion of sacrificing the ideal to the nonideal, or virtue to vice. And it is in the name of that symbol that men are asked to sacrifice themselves for their inferiors. That is precisely how the symbolism is used.” – Ayn Rand
Ayn mistook free will for slavery.. As usual you try to turn a conversation about tyrants into a Christian bashing obtuse doodle’
Returning to the topic at hand. I’ll never forget a comment by Barack Obama on or near his inauguration to a crowd of mindless sycophants “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for “ stood the hair up on the back of my neck. The malignant narcissism of that statement is burped up by these ignorant toadies in these fascist universities.. And uncle Joe can’t be bothered to fire up his red wall to condemn this real threat.
“Christianity prepared the ground. It paved the way totalitarianism by entrenching three fundamentals in the Western mind: in metaphysics, the worship of the supernatural; in epistemology, the reliance on faith; as a consequence, in ethics, the reverence for self-sacrifice.” ― Leonard Peikoff, The Ominous Parallels
Marxism is religion masquerading as secular, rational, science. Marxism is a fish out of religious waters in order to last more than 75 years it must re-integrate with religion once again. Hence the intense affinity and attraction of secular totalitarians with Islam.
“I believe that the medievals understood much better than the moderns on what basis to build a totalitarian society that would last and not collapse in less than a century. They did it and the people in the rising religious movement today know that full well. They’re the ones who have millions, upon millions, upon millions, of followers and a real insight into the fact that economics is not the crucial factor, but philosophy and culture are.,,, Religion has been the root of [totalitarianism] from the beginning, it has ruled in disguised forms, and still is, and now the disguise had to be stripped off… What socialism is doing is really helping religion, the bigger the statism, the more people grow accustomed to government rule over everything, the more people are ready for religionists to take over the lead from the more secular side… The socialists are building the basis for totalitarianism but only the religionists are going to cash in on it and take over.” – Leonard Peikoff
Is there ever a time when you can control your malignant impulses?. Calling the Eucharist cannibalism is a new low for you….right up there with Joe Biden saying his uncle was eaten by cannibals.
But I guess when everything else has failed in your life, especially your pathetic attempt to steer people away from God, you will try anything, the more low-rent, fantastic, insulting and shocking the better.
Truebearing, who has always been smarter than you, is correct and I’ll quote him:
“The hallmark of the genocides of the Nazis the leftists, or the Muslims is that they always seek to eliminate those who are their intellectual, spiritual ,and moral superiors…the Jews and Christians.”
You fit right in with the Nazis, the leftists, and the Muslims with your totalitarian, amateurish child’s philosophy. Typical mid 20th C. noodlings of a very sick woman. Thank God it did not catch on
You will always be a mediocre representative of Rand’s “faith”
And you are smoking your socks and hallucinating.. Religion is used as a divide and conquer tactic.
“If I were a Christian, nothing could make me more indignant than that” Ayn Rand
Then you wouldn’t be a Christian would you. You would have been the same tired boring atheist you always were.
It’s really a shame that you found someone in THX, an idiot as effed up as you, to promulgate your lies.
I quote from above …. an important insight.
“It is simply wishing death on their superiors/competitors.
The left can’t compete on a level playing
field, and neither can Islam’s depraved followers.”
So the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk leftist and Islam seek only to corrupt, destroy, and murder others
It is really that simple..
Yup Bee;zebub has and always will nly seek to steal, kill,destroy. He knows no other way. And his followers/worshippers are just like their father, that same devil. Marx Hitler, Pol Pot, Lenin,, Stalin, Idi Amin, Nelson Mandela, Nero Caesar, Moe Hammid and all his followers, , Fidel Castro, Soros, and you all can fill in the rest of the list yourselves…. they ALL only seek to steal, kill, and destroy.
These rebellious clowns occupying the college campi where the “leadership” are acolytes of that same Beelzebub are merely slaves to their wn corruption. Their work will not prosper ling term. Who remembers more than a small handful of those who managed to atttract the attention of the corrupt media back in the 1960’s and 70’s? In fact, who here reading this today can name more than half a dozen of those “movers and shakers” of that time? Peopl’e’s Park, Berserkeley’s occupation, Angela Davis nd her sycophnts, the four protestors who faell at Kent State? ow about <anson's cohorts?
Nah, all forgotten despite their names being in the press daily for weeks, months? How many have thought of Hanoi Jane in the past five years? A traitor if ever one lived…..
Meanwhile a few thousand Israeli soldiers faithfully slog on, metre by metre, clearing and safeing Gaza and ridding that sector of the murderous fools who think they're god and own the territory, and killing/torturing thousands until IDF find and stop them.
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Wow. What a magnificent thought. Human sacrifice IS ultimately diverse.
“Diversity is our strength!” Except when it is not.
A team formed up to address a specific task can be diverse, or not, but it is the TEAM that accomplishes what solo actors cannot.
The two very important distinctions between the 1930s and today are that Israel did not exist back then and at the end of the 1930s there was WW2, not to mention the holocaust!
God sent the Romans into Jerusalem in 66 AD to “take care of the Jews” as they had gone corrupt and perfidious, defying Him and HIs law. And, exactly as He had promised, they were brought to heel. At first the Romans, under Vespasian, tried to restore order. After four years of trying, Vespasian called in another Roman general his Son Titus, and together they occupied jerisalem laid siege,and utterly destroyed first the “sacred” Temple, then the entirety of the city of Jerusalem. Not one stone left upon another, the entire area desolate, wasteland, empty,. It remained a desoloate wastelend for more than three centuries after.
Funny thing, though.. Jesus had warned His own that when you see this certain thing heppen, STOP everything, instantly get outa Dodge because destruction is at the door. Jerusalem’s population before the seige was about three million. When “this thing’ happened, those who had heard Jesus’warning (and shared it with their own) remembered His warning and DID what He said to do. the Jewish historian Josephus records that 860,000 followers of Jesus DID what He said and fled the city, days before the siege began that utterly destroyed Jerusalem. From there they scattered and spread throughout the entire ROman empire and thus began the real spread and rapid growth of the church. What the R
oman army’s leaders were convinced would be the final end of Jerusalem, the Jews, AND the Christoans, ended up being the very thing that spread christianity through the whole world. Sorta backfired, didn’t it?And no army, siege, pogrom, dictator, persecution, tyranny, threats, will ever be able to stop it. For twenty centuries it has never stopped spreading, nor will it. Sttudy history and you will realise there is NO hope of ever eradicating the Faith.
Well done as always Daniel.
Read a recent essay that goes into more detail about the Nazi “Putzi”, Harvard’s disgraceful actions, and a very brave hero named Rabbi Joseph Shubow: “Harvard Honors Hitler’s Henchman”, by Dovi Safier and Yehuda Geberer from December 19, 2023 in Mishpaca.
Is it just me or is it hilarious than an American Nazi pal of Hitler was named “Putzy?”
Is it just me or is there a dearth of Arian protesters? Just saying.
There aren’t any Christian protesters and rioters!
count me in on that one….. I chuckled, too. Idiot!! (I mean him, not you)
Sane people in America, regardless their political orientation, need to recognize that the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk racist DEI BLM leftist democrats illegal aliens and Hamas and Islamic lunatics are coming closer and closer and closer to destroying America and its responsible patriotic middle class and working class US citizens of all backgrounds.
The deliberate harming weakening and destruction of America must be stopped cold soon.
Otherwise, the greatest Apocalypse and social and cultural and economic catastrophe will most likely envelope America. and the West as well.
It must be realized that the descent into barbarity of an historically successful prosperous free society and culture and civilization can actually happen.
In fact it is happening now in the USA, led by the elite leadership and followers of the woke leftist depraved democrat party.
Unfortunately, the GOP and its leaders have not really become aware of, or have yet committed themselves to oppose this ongoing slow suicide of America now in progress.
If a Free Constitutional America goes down, it will be the greatest moral tragedy in human history.
And the devastation and suffering and destruction of its citizens will be beyond the imagination of anyone today.
A depraved psychopathic morally corrupt lawless berserk technocratic American society may really be on the horizon.
The evidence is mounting inexorably, day by day.
The enemies of America, within and without, who have been making war against America and US citizens, must be effectively challenged and crushed before it is too late.
The deliberate harming weakening and destruction of America must be stopped cold soon.
It will NOT be stopped until and unless ENOUGH true Americans stand and say ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!
DO NOT leave it to the “paul a TISH ins” to stop i. They have a vested interest in destroying what WE and our forefathers have built. WHY?Because that is based on individuals taking their part and building together. They want a tyranny of a select corrupt few, for theor own financial and pollitcal gain.
Read about Winston Churchill starting in late 1939.. as Germany were nightly bombing London, Britain’s army were surrounded by Germany’s in the north coast of France, France were utterly defeated, holland, Belgium, Spain also defeated, italy had sided with the Germans, Russia as well, America had our head in the sand waiting for it all to go away of its own accord. The UK stood alone against the world, hopeless. Read how Churchill handled first himself, then the situation confronting England. (hi first official act was to call for a national day of prayer………… the first of many)
I happened to notice that Columbia called the police on the protestors. I also noticed that the protestors were not necessarily supporting Hamas but opposing Israel’s genocidal attack on Gaza.
Genocide “the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”: “From the river to the sea”…tell us who is deliberately trying to destroy Israel?
Those are both lies. Columbia had the police clear the illegal tent camp and it was back the next day. The protesters wear kefiyahs, carry Psuedostinian flags (there is no country of Palestine and never has been” and chant “we are Hamas” along with other Hamas slogans. And it’s not even worth telling you that Hamas and ALL the Paleosimians are genocidal, and a counterattack by Israel is humanitarian.
You’re stupid enough to BE a Paleosimian.
Your stupid is showing. Israel is responding to an unprovoked attack by Hamas. Israel has every right, and you calling it a genocidal attack, well, I can only hope some mugger comes up to you in the street and when they attack you, you apply your same stupid logic. I stand with Israel and hope they eradicate Hamas.
And fully eject every “palestinian” from that Gaza strip. (Jordan won’t take ’em. I hear Somalia’s nice this year.)
As the low-life residents forfeited all rights to that prime beachfront property by supporting evil incarnate (baking live babies in ovens & microwaves, etc) they can reap what they’ve cheered.
Bulldoze all reminders of the past to the ground.
Totally rebuild the strip so as to prevent future nightmares.
I hear they are going to be sent to the EU and the US, so it is good for Israel, but will bring more horror to us. I don’t understand why the rich Arab nations refuse to help their own. So much for the Islamic charity they claim to extend to each other.
Remember the minstrous tsunami n the SE coast of Indua that sent a MASSIVE tsumani onto the isnald f Sumatra, killing tens of thousands? WHO were the first ones to go there to render aid to ANYONE they found in need? ANd (christian Yanks) and when did the mozzie relief brigades show up ti guve aidand comfort to theor own? (never did show up)
Its just theyr way…….
No Muslim nation wants them as they are considered a danger to their societies as well. Jordan kicked the immigrant “Palestinians” out decades ago because they were undermining the peace of Jordan and threatening the monarchy.
Carthago delenda est.
Genocidal attack on Gaza… Yeah, right. So, the brutal slaughter of Israelis and others on October 7 was nothing to worry about. Were the Israelis just supposed to roll over and die and let Hamas continue to kill them? Apparently, that is what you think. That’s the kind of thought process that led to the acceptance and support of the Third Reich and its final solution brutality.
There is NO moral clarity in the morons who defend Hamas or the members of Hamas. Everything they believe is rooted in insensate hatred. How sick or evil does one have to be to throw infants into roaring hot stoves or behead them as if the infants had somehow done them wrong? How deranged does someone have to be to sympathize with people evil enough to do these kinds of things? This is a singular form of insanity that only psychotic/satanic rage can fuel We are witnessing great evil in our time.
Death is too good for them but it is a great starting point…
I just saw a Jewish guy on Real America’s Voice dressed as Moses interviewing Columbia University students and when they would all refuse to say the hostages should be released and regurgitate Hamas lies about occupation, persecution, genocide, et cetera, he would say “here’s your prize! A plague!” And he’d throw dead locusts on the ground, pull out a bottle of “water turned to blood” and stuff like that. The guy was hilarious. He said “us Jews have been persecuted for 3000 years and we usually survive and turn it into a Holiday.”
It was on that show “Live From Studio 6B. Good show. It’s always funny when it features the latest evil and stupidity of the D-Bag left, islamopithecines and other enemies of civilization and humanity. The format is four guys joking about current events, and one of them is even a sports reporter.
TWO MILLION MUSLIMS live in Israel and are neighbors, classmates, teammates, roommates, co-workers, married, and one is in the Supreme Court, as citizens, WITH JEWS! HOW MANY JEWS LIVE IN GAZA, Lebanon, and other Arab lands? Israel have work permits to Gazans and some of them directed, planned, and participated in Oct. 7th with TRUST LOST FOREVER!
HUMAN SHIELDS COMRADE to gain support from COMMUNIST CULTS that millions are a part of!
WHEN, NOT IF, Jihad comes here, whose side will YOU be on?
You noticed things that are only in your depraved mind, assuming one can call the matter between your ears “a mind”.
Let me edify you on an ineluctible fact or two:
Israel did not attack itself out of the blue, with no provocation or any reason whatsoever. Hamas, however, did attack Israelis with no provocation whatsoever, and proceeded to burn babies to death, brutally rape women, kill children, etc. It was an attack that was premeditated for a long time and was intended to be as brutal as possible. It was evil personified, therefore those who belong to the death cult that did these things deserve death and then an eternity in hell. Got that, pee-brain?
The protestors were supporting Hamas in every way they could. Your capacity for objectivity is pathetic. You “notice” things that don’t exist and fail to see the blatantly obvious. I have a quill full of insults you deserve but won’t waste my time. You are hopeless.
Historically Islam itself has been the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk genocidal cult of all time.
1400 years of depraved psychopathic murderous berserk hate-filled Islam is enough..
The Islamic scourge on humanity must be shut down permanently.
what you heard is the false propaganda in the lamestream press.
Gaza/Hamas staged a brutal satanic attack on Israel killing hundreds and taking as hostage hi=undreds more. Israel are merely attempting toreclaim their own from captivity, and as a side note, neutralising the hellish stranglehold Hamas have had on Gaza for far too long. Isreal are NOT wagig a genocidalattack on Gaza” they are attempting to neutralise the hellish genocide of Hamas against Israel and her people. Do some research: Isreal are taking etraordniary care to minimise harm to civilian noncombatants in Gaza and instead are very effectivey targeting ONLY Hama operatives and not harming non-combatant civilians. The examination of Israel’s conduct of the cleanu of Gaza from terrorist operatives has =proven the record of Israel in this action has civii=lian casualties a small fraction of any other such operation in history. They cintunually put themselves at highrisk to avoid “collareral damage” to non-combatants whilet at thesame time very effecively neutralising Hamas and their combat aivities.
They are also, as a an iinteresting and significant side note, uncovering some very egregious violations of onternationallaw as they uncover vast stores of inernational relief aid and provision having been coopted by Hamas and diverted from civilian rellief to the exclusive use f Hamas.In other words reports of starving Gazans are reallly reports of Hamas diverting the id itended for civilan residents f Gaza and instead storing uo all that aid intended for civilians and using it fir the military odduption of Gaa.
This will go on until the PEOPLE of Gaz=a take a firm sttand and say NO MORE.
Chants of “We are Hamas” and chants about the intifada say different.
Yeah, history repeats itself. Good reason for studying history. One theory is that while circumstances change, human biology changes more slowly. I’ve been going back through thousands of years of western history in my reading lately, and the same mass hysteria keeps repeating.
Your historical observations are correct.
America and its leaders must stay alert and be sure to prevent the Apocalypse from happening here.
Yes, but, how many of those generations of people you studied had super-high tech hand-held computers complete with geo-location and global video propagation capabilities?
This “fundamental right” to have these dial-a-mob tools in the hands of every moron on earth needs to be reevaluated.
You make an excellent insightful point about the …
” dial-a-mob tools being in the hands of every moron on earth and needs to be reevaluated ”
High tech itself in many ways is becoming a tyranny on our society and culture and laws and Freedom itself..
In many ways High Tech and A.I. are becoming a scourge on humanity just like Islam has been for 1400 years.
The flags are still wearing masks, they bravely fly their Hamas flags but are scared of catching a cold.
Perhaps they’re really afraid of being recognized.
Yep, wouldn’t want mommy or daddy see you on TV making good use of that $70K a year they’re forking out to cement you into the elite corporate world.
“ Marxism and Islamism, which have signed their own sort of Hitler-Stalin pact,”
Where did they sign it?
The UN.
Mo de Profit you may find this interesting if you haven’t already heard it.
It’s a bit long but quite revealing.
The UN Grid looks like a Spider Web to me all the Nations of the world in one Big Web of the Socialist
Ran across this interview this morning…
Forgive me, I should have noted that it’s an interview between Jordan Peterson and Mosab Hassan Yousef that just posted this morning (author: Son of Hamas)
There is also a good interview between Yousef and Douglas Murray available on YouTube.
Murray is brilliant.
I listened to it today and will send it to everyone who expresses horror at the Gaza propaganda.
Look at them wearing masks in 2024 lol. America’s best and brightest have become America’s worst and dumbest. The home schoolers are the future.
That mask wearing is one of the most humourous and at the same time frightening aspect of those mindless crowds.
Happens all over China and has for years.
Yeah, I remember seeing morons from China in Seattle back in the 90s wearing masks. They came from one of the filthiest countries on Earth and would wear masks here? I held them in contempt.
BY THEM SUPPORTING HAMAS, THEY ARE SUPPORTING IRAN, their proxies, and all their terrorist acts which will soon come here when Iranian/Jihadist Sleeper Cells Awaken to attack their prize, New York City.
THEY also supported and welcomed AHMADINEJAD to Columbia for a speech that was not largely protested, not interrupted, shouted down, or Mic-Checked, since they, and today’s terrorist supporters, all had/have a mutual goal: WIPE ISRAEL OFF THE MAP…. From the River to the Sea!
I attended an encampment, no tents erected but they are staying nights, at UNM/Albuquerque yesterday since the night before, the news showed them with a large banner, “From the river to the sea.” I wanted a photo to then take it to the DEI Czar, Assata Zerai, a radical Black activist, the Dean of Students, and the President. They didn’t have it. About twenty brainwashed dupes were there, most of them on their laptops, but ONE MIDDLE-AGED FEMALE FROM JEWISH VOICES FOR PEACE. was there to brainwash. She dismissed the numbers of Israeli’s killed and kidnapped, Hamas’ most barbaric acts, as proven lies reported in the NYT. She also came up with the latest talking point death count: 40,000. I asked, “Just curious, has that been verified by the New York Times or just numbers that Hamas put out?” “I believe Hamas.” Me: “Do you support Hamas?” Two students were standing there… “I support their Right to Self Defense against a genocidal regime that has been terrorizing the Palestinians for decades.” (After 9-11, the Peace and Justice Center held a protest at the same location with signs, “WE DESERVED IT!”) I then asked her, “So, Israel deserved it?” “YES, AND MORE!”
Few have contemplated the level of coordination this nation-wide push brings to the table.
Speed-o-light comms, billions in support, and highly trained professional insurgents stoking the fire.
A long hot summer on the horizon.
I found photos and the news report link to the UNM encampment. Tents were erected the first night, but UNMPD convinced them to remove them, they did, but are now staying overnight, no sleeping bags.
LOCAL PROFESSIONAL OUTSIDE ACTIVISTS are also taking over the message, and one lady was lecturing a group of about twenty students who were sitting in a circle. During OWS, MARK RUDD was advising the large group how to close down the main drag, and an NLG attorney said their group would support anyone arrested. Rudd, and former Black Panther, David Hilliard, hired by UNM to teach HIP-HOP (???), seven elderly women in the class, not as students, but living their glory days, were giving speeches in the Student Union.
Many local leaders from ANSWER and The Party for Socialism and Liberation organized the protests, including BLM, no signs posted at this encampment.
THE NM GOVERNOR held a three-day conference on the threat of Domestic Terrorists… and she meant MAGA and White Supremacists. Not one “expert” mentioned these Communist, terrorist supporting, groups, including BLM which destroyed cities across America, looted, arson, and trashed our Albuquerque downtown as Mayor Keller, whose wife studied in Cuba and Nicaragua, gave stand down orders to the police, Both the Governor and Mayor supported the Defund the Police movement, but now they’re pretending to SUPPORT POLICE, THE CRIME, AND SHE ORDERED A SPECIAL SESSION TO DEAL WITH GUNS… AAHHHH, HOW MANY GUNS PROTECT HER, HER FAMILY, HER GOVERNOR’S MANSION?
Yep, Mark Rudd is still on the case. Most unfortunate.
Reminiscences ….. of Mark Rudd …. Spring 1968 at Columbia University protests and occupation.
In 1968 I was a graduate student with a fellowship at a great university located in NYC.
I was too busy with my studies and work to get directly involved with the Vietnam War and Civil Rights protests, though I followed closely the news every day.
You can say that I was an observer, with some progressive/left wing sympathies.
When the Columbia students, led by Mark Rudd, occupied the campus and buildings for a week or two in the spring of 1968, I thought I would go to the residence and headquarters of Mark Rudd that was located in a four story brownstone building where other student protest leaders were also domiciled.. I thought I could talk to him and ask some questions and see who he was in person.
You could say that I was kind of naive.
I walked up the steps of the brownstone building, opened the door, and walked in.
And there was Mark Rudd, right there in the front living room. He was alone, very disheveled, half naked, dirty, looking and bumbling around like a raving drunk, waving his arms wildly in the air.
I approached him and started to identify myself and ask a question.
Before I said two sentences he immediately started screaming and barking out loud orders to me, a total stranger, to clean out the filthy living room that was covered in trash and garbage. His voice was obnoxious and laced with all kinds of scatological language.
I found him totally repulsive, a mad dictator like Mussolini or Hitler. behaving towards me, a total stranger, like a lunatic. So I just walked out.
That was my only personal experience of meeting Mark Rudd, the so-called leader of the Columbia University protests and takeover of the Columbia campus and buildings and administrative offices in the spring of 1968.
It looks like Mark Rudd, near 80 years old today, is the same depraved psychopathic idiot and fool that he was in the spring of 1968.
the amazing and pathetic thing is that guys like this Rudd piece of bad work can attract and direct untold scores of “helpers”. Must be some sort of mass psychosis phenomenon that so many blind iggorunt pathetic weaklings would hitch their Little Red Wagons to a piece of work like him. but then I too remember back in the 1960’s were quite a number of the :leaders” of the day were nutcases looking for a wagon to which to hitch their lost selves. Some could not find a suitable wagon so they instead became one to which countless OTHER fools hitched their own more sorry selves.
Abbie Hoffman was another depraved leftist psychopath of the 1960’s and early 1970’s who thankfully committed suicide
I saw Abbie Hoffman at the NYU student Union in Washington Square raving like the berserk scatological drug addled fool that he was, and the undergraduate students loving and applauding him.
Generally, yoots can be easily led by any berserk lunatic Pied Piper.
Which is again happening today with US citizen American yoots.
On Oct. 15, 1968 there was a “Moratorium” protest in New York City that was part of a worldwide communist organized antiwar movement. I saw and photographed it all over Manhattan. Like today, there were enemy flags and commie front banners.
New Mexico has a Latin American form of government, the patron/client system. Corruption, nepotism, and bribery are the foundational principles. And the patron hands out free tequila at the polls on Election Day.
The FBI labeled NM, “As the Most Corrupt State.” This during Bill Richardson’s reign as Governor. Pay to Play, bribing a lover with campaign cash, $250,000 from a Mexican bank because a U.S. bank would have reported the cash, taxed, and got her a state job and car. The con of Spaceport and giving Branson Two-Hundred million then more millions with the current communist governor giving him another two-hundred million. (There is a photo on google with Branson lifting her up when she announced the new cash.) KICKBACKS?
Richardson’s governor campaign was also funded by the Indian casinos with suitcases of cash, unreported, so he could lower the Gary Johnson gaming compacts. He wins, lowering it by five-percent. Casinos only fund Democrats.
Richardson was also an alcoholic. He had a hit-and-run in Santa Fe and was on a rush to get to the Roundhouse to be on live TV shows concerning an issue with North Korea. I saw him live on CNN and he was hungover and his mouth had foam on the corner of his lips. That’s why he ran from the accident. NOT GUILTY, NADA… All Democrats including the Cockroaches!
He was being bribed of up to $15,000 by people who wanted to be appointed to be a Judge in Deming, NM. They handed his aide, Gilbert Gallegos, “envelopes,” and was caught. Due to all the Judges who would hear the case are Democrats, they would all recuse themselves. Finally, a case but the prosecuting DA left and the case just fizzled out.
I’m now trying to get his name off a building at UNM Hospital.
And Richardson actually thought he was presidential material.
If the punk protestors were shouting slogans against the hip-hop culture, I’d pay for a tent.
“The Jew-hatred of ‘Putzy” or Hatem ‘Hate’em’ Bazian, the professor behind the campus Jihad, made them more popular on campuses where many students, especially those most likely to join leftist movements, quietly resented the competition from the sizable number of Jewish students. Turning on those students by supporting Hitler or Hamas was all too easy.”
That makes perfect sense. 15 years ago when she was a student at Boston University majoring in economics and Political Science, future bartender and Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who is so stupid she’d lose at Jeopardy if the other contestants were Auntie Maxine and Hank Johnson no doubt resented her Jewish colleagues. She probably resented Asians too, but they’re too numerous globally (and cannot plausibly be called “white”).
This was a brilliant analysis of show and why the so called best and the brightest have always had contempt for America and are schooled in the latest dads of radicalism
“That hatred is why the Ivy League has always been so easy to radicalize with a steady drip feed of students eager to be taught that everything they grew up with is a sham, that nothing can be trusted and that the only way to save the world is to put them in charge of managing it.”
Wow !!! What a statement of Truth…
“Radical rich brats whose hobby is revolution” says it all. Great point. I would only add “with rings in their noses” for a much needed bovine touch.
These modern-day Nazi’s, these adherents of Hamas and the radical Islamic state, are being funded by Soros and others who are closely aligned with the democrat party. It is completely unconscionable that Wray apparently has no interest in staying on top of this deep threat to America. And it is a significant threat.
Given the sieve-nature of our southern border hundreds or maybe thousands of Hamas terrorists, along with terrorists from other vile groups have crossed into the US, and there is no one stopping them, nor even interested in doing so. They are hidden among these students, and pushing them, using the students’ lack of knowledge of the Middle East and their lack of appreciation for history to foment these riots and their hated of Israel and the Jews.
A very dangerous place for the US, at a time when our enemies are on the march, spending billions against us in all aspects of our existence. They will use these very ‘uneducated students’ against themselves, and against America.
Chickenshit Wray doesn’t care to take time to deal with the Hitler Youth wanna-bes.
He’s too busy building pattern-of-life dossiers on patriots & home-schoolers.
If past is prologue, Nazism inevitably leads to war and annihilation. Those little Nazi cupcakes deserve a heaping helping of comeuppance served on a double-deck sh*t sandwich with cheese and a side of crow and a big glass of Jim Jones Kool-Aid to wash it all down. That’ll make their day. At the least, it will certainly shut them the f**k up–permanently!!
Unlike their enemies, the Israelis aren’t contemptibly dumb & stupid and demonstrably ignorant savages. Israeli has plenty of nukes and neutron weapons on hand and very likely have them on the back burner warming up just in case….
If the Iranians and the rest of those “muzz-lemming” savages in that part of the world wants to test Israel’s resolve… Well…. Hell awaits you. When you get there, don’t bend over to pick up the soap lest you become the newest virgin in hell and get gang-banged in every bodily orifice 24/7 for eternity… Ouch!!
Take into account a very well hidden fact: university students are heavy on street and psychiatric drug consumption, more than any other time in student history. If you study the side effects, you’ll see that one of them, the capacity to differentiate between good and evil, for example, is extremely low.
When I was in college, I never bothered with such inane BS. I was an engineering major and never had the time, patience or inclination to act like an impudent brat.
I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth and came from very humble beginnings (i.e., the lower rungs of society.) But I was a vet and VA education benefits paid for most of my undergrad degree. I wasn’t going to (and didn’t) waste an opportunity that you get no where else in the world but in America.
Those little Nazi cupcakes don’t know how good they have it. Perhaps if they lost it all and America, they’ll come to rue the day they blindly and mindlessly protested over something they knew little to nothing about. (If all your friends jumped off a cliff to their deaths, are you going to jump too?)
It’s fair to say, be careful of what you wish for. You just might get it–and live to regret it.
Keep in mind that over 100,000 US citizens every year are murdered by Mexican manufactured drugs/fentanyl that are pushed into the USA from the Mexican border. with the approval encouragement and facilitation of the Mexican government.
Mexican president Obrador is a mass murderer of US citizens … mostly young people.
How come the US government/Biden does absolutely nothing about this Mexican aggression against America and US citizens?
Not to mention the outright INVASION of America by hordes and millions of illegal aliens from across the Mexican border..
Biden and the democrats couldn’t care less.
Oh I wouldn’t deign to imply that they don’t care. On the contrary, they do care. It just isn’t about you or me or America.
My theory is that they despise the US Constitution and everything it stands for. Moreover, they despise America for being the last bastion of liberty and freedom in the world.
Liberty and freedom and the US Constitution–and by association the American people–stands in the way of them advancing their globalist totalitarian agenda.
Mexico is beholden to the Narco armies. Not gangs anymore, they have armies in Mexico.
In the mid’50’s, I went to a Seven Sisters school (Ivies were male only). My philosophy professor spent the year “teaching” (indoctrinating) us that all other philosophies except communism were defective.
Your observations about all the idiot socialist/communist philosophy professors at the Ivy League schools is correct.
In the early 1960’s I went to a lecture (open to the public) at Harvard University by socialist/communist/pacifist Norman Thomas, who ran for president of the USA in six consecutive presidential elections … 1928, 1932, 1936, 1940, 1044, and 1948. ( He lost every time.)
Norman Thomas also ran for governor of New York, and for mayor of NYC and lost also..
He was a very impressive speaker, a real intellectual, and he graduated magna cum laude from Princeton University.
But unfortunately Thomas was, like so many other Ivy Leaguers and intellectuals, a fool.
Saw photos this morning of rioters at the “Ivies.” Recalled photos of Nazis rioting at German universities in the 1930’s. Same. Same. How’s it all gonna end? Just tour the death camp memorials. (especially in Poland)….Dachau Concentration Camp in in particular near Munich. Finger tip gauges in the concrete. A wall of children’s pre-oven artwork. Your memory might lapse from time to time…..but you never forget.
Should there be Swastikas in their Flags as well?
Daniel, have always liked your musings & sharp quill. This piece is outstanding, especially the historic perspective. Would only add the infernal alliance of Adolf & the Grand mufti of Jerusalem (socialism & islam then) who was also a Croatian SS goon. One must not forget in this infernal mix the Frankfurt School radicals most of which were Jews. They infected our Ivy leagues w/ pure communism. The traitors Alger Hiss & Rosenbergs come to mind, too. Nothing new under the sun.
Further, I call the so-called elites just elitists. Most of them are pretenders – ‘Angebers’ in German. Prime example being a certain psychopathic narcissist hussein obamination & a legion of others.
These vacuous pro-jihad & islamist schmucks should be summarily cancelled, deported, kicked out of school, etc. Have known already as an atheist that L-regressives in academia, mass-media, politicos, are overtly/covertly anti-Semitic. The worst, though, are Russians including the Orthodox church, i.e., pogroms.
We are a goyim family (Mother side Catholics, dad side conservative atheist scientists, my daughter & I are orthodox Christians), yet celebrated in Prague Israel’s victory in 1967. Twofold reason for that. 1. Israel is a tiny nation, like a thorn in the derriere of Arabs around it. 😉 It has an absolute right for self-determination just like the 10 Mio of Czechs/Bohemians. 2. Fair-play; David v Goliath.
I have a 3rd reason. Have seen the 2nd attack of PLO thugs murdering Israel athletes in Munich 1972 during the SOG. Craven cowards in ski-masks & AK-47. My solution: two bullets for each jihadi. First one in the crotch to prevent procreation; the 2nd one btw the eyes to make sure of it. Sounds harsh but it’s the only way to preserve the W Judaeo-Christian civilization. Coexistence w/ these stone-age savages is impossible. There you have it.
Have a peaceful Passover.
Before I forget. Have a good chuckle w/ ChildrenOfLight – Country pop or just ChildrenOfLight (jazz-rock satire on wokeness) w/ funny memes on YT. Videos are HD
I think that Robert of Prague knows and really understands what he is talking about.
America should follow his advice …..
” ………: two bullets for each jihadi. First one in the crotch to prevent procreation; the 2nd one btw the eyes to make sure of it.
” Sounds harsh but it’s the only way to preserve the W Judaeo-Christian civilization.
” Coexistence w/ these stone-age savages is impossible. “
I see nothing particularly harsh about that. It’s far less cruel than how those moon worshiping knuckle dragging neanderthals dispatch their enemies or for that matter, how they treat each other.
Our family’s been fighting the infernal L-regressives, i.e., bolsheviks, nazis, fascists, socialists & commies for over a 100 years. We have the graves & the scars. E.g., my uncle was a colonel in the unknown Czechoslovak Legion fighting the Reds in Russia during the civil war after WWI. With his commandos, he stole the yuge & pricey armored train of Leo Trotsky (another red Jew), Stalin’s Sec-Def. That little twerp was livid. 😉 They crossed Russia eastward across Siberia to Vladivostok – 11 time zones & over 6000 miles. With US Marines help they sailed on Japanese ships to the W coast, crossed the US on trains & then from NYC on ships to brand new Czechoslovakia; some 60000 men. Even Odysseus or Alexander the Great can’t match this. When Hitler occupied CZ in 1938 (thank you appeasers Chamberlain & Daladier), my uncle was a general & co-founder of the Resistance. Gestapo caught him in 1941, tortured him, couldn’t break him. He was a real Hombre. He was shot without a trial in Oct 1941.
Here are links to the biting satire on wokeness in HD w/ funny memes. Czech it out.
Jazz-rock: Country-pop:
Admin, please, allow these pro-Israel & patriotic links. The song should cheer you up. Have a listen.
Can someone please point out where Palestine is mentioned in the Koran? But wait, I can point out where the Promised Land is mentioned in connection with the Jews in the Koran.
“And after that We said to the Children of Israel: “Dwell now securely in the land (which God has decreed for you and commanded you to enter).”
Bani Isra’il – The Israelites – 17:104 (Sura: 17, Verse: 104)
Apparently, Mohammed
Riddle me that. Batman.
Very interesting.
In England as well, elites thought it was cool to follow Hitler and such.
True. Islam spreads by the sword. It is fascistic by nature and requires complete hegemony. Judaism spreads by the Word. It is democratic and has always shared when treated FAIRLY. It lives WITH others, while Islam lives by exterminating ALL others. The world cannot permit Islam to continue. Destroy its roots.. for it has no REAL roots…it is a fabrication of a Satanc idea. It is built on hatred, hegemony, and historical fabrication and a web of deceit.
A clearer Truth has not been spoken about depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islam …
a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
IF anyone believes even for a moment, that they are after killing Jews, then we need to talk.
When they are done with annihilating them they will be after you and I.
They want an all Muslim world…of cut throats, baby killers and haters.
THAT is the final goal.
As Mosab Hassan Yousef (Son of Hamas) quipped in his interview with Jordan Peterson that I noted above…
“Once they kill all the Jews, they’ll start killing each other”
It really is like a cancer metastasizing across the globe.
On Thursday, April 25th, I was reading FPM on the bus on my smartphone. I think it was this article, “The Hamas Nazi Ivy League,” There were some good comments, some from regular commenters. One person quoted Ayn Rand. I’m not certain, but I think Daniel Greenfield even replied to one of the comments. I wanted to copy & paste those comments to my flash drive later on when I had time to go to the library., but those comments were gone after the moderator had checked them and cleared them to be posted. I checked other articles, thinking that maybe it was another article that had those comments, but I couldn’t find them. But in searching those other articles, I found a comment on a recent article dated from April 24, “The Real ‘Civil War’.” The commenter, RS, wrote, “I would like to know if someone other than Front Page Mag is intercepting our comments and stopping them from being on the website.” That would suggest that other readers are noticing that comments seem to be disappearing after the moderator clears them to be posted. So is there a glitch? Or is someone not from FPM deleting our comments? Those comments that I wanted to save by copying & pasting were very good.
Get’s your goat,doesn’t it. Well, it’s working,then.But imagine how different,and better,for millions of Jews, the world would have been if hundreds,and thousands of German students on University Campuses in Nazi Germany had protested and demonstrated against Kristallnacht, and the human rights abuses of Jews in Nazi Germany. Well,some did,but not enough to make a real difference.
Nazism stands accused and found guilty of Genocide Against the Jewish People. Zionism stands accused,at the World Court, of Genocide Against the Palestinian People. You own it, Sir. Just sayin’.
Huh – have you read the Hamas charter – it’s readily available on the Internet. There is no genocide of Arabs – period. However, Hamas’ raison d’etre is to liberate what they call ‘Palestine’ (that’s land from the Mediterranean Sea to the Jordan River) from the Jews. Also Hamas considers all land conquered in the past by Muslims, forever remains Muslim land and they considered it against Islamic law to retreat from any lands that were held by Muslims. Got it now? That’s what motivates Hamas and that’s why a 2 state solution with such radicalized Muslims is totally unworkable. But…of course useful idiots such as yourself don’t do their homework on the causes they support – right?
Islam is totally berserk.
I regard Islam as a suicide cult. We would save the world a lot of trouble and grief if we had the will to oblige them and send them all to hell expeditiously posthaste.
I say it would be a net positive for the planet via addition by subtraction. Imagine what the world would and could be without having to put up with those ignorant savage.
The fact that Islam and its practitioners exists is proof that Neanderthals still exist. Obviously, homo sapiens didn’t wipe them all out as once thought.
Extinction has its utility. If only homo sapiens would stop interfering with nature and let it do what it has billions of years of experience doing……
Just full of it.
Ridiculous comment. Israel has the means to wipe out all the inhabitants of Gaza. That would possibly be described as genocide. Instead, Israel warns civilians to leave areas about to be attacked for their safety. This has never been done before in war by any nation. Israel’s objective is to destroy Hamas which has been ruling with an iron fist in Gaza for decades-murdering anyone who dissents. The Hamas charter clearly states their intention to commit genocide against the Jews and Oct 7 should indicate to you that they intend to carry that ambition out. You are twisted out of shape. You can’t tell the difference between good and evil. When you collude with evil you are evil. 1.8 million Arab Muslims in Israel and polls show they are very happy there and thought they are free to leave at any time they choose not to move to any Muslim country. No Jews are welcome in Muslim countries from which 800,000 Jews were expelled penniless in the 1950’s. Now thaT IS THE REAL APARTHEID AND INTENTION OF COMMITTING GENOCIDE AGAINST THE jEWS.
Now can you imagine so-called enlightened Western European Jews living on the cusp of the end of the 19th century, wrongfully thinking how wonderful and civilized the 20th century would be – then came the Dreyfus Affair. What we’re seeing with the rise of anti-Semitism today is nothing in comparison to the frenzy of Jew hatred that was seen all across Europe due to the accusation and wrongful conviction of Alfred Dreyfus being a traitor to France.
For anti-Semites that yell obscenities regarding Zionism, they haven’t the first clue that it was European hatred of Jews that was lying dormant, waiting to erupt on just the right pretext that gave birth to Zionism. Just as today with calls of ‘Death to Jews’ is being heard, so too was it being heard by 19th century Jews whose rose colored glasses came off. One of those Jews was Theodor Herzl who realized that Jews would never be accepted as equal citizens in Europe, thus he began the movement to create a homeland for the Jews.
Ironically, Western useful idiots today support the Muslim agenda, which is to see the destruction of Israel. So first, it was Europeans being so hostile to Jews that this irrational anti-Semitism resulted in the birth of Zionism. Now that Jews have a nation of their own, the neo-Marxists and Islamofascists will not allow any form or any configuration of a Jew state to exist! So what Jewish movement will be the next to grow out from this orgy of hatred towards Jews all across the world and whose goal is to destroy Israel?
So the Nazis took “Sieg Heil” from Harvard. I didn’t know that
Everybody knows the swastika originated in India. Has anyone besides me noticed the striking similarity between the image of the JEW in Nazi propoganda and the image of the JUDGE in 19th century English fiction? Look at Bram Stoker’s “The Judge’s House.”
wow. took a month of sundays to read all the comments. just to make sure all debate is represented i will make the communist/corruption/socialist/islamic connection to ufo or alien logic/alien technology. anyone considered how nm is the location of roswell and the jumping off point for these protests. could it be this turmoil we experience worldwide is seeded by aliens intent on the destruction of mankind. religiously i could call it satanic/alien genocidal intervention for the destruction of mankind. interesting how its the jews on the chopping block again. hitler army was well advanced for the time. i do not believe in coincidence, just connecting the dots. german science responsible for nuclear age. has science, tech, government been taken over by aliens?
artificial intelligence = alien intelligence.
The Czech people and legislature was willing to fight in 1938. The executive was not.
The OSS [Office of Strategic Services} was a WWII counterespionage organization that eventually morphed into the CIA. The OSS was staffed by many Ivy league people who later became the foundation laying people in the CIA. What we now call the deep state was originally called the eastern establishment and made up primarily by the above mentioned. One might think that JFK would be automatically included in this group, but he wasn’t. JFK had a much clearer view as to how the world worked. The eastern establishment didn’t shed any tears when JFK was assassinated.
Ignore reality>
turn the other cheek>
suicide by a thousand cuts
Wow!! Call me ignorant. I didn’t know about “Putzy” and the origin of “Sieg Heil” Thank you for educating me.
Yes, they “do they still believe it now”
Leftoxenomorphs are like that.
The religion of leftoxenomorphism and pisslam is a match made in hell.
It is quite amazing to any rational human how leftoxenomorph-un-Jews can love a pisslam that would rape and torture and murder them just for existing.
It is quite amazing to any rational human how leftoxenomorph-fagots can love a pisslam that would throw them from tall buildings.
It is quite amazing to any rational human how leftoxenomorph-females can love a pisslam that would rape and abuse and enslave and probably murder them by stoning for their antics learned under current feminazism.
It is quite amazing to any rational human how leftoxenomorphs living in the comfort and under the protection of a civilization as AINO-Venezuerica can love a pisslam that would take it all away from them beginning with whatever freedom they are still enjoying.
But leftoxenomorphism is a religion and faith in magic can make you think crooked and behave suicidal and engage in evil stupid with a consistency that fills those that do not share that philosophical position with a surprise that never seems to end.
“The real question” is easy to answer: leftoxenomorphs don’t hate other leftoxenomorphs. They are like army-ants. Their pheromones are their religious recognitions. Once they detect another leftoxenomorph they see you as part of their hive. All the rest . . . they hate.
“Each ruling class is more vicious, hollow and inept than the last.” Ain’t that the truth?
That is what makes leftoxenomorphs so dangerous. They are the product of millennia of collectivist refinement. They are good at what they do and they mean war. And they are winning.
Great article, but let’s get the nomenclature straight – they are all LEFTISTS.
Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded. synonym: broad-minded.
Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.
Of, designating, or characteristic of a political party founded on or associated with principles of social and political liberalism, especially in Great Britain, Canada, and the United States.
Tending to give freely; generous.
Generous in amount; ample.
Not strict or literal; loose or approximate.
Of, relating to, or based on the traditional arts and sciences of a college or university curriculum.
(Obsolete) Morally unrestrained; licentious (My comment – not obsolete)
All Leftists are liberals. All of these variations apply to Leftists as well as to liberals.
The idea that Leftists are not ‘liberals’ depends upon one’s subjective interpretation of these traits: An “open” mind, “tolerance,” “generous,” and “licentious.” (i.e. pervert)
The idea that liberals are not Leftists is also subjective.
You only see “liberalism” this way from living in a soup steeped in the Left’s ideological ‘facts’ and their atheist-religious values.
When someone hates your living guts – and receives money, praise, and positions for doing so – eventually it will clarify what words really mean.