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Let’s be clear about two things
1. The Hamas Surrender Deal is the same deal the Biden administration has been pushing all along which consists of Israel giving Hamas everything it wants in exchange for the release of living or dead hostages.
The final terms haven’t yet been made public, but a leaked draft calls for exchanging live terrorists for dead hostages, an Israeli withdrawal, and Qatar being allowed to ‘reconstruct’ Gaza. Attempts to ‘sell’ the deal hinge on such details as whether Israel will be able to go back into Gaza which will be subject to interpretation. Based on past history, the interpretation that will be followed is the one that forces an end to the fighting.
2. The Hamas Surrender Deal puts the Trump administration in charge of then enacting and managing a policy crafted by the Biden administration and Qatar. The consequences when it inevitably falls apart will be on Trump.
Only so much can be known from outside, but Steve Witkoff appears to have been taken for a ride by longtime pros like Secretary of State Blinken and Brett McGurk and is enjoying the flattering media stories about him ‘intimidating’ and ‘cursing out’ Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Witkoff is being taken for a ride and the Trump administration is being taken for a ride with him. He didn’t succeed, he failed miserably at extracting meaningful concessions from Hamas, and went right back to Biden’s policy of pressuring Israel. Instead of delivering a win for Trump, he delivered one for Biden.
Instead of crafting its own foreign policy, the Trump administration is being stuck with Biden’s policy of pandering to Islamic terrorists.
And that’s a disaster not only for Israel. but for America.
After the initial euphoria of freeing a few hostages, the Trump administration will be stuck managing Gaza, it will be stuck funding the mess, pressuring Israel not to go after terrorists and when the thousands of freed Hamas terrorists kill Americans, the Trump administration will be blamed.
The smart play was to let Israel win the war without getting involved. The dumb play was Witkoff doing whatever Blinken told him to do.
The Trump administration should not let Witkoff hang Biden’s Hamas Surrender Plan around its neck. That’s setting it up to fail and lose, to show weakness, and to be stuck dealing with a neverending problem in Gaza.
Gaza should be razed to the ground. Those are aren’t people, they’re sub-humans.
It is people like you that keep the world divided on edge and bitter.
Palestine and Palestinians are the wretched victims of American and Jewish greed and megalomania over decades.
Harris should have declared this forcefully at her rallies and maybe secured the election for the Democrats.
Agree Palestinians are wretched but certainly not victims!
Unfortunately we have people like who give terrorism A free pass you don’t want to live among them in your home certainly you wouldn’t let them in why? Honor killing Treating women like livestock barbarians Uneducated moran can’t communicate with wards o ly with violence
Thy got Gaza they receive trillions of $$$$ what they do with that? Build a metro with thousands of rockets laughing i to Israel
Your dumb or antisamit enjoy watching Israeli blow up
With money Thy got Thy could build the Paris in the middle east
How many dicks did you lick today? It’s hard to imagine a bigger butthole than you. I mean really, do you wake up with the desire for people to detest you? Fuck, you’re such a scumbag. And obvious Dirtbagocrat.
Palestine is the state of Israel, dating back to Roman use. Palestine never existed. And Fauxlestinians are a recent invention.
We should also come home. It is way past time.
Carpet bombing comes to mind.
I’m surprised by this and so I feel duped.
Was it stupid or planned to send his golf partner buddy into the lions den of Biden- Obama and Islam negotiators to be eaten alive make a fool of himself.
Now Trump has failed and so has Netanyahu.
Maybe Mossab Hassan Yussef (“Son of Hamas”) should have been a consultant.
Consultant? Hr should have led the talks. Witkoff has to go… He does business with Quatar. I don’t remember Trump saying get a cease fire. He said the hostages need to be out. Witkoff s a loser. The KNESSET doesn’t have to sign this piece of garbage.
Forget Gaza and after Syria becomes stable enough a part of the country should be separated and converted into the state of Palestine far from Israeli boarders. Gaza land is totally contaminated with cancer causing leftover toxins from all munitions. That way the Palestinians finally have a secure state..
That has been offered (see S.A.) before, Palestinians only envision one land as theirs and will accept no alternatives.
That was before they were bombed to hell. I suspect they would be anxious to have their own state on a piece of Syrian land as far as possible from Israeli border.
There is no negotiating with monsters.
One false step with Iran backed proxy militia’s during President Trump’s term there will be hell to pay – make no doubt about that!
Trump has a secret plan to lure the Iranian radicals into what they believe are negotiations on the nuclear talks and after their guard is totally down he will bomb the hell out of Iran and say “that’s what you get for trying to assassinate me. God will use Trump without Trumps knowledge to rid our world of death loving people whose radical ways will be eliminated once and for all.
Yes. If Trump does not walk this betrayal back, America will fail and fall. Today’s people in power think they are shaping the world; but that is an illusion. Human beings run amok until God reminds them that it’s not their world, it’s God’s world. The United Nation (drop the final s) wants its fantasy judenrein world to include another terror state, this time called Palestine. Incompatible with this all consuming obsession is the historical, archaeological, written and spiritual evidence that God wants Israel and Jews in His world. This is obvious, ‘cause we’re still here. God’s wanting us here is a very simple concept to understand, accept and appreciate.
But the global hatepac prefers the savage pleasures of evil.
I hope that when Netanyahu had his prostate surgery, he also got another pair of beitzim……
There is no “trick”. Trump is betraying Israel. So much for Evangelical support.
Ham-A** and the UN/CFR/Globalists more reasons to evict the whole rotten UN from America
What is CFR? That’s what I need to know.
Just something else Trump will need to fix. There’s much damage to repair if you consider the sort of incompetence and malfeasance the Biden admin has left in its wake.
Trump went into this thicket believing his personal magic would bring peace. By setting a foolish pre-inauguration deadline to bolster his own image, he made this sad outcome inevitable. All his pro-Israel nominees must be aghast, but who will ever tell him the truth about his howler?
Pseudo-Churchill has been found wanting. Smotrich and Ben-Gvir have nothing to lose by opting out.
Trump the Chump once again.
Is Witkoff one of Jared Kushner’s recommendations?
Shame Kushner didn;t get along with David Friedman, and blackened his name and reputation. He was the best ambassasdor to ISrael, serving faithfully the US and Trump.
Trump has not learned from his past administration’s hiring of Kushner-recommended failures, who eventually l;eft the administration – some of whom did a lot of damage to Trump.
I am glad to see so many awake and catch the treachery against Israel (and US) with this deal.
This and other statements and plans from the new administration are convincing me the Deep State allowed Trump to win and they will manipulate him as they did before to finish off this country.
I absolutely have no doubt Trump will be (perhaps unknowingly) instrumental in instituting the globalists plans.
With at least five Soros loyalists in his cabinet pick one questions what the heck he is thinking. Pay less attention to what Trump says/plans and listen to his cabinet picks.
The Devil is in the details.
Is Trump who most right wingers and religious people think he is? The man who pushed the two state solution, but called it a deal? The man who said Jews not praying on the Temple on the Mount was very important. The man who hugged a rainbow flag for the press. While sterilization of indoctrinated children was happening all over the country? The former long time democrat?
Right wing religious people have been duped by fake republicans for a long time. Why not include Trump in the list of men who talked the talk, but for some reason or other, never delivered? In G-d I trust.
I hope this is not right, but I agree that Trump is at best a fallible human being with what we hope are good intentions, but as you say, trust is only for the Almighty.
After 8 yrs of watching the Left wage war on him, Trump should not be capable of being “tricked” into anything. If he is, then he is hopeless.