[Order David Horowitz’s new book, America Betrayed, HERE.]
Joe Biden won in 2020 on the premise that until the November election, he would pose as good ol’ Joe from Scranton and not scare voters.
So Biden talked about “unity” and “competency.” He erased his prior wild primary pandering to left-wing voters about shutting down fracking and opening the border.
But as soon as he was elected in 2020, Biden became the leftist veneer for a hyper-radical Obama third term.
Fooled and naïve voters were shocked that their supposedly moderate candidate turned into a veritable neo-socialist president.
In general, the left acknowledges that its spread-the-wealth, high taxes, big government, open borders, soft on crime, and woke DEI agendas don’t appeal to 51 percent of the people.
That reality requires disinformation for leftist policies to be implemented.
No one voted for the Biden-Harris ticket to borrow trillions sparking hyperinflation, to wage war on fossil fuels, to go woke, to welcome in 10 million illegal aliens, to abandon $50 billion in weapons to the terrorist Taliban, and to find America facing existential wars in Ukraine and the Middle East and soon perhaps over Taiwan.
But getting leftists elected requires fooling the American people into thinking their “moderate” campaign veneers will continue into their presidencies—even though they never do.
So, for now, Harris and her new vice presidential candidate, Tim Walz, will smother all their cherished left-wing positions—at least until November.
The two left-wing chameleons will assume the temporary identities and policies of “moderates.” That is a de facto admission that they know that the public does not want any of their true agendas.
The temporary metamorphosis means that the leftist nominees superficially feign agreement with what most Americans support—energy independence, low taxes, limited government, strong defense, deterrent foreign policy, secure borders, legal-only immigration, and assimilation rather than woke/DEI tribalism.
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz are the most brazen and extreme examples of left-wing flip-floppers in memory.
But for both, the cartwheeling will still be difficult.
Harris is utterly incapable of articulating a coherent thought without a teleprompter or a staged interview. Walz is a buffoon who, in his first speech as the nominee, screamed out the “couch” lie about J.D. Vance and then stupidly bragged of his falsehood.
Harris, until recently, was proud that she had been one of the most radical California politicians in memory. She ran such a hard-left, polarizing presidential bid against Biden in 2020 that she could not capture even a single Democrat delegate.
Now she has selected as her vice president pick the most left-wing governor in the nation. Walz, during the long 2020 summer of rioting, allowed BLM and Antifa to run amuck in Minnesota while his new partner Harris raised bail for those jailed for violence.
Walz, like Harris, has done his best to stop pipelines and curtail fossil fuels.
He once boasted that “Democrats go into depression” when they see electoral maps shaded in red, “but it’s mostly rocks and cows that are in that red area.”
Apparently, his advice for Democrats was just to win urban areas and don’t sweat alienating greater rural Minnesota regions where fewer voters live—a blueprint for their 2024 campaign.
That snark was an expansion of Barack Obama’s dismissal of rural Pennsylvanians as “clingers” and Hillary Clinton’s trashing of the rural working class as “deplorables.”
By selecting the hard-left Walz, Harris reminds the nation who runs the Democratic Party. It is preparing for a hard-left neo-socialist administration—while it seeks to deceive the public for the next 90 days that Harris-Walz are temporary moderates.
Like the cognitively challenged Joe Biden in 2020, word-salad Harris won’t be let out to campaign much by her wary handlers.
Instead, she will outraise Trump, count on non-Election Day balloting, pose as a centrist, and let her surrogates, like the blowhard Walz, brand Trump as a criminal extremist.
But if the current initial Harris-Walz flipping is embarrassing, their eventual post-November flopping back to the left will be shameless—and dangerous for the nation.
In 2025, under a Harris-Walz presidency, borders would again magically evaporate. Millions more illegal aliens would regroup and flood into the U.S.
Printing more trillions of dollars would spike more hyperinflation. Cutting defense would further encourage even more wars in Asia, Europe, and the Middle East.
More woke and DEI mandates would ensure more tribal disunity.
Harris-Walz would try fulfilling earlier promises to ban fracking and horizontal drilling, render the U.S. vulnerable to hostile foreign oil producers, distance the U.S. from Israel, and out-appease Biden’s coddling of Iran.
They would continue the crazy left-wing war on the Supreme Court and implement Joe Biden’s plan to neuter it.
But for now?
The Harris-Walz message is clear: “In order to run your country for the next four years, we must lie and deceive you for the next three months.”
Kasandra says
I don’t blame them so much as I blame the invincably ignorant and gullible American voters who fall for this charade every time. Lucy and her football had nothing on these Charlie Browns. Six weeks ago Harris’ favorability rating was the lowest for any Vice President since they’ve been taking such measures. But after six weeks of non-stop media tongue baths, and saying how joyful she and her campaign are, a majority apparently think she had nothing to do with the last four years and want her to be President. What are you going to do with such an unserious electorate?
Mo de Profit says
Don’t blame the voters, blame the voting machine programmers.
Allan Goldstein says
Don’t follow leaders
Watch the parking meters
— Bob Dylan
Philip Reinstein says
The Democrats are not worried about running lunatics for President and Vice President. They plan to steal the election, and they are very confident they will succeed.
David Ray says
Good point, except that they didn’t win actual votes in 2020, they printed more ballots.
The massive rigging set the stage (as of course intended) for even more massive “expansive and inclusive voter fraud”.
As smug leftists just can’t help themselves, Molly Ball even bragged about it in Time magazine.
(Dinesh D’Souza proved it in “2000 Mules”)
Poetcomic1 says
If they do things as audacious as try to assassinate Trump and flood key areas with fake ballots, they know we will sound like tin-foil hat conspiracy nuts for speaking the truth.
Domenic Pepe says
Probably the biggest danger to America and US citizens now is the fact that the demographics and mindset of the American mind has moved inexorably to the woke leftist psychopathic and berserk.
Half of the country is nuts, ignorant brainwashed, awash with illegal aliens, and full of hate for America.
Now … you figure out how President Trump and the GOP and Patriotic US Citizens get past that.
When you got the answer, please let me know.
Keith Reese says
Don’t forget Academia and their trainees, the mainstream media. But you are right about gullible voters.
David Ray says
An amusing anecdote . . .
Q] What’s the best argument against democracy?
A] A five minute conversion with your average voter.
Mike Brasuel says
A rattlers head must be removed before it is rendered “harmless,” male & female..
Stephen says
The election was won by 40,000 votes, but in (phillidelpha I think) they deleted 80,000 false voters off the record. (of course they would all be Demo voters)
One of the states they stopped counting Biden voters when they got to 120% of the population total ..
Think about those facts alone …
this doesn’t take into account the video of the woman taking voter paperwork out of a vote counting machine, then putting them back in to be recounted,,,
These are the real problems of the election
JimNtn says
You nailed it and it’s damn scary. I don’t see how it’s possible for Kamala to surge so profoundly when nothing about her has changed.
It’s one of two things … The poll samplings heavily favor Democrats or America has lost it’s ever loving mind!
Mo de Profit says
The leftist elites lie constantly, George Orwell told us that in 1984
Aristotle Cam says
Yeah-but Snoop Dog was at the Olympics! What does this really mean???
Rich Kozlovich says
If a leftist says something it’s a lie, with just enough truth to disguise their lies of commission, lies of omission, and logical fallacies, So, having said that, while all the author (who I think is one of America’s greatest historians) said here is true, the fact of the matter is America didn’t vote for Biden and Harris.
I hate having to say this unendingly, but the fact is… and let’s all of us try and get this right ….. just once…… please ….. Biden was elected through an illegal, criminal, RICO plan fostering a massive national conspiracy of voter fraud.
Domenic Pepe says
Trump must counter the deceptive empty Harris/Walz campaign with his own dramatic America First Policy Announcements, and a Mobilization of America for American Citizens. This Trump Mobilization of America Policy will focus on the real enemies of America and US citizens: Mexico, Islam, Foreign Entanglements, the UN and NATO, and Corrupt US politicians.
1) Declare Mexico and the Mexican government an enemy of America and US citizens because Mexico is responsible for the Illegal alien INVASION of America and Mexico is responsible for the murder of 100,000 US citizens every year with Mexican manufactured fentanyl/drugs pushed into America by Mexico operatives.
2)Trump will place 300,000 armed US military troops on the Mexican border to enforce immigration law.
3) Trump will deport all illegal aliens from the USA, not just the criminal illegal aliens.
4) Trump will end the anchor baby scam that illegal aliens use to obtain US citizenship and financial benefits.
5) Trump will remove the United Nations from American soil and withdraw the USA from the UN and stop all US funding of the UN. The UN no longer provides any benefit to America and US citizens. Most of the members of the UN are hostile to America and act to harm America.
6) Trump will withdraw the USA from NATO and stop all funding to NATO.. The Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact and Soviet and Eastern European communism have not existed for more than 30 years. There is no longer any purpose to NATO today, other than to provoke and threaten Russia. European countries must find their own way to live peacefully with their neighbor Russia. without America and the US taxpayer.
7) Trump will conduct US foreign policy on a bilateral basis with each individual country. Non-sensical foreign entanglements will be avoided, as President George Washington advocated.
8) Trump will bring back American jobs and manufacturing from all nations that are hostile to America and US citizens
9) Trump will declare Islam to be an enemy of America and US citizens. and an enemy of Freedom. Trump will recognize that depraved psychopathic murderous berserk violent blackmailing lying deceptive freedom crushing Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years, and that America will no longer condone Islamic terrorism and blackmail. Islam and Islamic societies and countries and ” Royal ” families must reform themselves or face the consequences and wrath of America.
Domenic Pepe says
Trump America Mobilization Policy … (continued)
10) Trump will expose corrupt US politicians regardless of political affiliations, just as the corruption of the Clintons and Obama and the Biden family have been exposed. Under Trump corrupt politicians will face severe scrutiny and consequences.
Sjam says
Trump is NOT going to lead the US out of NATO that is just for the birds.
Domenic Pepe says
NATO must be dissolved, just as the Warsaw Pact and the Soviet Union were.
The Soviet Union was broken up into 15 separate and independent nations.
Communism was repudiated by Eastern Europe and Russia, Free elections and capitalism was welcomed.
Thirty years later, why the hell is NATO still around ?
Only to provoke and threaten Russia.
Europe must work out for themselves their relationship with Russia.
America must make its own bilateral foreign relations with individual countries.
After 1991 NATO became a threat to peace in Europe.
If anything, NATO should be used against Islam and Islamic terrorism … the scourge of humanity for 1400 years and counting.
World@70 says
They, Biden and by extension Kamala lied to us, and not just once, sometimes directly but mostly by omission and delivering speeches full of “feel good” platitudes without substance.
What’s that old saying, fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice and I’m the big dumbass.
Chutzpan says
Instead if “flip flop” perhaps the Trump campaign should use the word COVERUP – more accurate, when describing her lies and bait-n-switch scams are covered up by the complicit media – JUST AS THE WORLD NOW SEES A MEDIA COVERUP OF BIDEN’S MENTAL HEALTH.
So ‘coverup” highlights it all, and is more effective.