This is what happens when the Holocaust becomes universalized, a free-floating metaphor and finally woke kitsch.
A production of Romeo and Juliet for non-binary performers, with Juliet reimagined as a persecuted Jew and Romeo as a member of the Hitler Youth, has become embroiled in a row over its failure to include Jewish people in a casting call.
The London-based Icarus Theatre Collective is staging a version of Shakespeare’s play set in Nazi Germany. The company advertised for “non-binary artists, and/or those of global majority, black or Asian heritage” to join the cast.
The call did not include any request for Jewish performers to join the cast of the production, set in the Third Reich, and the company has publicly apologised for the omission.
Yes, that’s the problem there.
This production, which has now been canceled, comes on the heels of things like the various Anne Frank revisions, including the Latino/ICE one. The underlying problem though is the use of the Holocaust and Hitler as a metaphor for everything bad.
The Holocaust is not a lens. It’s certainly not a lens for whatever woke nonsense is trying to appropriate Jewish history to make claims about the “rise of fascism” today.
There, is to a much lesser degree, similar objections to Netfix’s Dahmer movie which distorted and rewrote the history of the murders to score political points.
Treating real events, especially the murder of people, as a metaphor reduces the dead to the means of a political end while robbing them of their voice, their history and their identity.
The Holocaust is not slavery, slavery is not the Holocaust, whatever some sexual minority is upset by is not either one, and real events are not interchangeable. Neither are real people.
The trivialization of the greatest crime in human history since Caine murdered Able.
Indeed, why is the attempted genocide of the Jewish people different from all other genocides? Have there not been other genocides in: Armenia, Bosnia, Rwanda, Cambodia, Darfur, and the list continues.
It is because it is the only genocide that has been going on continuously for 3,500 years. A genocide where some populations want to rid the world of the Jewish culture, history, religion, traditions, rituals, practices, and people. Yes, the Holocaust was unique, for it was the attempted genocide of something far greater than the sum of its parts; it wanted to eliminate Judaism.
So what is it about Judaism that motivated such hatred? It is because Judaism introduced to the Western world a theology, which takes Darwin’s idea of the survival of the fittest and endeavors to elevate it to the idea of the survival of the best we can be. It did that by introducing a moral code which pits our finer impulses against our baser instincts. Judaism transformed a world of primordial ignorance into a world embroiled in a struggle between right and wrong, the survival of the fittest against the survival of the finest.
Consequently, the world has never forgiven us for introducing the conflict between might and right and tragically that has hampered it from learning the lessons of the Holocaust.
The world has never forgiven you for being chosen and used by God as a people to reveal himself as sovereign, Almighty God who is faithful to keep the promises he has made throughout the Tanakh concerning you and the land. Destroy the Jews and God will not be God. There have been many attempts at your destruction; none have succeeded and none will.
The conflict is superficially about right and wrong, but at its core it is about ultimate good versus ultimate evil. Scripture assures us the battle won’t last forever but will get exponentially worse until Messiah comes. God is victorious, but meanwhile Jews continue to be caught in the crosshairs.
Praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
Do the “non-binary artists, and/or those of global majority, black or Asian heritage” not have a heritage from which heroes and villains might inspire works of art?
Why is western heritage alone the one that must be re-imagined?
Maybe Genghis Kahn as a cross-dresser, into S/M?
Interesting man with very progressive ideas. But probably not a cross-dresser or into S/M.
Because they want to destroy civilization, and reduce humanity below the level of animals.
The makers of that play are below the level of animals, in my opinion.
This is what happens when the Holocaust became a universalized idea as opposed to being understood as the systematic and delliberate industrial genocide of the Jewish People which was considered a more important goal by Hitler and the Bazis may their names and memories be erased than defeating the Allies
“Global majority, black or Asian heritage?” WTF is that? Are they insinuating that blacks and Asians (mongoloids) are the global majority when their populations combined or what? Seems like a really lame attempt to portray whitey as a global minority to me, which is the opposite of the truth no matter how much anti-white racists hate facts.
And I can’t grok the Holocaust theme at all. It’s just too bizarre and obscene. Not even Mel Brooks would make a play with that theme. “The Producers,” funny skits about the Spanish Inquisition and Hitler on Ice, yeah, but not the Holocaust.
One of their goals in using the holocaust in this way is to erase the true history of the holocaust of the Jews by conflating that history with any pet peeve.
Its a holocaust that one person cant get a gay message on a cake at one bakery.
If you press these people, they will eventually admit that their pet peeve is far more important than that millions of Jews were murdered because their suffering is worse and who cares about Jews anyway. And then that same old hate is revealed.
Yes, I believe that.
Neither of your examples mentioned the Holocaust, you retard.
The left always uses the Holocaust to oppose its targets, not to object to its happening. The left always objects to Jews striving to actively oppose being victims of violence. The issue for the left is never injustice, but political power.
There is precisely nothing humorous about the Holocaust.
except those analogies are spot on, doofus.
Mercutio: A pox on both your houses
You might not understand that reducing the Holocaust to a confrontation between two feuding families in Verona is at best a trivialisation of the Holocaust or you might just be such a narrowly political twit that you don’t care.
I think it’s worse than a trivialisation as Mercutio indicates equivalence between the Montagues and Capulets. That’s my guess given the repugnant nature of contemporary woketards.
To mention that the modern propaganda anti-Semitic and vitriol of lefties aligns closely with Nazi innovations in the fields doesn’t trivialise anything.
Take a look in the mirror sometime.