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“The time may be soon to go back home,” Imam Husham Al-Husainy told CBS News. The year was 2003 and Al-Husainy, along with the other Iraqi Shiite ‘refugees’ filling Dearborn’s Muslim community, had gotten their fondest wish when the United States removed Saddam Hussein.
Imam Husham Al-Husainy never did “go back home” to his native Iraq. Instead, alongside urging his congregants to vote in Iraq’s elections, spent the next 20 years interfering in ours, exploiting faked hate crimes to call for Sharia law, and moving back and forth between parties.
While the Iraq War would in retrospect be blamed on conservatives and Jews, it was the Shiite lobby in Dearborn, Michigan that was the most vocal in keeping the pressure on in Iraq. After the first Bush administration’s failed regime change operation to remove Saddam in 1991, the U.S. imposed a ‘No Fly Zone’ to protect the Shiite rebels, some of whom fled to Dearborn.
Dearborn, once the center of a thriving industry, became the American capital of a Shiite Jihadist movement where Hezbollah flags were flown and “Death to America” was chanted. Even their initial enthusiasm for America’s overthrow of Saddam gave way to support for Shiite supremacy against Iraq’s minorities along with Israel and the United States of America.
And the Iraqis who had backed Republicans to overthrow Saddam turned around and supported the Democrats so that their fellow Shiites would be able to take over Iraq after Saddam’s fall.
That also explains how Imam Al-Husainy ended up being scheduled to deliver a ‘benediction’ on the leaked program for the Trump inauguration. Dearborn’s Shiite vote has swung back and forth between Democrats and Republicans based on what they wanted to see happen in the Middle East. After Oct 7, Dearborn cast its bet on the GOP to stop Israel and save Hamas.
Imam Al-Husainy’s inclusion on the inauguration program signaled the Shiite Lobby’s new power. That power was meant to be used not so much for Dearborn, as for Iran’s agenda.
In 2022, Al-Husayini gloated over the expansionism of Iran or “the Islamic Republic. They are now the light going into Lebanon, to Syria, to Iraq, to Yemen.” Back in 2003 Al-Husainy was in Iran, after representing Ayatollah Mohammed Baqir al-Hakim who had “15,000 Iraqi troops armed and trained by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard”. The IRGC, Iran’s global terrorist arm, was behind Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis and countless other Islamic terrorist groups.
Hakim’s Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq would later seize power. Its Badr Brigade would spawn Jihadists at war with America including Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, the terror leader known as ‘The Engineer’, who would be taken out by the Trump administration in the same airstrike that also took out Iran’s IRGC terror boss Qasem Soleimani.
Like many Shiites, Imam Al-Husainy stewed over the deaths of Soleimani and ‘The Engineer’.
Al-Husainy’s Facebook page and that of his Dearborn mosque, the Karbalaa Islamic Education Center, put up posters and images praising the dead terrorists.“They killed me on Friday, so they rose up for me on Friday,” a caption for Al-Muhandis read. His personal Facebook page published a picture of the terrorist under the caption of “I died for you to live free” and pictures praising Soleimani. A post speculated that the incorrectly reported death of CIA agent Michael D’Andrea was Allah’s revenge for Soleimani’s death. Another called the terrorists “martyrs”.
Whether it was Iran, Iraq, Syria, Yemen or Gaza, the chief consideration for Dearborn’s Shiite Lobby was the victory of Iran and its Shiite Jihadis. Alongside funerals and fasts, Imam Husham Al-Husainy rallied his mosquegoers in the streets waving Iraqi flags when Shiites hung Saddam, or to curse and denounce the Saudis, Israel or Turkey for interfering with Shiite ambitions.
“Death to the impure house of Saud,” Al-Husainy could be heard yelling at one of the Karbalaa’s centers’ many rallies. “O agents of the Jews. Stop the killing in Yemen.”
The Shiite mosque was outraged because the Houthi Jihadists in Yemen were being bombed. Once the bombings would end, the Houthis would fight the US Navy in keeping with their motto, “Death to America, Death to Israel and a Curse Upon the Jews”.
Dearborn’s Shiite lobby proved adept at entryism into American politics. Al-Husayini popped up at the DNC’s Winter Meeting to deliver a ‘prayer’ to stop “oppression and occupation.” The ‘prayer’, widely seen as being aimed at America and Israel led to Al-Husainy’s appearances on Sean Hannity’s show where he screamed for 5 minutes to avoid answering whether he supported Hezbollah. On Hannity’s Fox News show, he appeared to admit that he did.
A media account described him as having “held up a portrait of Hezbollah leader Nasrallah.” His Facebook page included a description of Hezbollah as part of the “axis of resistance”.
When Shaima Alawadi, an Iraqi Shiite refugee, was beaten to death by her husband in a staged hate crime, Islamists rushed to blame Islamophobia and enlist BLM. In Dearborn, Al-Husainy led a protest chanting, “Shaima and Trayvon are the same, the only difference is the name.”
And after Muslim mobs murdered Americans in Benghazi, which was falsely blamed on a movie about Mohammed, Imam Al-Husayini insisted that “they should put a law not to insult a spiritual leader”. Imposing Sharia law on Americans was a theme he returned to again when Korans were found burned in front of Al-Husayini’s Karbalaa mosque. The Iraqi imam soon claimed to be consulting with lawyers to create a law banning the burning of the Koran. The Sharia bid however fell apart when the Koran-burner turned out to be Ali Al-Asaidi: a local Muslim.
But Imam Al-Husayini proved nothing if not flexible. After appearing at the DNC, denouncing Republicans for opposing Shiite supremacism in Iraq and then becoming the public face of an anti-Trump campaign during the Muslim travel ban, he flipped once again, attending a Trump rally in Dearborn and appearing on the program to deliver a benediction at the inauguration.
Since Al-Husayini’s history of extremism was exposed, reports are that his appearance has been pulled from Trump’s program, but he will undoubtedly appear again at Democrat or Republican events whom Dearborn’s Shiite Lobby sees as tools for implementing Iran’s agenda.
The cost of taking in Shiite Muslim ‘refugees’ from Iraq for humanitarian reasons has proven to be quite high. After the Iraq War took thousands of American lives, the Shiites not only pulled off a coup in Iraq, but are trying to pull one off in America using Dearborn votes as their leverage.
A generation later, the Shiite Muslim refugees who pleaded with us to remove Saddam have not only failed to go home, but are lying, manipulating and corrupting our political system for Iran.
Another phenomenal piece by the maestro, Daniel Greenfield.
I’m honestly amazed at how prolific he can be in hitting one home run out of the ballpark after the next.
Best investigative conservative reporter, hands down. I wish his pieces were also published on National Review, Fox News, & Daily Wire for wider distribution. They should be syndicated in every American newspaper. How different the world would be if they were.
Thank you. I do what I can. The way I see it, the more important the work you do, the less likely it is you are going to be platformed by the big boys.
I just posted as such over at Ben Shapiro’s YouTube channel. I hope you don’t mind.
much appreciated, thank you
I’d like to file a class action lawsuit against Donald Trump for soliciting donations to his campaign under false pretenses.
I donated $35. I made the donation because Trump stated “there would be hell to pay if the hostages weren’t released by January 20. The remarks appeared to be directed to Hamas. But in reality, they were directed to Israel. I feel I was defrauded.
Do you know of any attorneys out there with opinions on the merits of such a case?
I agree you need wider distribution (the ear of the president?!) I post and share your articles wherever I can.
On Truth Social much of the crowd doesn’t seem to be into reading. Or Israel. But theres one Israeli news account and a small contingency there interested in Israel and related American political matters.
Thank you. I haven’t been able to figure out Truth Social. It seems small and very top down.
A stone and a slingshot .. lol
I agree-great article. But-yes “but”, only one reference to Trump-the Shiite was reported (reported) to be
removed? This does not sound definitive. Was he removed or wasn’t removed??? This article needs to
explain what Trump said and did about the SHIITE EVEN BEING INCLUDED IN THE FIRST PLACE!
Insiders are saying he was. We’ll find out soon.
I’m a huge Greenfield fan—and he’s one of the reasons I look at what’s on Frontpage almost every day. But the idea that he needs to be syndicated in newspapers or in National Review struck me as laughably out-of-date and out-of-touch.
Newspapers and magazines, as such, are dead. National Review killed itself off with me with that first cover mocking Trump. Fox News killed itself off ditching Tucker Carlson and, before that, Lara Logan.
The younger generation of my immediate family have their own stuff they look at online. They’re not looking to Fox News or the WSJ to tell them what to think.
A Slingshot and A Stone . (The Daniel Greenfield Story) . haha
With at least five known Soros loyalists in Trump’s cabinet and extending an invitation to the inauguration to this Imam is an early preview of what will be coming from the administration.
Listen less to what Trump is saying with his grandiose plans and more paying attention to what his administration is actually saying and doing.
The Devil is in the details…
So who exactly are these Soros loyalists, anyway? Seems to me your advanced case of TDS is having it’s effect. Maybe your time to whine and complain about Trump would have been prior to November 5.
He’s in for 1 term. You really can’t do a thing to him. How about some bubble wrap to make noises with.
Both Steve Bannon and Gen Flynn pointed out Bondi, Gabbard, and two others with Soros ties. Both Bannon and Flynn questioned what Trump was thinking choosing these people.
Interesting thing now is do a search on Trump’s cabinet picks and Soros and the only one that will come up is Bessent.
Why would the Soros connections disappear from public view now?
This has nothing to do with TDS so knock off the name calling.
I voted for Trump hoping things would be different but that is not the direction things are moving. Read what the new Treas Sec has planned.
To quote Axios where even they agreed his cabinet is 100% liberal:
“The team represents the Trump worldview: Traditional conservatism is dead — and its biggest, lifelong advocates neutered to the point of irrelevance.”
Thank goodness there are those with critical thinking not willing to worship yet another Golden Calf.
I see you are into conspiracy theories. Thanks, I’ll worship the Golden Calf. You stick with Biden and Co., TDS loser. You are much like the losers who bitched about Trump 8 years ago….after he won.
Just think you get to Tripp all over your own B.S. Maybe you should have whined and moaned on November 4.
“Intrepid” is the resident knee-jerk A-hole who thinks he’s never wrong and will attack anyone who disagrees with him with personal insults. Don’t go down his rabbit hole with him because it will all end with nothing but endless personal insults.
Personal insults? You are the master of the P.I.
Poor THX. I see you are describing yourself. You don’t even have the guts to take me on directly. It’s a good thing to know you hate Trump too like the rest of the losers in this thread. Typical Biden supporting whiny loser commenter.
…or a bot.
Irrelevant feeble minded at the least.
I guess next you will be bitching about the wall not being paid for by Mexico. Can you say “I am a loser”.
While the Christian Old Testament is full of blood and gore, at the very least the Christians had a hard-fought Reformation and the New Testament espouses the teachings of Jesus who taught peace, love, family and above all kindness and compassion.
“What you do to the least of us, you do to me.”” he said. It is well worth remembering in the midst of all the rabid AntiSemitism in the world today, that Jesus was a Jew. Sharia Law has NO place in our Judeo/Christian Nation and there are many other peaceful Imams President Trump could have invited to his Inauguration. Sadly, he took some bad advice on this….
CTrips I fear Trump will be as awful as he was his first administration. He should have the fear of god in him with Rubio and DEI founder, gun grabber, Biondi Barbie waiting to show their true nature.
Daniel sometimes I think writers can’t say what they want. There is no infiltration. It’s just Trump. He’s not really concerned with saving the union. He’s more like Stalin, Saddam, or Kim Jun Il demands a cult following ie no matter what he does it is to be unquestioned. It’s either that or he is the stupidest politician I have ever seen. He thinks he is walking a tightrope, and the fact that he is the dreamers biggest advocate now and will not pardon all the J-6 means he really doesn’t get MAGA, but walks this tightrope of depending on his cult following and that is his core.
I really can’t imagine if rove couldn’t stop laughing or felt insulted by the lack of challenge Trump presented when serial self- immolating with things like appointing bill barr, but I’m sure that rove couldn’t believe how easy it was to have Trump destroy himself.
If Trump felt like he would be liked, that’s all it took for the imam to be featured. More MAGA he doesn’t get or care about. It’s like the deal he was part of with the hostages. He thinks it will add to the perception that he walked right in and got something done. End of. No real concern.
Still, I can’t wait for the inauguration and the end of the madness if nothing else. I’m hoping Trump is different this time, but if not, it’s not xhiden or the communist sea monster/creature clamella.
You nailed it with that one Jeremiah.
The truth is painful and the blind are still blind.
Watching Biden’s litany of lies in his farewell speech was
inevitably disturbing – knowing the deadly damage he’s
inflicted on our country and how he’s gotten completely
away with his big guy criminal-scale corruption.
Watching one of America’s enemies and two-faced Imam
Al-Husayini at the inauguration of one of America’s greatest
Presidents would be even worse – especially knowing the
joy that imam must have felt as America started this New
Year with a jihad attack in New Orleans that slaughtered 14
Americans and injured 35 more.
I hope to God he’s been pulled from speaking to the nation
on President Trump’s especially-special Inauguration Day.
This comment was posted in error under Ann. It was
actually posted under Annie45.
It was a great post, Annie45 ! You made straightforward, no BS points and good for you. It’s time we all cut through and speak plainly. I chickened out with my reply on the Imam, because I find myself nearly always under “Moderation”, having been shadow-banned and kicked off both Twitter and Truth Social, yes even Truth Social ! for posts about the Covid Vax containing Pit Viper Venom , the most toxic venom of all, and other posts wondering about how much Soros paid for his US Citizenship, etc. Although Front Page has been more than fair to me I’m always on edge when I comment. I greatly admire Daniel Greenfield and Robert Spencer here on Front Page, without them we would be like Germany and UK by now, strangers in our own countries….
Thank you for printing the comment above, Daniel. It’s not Elon Musk who upholds Free Speech in America, it is Front Page Magazine and writers like you. My faith in the First Amendment is much restored !! God bless…
My advice to him: “BEWARE of the Person with the Never-Ending Smile, for when you turn your back, they show their FANGED TEETH!”
SO MANY CLOSE TO HIM TURNED OUT TO BE BACKSTABBERS and I would fear people like Zuckerberg, Joe and Mika, so many others, whose Fanged Teeth were drooling for his blood and who are now wearing Smiling False Teeth over their Fanged Teeth! BEWARE!
“DEATH TO AMERICA” and still not labeled Domestic Terrorists or who get any criticism? WHEN, NOT IF, JIHAD COMES HERE, whose side will they, and the terrorist supporters in the streets, fight with?
It certainly seems to be a one-way street. Current events in GB are a good example. The “protected class” is free to victimize while the victims are arrested for making mention of the “two tier” justice system. A thorough cleansing of this so-called social justice is sorely needed, both literally and figuratively.
Who in Trump’s administration picked the Imam? That’s the question to answer.
When Jihad comes here in mass, who will the Imam side with and fight with? Whose side with the Democrats and their protesters be on? “OATH? WHAT OATH? LOL! I’m trying to save our Democracy!”
Keep your friends close, your enemies closer – get the enemy to be a confidant – President Trump is not on the take like GW Bush from his daddy GH W Bush – treasonous reprobates more aligned with Biden than MAGA – in fact Bushes were not MAGA at all!
Wait to see what POTUS Trump does – he learned and learned the hard way in an accelerated graduate course in the Tough Cookies School of Hard Knocks (TCSHK) – of which I am a graduate.
Whatever gigantic and enormous tasks never have been done, President Trump (Donald Trump) focused his sights on, locked in and went the distance and won!
You don’t win at the Art of the Deal game if there is not ethics and integrity in your goals.
We have to live with that which we are willing to tolerate. If we tolerate women voting, we have to live with homosexuality, abortion, divorce, rebellious children, corrupt politicians, high taxes, foreign religions that hate our constitution and a host of other issues too numerous to recount.
So how have the Amish managed to ward off modernisation, given that their church polity allows baptised female members in good standing to vote?
The Amish have also succumbed to feminism as you have just described. It took a little longer, but once homosexuality and feminism set in, there’s really no stopping it until society reaches it’s point of destruction.
Trump has been know to keep his friends close and his enemies closer.
That Machiavellian nonsense is just about one of the stupidest pieces of advice ever written. Hiring his enemies and keeping them close was one of the worst things President Trump ever did.
“Engaging” With Enemies
America’s foreign policy today is “engagement.” Our policy is to talk to all foreign enemies, including mortal ones, such as the dictatorship of Iran, who threaten our physical safety and that of our allies. “Engagement” is the language of couples therapy, or marital counseling. It relies on the premise that the two parties love each other — they just need better skills of communicating and getting along. Does anyone seriously believe that the mullahs and terrorists who run places like Iran love us? They don’t even love their own subjects — or victims, to be more precise. They don’t even love themselves — nor should they. Engagement with people who hate you is a foolish and dangerous fallacy. It’s hard to believe that the people we have in charge of our safety — indeed, the safety of planet Earth — actually buy into this incredibly wrong notion. The only good thing to say is that when — not if, but when — America is next attacked, a majority of people will quickly give up on “engagement.” You don’t appease violent people with talk. The only thing they respect is self-protection. If self-protection requires their elimination, then so be it — the choice was theirs, not ours.” – Michael J. Hurd
Because when I need some serious advice on Trump and the Muslims I always turn to Michael J. Hurd, psychologist and psychotherapist, and life coach, living in Bethany Beach, Delaware.
Wait, you mean he isn’t an expert? On anything?
Anyone who thinks this strategy works with Islamists is horribly ignorant of Islam and how Jihad works in its multifaceted applications.
Given this cease fire with Hamas, using a representative of Trump in negotiations, is just additional evidence to me that what he thinks they’re doing and what they are doing may be very, very different!! While he takes praises, the hostages are to be released like a trickle of water while a plethora of terrorists are released to murder again. Same game, different negotiators and in the end it’s the same stupidity!!
People need look to the rise of the Islamic Ottoman Empire and how they conquered lands, took slaves, raped women and pillaged everywhere they conquered. The conquered countries paid the jizya tax and were treated accordingly as dhimmitude in the land. Keeping them close means nothing but becoming knowledgeable about their allowable tactics and studying their implementations would far better serve the people.m; ALL PEOPLE!!
What Imam is not like this deep down?
🎶 I’m Husainy the Eighth Imam ~
🎶 Husainy the Eighth Imam I am ~
🎶 I dispatched the woman next door ~
🎶 I’ve dispatched seven women before ~
🎶 And none of them were virgins ~
🎶 They deserved just what they got ~
🎶 I’m the Eighth Imam Husainy ~
🎶 A human being I’m not ~
Are there any leaders of Islam who are not the criminally insane? If there are, who are they, and where are they?
How can there be any who are not? If they profess a religious affiliation with Islam, they are willing to lie and kill for the growth of the Ummah. If they are not, they are apostate, and will suffer the consequences from their devout co-religionists.
The new leader of Hamas openly says he longs for another Oct 7th. Tells us all we need to know, doesn’t it? The Israelis simply cannot be expected to live side by side with Hamas. Not now, not ever…
Some of them are psychopaths, which is formally defined differently than insanity.
I’ve had the gut feeling for many years that Shia moooooooo slims from Iran are hiding and operating in plain sight in our Fed guvmunt
French philosopher Jean-François Revel wrote that democracies are at peril because they let everyone, malevolent or not, have a voice. Our Republic is in the same bind. If we don’t make exceptions for who should be free to offer poisonous discourse, spew hateful rants, and then act on them, while the next guy who does the same is not expelled until he has caused chaos, we are just inviting essentially self-inflicted wounds.
Great overview of this pendulum but always with one flag in mind. That if Shiite Islamic MILITANT: ‘jihad Uber Alles’.
BTW, per his beloved Hezbollah, one product it copied well from the Death Cult “Palestine”, is how to use its people as common fodders, in order to gain sympathy [with al Jazeera porn-jihad, graphic dead bloody images of course].
Impeach Trump! All those crazy libs appear to have been right about him. In any event, I want my $35 donation to his campaign back.
I’d like to file a class action lawsuit against Donald Trump for soliciting donations to his campaign under false pretenses.
I donated $35. I made the donation because Trump stated “there would be hell to pay if the hostages weren’t released by January 20. The remarks appeared to be directed to Hamas. But in reality, they were directed to Israel. I feel I was defrauded.
Any attorneys out there with opinions on the merits of such a case?
My guess is no. Get a life. I’ll give you $35 if you shut up and go away.
If Trump was a Christian, he would stomp both feet at the same time and have the Muslim chanter removed from the schedule because he would understand what an offensive act that is to The True and living God of the Bible.
I did not see any Muslim Cleric speaking at the Inauguration today. Pres Trump must have changed his mind.
Strange how so many muslims, Iman,s and spokesmen for islam are ALL using Facebook and Whatsapp both of which are owned by a person of a certain faith that they deeply despise.
If this wee turban headed moron is happy Saddam is gone then how come he didn’t return to a country he said he escape in fear of death and if he is allowed to speak on Jan 20th will he give that in English or Arabic and will everybody be required to close their eyes of bow down and sniff the Ass in front of them like good we Dimmies..
Will a Rabbi, a Priest, a Hindu or Buddhist Monk be also allowed to speak.
Something stinks in this crap.
Iran is building an atomic bomb which primarily created by Jewish scientists and physicists.
J. Robert Oppenheimer, a young American Jew, was placed as the head of the Los Alamos branch of the Manhattan Project. He created four divisions in the Los Alamos lab, with the T-division, the theoretical division, being the most important. Of the 86 members in this division, 18 were Jewish—almost 21%.
At least eight of the Manhattan Project’s section heads were Jewish.
About two-thirds of the leadership in the Theoretical Division (T-Division) were Jewish.
They should abandon building it for that reason alone.
Being a Jew seems to be a big problem for you, doesn’t it.
as with all things muslim , the title is somewhat misleading ” trying to burrow inside ” gives the impression that it hasnt happened yet but will eventually . it seems that most of america is asleep at the wheel when it comes to the cancer that is islam . once the trojan horse of islam enters any western country specifically america there is no such thing as trying . it already has infested its host beyond the point of no return . having a terrorist at the inauguration is proof that the u.s. has capitulated to the cult of death . america , the modern day titanic . shuffling chairs wont save it .
“Trying to burrow inside.” That’s a good line. That’s what parasites do.
Thank you for this article. I have just found FPM and I am loving real articles with content. I am woefully short of understand what is going on in the Middle East.
On November 5th 2024 I had voted for Donald Trump and I’m glad I did. Nevertheless, that imam who was invited to pray at President –elect inauguration. That makes me wonder , could this be .rightly , taken as a bad omen for the second term of the Trump administration ?
You r a zionist white supremacist and use the United States of America for Zionist expansion purposes.
You r a zionist white supremacist and Muslim hater. the zionist lobby use the United States of America for Israel’s expansion purposes and you are definitely funded by them.
Your total ignorance of the Jewish people and both their ancient and present history within Israel, as well as other countries in the Middle East is quite revealing. If you are Muslim, you are either woefully ignorant of your religious texts in the Quran and your oral traditions in the Hadith or you’re a non-Muslim blaming the Jewish people out of your antisemitism! Islam’s goals are against ALL people who are infidels (non-Muslims). One must recognize truth however painful and doing so DOES NOT make someone worthy of your epithet!
If you’re a Muslim, you are either curiously uninformed or acting deliberately deceptive.
If not, look in the mirror at your hatred before pointing at others..
If Trump is serious about fighting islamic terrorists he must start by cleaning out his own house first.
The Oct7 terrorist attack would not have happened if the islamic terrorists did not have their agents placed in US universities, in the US government and the US media.
The propaganda and lies department of islamic terrorist organizations is much bigger in numbers than the active terrorists. Nevertheless, they are all part of the same terrorist organization.
The propaganda and lies section of the islamic terrorists simply get a free pass by calling themselves “activists.” That false title needs to be corrected to “terrorists.” They are advocating for, protecting, harboring, aiding and encouraging the terrorists.
Not to mention the made-up lies they promote, such as genocide, apartheid, a made-up nation called Palestine. All lies, all the way.
1) The first step for cleaning the US from islamic terrorist garbage: all them for what they really are. Islamic terrorists. All of them. There is no such a thing as just terrorist supporters. They are all part of the same terrorist group. They must be punished collectively as the whole group.
Add more laws if needed to get it done. Criminalize being any part of an islmic terrorist group. And apply the punishment swiftly.
2) Everything that islamic terrorists falsely accuse Israel and US of is just projection of their own crimes.
Muslims are guilty of countless real genocides.
Every islamic country is an apartheid state. Muslims are openly hateful towards and intolerant of the natives in the countries they occupy.
Islam is Arab imperialism. Their main goal is to FORCE 7th century Arabic tribal culture on the rest of the world. Bit by bit. Following a long term plot.
If Trump is serious about fighting islamic terrorism and invasion of the free sovereign countries he must work towards stating those facts and acting upon it.
The US media, education system, businesses and the government must start working against the islamic domestic enemies. Not promoting their lies or protecting them.
Our First Amendment to the US Constitution states that “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people to peacefully assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” , it was never meant to be a Suicide Pact that allows religious fanatics to run roughshod over actual American citizens, threatening DEATH TO AMERICA at every opportunity or calling Jewish Americans monkeys and pigs right from the pulpit in their Mosques ! Just this week Pres Trump issued an EO to deport the rabble-rousing foreign students’ from Ivy League colleges that incite AntiSemitism on campus and END taxpayer funding of grant money for research as well. That’s a good start. Maybe next week Pres Trump will get the US Government OUT of the Student Loan business at these Elite Schools and make them use their own multi-million dollar Endowments ??? Afterall, the tuition at these same schools is nearly $90, 000 per year….
Understanding the meaning of Jihad according to the Quran and the prophet Mohammad is of fundamental importance to recognizing that though the Shias, Sunni and Wahabbists (considered the purest form of Islam by those practicing it in Saudi Arabia and Quatar) continue to vie for greater power amongst each other, according to Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Bar Ilan University Orientalist and lecturer in the Department of Arabic, regardless of these differences ALL Muslims, of varied ethnicity, country, and cultures are all part of the Islamic Uma. The Uma is all inclusive of Muslims. Jihad, as Dr. Mordechai discussed on a YouTube Video with Caroline Glick, is multifaceted in its approach including mass immigration, increasing. birth rates, sadistic violations of infidels, economics, war and anything that furthers the assault against infidels.
That this inauguration includes this Imam and his oft changing alliances is EXACTLY the kind deceptive tactics used to expand influence and impact as forms of Jihad. That Daniel called it embedding is even more revealing of this Imam’s intended deceit. His previous actions should have been a red flag but Trump, like most others, is but another westerner who remains either ignorantly informed or injuriously oblivious to the Islamic mindset.
Having several Jihadist women in our Congress has been sickening enough but to have him say the benediction at Trump’s inauguration is far more tragic than meets the western eye.
The entire world and the Islamic Uma will be watching, thrilled that their relentless Jihad has reached the level of the White House. To the world it speaks of inclusivity; to the Islamic Uma yet another step toward the downfall of western civilization on their steadfast march toward the Islamic caliphate they have every intention of achieving.