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Joe Biden is a famous incompetent when it comes to foreign policy. Don’t forget, his mentor and former boss, Barack Hussein Obama, quipped that one should never underestimate Biden’s ability to screw up any given policy situation beyond all semblance of rationally expected benefit. Well he didn’t say that exactly, but that’s the gist.
So, it stands to reason, if Biden is in favor of the Two State Solution in Israel, there’s probably something very wrong afoot. It’s the same kind of wrongheadedness that led the notoriously ineffectual U.N. to adopt the policy in 1947. The result of this piece of liberal statecraft has been 76 years of either simmering, or all out war in the Middle East.
The Two State Solution has ensured that the seeds of conflict and destruction sprout into a virulent kudzu that, despite occasional pruning, grows implacably, strangling any hope for peace in the region.
Both Gaza and the West Bank are products of this intractable and untenable state of existence. To put this state of affairs in perspective, imagine if the U.N. had carved out most of the south and the northern Midwest states and implanted ISIS in our midst. At least in terms of proportionate land mass, you have a rough idea of what Israel faces.
As an aside, Biden’s wide open border policy is fashioning a de facto American Two State Solution, pitting illegal aliens against citizens in an explosive environment ripe for demagoguery. Tens of thousands stream across the southern border in anonymity. Military aged males forming battalions of potential Mohammedan insurrectionists.
But to the main point, the plight of “Palestinians” is a result of the Arab world’s refusal to accommodate immigration from Gaza or the West Bank. It seems the Arab states take their borders much more seriously than America. As the current Two State Solution crisis evolves in Gaza, Egypt has refused to allow the incursion of refugees from Gaza. So much for the compassion of Mohammedans, practitioners of the “religion of peace.”
As recently as a few days ago, cameras caught “Palestinians” perpetrating acts of brutality on Israeli citizens captured by troglodyte Hamas war criminals. Make no mistake, Gaza is a complex environment consisting of many Hamas fellow travelers and supporters. Innocents that may be trapped amid the gears of war are there due to the inhumanity of orthodox Mohammedans both in Gaza and in the broader Arab alliance.
One thing is clear, countries like Iran are using “Palestinians” as pawns in a much larger, strategic plan. The end game is the much-publicized total destruction of Israel and the Great Satan — America. Yes, that means you, your family, and even your dog if they can secure the means to accomplish our annihilation. And, it’s not theatrics to cite that their maniacal hatred extends to your beloved pets. Hamas has been systematically slaughtering stray animals in Gaza, to include domesticated dogs. But, that shouldn’t shock the sensibilities, given Hamas’ documented penchant to murder, kidnap, and otherwise abuse children — all from avowed adherents to the “religion of peace.”
To this politics of Beelzebub, Joe Biden would make common cause and seek conciliation. But, that shouldn’t surprise, Biden stands in a long line of liberal Democrats who’ve been inculcated with notions of political relativism, and a Pavlovian genuflection before the exercise of totalitarian power. Obama embodied this liberal mind-sickness when he nearly prostrated himself before the princely power of an Arab monarch.
As of this writing, five rounds of hostage releases have been accomplished. While one American has been released, nine remain. This is no accident. First, Joe Biden is an absolute joke. Our current “president” has difficulty projecting power from behind tapioca bespeckled lips. He’s still got a year to go, and it’s unfathomable, given his current tailspin into abject senility, how he’ll maintain the cerebral capacity to coordinate an erect posture, much less function as the leader of the free world. Placing those two conditions in the same sentence automatically elicits a snicker, gallows humor to be sure, given the widely unappreciated gravity of our national vulnerability.
In my view, one of the biggest reasons for supporting another Trump presidency is his track record of accomplishment in the Middle East. From his brokering of the Abraham Accords to the profoundly symbolic establishment of the American Embassy in Jerusalem, Trump’s actual, empirically measurable achievements are without parallel in modern political history. Despite the dubiousness of some in his orbit, a final Trump term bodes well for peace in the Middle East.
Biden is a failure, specifically with regard to the Two State Solution, because he — like liberals everywhere — does not understand the significance of the Biblical history at work. As a professing Catholic, he should be somewhat familiar with the specifically historical books of the Bible that confer possession of Gaza and the West Bank to Israel in perpetuity. It’s a grave error to be on the wrong side of this matter, since God Himself has spoken directly to this issue. Regardless of all the politics, and the depredations of marauding Hamas criminals, Israel’s future is bright. You could even say predetermined.
Moreover, applying the U.N. standard of recognizing national self-determination, as codified in the U.N. Charter, Israel simply has an a priori claim to the Levant region given its roughly three thousand year history as occupants. The claims of the PLO, Hamas, and other assorted and self-interested Arab allies is laughable in comparison. Anyone arguing self-determination in relation to “Palestinian” claims is a buffoon.
Peace in the Middle East is theoretically achievable, that’s partly why all this war, suffering, and death is so tragic. But, peace will require the accomplishment of some right, hard things. “Palestinians” must find another home, and the nation of Israel must return to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — the same God who clothed Himself in human flesh, performed the necessary atonement on the cross, and now sits at the right hand of the Father.
The Palestinians would agree with Mr. Nantz that peace in the Middle
East is theoretically achievable and would agree that they should find
another home.
The only trouble is that the home they’ve set their sights on is Israel
itself – with the Jews wiped out or living in dhimmitude and Palestinians
in charge. That is their idea of living in peace. Ordinary Palestinians
living in Gaza or the West Bank no more want a two-state solution
than corruptocrat Biden wants America to be great again.
After 75 years of their rejection of any proposal ever offered to them –
and 75 years of attacking and murdering Israeli Jews, especially and
hideously on Oct. 7 – that is pretty damn obvious.
If America was attacked from a hellish mexican border city and thousands killed and others held hostage , then what would the US government do ?
Little, less, nothing.
We are being attacked – from foreign invaders walking calmly over the border and right into Main Street America. The enemy is within.
This illegitimate government would probably surrender without a shot.
The ‘Two State Solution’, which only liberals and progressives are pushing, is basically Israel’s and the Jew’s “Final Solution”
This has been in the works since 1948. Simply a continuation of what Adolf began.
The British turned over their Palestine Mandate to the UN in 1948. The UN had to do something with it. The two-state solution seemed like a good and fair idea in 1948. But the UN was apparently unaware of the degree of Muslim unacceptance for a nation of Israel.
“Don’t estimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up,” BH Obama said on the only known occasion when he was right about something. Left unsaid was Biden’s propensity to do evil. The man is a common grafter/grifter, albeit the President of the United States. If the destruction of the state of Israel is required for him to stand a better chance of electoral success in the Arab precincts of Michigan, then Israel must pay that price. We should expect nothing better from Biden, because he is no better than that. It’s all he has ever been over the course of his long life.
There is no “two state” solution and it is a propaganda like. It simply amazes me that all the idiots and ignorant college students that want a ceasefire and a two state solution don’t understand that Israel gave the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians in 2005 and removed their military and 23 settlements so the Palestinians could have their “state”. And what did they do with their opportunity? They tore up the water pipes to build rocket launchers and in 2006 elected Hamas to govern them. Hamas, whose very charter calls for the complete destruction of Israel and the killing of all Jews. Egypt won’t even allow the Palestinians in. There will be no peace until Hamas is eradicated.
The two state solution is the Final Solution to the Jewish Question.
The Satanic plotting against the decedents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has been going on since the Exodus. Willful blindness has taken over. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.” Hosea 4:6 KJV. I would say that includes “Lack of TRUTH”!
I hear the Oakland, CA School Dept. is having a “Palestinian Teach-In” today. I wonder if they will teach THIS:
Zechariah 12 tells us that God is going to control things as this Palastinian 2 state solution is being discussed and heats up.
Zechariah 12:2
“Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup of staggering to all the surrounding peoples.
On that day I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all peoples. All who lift it will surely hurt themselves. And all nations of the earth will gather against it.
These words are becoming prophetically true in their entirety.
Look at social media’s version of the holocaust education which opposes the truth, especially in schools and colleges. A recent study found that 19% of Holocaust-related content on Twitter promotes Holocaust denial and distortion. That number stands at 17% on Tik Tok, 8% on Facebook, and 3% on Instagram,
unfortunately peace will elude israel until they recognise jesus christ as their messiah . this will not happen until the antichrist sets himself up to be worshipped in the rebuilt temple . halfway through the great tribulation . the world as well as israel is in for a rough time . time to repent and believe the gospel of jesus christ both jew and gentile . 3 quarters of the worlds population will perish during the 7 year tribulation . i will let you do the sums . what is happening in israel at the moment is a mere hiccup in the timeline of the history of the jewish nation and people .
We need to find permanent security for Jews in Israel and elsewhere – without a world war against Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Qatar, Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Turkey, Chechnya, Indonesia – plus Russia, China & North Korea.
Not many Jews, Muslims, or anyone else are likely to adopt Mr Nantz’s crazy fantasy that God “clothed himself in human flesh” etc etc for a mere three decades, some two thousand years ago, to be tortured to death to “save” millions, who have never heard this, before or since, from being burned alive for ever in “hell”.