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Ever since Rep. Mike Johnson came out of nowhere to be the House Speaker, the media’s legacy institutions in New York and D.C. scrambled to find dirt on a guy they had never heard of before.
And the results have been incredibly lame.
But since the media is desperate to produce material, they have to publish them anyway. Here’s the latest entry.
Speaker Mike Johnson’s Favorite Way to Dodge Questions: Answering the Phone – New York Times
Yes, that’s an actual New York Times headline, but it’s part of a wonderful catalog of lame hit piece headlines.
New House speaker Mike Johnson praised ‘18th-century values’ in speech – The Guardian
Speaker Mike Johnson explained why his ‘adopted’ Black son is not involved in his public life – Business Insider
Speaker Mike Johnson Explains Low Profile of ‘Adopted’ Black Son – Daily Beast
Inside the Shady Finances Behind Mike Johnson’s Longtime Pastor – Daily Beast
Mike Johnson is a Funny Name for Mike Johnson – Michael Ian Black
Just shocking stuff, but most shockingly of all, he answers the phone.
The lameness here reminds me of the frantic efforts to go after Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin: both of whom were short of damaging material, and had been formerly liked by the media, but had to be destroyed because they stood in Obama’s way.
Mike Johnson needs to be destroyed because he’s just another Democrat tool. Do you actually believe he’s on our side? He’s a do-nothing pencil-pushing nerd who wants to wants to be invited to all the right D.C. parties. He could easily get any Republican to vote the way he wants them to – just threaten to take away their committee seats. That’s the same as taking away their slush funds.
Isn’t that the same tactic Nancy Pelosi is famous for?
And your specifications are?
He writes like a NY Times reporter.
He doesn’t party or hob-nob with the elites, and he’s said he won’t allow the latest amnesty for invaders bill to pass.
Easy for you to say ,,,, Just like sports fans, who criticize the coaches, every move, but never played the game. Typical Prattle .
Mike is a solid citizen, a good man
Character assassination appears not to be an STOL [ short takeoff and landing aircraft ].
Damn those right wing extremists, denying our heroes of journalism their proper length of hemp with which to lynch anyone they please.
Most Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media for the truth since most of our news is fake