“The riots over the summer, you know, I could make a case that those riots were riots organic to an aggrieved community that perceived that they had various injustices throughout their life,” General Mark A Milley told the J6 Committee. “It was sheer, unmitigated anger that expressed itself in the form of mass violence and rioting. And, okay, I get it, it’s illegal, it’s wrong.”
The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who had previously justified the study of “white rage”, went on to defend the riots and the double standard at the heart of the J6 Committee.
“I don’t think the intent of those riots was to overturn the United States Government and to destroy the Constitution of the United States of America,” he argued.
The mobs assaulting police officers, burning flags, attacking federal buildings in sieges, like the one in Portland, reminiscent of Fort Sumter, and calling for the destruction of America under the guidance of an organization of “trained Marxists” demonstrated that it was an insurrection.
And Gen. Milley’s testimony showed that he sympathized with the insurrectionists.
An account had described Milley pointing to a bust of Lincoln during the Black Lives Matter riots and telling Trump, “That guy had an insurrection. What we have, Mr. President, is a protest.”
The J6 testimony provided an opportunity to dig into Milley’s definition of an insurrection.
On the one hand, Gen. Milley conceded that, “All the President has to do is walk outside the White House and yell three times, you know, ‘Insurrectionists, disperse.’ And he just has to yell it, right? And then he can do it, according to the law of 1807 or whatever year it was, right?”
But Gen. Milley along with other woke brass did everything possible to dissuade Trump from doing so. Using a report assembled by his subordinates, he argued that an insurrection should have “significant national security implications”, which he claims that massive nationwide riots that included attacks on federal buildings and the White House somehow did not.
There, as so often, Gen. Milley contradicted himself, mentioning that, “I don’t want to go into anything classified, but there were other countries exploiting some of this stuff.”
A mass insurrection by Marxists, black nationalist secessionists and other domestic terror groups exploited by enemy nations is the definition of a national security threat. Gen. Milley knows this because Russian plans during the Cold War had included such scenarios.
Using his report, Gen. Milley contended that, “fifteen hundred people rioting in three or four cities of America at a moment in time” did not qualify as an insurrection, but somehow J6 did.
Gen. Milley’s definition of an insurrection involves scope and scale, but there’s no metric under which the Black Lives Matter riots at their peak were smaller in scope than J6.
And yet, Milley cheerfully told the J6 Committee that he began taking a step that he doesn’t appear to have taken during the BLM riots, that “immediately following the 6th, I knew the significance, and I asked my staff, freeze all your records, collate them, get them collected up.”
Why did records involving a riot need to be classified?
“The document — I classified the document at the beginning of this process by telling my staff to gather up all the documents, freeze-frame everything, notes, everything and, you know, classify it. And we actually classified it at a pretty high level, and we put it on JWICS, the top secret stuff. It’s not that the substance is classified. It was I wanted to make sure that this stuff was only going to go people who appropriately needed to see it, like yourselves,” Gen. Milley admitted.
On his own initiative, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs had classified documents involving a political incident, not because of any innate need, but to make sure that only the politically correct would gain access to them.
What’s in those documents? Whatever is there is meant ‘for leftist eyes only’.
Throughout his testimony, Gen. Milley insisted that he was only a public servant.
“I cannot issue orders in my name. That’s illegal,” he told the J6 Committee, describing his position as an.”advisory role, not in the chain of command, but, yes, in the chain of communication And that applies to everything, by the way. I know the Speaker Pelosi call and some other things came under a variety of criticism, but that’s all part of the role of the Chairman, is to be part of the chain of communication, not part of the chain of command.”
Gen. Milley was asked about the call involving Trump, during which Pelosi said, “‘You know he’s crazy, don’t you,’and she is reported to have said, General Milley, that you agreed with her.”
In his response, Gen. Milley appeared to confirm that he did so.
While the China phone call has been widely reported, Gen. Milley apparently placed “50 or 60” other phone calls to the Russians, the French, the Japanese and even the Islamic terror state of Qatar which is an ally of Iran and a key backer of the Muslim Brotherhood, to convey “stability”.
That is a very long chain of communication.
Gen. Milley claims to be deeply concerned about the Constitution and civilian control of the military, yet he repeatedly undermined the president, cabinet members and other civilian appointees for his own political agendas. Under the guise of being a good advisor, he initiated processes, like the political classification of materials, the double standard on riots or the phone calls that usurped the constitutional authority of the executive branch. And he’s still at it.
While belligerent in congressional hearings toward Republicans, Gen. Milley was pathetically eager to help along the J6 Committee right down to selectively classifying documents for political reasons. He decries the politicization of the military, yet everything he’s done has been to further shift the military leftward. His only resistance to leftist political pressure came when he tried to dissuade Rep. Schiff from proposals to recall and court martial General Flynn.
“I’ve become a lightning rod for the politicization of the military. And I am constantly strung out as an individual and also with Secretary Austin and others, the Chief of Naval Operations, the Sergeant Major of the Army. There’s a whole bunch of us that have been,” Gen. Milley complained.
Secretary of Defense Austin is a political appointee. Chief of Naval Operations Michael Gilday has been among the most aggressive in pushing racism and hatred for this country.
“Some of it is comments that I made in testimony about critical race theory and white rage,” Gen. Milley conceded. “Months of this constant drumbeat that is very damaging, in my view, personally, to the health of the Republic, because there is a deliberate attempt, in my view, to smear the general officer corps and the leaders of the military and to politicize the military… and I think that’s something that we need to avoid.”
Gen. Milley once again gets it backward. Military leaders like him have the obligation not to politicize the military. Civilians have a right to be critical of military leadership: especially when it stakes out political territory and takes sides.
Instead of acting to restore an apolitical military, Gen. Milley continues to help the Biden administration further politicize it while blaming retired officers and other critics of his actions.
“When 137 generals recently signed a letter that Secretary Austin and I are, you know, the worst thing since sliced bread and we’re lower than, you know, whale stuff and we should be court-martialed and treason and all that kind of stuff, all former retired flag officers — I will say, none of them were four-stars, though; we had a couple three-stars — that’s politicization,” he objected.
Retired officers are not politicizing the military when they express their opinions. Gen. Milley is politicizing the military when he states that, “if generals are out there writing editorials about politics, I think that’s an issue. If you want to be involved in politics as a general officer, retired general officer, or a retired commissioned officer, you ought to run for office.”
On Gen. Milley’s watch, active duty personnel have repeatedly been allowed to express leftist and even anti-American views, to clash with civilians on social media and berate journalists, even while any hint of criticism of the Biden administration has led to court martials.
Just compare the respective fates of Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller and Maj. Gen. Patrick Donahoe.
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Milley has used his position to, at worst, conduct and, at best, sign off on an insurrection that threatens the constitutional order he swore an oath to protect. The insurrection is cloaked in bureaucratic shenanigans like the selective classification, in providing misleading advice, using double standards and initiating treasonous actions.
Any serious investigation of the crimes committed in 2020 needs to begin with Gen. Milley.
Milley and Austin are among the worst leaders of our armed forces in American history
They have blood on their hands from Afghanistan too.
Who allowed this incompetent, traitorous boob to remain in our military?
Donald J. Trump
Austin is a Biden appointee…Miley was appointed Chairman in Oct 2019…hard to gauge that someone is going to be so unfaithful to their oath and duty concept in one year of time. His treachery came to light during the summer of 2020 and winter of 2021. Blaming Trump makes zero sense unless that is what you meant to do.
I support Trump, but his achilles’ heel is judging the character of others. Miller is but one example. There are very many others.
If it were WW2, he would be calling Wilhelm Keitel to give him a “Heads up.”
“Hey, Wilhelm. It’s me, Milley.. Just want to let you know the invasion will be on the 6th of June, not the 9th. Also, the landing will be at Normandy, not Calais. That’s right. Normandy.
Next time you see Adolf, give him my regards. Home this info helps.
Similar to Keitel and some other careerist German generals during WW2. Might make an interesting study.
AGREED! Austin is useless as mammary glands on a boar hog and Milley is a disgrace to the uniform and the country. They both need to resign immediately!
A retired commission officer,
Miley needs to beCharged with Sedition, or dare I say Treason!
Resign, no. Court martialled, yes.
As I understand it … Milley sucks and swallows. He likes soldiers in drag.
Not uet worse than Sherman or Sheridan, but well on down that road. Tie will reveal their true mettle.
Phat Phingers strike again.. not YET worse than….
The absolute worst.
Political prisoners, locked up in solitary confinement, for trespassing, without trial for over TWO YEARS.
The legacy media don’t have a problem with this.
We should be so lucky as to do it to the legacy media. Then kick back and listen to them wail.
“the worst thing since sliced bread”?????
I thought the phrase was “the best thing”. He gets a lot of things backwards.
I noticed that too. Milley is really very stupid and dense.
The perfect Useful Idiot always necessary for the left to succeed.
Necessary right up to the point of dominance, when they are done away with.
Might I recommend a Mussolini Neck Tie party…?
Austin & Milley are a disgrace to the military….plain and simple.
What fool would enlist in the Americas army with clowns like Milley running it. They can’t get volunteers anymore … a few reasons.
1. They are sick of fighting rich man’s wars.
2. They are too overweight to make the cut.
3. Most young men are not taught how to use guns like they used to.
4. The faggotry that Milley brought in is more than they can bear,
5. Did I mention most young people are over weight, out of shape, lazy and distracted by screens,
There will be a draft soon enough and the dodgers will flood Socialist Canada like they did with Vietnam.
America is on it’s last legs now. If they don’t get decent leadership in the next election … forget about it,
The fact that all four branches are requiring servicemen to watch tutorials on how to memorize some idiot’s “personal pronoun(s)” augments your point #4.
Thank God, I’m a former Marine, because I’d sooner beat their prissy ass than indulge such pure bullshit, (The day has arrived where I tell people NOT to join the armed services . . . a day that I had never once imagined back in the 90’s.)
I also fear for this nation.
Fat kids are nothing new, nor a problem. Diet change and getting them up off their thick ends and WORKING will cure that in a few weeks. It was a problem back in the sixties, too. Easy fix.
Its the other “social issues” and ugly wokish politics keeping folks out. Who wants to risk the brig for forgetting to call am obvious male “she” or :”her”? Wasting time and brainspace on memorising false “history”, sucking up to wierdoes who somehow seem to float to the management positions.. Milley being one sad example.
I lived in BC’s Lower Mainland from 1975 to 1980, legal immigrant, not dodging anything. I met and interacted with LOTS of folks. In those five years I only met one dodger, and only heard of two more. I suspect that phenomenon was vastly exaggerated.
I have one word for those two idiots – treason
Twitter cancelled my account for essentially saying the same thing.
Milley is vile and utterly despicable. Defending “riots/fascism for a good cause,” essentially.
This is the same reprobate who phoned his Chinese counterpart, in an act of brazen and indefensible treason and insubordination, to reassure him that if President Trump were to order an attack on China, Milley would contact his Chinese counterpart, to give him advance warning.
In a sane and just society, Milley would have been executed and strung up by his nuts, for this outrageous and brazen act of treason and insubordination.
Given his “testimony” and his phone calls, I’d have to say that he was GUILTY of SEDITION at the very least and TREASON more likely! And to top it off, he ADMITTED as much and seemed to be especially PROUD of his actions! Is there any wonder WHY all the MANUFACTURED BALLOTS were necessary??
Sounds like he violated classification regulations in classifying that Jan 6 report.
They were absolutely necessary. Can’t rig/steal an election if it’s done above board.
The leftist scum needed untraceable ballots shot out like confetti out of a canon & they needed extra time to assess in case mail-ins were insufficient – and Chief Justice Roberts made sure they had that extra time.
I think we’ve had our last One Night election. I know we’ve had our last untainted election.
He betrayed his commander and chief to then serve the anti-American interests of the corrupt Washington swamp. He’s a disgrace to the uniform he wears. He’s nothing more than a corrupt politician in a military costume.
But on a finer note, he’s kicking ass on the cocktail circuit. (A Gen. Patton, or Gen. Curtis LeMay he is NOT.)
Just the fact that Miley is still there in his position reveals he is a butt kisser of commies, moo slims, and perverts. He must be on board with all the evil he has assisted with.
He will feel right at home in Canada!
When they stand before the Eternal Judge, Milley and Austin will wonder just who stands between them and eternal damnation.
My guess, from what I know: No one.
I must be unfamiliar with military personalities but exactly who was more corrupt; did more damage to the prestige, professionalism, and effectiveness of the military than these two rear area pogues?
Neither Milley nor Austin strikes me as very bright. Very bad for what is labelled “military preparedness”.
Remember a couple of years ago when Milley was advocating the troops read about CRT (so called critical race theory ? Defending himself from criticism, he said something like…”Well, I read about communism, and it didn’t make me a communist.”
Now that, My Dear Watson, is DUMB.
Has Milley kept the nuclear codes from the biden, as he did Trump.. He said Trump was crazy, well what doe he think biden is?
Why should any normal American give any credibility to this horse’s rump who adorns himself with medals from neck to crotch?
It’s uniform. He’s not required to wear those, but they are part of the uniform.
thank you, Daniel
your articles “it the nail on the head”
you’re chief carpenter building this insurrection’s coffin.
stay safe and keep up the good work.
Milley must have eaten a lot of Cracker Jacks to get so many (mostly meaningless) medals on his blouse when he actually wears a Class A uniform. Most of my 12 are meaningless, but I admit it, unlike him. I said my Bronze Star was an officer’s Good Conduct Medal for serving in Vietnam. CBI, Purple Heart, Bronze Star with V and those above actually do have meaning. All that said, Milley is a phony patriot and a liar!
His call to China to backstab President Trump sort of makes anything he says or testifies moot.
Milley and Austin, Droopy Peepers and Gumby!! What a pair.
Droopy Peepers Milly and Gumby Austin, the dynamic duo!
Can we send Milley to China to stay?
You know, Joseph McCarthy claimed the US Military had been infiltrated by the COMINTERN in the 50s. He was called a traitor by Eisenhower and the media, and then he died a sudden and suspicious death not a decade later.
Don’t look now, but Mark Milley just proved him right.
Yup. That Joe McCarthy WAS on the mark. Unlike the current most ballyhooed “Joe”we’ve got.
Many hated Joe, mainly because few had the guts or knowhow to backcheck the things he was saying. Seem to recall someone wrote a book a decade or two back essentially vindicating him. Commies under the bed? Maybe not in every home, but in far too many of them. They have VERY successfully infiltrated Hollywood, the gummit education s racket, and now most of what passes for the press/.media.
Milley is a disgrace to the uniform he wears and the Oath that we all took. His behavior is conduct unbecoming and he needs to go!
ex-SSG Infantry
Milley opposed the nation being defended against street violence. He does not want to call the widespread and purposeful attacks on individuals, businesses, homes, public buildings, civilians, and government personnel an insurrection. Yet, this is what happens when a foreign enemy invades – just what the military is designed to deal with, Many nations with weak militaries have leaders like Milley. They are palace generals not field commanders.
Really a fantastic article and in Portland and Seattle the Maoist brigades of antifa/BLM frequently spray painted their slogan while looting/vandalizing and burning:
Milley is simply a communist traitor along with Gilday and Austin and we all know why Austin was appointed SecDef: during the Obama administration Austin the CENTCOM commander oversaw the disbursement of somewhere between $500 million to $700 million to the traainimg of “Syrian rebels” but ended up with ZRO Syrian rebles to show for it (SOURCE: C–SPAN Pentagon briefing interview, 2016).
What happened to those funds? Did some go to train eleme ts of antifa in Syria for domestic use? To arm ISIS???
I never thought I would live to see the day I proclaimed the entire JCS to be nothing but a gang of commies!?
“Kiev could fall in four days!”
“It will take the Taliban three to six months to reach Kabul!”
“I am proud CRT is taught at West Point!”
—– Gen. Marky Mark Milley, official buffoon of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Milley’s staying. He’s finishing his coffee. Enjoying his coffee.
Milley is the worst tactical and strategic general in the history of the world.
To get to that rank, one is expected to have endured and engaged in a great deal of politics across a varied spectrum of cultures including politics.
That’s a very specific criticism because Milley is either NOT considering, or he’s totally omitted, political discourse in his stated opinions, at every level, on every issue, as illustrated by (ironically) his statements!!
He backed the J6 Committee, but disagrees with the J6 Committee’s premise: “J6’ers are insurrectionists.”????
Dingbat Milley should have known that the promotion of the J6 Committee was to promote, secure, and agree with the J6 premise!!
He can’t have it both ways, unless you’re stupid, or ignorant, either of which makes the case that Milley is the worst tactical and strategic general in the history of the world.
Just more reason to impeach both Austin and Milley
MIlley is a traitor and should be treated as such. He is not fit to be a leader in our military organizations.
I’d like to hear milley’s answer to the question, “What is it called when a group of people physically takes control of an area from the duly elected authorities and proclaims it an ‘Autonimous zone?'”