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Before Ismail Haniyeh became the leader of Hamas, he was a teacher at UNRWA.
The UN agency dedicated welfare agency for the Arab Muslim colonists who call themselves “Palestinians” had long since become a terrorist front.
“I am sure that there are Hamas members on the UNRWA payroll,” a former UNRWA Commissioner General said, “and I don’t see that as a crime.”
A former official boasted “that UNRWA was raising thousands and thousands of cadres” and “first and foremost, we can mention Ismail Haniyeh, who was an UNRWA teacher, and so was Dr. Talal Naji, Secretary-General of the PFLP-GC.” The PFLP is also a terrorist group.
The UNRWA’s Gaza staff has its own union. In a 2012 election, a pro-Hamas bloc won the support of most of the union with 25 out of 27 seats on a union board. When there was talk of reforming the UNRWA by removing Hamas members from its ranks, the editor of a Hamas paper wrote that, “they are all members of the ‘resistance,’ in its various forms.”
How true is that? Israeli intelligence estimates that 1 in 4 male UNRWA employees had ties to Hamas and 1 in 2 employees had family ties to terrorists.
On Oct 7, multiple UNRWA employees took part in the attack. One UNRWA teacher was recorded boasting “I’m inside, I’m inside with the Jews! We have female hostages, I captured one!” while using the Islamic term for sex slave. At least 30 UNRWA employees took part in other parts of the attack, running an ops room, carrying antitank missiles and invading Israel.
Within a group of 3,000 UNRWA staff members, there was widespread celebration on Oct 7.
Hamas kept key assets, including a data and command center, under UNRWA’s headquarters and has regularly deployed its rockets at UNRWA sites and hidden in UNRWA supplies. Hamas has taken UNRWA supplies so that aid and funding for it supplies the Islamic terror group.
As a result of these revelations and more, a number of nations paused their funding to UNRWA.
But despite evidence of Hamas ties, UNRWA USA continues to retain nonprofit status in the U.S. Providing material aid to Hamas, a sanctioned terrorist group on the State Department’s Foreign Terrorist Organization list, is illegal, and illegal acts violate tax code regulations.
Survivors of the Oct 7 attacks including Lishay Lavi, who had to watch along with her daughters while Hamas kidnapped her husband, David Bromberg, who hid for 7 hours while watching others at the Nova music festival being massacred by the terrorists, and Natalie Sanandaji, an American woman who had been in Israel for a wedding and then had to run for her life, along with other survivors have sued UNRWA USA.
The lawsuit alleges that “UNRWA USA collects donations in the United States and then transfers nearly all its funds to UNRWA” which “redistributes those funds to Hamas members on their payroll, some of whom are directly engaged in acts of terrorism, including but not limited to, the October 7th atrocities.”
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) depends heavily on two international NGOs, UNRWA USA and another in Spain. UNRWA USA, despite cultivating an image as an aid group, features veteran anti-Israel activists on its board, including Nadia Saah, Lara Friedman, and Shibley Telhami. The latter took part in an event with a Hamas apologist.
UNRWA USA’s report claims that it was able to provide $3.8 million to UNRWA in 2022. That money and previous funds raised by UNRWA USA could have bolstered Hamas before Oct 7.
While survivors and their families are entitled to sue UNRWA USA, the IRS has failed to act.
This is in sharp contrast to the IRS pursuit of pro-Israel groups under the Obama administration.
Z Street, one of those groups, launched a legal battle that exposed the administration’s targeting of political opponents.
Z Street’s founder, Lori Lowenthal Marcus, told Front Page Magazine that, “One of the excuses given to Z Street by an IRS official was that the IRS had to make sure we were not ‘engaged in terrorism’ because we mentioned ‘terror’ in our mission statement. The part of Z Street’s mission that mentioned terror? ‘We will not engage with, negotiate with or appease terrorists.’”
The IRS however appears to have a different position on terrorism. And that may explain its actions.
Among the more recent targets of the IRS has been the David Horowitz Freedom Center which spent 5 years battling the federal agency because we reported on Hillary Clinton’s emails.
Front Page Magazine had previously exposed the role that the IRS has played in enabling the funding and political support for Hamas in the United States by 501(c)(3) charity nonprofits.
But UNRWA may be the single large beneficiary of the IRS’ willful blindness to Islamic terrorism.
What is true of UNRWA is also true of much of the United Nations.
“Hamas is not a terrorist group for us, as you know, it is a political movement,” UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Martin Griffiths recently argued.
But UNRWA is unique as a UN agency that functions as an employment agency for Hamas, provides it with facilities and aid, and political cover for its campaign to kill Jews.
The lawsuit by the survivors of the Hamas attacks states that, “UNRWA USA was fully aware that UNRWA employees supported, engaged in, and celebrated the terrorist attacks on October 7, but Defendant continued to fund UNRWA and its terrorist activities before, during, and after the October 7 terrorist attack.”
Even as the investigation of UNRWA goes on, the IRS has expressed no interest in examining the nonprofit status of UNRWA USA as they did Z Street, the David Horowitz Freedom Center and other conservative and pro-Israel groups who have been targeted for political reasons.
The Freedom Center and Front Page Magazine will not stop holding the IRS and those organizations, like UNRWA, that aid and abet terrorism against America and Israel accountable.
The Internal Robbery Service is funding the enemy more reasons for total Investigation on who is funding the enemy of America and the American People
Thank you.
So VERY many of the world’s intractable problems seem to emanate from seldom seen corners of our own federal government.
So true! This Hamas/IRS connection has me again questioning if I still live in a free country.
Sure it is but then isn’t funding TERRORIST NATIONS like Iran, illegal too? Isn’t negotiating with terrorists also illegal?
SEVERAL articles on U.S. IMAM’S openly calling for the death of Jews, surely U.S. Jews too… SO…. why no arrests? What if… oh golly… if a Rabbi openly called for the death of Muslims?
The President of the Islamic Center of New Mexico, Ahmad Assed, a radical from the ’80s along with his fellow UNM student and on the top of David Horowitz’ List of Most Radical Professors, Joseph Massad of Columbia, held a PROTEST IN SUPPORT OF HAMAS ABOUT TEN YEARS AGO. His group of protesters shut down the main drag ending up at the university where five Jews were already protesting. I mentioned to the police, that Assad’s group COUNTER-PROTEST across the street and they refused to move them. Two of the five Jews had signs: “HAMAS USES HUMAN SHIELDS.” Assad’s protesters surrounded them so none of the passersby could see them.
HE’S NOW THE CURRENT PRESIDENT and the news media will not confront him if he still supports Hamas, and most importantly, if he was sending ANY TYPE OF AID, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, to them. Is he inciting the Mosque? Local Rabbi’s are outraged due to my conversations with them but they too are afraid to say anything!
Every mosque or charity that preaches terror should lose charitable status. The word “charity” is from the Greek word for love. It is the same word that appears in 1 Corinthians 13. There is no way that this is consistent with Hamas’ activities. But doubtless there are those who would say that I am “islamophobic” for saying so.
Bit by bit Biden, Blinken, and the Undemocratic Socialists of America are making the USA a satrapy of the Islamic Republic. Sooner rather than later American Jews will be forced to abandon the Golden Medina because it has become a hotbed of Jew Hatred. Wouldn’t surprise me if many returned to the same Russia that their grandparents fled. Putin, for all his flaws, has a better understanding of how Islam rots a nation’s soul than the clowns in the Congress and the White House
This is an important insight by Ed Snider.
When a nation, society, culture becomes depraved, psychopathic, berserk, corrupt, lawless,
and irrational, as America is becoming, then other more favorable options must, must be considered.
When the fundamental bonds of society, law, morals and culture that keep a nation viable are broken,
then other options absolutely must be considered for ones defense and survival.
words make a difference. so much of our government is operating in the shadows. the standard for american citizens to use the correct pronouns. the standard for government is deceive its citizens to sow strife in the world. how can the UN not see hamas as a terrorist group while the unrwa is being funded by the IRS? deceit. the great deceiver has taken hold of our government. legally the IRS cannot fund unrwa. unless, the irs is really not federal agency. the great deceiver again. demand from your representatives to either recognize the irs as a federal agency and abide by the law. or abolish the irs as government puppet agency to fund terrorism with american tax dollars..
The woke leftist democrat appointees who run the IRS are just as depraved psychopathic and berserk and corrupt
as their totally corrupt woke leftist democrat party leadership..
It is important to understand that the political lunacy and hatred for Israel , America and US citizens, particularly
the working and middle class American citizens, began in earnest with the Clintons and Obama.
The insidious political and moral corruption of the democrat party of the USA is a disgrace.
If the democrat party does not somehow self-immolate itself, due to its corruption, depravity and
psychopathology, then it will probably destroy America and Freedom itself.
By several metrics it definitely appears that our Fed Government is now beyond its Citizens.
This actually sheds a new light on many of our past poor political decisions and poor foreign policies. It’s too bad we could not have heeded the advice of George Washington and then Dwight Eisenhower and stayed out of foreign affairs and stayed away from the Military/Industrial Complex.
Somehow, someway, the rot needs to be removed, Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Ron Klain, Axlerod, and the rest of the Chicago communists moving Brandon’s cadaver around DC.
If you think about it, how many people are employed by the govt and the military/industrial complex? These people, with few exceptions, will always vote to grow or maintain the govt and keep the arms makers in business. How could this possibly ever be reversed? IMO, it will take a total collapse of our economy and a purge of all the warmongers in Congress. If that happens we will be vulnerable to hostiles who are watching us destroy ourselves. We are caught in a downward spiral of our own making and it’s only a matter of time before we hit bottom.
Just occurred to me to wonder if we can persuade them that charitable status is unIslamic, since (see my post above) the word charity comes from the same Greek word as the theme of 1 Corinthians 13. Mind you, they would probably say that the rest of us should start saying zakat instead.
I had no idea this could possibly happen to our nation’s tax agency. I will be robbed by the IRS soon, and am planning to pay my unfair share on April Fool’s Day.
Has anyone taken the time to read the Geneva Convention? UNWRA and Hamas and Hezbollah are all in violation of the convention.
Here are some examples:
To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons:
(a) Violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture;
(b) Taking of hostages;
(c) Outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment;
(d) The passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples.
2. The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for.
That carries about as much weight as the agreement Chamberlain got Hitler to sign.
Can anybody remember anything good that came out of UN?
It’s way passed time to dismantle the whole organization. It servers no purpose.
UNRWA has for years run schools and training camps where Hamas members and other terrorist teach Arab students to hate and violently attack Jews. The Democrats treat Israel like a Banana Republic demanding the replacement of Israel’s democratically elected government.