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You may have seen this video of Rep. Ismail Mohammed’s victory speech in Ohio.
Ohio Rep. Ismail Mohamed delivers his victory speech. Not a word of English.
— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) March 20, 2024
If you’re wondering why they’re wearing blue, that’s the color of the Somali flag.
Rep. Ismail Mohammed was one of the state legislators whom the Freedom Center covered in our Election Jihad report.
In Ohio, newly elected Rep. Munira Abdullahi, who had been employed and backed by the Muslim American Society, an organization founded by the Muslim Brotherhood with ties to Hamas, and appeared with an MAS figure who had promoted Hamas, was elected and became the only one to vote against a state resolution in support of Israel after the Oct 7 Hamas attacks.
The Somali Islamist politician accused Israel of “genocide” and “apartheid”, and demanded an end to foreign aid to the Jewish State. She then helped spread false claims that Israel is “the biggest child-killer in the world” and promoted a hate crime hoax spread by CAIR that a driver shouting “long Live Israel” had tried to run over a Muslim.
Rep. Abdullahi along with Rep. Ismail Mohamed were two new Muslim representatives elected to the Ohio State House. Both had been backed by the Muslims for Ohio PAC.
Like many local Islamist political groups, Muslims for Ohio PAC is interwoven with a local community group that receives government funding: MY Project USA. Zerqa Abid founded MY Project USA, which receives government grants from, among others, the federal government and the city of Columbus, and Abid is also a founding member of Muslims for Ohio PAC.
While My Project USA works on voter registration, Muslims for Ohio PAC promotes candidates. “Collaborators” for a My Project USA conference included Muslims for Ohio PAC, the local chapter of CAIR and the Ohio State University’s chapter of the Muslim Students Association with sponsorship from the Islamic Society of Greater Columbus.
This is how Ohio and America are being transformed at the state level. Open borders is just the first step.
Our Election Jihad report shows how the next step works. Refugee resettlement nonprofits and aid groups sponsor and set up community groups for the new arrivals. Those groups transition into political and voter turnout operations meant to elect Democrats. The process takes much less time than you might think.
And the consequences are catastrophic.
(Note the Somali flag in the background.)
I have lived most of my life in Ohio. Thank you for reporting on this.
Me, too. I’d spent almost 20 years in SC, but returned to OH in 2021. This chills me.
One method of easing some of these immigrants out of the US is to eliminate any financial support for them from the state of OH. Also, they should not be getting any subsidies, from local, state, or federal money. No EBT. No rent subsidies. No Obamacare subsidies (yes, many of them DO have those – they are classified by CMS – the Center for Medicare Services, an agency that is committed to foisting the expenses of foreigners onto American citizens – as eligible for services).
I voted this year in the primary, and will be committed to uncovering abuses of taxpayers generosity by foreign nationals, whether temporarily in the US while waiting for adjudication of their asylum claims, as a foreign student, or as a flat-out illegal with phony paperwork.
I feel bad for Ohio. By a strange coincidence, both my father and maternal grandmother came to California from Ohio.
And Ohio isn’t exactly on the Southern border. Thanks, Alzheimer Joe and handlers. We can always count on you…… screw us over.
so now Ohio and Minnesota are lost to the invaders
Unfortunately, this is going to be more common in the future. Americans are not paying attention to things like this election in Ohio. We are slowly, slowly, but ever so surly being taken over by Islamists. Laugh and deny if you must…but please think about this…it is happening….
Taken over from within. Its done.
Frankly, I have a hard time fathoming this eventuality, but I’m also not surrounded by Somali resettlement refugees either. The Obama legacy of “fundamentally transforming” America continues.
Iranian Muslims took over, decades ago, the SF Bay Area hospital I went to as a kid, and turned it into a mosque. The mechanism was, first ghetto black street criminals trashed the area and property, then the Iranians got it cheap.
I remember when I was around 4 years old, back in the 1950s, I fell and split my tongue open. My parents took me to that hospital and they operated on me without anesthetic. My parents said I cried and screamed. I don’t remember that or the pain (hard to remember things that are so extreme) but I remember looking up at the ceiling of the operating room.
We sometimes block out trauma when we’re young. When I was four I sliced my chin open on my Tonka Trunk (they were made of sheet metal back then) and when I was five I put a hole in my eyebrow when I fell off my closet clothes rack onto my robot toy. (My brother and I used to hang upside down by our knees and pretend to be monkeys.) I don’t really remember any of it. I got my arm mauled by a vicious dog when I was seven and I don’t remember that, either. I remember it leaping at me and throwing my arm up in front of my throat but that’s it. My mind has blocked out the rest. Shock, I guess.
I’ll give my step father credit, though. He had that dog destroyed. He didn’t fuck around.
Thanks Jeff!
For theory wonks: when the brain attempts to integrate short term memory into long term memory, extreme pain in the short term memory may not match anything stored in the long term memory, so the extreme pain doesn’t get added to long term memory. I noted that a long time ago and puzzled about it ever since.
I’ve endured a lot of extreme pain in my lifetime and I notice long term memory works better for adults. Unfortunately. Painful memories are the ones I want to forget. I wish I could forget my slut-pig-dog-whore ex wife.
Obama’s mission was and is to destroy the USA from within and he is succeeding
Does he speak any English? Likely not as this could be considered racist to expect anyone in the US to become American.
Yes, it will happen faster than the majority would believe.
If you cannot place your hand on a BIBLE and swear to Uphold the CONSTITUTION of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA and the STATE then you have no business in an office of a State or Our Nation! The simple ACT of refusing to honor and follow OUR CONSTITUTION should be grounds to disqualify and REMOVE from office! Hmm, wouldn’t that eliminate the DEMONcrat party??
Jihad, treaty, and SETTLEMENT are listed by Wheatcroft in his “Infidels, Conflict Between Christendom and Islam” as the methods of spreading Islamic superstitions.
Cowardly politicians let it happen in the hope of being eaten last by the reptilian dune clowns.
“The hope of being eaten last”–that describes so much, now, of the West.
I saw some social media post about places to move that are still overwhelmingly white. You express my thought exactly. There will be no running and hiding eventually.
The foreign population in Austin, Texas is very high. Their facial expressions, physical and social mannerisms are very different from westernkind. There is often no graciousness of our manners or customs about them, and their mien is also often hostile.
They have the whip hand, understanding the dominant anti-white message. We westernkind (especially white westernkind) are personae non grata. This nation built with the blood, sweat and tears of our ancestors is no longer ours, but theirs, to do with as they please. They are encouraged to carry out our genocide by any means necessary..
There is nothing of our western idea of human equality or dignity. Nothing of the rule of law. They operate from a basis of bribery. In Mexico, they call it the “mordida.” It is standard operating procedure there and the entire, non-western world. We largely do not understand this, wrongly believing our western ways are “normal” when they are actually quite rare.
Excellent post KH!!!!!
Please read the following in what happens as the percentage on moslems increases in a country:
Islamic terrorist invaders are playing the game of numbers.
Using democracy against us.
Their numbers must be reduced. Before they get into enslaving or killing all non-muslims. That is their ultimate goal and nobody talks about it.
his is why we want a Border Wall to keep out persons like this and to pull out of the United Nations and moved the whole rotten bunch to Mocow or Beijing
Depraved psychopathic murderous berserk Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
It’s the Islamist long game. Emigrate and procreate. In 50 years people will be married to goats and eating halal if this is not turned around.
You can also kiss the lbgtq++ gang goodby
Biden’s appeasement of the pro-terror block serves to confirm their influence, emboldening them even more. This public and widespread appeasement is THE BEGINNING OF THE END OF AMERICA. TOMORROR IT WILL BE WORSE THAN THE UK.
ALL muslims must be removed from the US.