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Earlier this year, JNS reported on a lawsuit against Harvard addressing its strange relationship with Birzeit University in the terrorist-occupied territories in Israel.
Birzeit U is Hamas.
The suit also cites “concerns regarding Harvard’s continued partnership with Birzeit University in the West Bank, which openly discriminates against Jews, and promotes Hamas and its terrorism.”
“Among other things, Birzeit’s buildings and events are named after convicted terrorists; military parades on campus feature students wearing mock explosive vests while waving Hamas flags; in May 2022, Hamas won the majority of Birzeit student government seats; and, two weeks before the Oct. 7 massacre, eight students were arrested with weapons and plans to carry out a terrorist attack,” per the lawsuit. “Rather than end its affiliation with this antisemitic, terrorism-supporting university, Harvard touts its Birzeit partnership.”
If that sounds like just another day in the Ivy League these days, there may be good reason for that.
Now another report by Adam Andrzejewski of Open the Books reveals the financial side of the relationship between top schools and the terrorist university.
In February 2020, Brown University, an Ivy League school with a tax advantaged $6.5 billion endowment, negotiated a $643,000 gift from a foundation located within the “State of Palestine” to create a new Palestinian professorship within its Center for Middle East Studies…
At Brown, the foreign gift established, “…support for a Professorship in Palestinian Studies within Middle East Studies.” The “first chair of its kind dedicated to this field of study.” An anti-Israel professor named Beshara Doumani was tapped as the inaugural Mahmoud Darwish Professor of Palestinian Studies.
Soon after his appointment at Brown, Dr. Doumani was given permission also to simultaneously head Birzeit University in the West Bank for two years.
In essence, Birzeit’s boss was embedded at Brown University to chair a terrorist studies department with funding coming from inside a terrorist entity.
The question is how widespread are deals like this and how have they influenced the Ivy League?
More abuse of the tax system. That’s the hidden history of tax systems through the ages. The main purpose of taxes was to fund government wars and corruption.
Said very well, Algo. “Corruption” is mainly enriching oneself and one’s friends and family.
Thanks KH!!!!!!
I would bet that the Saudi and Qatar and Kuwaiti and Oman and UAE Islamic “Royal” families, etc.etc.etc.
are all big funders of the depraved psychopathic murderous berserk terrorist supporting Middle East Studies
programs in American Universities.
And as we all know, these depraved Moo–Slum “Royal” families demand what they will and American elites and politicians jump and prostrate themselves in unison to obey.
They all want to keep the depraved Islamic blood money rolling in.