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When Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived in Jerusalem in the second week of the new year, his fourth visit to the Middle East, and fifth to Israel, since 10/7 and the rampage that day by some 3,000 homicidal and suicidal Muslim ghouls, torturers, rapists, and butchers, Blinken conveyed to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu word of his conversations with the medieval Muslim potentates in the United Arab Emirates, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and Saudi Arabia, Islam’s “home office.” And his message to Netanyahu from the de facto head of state there, Prince Mohammad bin Salman a.k.a. Prince MbS, was that “normalization” with Israel is possible when the Palestinian state is achieved, even though, Israel’s Prime Minister has more than once said no to that.
Secretary Blinken, like his boss President Biden, a man famously “wrong on every foreign policy issue in his career” according to veteran foreign policy professional Robert Gates, supports the Two-State Solution (TSS) which both Biden & Blinken seem not to understand calls for the destruction of Israel – as the Muslims understand what the TSS would mean if implemented.
What the Muslims understand is that they will take possession of the “West Bank” — what on maps for thousands of years was labeled “Judea” and “Samaria.” For millennia, the Arabs had no names for Judea and Samaria and in a way still do not. The “Palestinians” claim to be the indigenous people of the “West Bank” but, oddly, unlike authentic indigenes, they never named the territories’ natural features: mountains, rivers, lakes. In fact, UN General Assembly Partition Plan in 1947 said nothing of a “West Bank,” only “Samaria and Judea.”
The Arabs’ current colorless name did not emerge until after 1967’s Six-Day War when Jordan attacked Israel. Israel attacked back and routed the Jordanian army into retreating across the Jordan River onto the east bank. What today’s “Palestinians” know as the “West Bank” is actually evidence that never in history was a people there calling themselves “Palestinians” and being called that by others.
And when Saudi Prince MbS calls for “normalization” with Israel, that means the transfer to Islam of “Samaria and Judea,” the latter name the etymological root of the Jewish people, restoring these territories to Muslim hands pre-1967 and for most of the history of Islam that never populated and developed the Jews’ Promised Land. Historically, the Arabs have mostly been nomads and nomads build nothing.
People commonly misperceive the endless killing and murder of Jews in Israel a.k.a. terrorism, wars and the Jews’ self-defense, if one sees it as the “Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” a name like “West Bank” that only entered popular usage after the Six-Day War. In the 1950s-60s, the conflict was called “Arab-Israeli,” and the change occurred as part of the invention of today’s allegedly primeval “Palestinians.”
Indeed, the UN, born in 1945, never referenced any “Palestinians” in any UN resolution on the Arab-Israel conflict for its first twenty-five years. Prior to the birth of the State of Israel, the language of the Arab enemy of the Zionist Jews in Mandatory Palestine (1920-1948) was exclusively religious; not until the 1970s did the religious resistance to Zionism morph into a political movement of “national liberation.” Not until the General Assembly produced Res. 2672 on December 8, 1970, whose text referenced “the people of Palestine” and their “inalienable rights,” did the UN begin to lose its mind over the “Palestinians.” What followed was decades of an annual avalanche of hundreds of “pro-Palestinian” resolutions that has never ceased to this day.
The invention of the “Palestinians” as a nation followed decades in which the Arab resistance to the Zionist movement was couched in religious language exclusively. The leader of the Arabs in Palestine 1920-1960 was a Muslim priest, Haj Amin a-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem who angrily and murderously rejected the League of Nations’ Palestine Mandate of 1922 that created the new, post-WWI political jurisdiction called Palestine. Al-Husseini said there never was such a country in Islamic history and he was right. Never did Believers in the One True Faith know of a country with that name, let alone were familiar with its geography.
Not until the 20th century did the world get to know today’s states of Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Israel. Before then, all their lands had been part of an undifferentiated Syria. The Mufti even published a newspaper called “Southern Syria”/al-Suria al-Janubia to combat the invention of a Palestine by the League because the Mandate explicitly defined the new polity as “the historic homeland” of the Jews.
In Riyadh today, Prime MbS has marketed himself as a modern reformer, which he may be in domestic affairs, but in the matter of “normalizing” relations with Israel, he has said repeatedly that without a Palestinian state, there can be no normalization, with his definition of normal surely conditioned by his religion, for that is all his kingdom of Saudi Arabia has to say for itself is. The only two things it is known for are its religion and the oil industry that Judeo-Christian Westerners created for them because into the 20th century they remained nomadic, barbaric, illiterate, predatory tribesmen.
And as for its religion, the king in Saudi Arabia calls himself the Guardian of the Two Mosques (Mecca and Medina), birthplace of Islam, whose Koran commands that Jews be “oppressed and humiliated” by Believers, and that was the relationship between Jews and Muslims in history that in fact has never changed. The Muslim Brotherhood’s satanic horrors on 10/7 were just the latest chapter in a history of “oppressing and humiliating” Jews, Christians and other non-believers. Islam means submission and that is what Muslim demands from infidels.
The Two-State Solution sounds nice, even messianic, but in practice means Israel’s eventual death. Judea and Samaria are miniature mountains compared to the Alps or the Rockies, but the Creator did place them above the deepest cleft in the crust on earth, the Jordan Rift Valley, which is twice as deep as California’s Death Valley, and as such these hills constitute one of the great natural defense barriers on the planet. Only four, two-lane blacktop roads rise up from the Valley through the hills to the heart of the country. Invasion from the east can easily be blocked by a small force at the summit of those roads.
Moreover, there are radar installations and other devices that Israel would have to abandon in the TSS.
This unrealistic plan means Israel retreating to the cease-fire line of 1949, when its Jewish population was 650,000 and its midsection a mere nine miles wide — versus today’s seven million Jews and its 50-mile width.
In the 1950s, when plans were made to construct in Jerusalem the Knesset building, someone noticed that the layout had the whole complex facing north toward the cease-fire line with Jordan, so that the main entrance and plaza would be within small arms fire of Arab snipers who could pick off MKs showing up for work in the morning. So, the whole complex had to be rotated 180 degrees; that is how small Israel was in those days, the dimensions Blinken, Biden and the Muslims including MbS want Israel to return to.
In an election in 2006, Hamas handily captured the majority of voters over the Fatah gang, and today remains the choice of most Muslims in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza, so it is another antisemitic lie told by President Biden, Prime Minister Sunak, Prime Minister Trudeau, President Macron that Hamas does not represent all those “innocent civilians” in Gaza. All of these leaders have publicly spoken this lie, lies being the lifeblood of antisemitism.
Blinken in his Jerusalem press conference referenced the 136 Israelis, all ages and conditions, being slowly starved to death in the dungeon-like tunnels of the Muslim Brothers and mentioned their tormented families, but no less did he commiserate with the Muslim supporters of Hamas in Gaza who abandoned their homes at Israel’s humanitarian command to get out of the way and not be harmed. Moral equivalence is one of the most common of anti-Jew behaviors in our time. How much did Churchill and Roosevelt care about the “innocent civilians” in 1945 Germany as they sent the RAF and U.S. Army Air Corps to bomb their cities?
Hamas is the Muslim Brotherhood, and as such its members most certainly represent Islam and its fourteen centuries-long oppression and humiliation of Jews, with the TSS this generation’s demand by Believers that al-Yahud hand over land crucial for their self-defense, which also happens to be the heartland of their history and religion. Ceding Judea to the Muslims in their eyes would be al-Yahud humbly submitting to Islam as the rightful sovereign of the sons of Israel’s Promised Land, because the Jews had become evil and lost their special covenant with Allah who handed it to the sons of Ishmael.
The TSS foresees some half-million Jews living in Judea and Samaria being evicted from the homes that they bought and raised their families in. The TSS means either evicting them, as the Jews in Gaza were evicted in 2005. (Or, hypothetically, they could remain in their homes and become new and loyal citizens of the Old-New State of Ancient Philistia governed by Hamas and even learn to sing the PLO National Anthem.)
The history of the Jews is one of chronic expulsions, of being forced to uproot themselves, and here the TSS calls for doing that to another half-million, expelling them from the real estate that is also at the heart of their history and culture. As such, it is an aggression against not only Jewish independence but also the Jewish religion, which makes sense since Muslim hostility to Jews is rooted in the jihad against the world. Palestinian Nationalism has always been a smokescreen.
The TSS is a contemporary mutation of timeless antisemitic thinking by dehumanizing Jews, this time by demanding they do what no other people in their situation would do: retreat from the high ground and allow Hamas fanatics to come within mortar range of the few runways at Israel’s principal international airport. Lobbing one or two small mortar shells onto even an empty runway would cause all the underwriters of the international airlines to jack up their premiums to impossible rates for flights to Tel-Aviv since Israel would be designated a perpetual war zone.
Blinken also made clear that the U.S. administration will not tolerate the resettlement of the “Palestinians” in Gaza out of Gaza; all must be allowed by Israel to return to their pre-war homes. And never mind so many of these homes are now rubble because Hamas used them and were accordingly demolished by the IDF.
Blinken also said of the “Palestinians” – and never mind there is nothing Palestinian about these people – they must receive more humanitarian assistance from Israel, but not a word about the 250,000 Israelis in the north likewise driven from their homes by Hezballah, Lebanon’s Party of Islam’s blood-thirsty God, a tentacle of Iran. About these Jewish homeless, and the homes of thousands of Jews in the southern communities wrecked by the barbarians on 10/7, also now homeless, not a word.
Blinken said “normalization” cannot be a “substitute for the expense of a political horizon for the Palestinians and ultimately a Palestinian state.” In effect, this is the United States in this administration siding with a community of homicidal, suicidal, sexually perverted antisemitic torturers and butchers against America’s most reliable and dependable ally.
This should not surprise. Judging by what the media has revealed of Hunter Biden’s laptop, his “always-wrong-about-foreign-policy” father has been on the payroll of the Communist Chinese and as such is a traitor, with Antony Blinken his careerist errand boy, likewise betraying the Israeli victims of these sadistic, Muslim maniacs likely still torturing the 136 Israelis they still hold, now decaying physically and psychologically in those fetid Muslim Brotherhood tunnels.
The TSS calls for the destruction of the homes of a half-million and ultimately the destruction of the world’s only tiny Jewish state which could not survive its implementation.
And the sky would not fall if Israel’s prime minister spoke in these terms about it.
Sha’i ben-Tekoa’s PHANTOM NATION: Inventing the “Palestinians” as the Obstacle to Peace is available at in hard cover or a Kindle ebook. His podcasts can be heard on
Onzeur Trante says
Look! Blinken’s self loathing on full display in his latest stab at negotiations with Israel.
Eva says
No, he doesn’t loathe himself, none of these so called ‘self hating’ Jews do.
They hate those of us who won’t betray HaShem, our faith and our homeland.
Never let them fool you into thinking otherwise.
Poetcomic1 says
The Palestinians were invented in Moscow and the idea of these Arabs being a displaced ‘nation’ was the Soviet standard move of that era with its endless ‘National Liberation Fronts’.
Dave says
Jordan is the “palestinian” state. All Gaza residents need to be moved there. Why Israel and its supporters refuse to insist this IS the “two state solution” is beyond comprehension.
Emmet Veritas says
Not exactly.
Jordan is land stolen from the Jewish homeland, i.e., Mandatory Palestine, by the Brits.
It is not a de jure “Palestinian State.”
Russ Wood says
And when the Palestinians tried to do that themselves, the Jordanians kicked them out, because they were trying to take all of Jordan for themselves.. Nobody, but NOBODY in the area wants Palestinians – even as neighbours!
As far as the US’s “Two state solution” goes, just whose country is going to be split up to achieve that? And by whom? Israel has kept on giving up land for peace, but is there any? Any splitting up of the remains of the Jewish state is going to have to be by FORCE, and many should remember what happened to EVERY country that tried to do that!
Walter Sieruk says
This sly and something subtle strategy of disingenuous speech, lying deception, by claiming that they are willing accept a “two- state, is a method of achieving the goal of all the land of Israel a war ploy that will be a disaster if the heads of the State of Israel are foolish enough to agree to divide the land of Israel with Muslim /Arabs ,the “Palestinians.” For if such a “peace dialogue” results in a divided land, the outcome will literally be murder. For “Palestinian” leader will allow the jihadists use that land as a base to launch murderous rocket attacks in to Israel. As for example, Hamas of Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
Such false hopes for peace which are based on the foundation of lies are nothing new when it comes to Israel. For example, the Bible in Psalm 55:20, 21. Reads “Such men do violence to those at peace with them and break their promised word; their speech is smoother the butter but their thoughts are of war.” [N.E.B.]
Eva says
Apparently, biden and blinken went behind Bibi’s back and spoke the traitors gantz and lapid about implementing this should Netanyahu lose the next election. And it’s not just gaza and Judea and Samaria they want to hand over, it’s East Jerusalem as well.
What do you bet one or both of these treacherous f***s would roll over if it gave them a chance to be installed as PM in Israel?