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The irony was off the charts recently when an Islamic State (ISIS) jihadi from Syria, Issa al-Hasan, murdered three people and injured many more in an attack at the “Festival of Diversity” in Solingen, Germany. This attack was a vivid and painful indictment of the left’s idol of “diversity,” but it was much more along with that: it was a grim reminder of the fact that as Islamic jihad becomes an ever more common feature of life in the West, music festivals are favorite targets.
The Associated Press reported that Solingen’s “‘Festival of Diversity,’ marking the city’s 650th anniversary, began Friday and was supposed to run through Sunday, with several stages in central streets offering attractions such as live music, cabaret and acrobatics.” Al-Hasan explained that he was a “soldier of the Islamic State” who had carried out the attack in order “to avenge Muslims in Palestine and everywhere.” He added that he had chosen the Festival of Diversity as his target because he wanted to kill a “group of Christians” and was apparently unaware that only the most watered-down type of Christians would be attending such an event.
It was also significant that the Festival of Diversity included live music. Jihadis have been attacking music events for years. On Nov. 13, 2015, in Paris, Islamic jihadis carried out a series of coordinated attacks across the city, murdering 130 people. Ninety of them were killed inside the Bataclan concert hall, where a band called Eagles of Death Metal was playing a concert before 1,500 people.
One of the jihadis, Salah Abdeslam, asserted that the massacre was revenge for French military actions against jihadis in Iraq and Syria. “We fought France, we attacked France, we targeted the civilian population. It was nothing personal against them,” he said. “I know my statement may be shocking, but it is not to dig the knife deeper in the wound but to be sincere towards those who are suffering immeasurable grief.”
Then on May 22, 2017, another jihad mass murderer killed 22 people and injured 59 at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester, England. The perpetrator was a man named Salman Ramadan Abedi, a man whom friends described as a “devout” Muslim who had memorized the entire Qur’an. He was known to British authorities as a terror threat and had been in touch with a recruiter for ISIS.
Islamic jihadis again struck a music event in Russia on March 22, 2024, screaming “Allahu akbar” as they murdered 145 people at Crocus City Hall in Moscow, where a rock band called Picnic was performing.
The most obvious reason why Islamic jihadis strike musical performances is because large crowds attending them, making them perfect sites for a mass casualty event. But Islam’s antipathy to music should not be overlooked as a contributing factor. The Islamic hatred of music is largely unknown in the West but shows up in news from the Islamic world now and then.
Last Monday in the village of Chiksa in Bangladesh, Muslim authorities banned music at celebrations of weddings and birthdays — and at all other events as well. In 2023, the Taliban were reported to be patrolling wedding halls to ensure that the prohibition on music was not being set aside.
This was because, although the prohibition is widely ignored, music is forbidden in Islam. An Islamic tradition depicts Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, prophecying that there will be a “collapsing of the earth” when “singing slave-girls, music, and drinking intoxicants spread” (Jami at-Tirmidhi 2212). In another, Muhammad again equates the corruption of the Muslims with their acceptance of music, along with alcoholic drinks: “People among my nation will drink wine, calling it by another name, and musical instruments will be played for them and singing girls (will sing for them). Allah will cause the earth to swallow them up, and will turn them into monkeys and pigs” (Sunan Ibn Majah 4020).
According to the classic manual of Islamic law, “Reliance of the Traveller,” musical instruments are condemned (r40.1); singing or listening to singing is offensive (with the exception of songs that encourage piety) (r40.3); and on the day of resurrection, Allah will pour molten lead into the ears of whoever sits listening to a songstress. (r40.1 (2)).
In light of all this, it’s no surprise that jihadis would target concerts. Not only do they present the prospect of a large crowd, but also a large crowd that is engaging in behavior that angers Allah. Authorities in Europe and the U.S. should be studying this fact and providing extra security for music events. But they aren’t, of course, doing any such thing. That would be “Islamophobic.”
Allan Goldstein says
If Muslims were to attack a Roger Waters concert, it would be ok with me.
Miranda Rose Smith says
You wsnt people to be murdered for their bad taste in music?
Steve says
No, but people should be forced to live with the consequences of their baleful beliefs. In 2004 the Swedes had an “art” installation that celebrated Palestinian suicide bomber Hanadi Jaradat,who murdered 21 Israelis and maimed oiver 50 (she vaguely resembled Disney’s Snow White in appearance). I’ll bet that if they were scrapping Swedish “Aryan” flesh off the pavement in Stockholm and Malmo on a regular basis and someone in Israel celebrated the carnage there’d be universal outrage and condemnation. Someone who believes in DEI is the one who should get a diversity hire oncologist if s/he/they gets cancer, or a 120 lbs firewoman who was hired for “equity” and “inclusion” to rescue them from the 60th floor of a burning building.
Allan Goldstein says
Roger Waters is so very anti-Semitic, he used to throw his weight against up and coming rock acts be sending messages to their management that he will do whatever he can to keep them off the radio. Thus killing sales and careers.
I kid you not.
He also tried to dress down some of the other BIGS of hIS generation for playing gigs in Israel, but theY were able to laugh him off…..usually. This even includes Alan Parsons, who was well known as the producer behind Dark Side of The Moon. (Alan’s response was to post a selfie floating/relaxing in the Dead Sea.)
His management finally dropped him, which Is amazing when one considers how much anti-Semitism has become normative in G.B. Waters was even too anti-Semitic for England!
Allan Goldstein says
As for bad taste, I must point out that before Waters decided to lean entirely into his bank of synthesizers, he wrote a long classic which took up an entire wid of an LP: Echoes.
• I recommend everyone listen to it at least once.
• I recommend nobody purchase a copy (no royalties)
Here it is, free for you …
Allan Goldstein says
[…] entire side of […]
CowboyUp says
Echoes was off of Meddle. My other favorite off that one was “Fearless.” I think their music was incredible. I bought my first CD player within a month of hearing the “Wish You Were Here,” disk at a friend’s older brother’s apartment. I’m glad I already owned their whole collection by the time I found out what a D bag Waters was. I wouldn’t give him the time of day, now.
jeremiah says
Not a great piece. Very derivative and hardly explorative. Bad variation of a theme. At least for me, comparing to other works which I love.
Edward Amos Brandwein says
Nothing would make me feel happier than that
Angel Jacob says
Muslims have been destroying all arts, culture and history systematically.
The West doesn’t know the extent of how much muslims have destroyed already.
A quick mandatory islamic history 101 of destruction, murder, rape and genocides in Westeren schools is what is needed to teach people some simple facts.
People have a right to know what kind of monsters they are dealing with.
Bob says
Check out the site of “What would Mohammed do.”
Wesley says
You want to see an accurate list of Islamic atrocities and “misunderstandings” with the rest of the world. . Check this site, probably the BEST:
Diversity Means Death to all those who refuse to Convert to Islam
Miranda Rose Smith says
Did it occur to you that there’s another rrason for attacks on concert halls? SOME concert halls are “gun free zones” and even if the hall isn’t gun free the kind of people who go to pop concerts are not usually the kind of people who have concealed carry permits, though there may have been a few members of Pink Pistols at the Pulse Nightclub
Allan Goldstein says
That’s true for America…..but in Europe, every place is a ‘gun free’ zone.
Miranda Rose Smith says
In Germany, I understand, they want go create knife-free zones
Bob says
Yep. Limit the size of a knife you can buy to a pocketknife size.
Allan Goldstein says
I contend that this proposed new law proves that German liberalism is at it’s Wit’s end.
Allan Goldstein says
Screwd again by auto correct auto replace!
Programmen, no doubt, by a member of one of the younger generations. …
Anyone younger than a Boomer simply doesn’t know the apostrophic possessive rule reversal of its and it’s.
Allan Goldstein says
…. and there I just had to have a genuine typo.
I confess
The typo is mine.
Mo de Profit says
“Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, prophecying that there will be a “collapsing of the earth” when “singing slave-girls, music, and drinking intoxicants spread”
Does the left know how right wing islam is?
Allan Goldstein says
……. no °°°°°
internalexile says
Every time I read of Islam’s disdain for, and even hatred of, music, I always think of the famous quote from Nietzche–“Without music, life would be a mistake.”
Hardball1Alpha says
Just to piss-off Allah, I pour molten Led Zeppelin into my ears daily. Just so there’s no breakdown of communication
jeremiah says
Crafty one, you are.
Lightringer says
And as the saying goes, without art, earth would just be “eh”.
Hannah says
I always think of a passage in Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis, where the senior demon describes its absolute hatred of music:
“Music and silence–how I detest them both!….[Hell] has been occupied by Noise –Noise, the grand dynamism, the audible expression of all that is exultant, ruthless, and virile – Noise which alone defends us from silly qualms, despairing scruples and impossible desires. We will make the whole universe a noise in the end. The melodies and silences of Heaven will be shouted down in the end.”
Wesley says
The problem plain and simple is that old Mo was a narcissitic controlling POS. Apparently his thing about music started because he had something against bells. . they apparently drove him crazy. I guess he could not stand to see individuals having a good time without him being the center of attention. .
And funny how if you read their holy quran, most of the references treat All ah! as Mo’s sidekick. .
But then, I never could figure out how a devine being could create the whole of the universe, the earth and mankind, but still need prophets to convey his message. . to the people he created.
And how interesting that at least with regards to islam. . how he was kind enough to carve out so many special dispensations for his “prophet”. . profit is actually the better word here.
Hardball1Alpha says
Why are there DJ’s…? They can control the flow of music.
A totalitarian would flip out if the music didn’t flow with his/her narrative.
Ipso facto, let’s kill anyone who listens to anything except Mo’s playlist.
BLSinSC says
SO, we should counter the muslims’ “call to prayer” with equally loud presentations of ANY song by Zappa!! I’m sure there’s a “Judge” out that who would GRANT a group that WORSHIPS Zappa the RIGHT to play his output loud and clear! Disclaimer : I’ve tried – TRIED – to listen to some of his music and have adopted the same opinion as someone posted online “So much of Zappa’s music goes in one ear and then right out the ass”!
Allan Goldstein says
Frank’s last will and testament went in Gail’s ear and out her ass. …
And the children are apparently forever split screen into two factions: the inherited and the dis-inherited.
Allan Goldstein says
The above typo actually makes sense…
…in a graphic sorta way …
Lightringer says
Has anyone ever tried to counter the call to prayer with an overflight of helicopters blasting out Wagner’s “Ride of the Valkyries”, as in
the film “Apocalypse Now”?
Miranda Rose Smith says
In Germany, I understand, they want go create knife-free zones
Mo de Profit says
In kitchens too?
Miranda Rose Smith says
I hadn’t thought of that.
Hardball1Alpha says
Very few news outlets spoke of the Bataclan 1st Responders who were seen puking in the alleys outside the concert venue, because many of the dead young people had been disemboweled and ritualistically mutilated.
I’d say it’s time for a GIANT rock concert… maybe in Chicago. I heard that 50,000 Venezuelan immigrants have been shunted there by Texas Governor. Maybe the Hells Angels can run crowd-control on a Metallica/Motorhead type festival of good ol’ American head-bangers.
Miranda Rose Smith says
They”ll eat each other up like the Kilkenny cats.
p38ace says
Metallica just played here this summer
Owie says
Ayatollah Khomeini summed it up by stating, “There is no joy in Islam.”
Allan Goldstein says
Tell thAT to Kamala…
Alkflaeda says
I have sometimes wondered – was Mohammed tone deaf? Or did he know that there was no way that his Muslims, who were “the best of people”, could better Christian choirs or Jewish cantors?
Hardball1alpha says
Oh yeah, almost forgot. It was the 3rd of September… a day I’ll always remember… Papa Was A Rolling Stone
p38ace says
Don’t forget the Nova music festival.
Eustis says
I feel an Emily Littella moment coming on:
“What’s all this fuss about Muslim violins?”
“That’s Muslim violence, Miss Littella, Muslim violence.”
Oh! That;s very different! Never mind.
owensgate says
I’ll take Mozart over Muhammad any day of the week, and twice on Shabbat. So “Up Yours, Allah”! On second thought, Allah’s prophet Muhammad never existed. It is a made-up “for profit” prophet.
Walter Sieruk says
There’s no room for festive activities , music, dancing, happiness fun or humor in Islam.
For example, Ayatollah Khomeini had declared “The aim of creation was for mankind to be put to the test through hardship and prayer. An Islamic regime must be serious in every field. There are no jokes in Islam. There is no humor in Islam. There can be no…joy in whatever is serious.” [1]
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 348.
Walter Sieruk says
History has a tendency to repeat itself , as seen in the following examples.
First, there was that horrendously evil and murderous jihadist bombing at a music concert in the city of Manchester, England on May, 22, 2017 in which 22 people had been murdered and many more severely injured, most of the victims had been young girls and young women.
Then on October, there was those horrific murders by the jihadists of Hamas at a music festival in the State of Israel on October 7, 2023 in which 260 young people had been viciously murdered by those jihadists, who also committed many other many other Islamic atrocities.
Now just this year on March 22,th. on the outskirts of Moscow at another music concert there were more jihadists shootings and mass murders in which 137 people had killed by Muslim terrorists of ISIS in their jihad and at least 145 more people had been harmed.
Islam which its jihadists hates music and it also hates people. It hates them to death.