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This is gonna be a little awkward.
After chickening out during the actual primary, the media and a lot of allied elites panicked after that debate where Joe Biden began talking about sisters raping each other, apropos of nothing, and began campaigning to remove him. Michael Moore belatedly adopted the Elder Abuse talking point. Media talking heads began to berate Jill Biden like they were on FOX News. Spontaneous editorials at publications controlled by prominent donors urged Joe Biden to step down for the greater good of the nation because he was just too old.
And Joe Biden said, “No.”
And it turned out that apart from having Taylor Swift and Oprah moderate a ‘Star Search’ primary for ‘America’s Next Top President Who Can Use Stairs’, there wasn’t that much of a fallback plan.
If Joe Biden had been a Republican, he’d already have been declared a Russian asset and have a mugshot of him in three random states.
So here we are. The media just spent three weeks tearing down their own candidate.
Now that Biden isn’t resigning, what happens to all the ‘Biden is Senile’ stories? There’s gonna be a lot of deleting to do in the media. But beyond that there’s only one thing to do.
Next week the last three weeks will be declared “misinformation” or “disinformation” or “information we don’t like” and the media will go back to telling us that Joe Biden is incredibly sharp and can speak Mandarin fluently.
If you accidentally imbibed misinformation, look into the flashy thing, go to bed that night and you’ll wake up having forgotten about these last weeks entirely, and you won’t even know who died on that show that everyone is watching, but no one will care about next month.
And the media can even take the fall.
Just as the media fell on its sword and claimed that it was taken in by a great hoax by the Bidens that made him seem functional, it can fall on its sword again and blame itself for being taken in by Republican cheapfakes that made Joe sound like an unhinged coot using cheap editing, AI video generation and pumpkin seeds.
It’s not like the media has any credibility left anyway.
It WILL be interesting in a disgusting and infuriating way to see how the media try to handle this.
We at least have a new word: “cheapfakes” 🙂
Exactly right. Does the MSM even have any sway in the country anymore? The only people I know that watch it are over 80 years old. If you haven’t watched a news broadcast in a while, go back and take a look. It is like being transported into an alternate dimension. Notice the wording, the tone and the body language, it is laughably idiotic yet these people think they are the cream of the crop.
People do watch it. Leftists. Its bizarre. They are nothing but actors reciting lines and emoting as directed. I often mimic the newscaster voice. “President Biden’” is said in respectful, soothing, happy voice.. “Trump’ is said mockingly or as if cursing – voice clipped, lowerred.
At the Trump rally last night Trump mocked the way the left used to pronounce the name “Bush” back during GWB era. Believe me, I was sprayed with lefty saliva back then. The left held the “ sh” sound in disgust which lead to sharing spittle. It was gross.
as far as the media goes:
I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it any more!
Rather like Winston Smith re-writing last week’s newspeak story.
I will admit I have not noticed any reticence on the part of the legacy media to ignore evidence (or stories) that don’t fit with their ‘reality’. The word ‘presstitutes’ gained some currency a couple of months ago. It seems particularly appropriate right now.
“If Joe Biden had been a Republican, he’d already have been declared a Russian asset and have a mugshot of him in three random states.”
Not if he were a “compassionate conservative” made in the image of all the weenie republican presidents we have endured for decades now.
Many man-on-the-street interviews demonstrate the voting public is largely incapable of self-rule and deeply ignorant (unable to name a country north of the U.S.). The press need not try too hard.
Did anyone see Jill Biden, after the debate with Trump, talking to her husband and telling him what a good boy he was for “knowing the answers to all the questions”? Worse, she turned to the audience and started a cheerleader chant:
Jill (shouting): “And what did Trump do?”
Jill and stupid audience: “He LIED!”
This cannot continue. The future is, like the Chinese proverb, interesting.
The very same M.S. News Scum who were Jubilant when Biden stile the 2020 Election are no Silent and no saying aa thing when Bidens polls sinking like a leaking Rowboat with a Fact Jackass in it
Don’t be surprised at all the ways the leftists are going to deceive you. There is no truth in them. They know that President Biden is not running the country and his health is declining. They are content to have a Shadow government running the country. Its part of the Global reset, the New World Order…..The World will be One.
This is just like John Lennon’s song Imagine. Where the World will be One. No heaven, no Hell, only sky.
The delusion and depravity continues, only those grounded in truth will understand how great the problems are.
I”m sure The View will come up with something original to address that and the horde wlil breathe a sigh of relief.
We need to keep in mind that Joe’s abysmal debate performance and the calls for him to step down came about a week after the MSM unanimously declared that videos depicting his cognitive struggles were “cheap fakes.” But now that Joe is refusing to drop out, we will soon be back to the claim that he’s fit-as-a-fiddle and just had a bad day.
It was all a dream. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
It’s going to be hard for the left to claim the CNN produced debate with two moderators that have compared Trump to Hitler is a GOP driven cheap fake. Instead, watch them go the other way and prepare yourself for a massive deluge of Trump is the devil articles. (Even more so than the previous eight years.) Whoopi’s already come out saying that she’ll vote for Biden even if he poo’d himself.
Big Brother 1984 is here. The DemoRats are liars, cheats and miscreants.
When I die, Don’t let me vote Democrat.
Democrat moto: vote and vote often.
Time is running short to change the ticket. It is even shorter if they replace the top spot with someone other than Kamala.
The longer it takes for Biden to sound like a competent person, the fewer will believe “the debate was just a bad day excuse” and polls should continue to trickle down for Biden. If she does initiate the 25th amendment process with the support of half of Biden’s department heads, Biden is out of the election regardless of what he does. Is Kamala letting the clock run out for someone other than herself (e.g. Newsom) to be on top of the ticket before she drops the 25th amendment on Biden?
Of course it is despicable and self-serving to leave a dementia-riddled person in charge of the country, but I’ve grown to expect that from the left. 2024 could be her sole shot at winning the WH. If Biden’s numbers continue to fall and campaign donations drop off, watch her decide to replace him on the ticket.
I have concluded that the “American experiment” was really an attempt at learning how little freedom the human soul needs. I think Russia, China, N. Korea have already given us a preview.
Most of the M .S. Media is Fake News with the NYT’s leading the way
Just today NBC’s Chuck Todd admitted that, two years ago, an unidentified Biden cabinet official told him that Biden was gone mentally. Nice of let us know. Our “news media” are simply garbage, just a bunch of Rem activists whose first, second, and last question has for years been, “will this help or hurt the Democrats.” Utterly worthless and without an ounce of integrity. If they are attacking Biden today and wanting him out it isn’t for the sake of the country. It is for the sake of the Dems’ electoral prospects in November.
They gave Obama a Nobel Peace Prize for merely not being George W., they could give one to Biden for not being Trump.