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Ever since Hamas was “elected” to run Gaza and then followed the usual “one election/one time” Middle East formula, it has bragged nonstop that its agenda is to erase Israel off the face of the earth (cf. the wall map in the office of our Rep. Rashida Tlaib).
Its unabashed nihilist boasts resonated throughout the Palestinian “movement.” Its fiery threats delighted the Arab street.
Indeed, Hamas was soon celebrated as the most “authentic” of the radical Palestinian terrorist movements.
Which cadre of thugs could top its end-of-days rhetoric, its assured and steady supply of money and weapons from Iran, its satanic eagerness to mutilate and dismember, and the sanctuary and financial wherewithal offered to it by our “ally” Qatar?
Since Hamas was viewed as the most “volatile” and creepy of the Palestinian factions, and the most useful to Iran, the Obama and Biden administrations appeased the murderers. Was it not part of their hare-brained grand strategy of empowering theocratic Iran and its Syrian, Hezbollah and Hamas hirelings?
Their campaign (remember the “they literally know nothing” media and the Obama “echo chamber” created by a boastful Ben Rhodes?) was to forge these disparate Islamists into a crescent of resistance to Israel and any “moderate” Arab regime (recall the Obama-Biden transitory hatred of the Gulf sheikdoms).
The result would be “creative tension”—as well as payback for the Israeli election of Netanyahu.
Through this formula, Obama believed he could always pressure Israel to grant concessions to radical Palestinians thanks to the looming threat of an ever-menacing (and soon-to-be nuclear) Iran with help from Obama’s other friends—the then-Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt and Obama’s pal the neo-Ottomanist and antisemite Erdogan of Turkey, Obama’s self-described personal liaison to the Islamic world.
Yes, this was sheer madness—if perhaps characteristic of Obama’s well-known orneriness.
Perhaps someday soon, a few disinterested historians might even record that the current nightmare in Israel is the logical end result of what Barack Obama, John Kerry (remember his Trump-era Paris reconnaissance with the Iranians?), Ben Rhodes, Valerie Jarrett, Robert Malley, Joe Biden, Antony Blinken and a host of other incompetent but otherwise haughty and dangerous people once conjured up.
A defiant and empowered murderous Hamas was one of the many dividends of their appeasement and grand Middle East schemes—given the eagerness of the Obama and Biden administrations to send hundreds of millions of dollars to Gaza despite warnings from their own experts that such cash would enhance terrorism and abet the evil work of Hamas with an American financial stamp of legitimacy.
Hence, a soon-to-be nuclear Iran, freed from sanctions, had enough money (remember the nocturnal cash pallets on the Tehran tarmac?) to fund its surrogate global death squads.
Hamas has killed Jewish civilians for nearly two decades, always escaping the full wrath of Israel’s retaliation by appealing to the amoral consciousness of left-wing European and American governments. It counted on ample help from both Iran and Arab regimes, along with Turkey, which always screams “instability” at the first sign of Israeli retaliation.
The blustering Hamas has now murdered over 1,000 Jews in their homes, preferring especially to gun down children, reportedly behead babies, torture the doomed, rape the helpless, execute the elderly and brutalize women—topping the killing off in good SS fashion by gleeful dismemberment and desecration of Jewish corpses.
So, they finally got their wish for their own version of the Holocaust, for what they had always bragged would be the “final” Israel-ending war—as their cowardly elders announced last Saturday from their protected enclaves.
Yes, Hamas promised their mass killing of innocents would ignite the Muslim world, and incite simultaneous attacks on Israel from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and perhaps Egypt—all as their planned anniversary replay of the 1973 Yom Kippur War’s first 48 hours.
And it may—or may not.
The ebullient people of Gaza seemed initially enthralled at videos of mutilated Jews and showed their zeal by spitting on hostages carried back home for supposed Roman-like triumphs before their public sacrifices. Videos of the gruesome killings of Jews were hot downloads on Gaza mobile phones.
Now mutilating dead Israelis, now boasting how brave their sons were in slaying unarmed Jews inside Israel, Gazans assumed a shocked Israel would capitulate.
Would not its megaphones in the West characteristically protect them and restrain Israel?
Could not they themselves always ensure a few thousand of their own civilians be sacrificed as expendable human shields of their missile pads, and thus become necessary fuel for their boilerplate accusations of “war crimes” that usually curtail Israeli retribution?
But now the Israeli retaliation seems oblivious to all that.
It may not be like the past incursions into Gaza that were manipulated by a cowardly Hamas to gain media sympathy for “collateral damage” that they themselves engineered.
Just my .02, but I believe Mr. Hanson is equal to Winston Churchill in his command of the English language. Mr. Churchill also spoke the unvarnished truth about Islam. Well done, indeed.
Yes, Exactly
Hamas may have finally gone too far
You’re not dealing with “Hamas”, but Islam.
And, by extension, Allah supposedly inspired Mohammed to write his Nazi screed called the Koran. Now, if you want to go deeper and speculate who Allah was masquerading as, look to the one who is known as the Great Deceiver.
Think of Little Big Horn as an example of Islam’s relationship with the world, They fight and have fought amongst themselves, but, when it comes to you…
Correction: a period instead of a comma. Also, the comparative analysis of the Battle of Little Big Horn and how Islam views the world, is where intentionally or not, the source or foundation of policy mistakes.
It’s a religion of piece, I tell you. They want to blow us all to pieces.
Acronyms and names are distractions. In reality, you are dealing with Islam; more specifically “Mohammad”.
Correction: is the source. These gaps in knowledge is where you’ll find enemy exploitation…
You are not dealing with “Hamas” but Islam.
I’ll go with C.S. Lewis on command of the English language.
Everyone is forgetting Farah and the PLO. And, only focusing on Gaza and Hamas. Israel has supported Hamas over Farah in the “past”.
What Victor said. You, sir, are a national treasure.
We’ll see. I really hope that Netanyahu and Israel follows through on their vow to destroy Hamas, and this time I think they will.
You can only push people so far.
Lets hope that the IDF isn’t walking into traps in Gaza. Dirty bombs could have been left behind by Hamas.
Those Hamas animals definitely left bombs around and other booby traps. And they’re hiding in cowardly terror and hoping to ambush the IDF.
I don’t envy those IDF guys.
These pig shits are not equal to any human. How do you look at the face of a baby and murder an innocent? These somewhat semi humans are EVIL incarnate. Garbagge belongs in pile.These things masquerading as humans are Satanic just like mo.
There’s sure to be all kinds of nasty surprises in Gaza, but the liberal use of high explosives can reduce Israeli casualties. and prematurely detonate a lot of hamas’ boobytraps. TDB about turning the place into rubble.
If there weren’t likely hostages in the tunnels, I’d pump them full of NG and oxygen and detonate them.
Wonderful essay. Honest, clear thinking, accurate writing just doesn’t get better than “Perhaps someday soon, a few disinterested historians might even record that the current nightmare in Israel is the logical end result of what Barack Obama, John Kerry (remember his Trump-era Paris reconnaissance with the Iranians?), Ben Rhodes, Valerie Jarrett, Robert Malley, Joe Biden, Antony Blinken and a host of other incompetent but otherwise haughty and dangerous people once conjured up.” Bravo!
Hamas finally got its wish. So did Barack Obama.
Bareback Obama wishes he had a big white dick in his ass.
Bareback Osama’s fondest wish is a big white dick up his puckered ass. 😛
Whoever down voted me loves big white dicks up his ass.
Let’s hope that they remember the saying, “Be careful what you wish for.” It would be very gratifying to see all of them perp-walked into a war crimes tribunal and sentenced appropriately.
I would like to see Gaza fully resembling Berlin in 1945 after Israeli bombers get done with it.
Or a Nevada nuclear testing ground. 🙂
I’m hoping for a sand dunel
It will eventually be a sand dune as erosion and desert winds take their toll on the rubble.
Or Dresden. The Gazookas (hat tip – Rush Limbaugh) deserve no better.
I can understand someone who is repulsed by the death and rape and kidnapping inflicted on innocent people, young and old, by Muslim fanatics who deny Israel’s right to exist. I can understand those who are horrified by the open air prison of the Gaza Strip where innocent people are denied basic human rights, have their homes destroyed, are murdered, in the name of Israel’s right to occupy the land given to the Jewish people by Jehovah. What I cannot understand is how anyone can be 100% on one side or the other. Another thing I cannot understand is the demand for censorship and canceling of all those who sympathize with the Palestinians, from people who supposedly hate censorship and cancel culture.
It’s one thing when your Twitter account is shadow banned. It’s another thing when you are cheering on the beheading of non-combatants based on your ignorance of Middle East history. The Fakestinians would turn any place they occupy into a shithole because their objective is not a “homeland” but genocide of Jews. Is it any wonder no other country in the ME will take them in?
Egypt scrupulously guards one border of the prison. It doesn’t want its citizens back. Why is that?
They might be infested with militant Hamas.
The fakestinians ARE hamas scum.
And lice and bedbugs.
Well according to your standards, we should have felt the greatest sympathy for the Nazis during WWII. And the greatest sympathy for the Japanese after Pearl Harbor. What do you think Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the fire-bombing of Dresden were all about? One feels that you think you are so morally superior to others.
If Gaza is the oppressed, open-air prison camp that they claim, who is doing the imprisonment? Gaza shares the same seacoast as Israel. Why haven’t they developed it? The Palestinians have received more money aid, per person, than any people on the face of the earth. What have they done with this money? Why haven’t they developed their educational systems in 18 years? If they had, they could have had a group of young people developing businesses etc. Why haven’t they developed anything in 18 years except terrorism? With all the money they have been given, what have they done with it? They could have developed their Palestinian state. Why didn’t they do this? All they needed to do was ask for help. Israel even supplied their water and electricity, often at no cost to them. They put the money they saved into armaments and terrorism (what didn’t disappear into the bank accounts of their leaders).
We know that more than 50 % of so called palestinians ( research when they came to be and how) vote for and enthusiastically support Hamas so they actually ARE Hamas. The rest are a bit less enthused. So its not an open air prison that has anything to do with Israelis. They want to be there and have those Hamas leaders. Also they’re educated from birth to hate and kill Jews in a 20th century Nazi-esque manner. So sympathizing with people holding such sentiments who act on these sentiments points to your own immorality. Thats why you have all of those down arrows.
Gaza is run by Hamas. Israel provides support via services ie water. Hamas owns Gaza and wants its people to be destitute in order to foment anger direct at Israel.
everything you wrote is the opposite of the truth.
But you knew that before you pasted it.
Whoever down voted me eats rat shit.
Well this is the first time in memory that the left is against censorship and cancelling.
Read some history, and slog through a few suras.
You don’t understand? It’s easy. You have no understanding, are highly misinformed, prejudiced, ignorantly missing the facts, and have no stomach for truth and justice. You have no use for your Maker. That being and remaining so, it cannot go well for you, to put it mildly.
When you start decapitating babies and celebrating rape…the shark tank has been jumped. There is no justification for that and extermination is required to provide safety. How can you not be 100% against that? As far as “censorship” goes, most countries have laws against supporting and encouraging terrorism and advocating and celebrating violence against innocent people.
Don’t censor them when they are revealing who they are!
Boy, you are really ignorant. You are also devoid of conscience.
You have Fallen for Marxism, where there is no Good vs Evil
Marxism is the “Oppressed vs the Oppressor”
Depraved islam can conveniently be both.
Once you have no idea what good and evil are, you are no smarter than those Barbaric FILTHY Jihadis.
People freely live in Gaza, Israel abandoned it in 2005, and HAMAS was ELECTED by the idiots in GAZA.
Whats it like being this Stupid? Do you really know you are that dumb or do people have to tell you?.
Maybe you should look into what Gaza is really like. It’s a very nice place when it’s not being used as a missile-launching facility and murder base.
Hang on john seward, let me break out the world’s smallest violin. The only people denying the people of gaza basic human rights are the people of gaza. The IDF isn’t using them as human shields, hamas is. Prisons don’t launch thousands of rockets, or brigade sized infantry attacks. Being 100% on the side of Israel is easy, just by knowing the fakestinians, their works, and the poisoned fruit of their tree. I hope they all have that nice hamas aimpoint on their foreheads.
Curious, how many Muslim neighbours are reaching out to take Hamas refugees from Gaza? No boats, no jets, no Dunkirk heroics? Pity
Yeah, too bad. 😛
……possible because they couldn’t care less?
Or they don’t want feral animals in their country.
Nobody cares about those scum.
They’d sooner adopt a rabid dog.
What a treasure Mr Hanson is; and what a pleasure to read.
Dr. Hanson lays down words like Rembrandt laid down paint.
And like I laid some chick the other day. I don’t know her name but she was great.
Better than Hamas, that’s for sure. She rode like a champion.
Evidence indicates you must be Hamas kin.
You lick dog dicks.
Where down voted me is an incel who never gets laid.
Oh good grief, Jeff. Must you be so coarse and off-topic? Still, it’s nice to know an old guy like you is getting some.
I am old and coarse, aren’t I? 59.
And it is nice. I appreciate it.
Are you 14 years old, or 15?
Surely some commentors have set out a pithy discussion of Dimona and its implications.
G.d may not be available to part the Red Sea but nukes can also perform the same function.
Biden has been numbed into giving the Israelis a long leash. The Pit Bull has been loosed upon the land.
I wouldn’t be shocked to see an Israeli bunker buster MOAB dropped on the Iranian nuclear facility.
The world should welcome it.
The Israelis don’t have the right kind of heavy-lift aircraft to handle a bunker-buster. (The B-2 might be the only one that is capable of this.) The US would have to lend them one, and I doubt that it would. Ever. Though I certainly believe in miracles.
Amoral defense? No way! The clueless morons on campuses and in positions of power who cheer the murderers and rapists are immoral to the point of being subhuman. In addition, the Gaza filth cheering the terrorists, spitting on gang-raped women, and glorying at the sight of desecrated corpses are unworthy of the advanced notice Israeli troops gave them. In a just and sane world Gaza would wind up a lifeless wasteland.
VDH, that may be the best column I have I have EVER read on the Middle East … kudos, and thank you!
Those on the Left and elsewhere calling for restraint by Israel in response to attacks by murderous Hamas terrorists are ignorant fools. They are suggesting a moral equivalence which does not exist.
Compare the precision bombing by the IDF after warning Gaza civilians to leave, so called “knocking on the roof”, minimising noncombatant deaths, with Hamas forcing its citizens to remain in place in the hope of creating massive casualties and international condemnation of the IDF.
Israel uses its weapons to protect its citizens. Hamas uses its citizens to protect its weapons.
Hamas thugs are desecrating bodies, killing babies, raping women and carting others off into sexual slavery. This a struggle between civilisation and barbarism.
The IDF is the most moral army in history. Hamas the most despicable. Israel has to ignore criticism from islam’s apologists, and carry on until Hamas is wiped off the face of the Earth.
Pray for Israel
Plug ears.
What are you saying?
I believe she’s referencing the nuclear option. It makes a lot of noise.
Kill the animals.
Learn to read English.
The radiation would blow right into Israel. Not a good idea.
It doesn’t have to be nuclear, or even biological. There are plenty of missiles and bombs that can destroy entire areas without harming neighboring areas.
We should use them.
Hopefully this time around the Israeli political and military brass will turn a deaf ear to the bunch of antisemites demanding “equal opportunity” and “reciprocity” for the subhuman monsters that inhabit Hamasland, a.k.a. Gaza. Hopefully this time Israeli soldiers won’t have to fight with a lawyer next to them directing what can they and what cannot they do. Hopefully this time the Israeli army will understand that ALL of Gaza are enemies: Not only the Hamas terrorists, but the boastful teenagers who cheer their murderers and whose dream is to become a member of the Hamas club and kill Jewish children and rape and behead Jewish women. The fat, ugly, shrieking women clad in their awful black robes passing along sweets and pastries to celebrate yet another muslim atrocity. The fat, ugly, objectified women whose reason to exist is to become impregnated just to send their babies off to allah, the muslim bloodthirsty god and follow its directive to kill Jews wherever they find them. The commonfolk in Gaza streets that work as tunnel diggers, as weapons carriers, as cannon fodder to the Hamas overlords, hoping that their deeds results in hundreds of Jews tortured and killed. And all those civilians, complict in their “religion” of death, who gladly offer their homes, their schools, their mosques, their clinics and their shops to store Hamas’ rockets and ammo and weapons and RPG launchers. Hopefully, this time around Gaza gets what it deserves: its long overdue rendezvous with accounts settlement. Inshallah.
If Hamas is every bit as genocidal and rabidly deranged as the Nazis, why should it be so hard to understand the need to outlaw the party, for war crimes trials for the criminals and permanent for denazification of the government.
That is to say, why not immediate Nuremberg trials and denazification for the middle east?
The politicians in the west are already either calling for a ‘corridor’ for the the arabs to escape to safety. There are already subtle and not-so-subtle suggestions about the ‘humanitarian crisis’ in gaza.
Why else do you think blinken is in Israel right now? He not there to grieve for the dead Jews hamas terrorised and slaughtered, and he’s not there to comfort the Jews who survived, he’s there to pressure Israel into stopping this war, and to make yet more concessions to this evil filth.
I’m afraid that if you truly believe western politicians are going to support Jews over arabs, you are deluding yourself. They never have before and they won’t now.
I just hope Israel tells them what to do with their suggestions, lies and threats, and destroys gaza, right down to the last cockroach.
Blinken is fond of boasting of his street cred as the grandson (or is it descendant?) of Jewish victims of the Holocaust and pogroms. So, his antecedents were Jewish and they suffered in Europe. That’s terrible for them, but it accrues no credit on him. He himself is as much of an antisemitic one-worlder as any in this current government, and he is not to be trusted any more than is his boss Obama.
I believe that Gaza will be to Israel what Carthage was to Rome.
Salt the earth in the manner of the Roman Legions. Let the survivors eat dirt for 10K years.
Delenda? That would be nice.
Let’s hope so.
and blinken a jew is a paid up democrat . another useful idiot and mouthpiece for islam . believing that hamas wouldn’t come for him because he gave all that money to them . blinken and his boss the modern day equivalent of dumb and dumber except neither are funny and the end of the story horrifying .
it’s a Cluster B psycho-narcissist world, and malignant arrogance precedes its own destruction, all the flying monkeys notwithstanding.
This can all be layed at the feet of Jimmy Carter. I hope that loser stays alive long enough to see how bad it is going to get..
Now would be a great time to organize a “Rebuild Gaza” task force! I’m sure all those SYMPATHETIC, PATHETIC college idiots would gladly sign up for a free trip to Gaza to help! Someone should test them – what about that “Louder with Crowder” guy or even Mr. Musk?? Maybe we can get Israel to offer them HOMESTEADS in Gaza for their efforts!!!
This Theory is floated by some. Did anyone turn a blind lie from actually reporting the invaders on hand gliders, and those entering into Israel on small vehicles….how could anyone miss this in the skies or on land? …..was this on purpose so they could try to blame Netanyahu and remove him. Never underestimate the plots by those who are angry because of Judicial reform. (Something is very fishy.) What happened to famous Israeli Intelligence?
Now if only the rest of the world follows through.
The past few years of pandemic, mandates, “the great reset”, etc has seen a large shift towards heavy authoritarianism across much of the world. Given the “turn on a dime” nature of the wokey progressive group-think, support and sympathy for terrorists could stop as quickly as flipping a light switch. And then all those foolish benighted children wasting their parent’s money at leftist indoctrination centers ( ie colleges and universities ) would suddenly wake up and find themselves employment pariahs. Ooops. We’re seeing some of that already, but nowhere near enough.
So nations of the world, follow through, Take it to the next level. The Enemy Within of your own citizens has self-identified. The stronger Enemy Within, the Islamic Diaspora, who you eagerly let in to your countries for whatever reasons, has already made their views clear, for centuries. SOLVE THE PROBLEM. Solve it soft or hard, nobody cares how.
Abbas and the PA punks are no better, yet Blinken and the rest dream of installing that gang in place of Hamas.