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One of the many pro-crime initiatives embarked on by the Democrats, under the influence of the Left, was an end to publishing mugshots.
Gov. Cuomo and New York’s Democrat legislature shut down the publication of mugshots. Gov. Newsom in California passed a law banning the release of mugshots for non-violent offenders. Utah barred publishing mugshots until a conviction has been achieved. So have a number of other states.
Pro-crime laws like these made it hard to warn the public or identify a suspect.
Onondaga County District Attorney Bill Fitzpatrick says “Gutter Guy” is an “absolutely a perfect example of why you’d want to release a mugshot because we want to know if people in Eastwood have been victimized by this guy.”
But the same pro-crime Left that is against mugshots gleefully splashed those of former President Trump and his associates across social media and its news sites.
Here is Trump’s Mug Shot, the First Ever of a Former President – Time
All the Mug Shots of Donald Trump and His Alleged Co-Conspirators – New York Magazine
Photo: Mugshot of Donald Trump released after arrest in Georgia – PBS
No mugshots for criminals. Only for political opponents.
The Left knows it’s abusing its power. It engages in exactly the behavior it condemns over and over again because these abuses are also shows of strength. Much like in George Orwell’s 1984, its double standards and doublethink are the equivalent of arguing that 2 + 2 = 5. The power to corrupt truth is the ultimate political power which is, at its most totalitarian, the power over the mind of man.
TOTAL DISGRACE …I would never have believed this could happen, but it has, and it marks a point of no return in the road to disunion . Trump’s historical role, or fate, is to act as a catalyst and speed up events that were likely inevitable, insomuch, TRump is a tragic John Brown-like figure who didn’t cause the secession of southern states but marked a point where it became impossible to avoid
But this national divorce or trial separation in the form of ”States Rights” has been a generation or two in the making that began in the early 1970s with the hippy/feminist movement and Media coup d’etat against a republican president, Richard Nixon , then the Left’s” long march through the institutions”
One thing is for sure; if TRump had never existed it would have been necessary to invent him
They’re fixing to lynch Trump and the Republican presidential wannabes are fretting about the debt ceiling. The Uniparty’s jig is up. They’re all in the lynch mob.
I agree except that Trump invented himself as the biblical Jehu. God showed Jehu his favor until Jehu went too far, had wrong motives, and sinned just like Jeroboam.
I fully support President Trump.
Best president EVER!
Your clock says I posted at 1:52pm on August 25, 2023. Neat trick. Please teach me how to post in the future. I could really use that skill……
Their server or whatever is in a different timezone somewhere on the other side of the world.
The T-shirts are being printed as we speak. There are endless caption possibilities.
[insert mugshot here]
Trump ’24
It also shows that there is a power imbalance, in that the leftists can get away with this, while conservatives can’t.
DJT was his own worst enemy. J6 wasn’t an insurrection, but it WAS a foreseeable and foolish debacle which the Demons used to their advantage.
I would say it was a setup or a “stitch up” as the British say 🙂
In the lead up to the civil war, America was a Christian nation with the pretty much the same values and beliefs EXCEPT the issue of slavery.
Today, the main 2 factions have completely different values- one side essentially Christian based and the other Anti-Christian.
Of course- there could be a massive revival and Democrats/The Left convert to the Christian faith and save the nation, but at this moment, it is difficult to see that happening. The Democrats/The Left will eventually be crushed by The Rock, but it looks like they have created a massive propaganda and voter fraud organization and will continue to make America a one party state for the short term.
We will ALL be crushed by that Rock.
i guess I am just shallow but he looks strong, determined and so handsome. The picture of this unequal justice follow up to Russia Russia Russia (and way beyond) hoax looks to me like a great Trump campaign poster! in fact, Trump posted it on his social media. .
Great last paragraph, Daniel. That’s it, in a nutshell.
Trump is not a criminal to begin with.
But he IS a fool whose stupid and incoherent J6 speech enabled the Demons to portray the MAGA GOP as “insurrectionists.” A rhesus monkey could have seen that coming.
America is in the position she’s in now. Is because Republicans are corrupt as much as commieKKKrats. Until current GOP goes the way The Whig party has gone. America can’t be saved. Admit it or not Trump is today’s Abraham Lincoln. And America is reliving the 1850’s allover again.
Explain again what the JG speech was about. What exactly did he want his MAGAs to do? It’s not even remotely clear from the speech. Also, what did he do for the J6 prisoners? Answer: nothing.
It’s never an balance matter for the leftist, but what is now believed to be useful to the commie.
Let’s hope Trump uses the picture for the upcoming election. As I keep saying to that leftist resident of mine – all this derangement rage is going to help put Donald Trump back in the White House. The fact is quite of few of people of this country has no interest in being the next killing field.
But – the leftist herd never listens.
All that derangement of the MAGAs is going to put Dem X in the White House. The Dems are begging you to nominate him.
Yes, What a disgrace by the corrupt who have weaponized our justice system and every other office. Theres alot more mugshots that God has on his list who are the real criminals. These fake political indictments and accusations haven’t swayed people at all!
Yes it did.I have never been a Trump fan but I will vote for him & sing his praises every step of the way to the pole .
“LibOcrisy”on DISPLAY???????????????
What is happening in our country is the liberals & rino’s pushing to implement UN Agenda 21 plan for a communist one world government!!~ Started in 1992 when elder Bush signed on to it! Trump has to go because he is a capitalist, a business man & the plan calls for PUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP”! Meaning government gets half of all earnings! This is a cold civil war going on, roles are reversed, the bad guys are now the “good guys” and the good guys are now the “bad guys”!! This agenda is for open borders, no home ownership, no property ownership or business ownership! Government raises children!
The left is opposed to anything that exposes the Left is. What is Trump opposed to? Anything that makes his flatulent ego look like the WWE?
*exposes what the Left is*
What are you doing? You can’t win like this unless Trump is your definition of winning and even then you are most likely to lose.
If you want to waste your time jacking off to Trumpf that’s fine but don’t waste our time.
The Dems will rue the day they took that mug shot.
Mick Jagger has a mug shot also in jacket and tie from 1967—a result of political motivations—the “crime” itself being his possession (in England) of pep pills that a medical doctor had prescribed him in Italy.
The real mugs in this show are the boofheads who keep indicting DJT to popularity and thinking they’re doing him irreparable harm.
What’s happening in GA is just the most recent outlandish tricks the left has pulled out of their bag of tricks and this election is in the early rounds. They will have more low blows as we get near the end.
I see the article on the Republican debate candidates was removed. Many are not going to vote for anyone that was on that stage, because its not the RNC and their rules that should be controlling things and they gave us nothing but Rinos. If Ramaswamy is funded by Soros, and is anti-Israel, then he is not on the voters list either. People are sick of the coverups.
So the “day after”… peevish pundits (conservative and liberal) bemoaning the Trump mugshot merch: how dare Trump spread more anger with that angry face!) conveniently forgetting in their whining that none of this would have happened if politically motivated indictments/mugshots had not occurred. Not to mention that lots of people have been angry for quite a while with what’s going on in the country. Next up: lectures from the media experts on Anger is the Enemy.
The Left want anyone who opposes their plans for a Global Government locked up the M.S. Media bottom Feeders are a good example
Looks great. Exactly what what the base needs. Caption: I’m coming for you, you SOBs!
Looks great 👍 Exactly what the base needs! Caption: “I’m coming for you, you Commie SOBs !
Were we supposed to see a picture of Trump in this email? I was unable to see any picture of Trump if there was one to see here in this article. Thx.
Since these Communist show trials aren’t working some RINO never Trump Republicans are buying the Democrat lies to take Trump out by joining the radical communist trying to use the 14th Amendment to take Trump out The 14th Amendment was written by the Republican majority in Congress in the post Civil Wasr era to provide full rights to former slaves. Ratified on July,1868 and restrict the ability of secessionist armed insurrectionists, the Democrats, from holding certain offices in the government of the United States. Trying to use the January 6 protest as an insurrection to stop Trump is unconstitutional and the 14th Amendment does not apply! The radical communists will not stop when charges using the 14th Amendment are thrown out. Their options are dwindling and more violent methods may be contemplated to include assassination. No one can be trusted !