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As the presidential election looms ever larger on the horizon, the desperate Left, saddled with a catastrophe of a candidate, is doubling down on the only tired old strategy it has, which is smearing their political opponents as racist – exposing their own anti-white racism in the process.
First, documentary propagandist Michael Moore (yes, he’s still alive) ecstatically asserted in a recent blog post that under a presidential administration of mixed-race (not black) Kamala Harris, white America “will be shown the door.” What does that even mean? How would that play out? It’s unclear, but what is clear is that the Left and its favorite filmmaker Michael Moore revel in a cultural milieu they created which reeks of open, anti-white racism.
Moore, author of a book titled Stupid White Men, has long been one of the most rabidly outspoken anti-white and anti-American bigots among our cultural elites. Indeed, it’s the foundation for his entire career. And yet the Left insists relentlessly that it is the Right that is irredeemably racist. Imagine the media conflagration that would ensue if a right-wing pundit crowed that under a Trump presidency, black America would be “shown the door.” But the Left has constructed a culture in which it is socially acceptable to demonize white people as the fount of all evil and oppression.
An even more egregious example of anti-white bigotry exhibited by the Left in the last couple of days was a jaw-droppingly stupid smear of Trump’s vice-presidential running mate JD Vance from MSNBC “political analyst” Molly Jong-Fast. What is her background in political analysis? Her parents are feminist novelist Erica Jong and the son of novelist and Communist Howard Fast; Molly made sure to exploit both of those left-wing reputations by hyphenating her last name. Those are her journalistic credentials.
Even The New York Times acknowledges that the Bennington College liberal arts major is a “privileged” amateur. In a profile titled “How Molly Jong-Fast Tweeted Her Way to Liberal Media Stardom,” the Times observes, “She wasn’t a political expert. But her Trump-era angst found a following among Democrats.” It adds,
Her rise is a testament to the power of social media, the increasingly blurred lines between armchair pundits and professional commentators, and the opportunism of writers, on the right and the left, who used Donald Trump’s presidency to reinvent themselves.
So Jong-Fast is not a political analyst but an anti-Trump ideologue. That explains why she seized the opportunity during an appearance on the Morning Joe show on Tuesday to demonize Vance. Jong-Fast was asked to respond to Vance’s viral comments about pushing for more family-supporting policies against the “childless cat ladies” of the Left. The question was in the context of a recent Pew survey which noted a sharp spike in the number of U.S. adults who don’t want children.
“What’s interesting is that this is this natalism that comes from an authoritarian playbook, right? That there need to be more ‘white children,’ right? That’s the idea,” Jong-Fast declared.
Really? That’s the idea? Where is her evidence for this ugly assertion that Vance and other “natalists” are calling only for more white children? When did he ever say such a thing?
You would think a so-called political analyst would be informed enough to know that Vance is married to the daughter of Indian immigrants, and they have three biracial children. You would also think that a so-called political analyst would be honest enough to ask herself if a white man who marries a non-white woman and has a larger-than-average number of biracial children could legitimately be defined as a white supremacist. But Molly Jong-Fast is not a serious political analyst; she is a left-wing propagandist and hateful smear merchant, which explains her indefensible lie that Vance is a white supremacist.
Watch with the sound off. This is a mental illness crisis, not a difference of opinion.
— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) July 30, 2024
But a creepily gesticulating Jong-Fast (see the video) wasn’t done piling on the hateful accusations: “This is about great replacement theory racism, right? This is what this is,” she continued, with zero pushback from the host (because Morning Joe is not a program of serious political analysis; it is a propaganda outlet for left-wing mental defectives). “So don’t misunderstand it for [Vance] wanting more children. He wants a certain kind of racist thing.”
Shameful. And slanderous. Vance should demand an apology and retraction from Jong-Fast and Morning Joe, and sue if he doesn’t get them. If these bomb-throwers in the media have no compunction about jettisoning what little journalistic credibility they have, then they need to at least be punished financially.
Her comments on Morning Joe did generate enough social media outrage that Jong-Fast reportedly had to lock down her X account. That’s a good start; in addition to her unconscionable race-baiting, she committed a journalistic transgression of a high enough order that no responsible media outlet should ever platform her again.
Of course, there are no responsible media outlets on the Left, so there will be no repercussions for her career. If anything, her slanderous attack on Vance will only solidify her woke credentials at the outlets where she has been a contributor or editor, like MSNBC, Vanity Fair, The Atlantic, all the usual suspects of smug elitism.
By the way, the “great replacement theory” Jong-Fast referred to is the idea that white people in the Western world are undergoing an intentional replacement by non-whites, largely through mass immigration from predominately non-white territories. Though the Left loudly denounces this concept as a far-right, nationalist conspiracy theory, they also often explicitly admit to looking forward to exactly such an extinction. Note Michael Moore’s giddy claim above, to take just one example, that white America under a President Harris will be “shown the door.” What is that if not reveling in the idea of intentionally replacing white people?
Natalists, by the way, is just another term for normal people who value and promote the reproduction of human life, which seems like a reasonable position to take if you think the human race should continue. Vance, and conservatives generally speaking, are natalists. They value the nuclear family for all races and treasure children as gifts from God, who enjoined us to be fruitful and multiply. This inflames the Marxist Left; Marx’s explicit aim was the destruction of the nuclear family, and leftists tend to see children as obstacles to personal and career fulfillment. This is one of the reasons infanticide in the form of abortion is the foremost sacrament of the Left.
(There is even a Voluntary Human Extinction Movement of environmental extremists which posits that human beings are incompatible with the biosphere and should cease reproducing altogether. This is solely a Left-wing lunacy; no one on the Right would subscribe to such a self-loathing worldview. But I digress.)
One of the ways the racist Left tries to delegitimize and deconstruct the nuclear family is by linking it to white supremacy. George Mason University Professor Bethany Letiecq wrote earlier this year that “marriage fundamentalism” – the espousal of the superiority of the two-parent married family – is “a hidden or unacknowledged structural mechanism of White heteropatriarchal family supremacy” which perpetuates “family inequality in the United States.” She believes we need “to disrupt these mechanisms” in order to “advance family equality and justice.” Of course, the “disruption” of the two-parent married family has been disastrous for black communities across America, but Letiecq and her fellow leftists won’t address that because they don’t care about blacks; their focus is subverting the white nuclear family.
The Left’s obsession with divisive, racialized politics, and its explicit anti-white racism, are shredding the fabric of this country and of Western civilization in the broader sense. We must righteously confront and stamp out this hateful ideology wherever it rears its ugly head, beginning with the election battleground in November.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
he left is also quite racists themselves they just use Blacks as tools for their plans
Greg says
Indeed, cable TV has become the repository of anti-black racism, more visible on, say, the Morning Joe Show than at any other actual place you’re likely to encounter all day. Black sociologist Shelby Steele commented on the race-hustlers’ exaggerated scope of anti-black racism in his book, “White Guilt: How Blacks And Whites Together Destroyed The Promise Of The Civil Rights Era” (2006): “[Purported] global racism enables blacks to frame racism to the scale of white guilt rather than to the scale of white racism– too weak these days to count for much.”
Beto says
That’s blacks… Blacks is woke geammar
Allan Goldstein says
I wouldn’t mind replacements of color so much if we legally required them to renounce cannibalism before offering them citizenship.
Intrepid says
Never heard of her. Don’t care. Her fingers are very creepy in the vid.
Can’t wait for the Kammy honeymoon to begin to implode.
Intrepid says
Oh yeah, one more thing….why do these hideous women have to wear the stupid glasses. 10 years ago dumb ass lib karens were wearing the obnoxious black smarty pants glasses. Now it looks like smarty pants glasses come in all of the kindergarten colors.
Gordon says
Exactly right, those glasses plus air quotes instantly qualifies her as an imbecile with nothing important to say. When my kids went to school instead of circling a race, I just wrote human. Later I found out that the school had picked white for my eldest and asian for the younger based on their outward appearance. When it comes to actual racism, liberals are the absolute worst and we have experienced it many times.
Allan Goldstein says
Air quotes for her air biscuits. ~
internalexile says
You are giving cats a bad name. 🙂
Coco says
It is an attempt to look intelligent, it only works on other stupid liberals
Mjw says
I’m joking…sort of.. but she looks like Gayle King in White drag
David Ray says
A ubiquitous yard sign starts off with a list of meaningless bromides; “In this house we believe”
After the 2nd line BLACK LIVES MATTER, I’ve taken the liberty to add clarification to those trite signs to make them actually have a point.
I add “unless it’s a black cop killed during another BLM riot”
George Floyd kicked off the riots, because his thug life mattered!
The pregnant woman he pistol-whipped & robbed – apparently not as much.
Blackdog says
There is a major point that always seems to be left out that needs to be addressed. Look at Moore and Jong. They are ugly now and probably worse in high school. They are classic examples of nerds who were ostracized at puberty in school. They are also intellectually average at BEST. They can never move on and create a good life for themselves.
They never found an area in which to excel after their school years except the lust for revenge. The current anti white trend against normal people is the last step of the discrimination holy writ used as political advantage. They have used blacks, Indians, homosexuals and the mentally ill as causes to gain attention and vent hatred. The only group left is their racial peers.
They will try to destroy the society because of their own genetic insignificance and ensuing hatreds
MuggsSpongedice says
dumb asses and dumber asses where will you go when Trump-Vance are elected in November?
You will stop at nothing – President Trump will have to be so protected because they will not stop – they are all spouting off vile demonic rhetoric in hopes the deep state will let them in and make them rich and powerful – they are sucking the demon shlong of and will pay the ultimate price in life and eternal life
Snowfrog says
Working out their neurosis on the public forum is a self inflicted and irreversible disaster. Jong and company are constantly exposing themselves as insane emotional wrecks holding onto to life with three fingers on a ledge. The only ones that take them serious are other neurotics. Their conduct is in a political forum but they are revealing deep psychological problems. They are divorced from reality and yet people buy their books and videos.
Perhaps the reaping of the whirlwind will be more than they can handle because the division that they continue to sow is offensive to God.
Down Easter says
Hatred of White people is the primary ingredient of the Left. It is like the flour in bread, the water in a snow ball or the horses in the Kentucky Derby.
CTripps says
It extends into the military as DEI is THE mission and the push-back is making command even more aggressive with mandatory training blaming non-DEI members for all their “privilege-based” ills.
The consequence: CONUS bases are hemorrhaging qualified staff who won’t tolerate the bullying by DEI policies. My brother works in such a base and has witnessed its degeneration over the 20 years he has worked there.
Parking once overflowing onto ‘designated grass extensions’ now have lots just over half full. Between Covid mandates and the ever deepening dive into Marxism people are responding with their feet and leaving. He retires in a year otherwise he would have left long ago.
I shudder to think what will happen next full military conflict.
internalexile says
People who come from reasonably stable nuclear families tend to, generally, be far happier and more positive about life than those who do not. Having a mother and a father is certainly no guarantee that a child’s personality will be balanced and well-functioning, but people who are the product of broken families, divorce, and/or abandonment carry psychic wounds that influence their outlook on things for their entire life. Most of us have observed this, repeatedly, and I certainly have. So, no pressure. If you don’t want to have kids, please don’t–but don’t dump on the folks who do.
BYW, in terms of “white supremacy,” Planned Parenthood was originally established, in large part, to control the numbers of the black population. Margaret Sanger was quite up front about it, from what I have read, and even Hillary Clinton finally had to fess up about that, after years of avoiding the issue.
Domenic Pepe says
MSNBC …. Microsoft NBC
Why does Bill Gates lend his company’s name to this depraved psychopathic berserk lying TV station.
Bill Gates must be a woke leftist moron like those on MSNBC.
Mo de Profit says
He’s worse, buying up farmland and stopping food production along with climate engineering and refugee trafficking.
Freed says
I would hate to wake up and see that lying next to me in the morning. What a nightmare. And then when she opened her mouth to talk I would scream and run away after listening to her nonsense.
Walter Sieruk says
Another important but sad thins that the historical heritage of White people is being warp ,distorted and trashed.
In the politically correct new way of speaking there is an absurd and redundant PC language which is the term “White –European.” This term is nonsense, for a genuine European is always White. For the Caucasian race has it’s “roots” meaning actual origin in different areas of Europe and not Africa. For example a real German has his or her racial dissent from the Teutons, as in the tribes of the Teutons. Germanic tribes.
Likewise, the true French person is from the origin of the ancient people known as the Gaul’s Gaelic tribes . The list can go on but those two example should be enough to show, all who are will to see the truth that Europeans by genetics and nature are White . Some PC people will very emotionally and loudly object and saying “Some Blacks nor living in such nations as France and Germany do have citizenship in the countries of Europe and those Blacks in France can vote in French elections and the Blacks born in Germany have German citizenship and can vote in German elections so the really are Blacks who are French and German.” This PC objection in not in accord with reality of race. First, Those Negros who claim the be French or German do have French or German citizenship but they are on African and not European dissent So by, nature and genetics, they are not real Europeans but imports and not really French of Germans .
To illustrate, if a European couple = While couple move from Europe go to live in China and are given Chinese citizenship and they have their children born in China and those children are raised in Chinese culture and go to school in China and there’re only know how to speak the Chinese language and read and write in Chinese only and even have, as adults Chinese citizenship ,. They still would not be real as in genuine Chinese no matter how strongly they may feel they really are .This is because they have European ancestry and genes and not Chinese ancestry genes and ancestry. Likewise the same also applies to those who are of African ancestry who now live in Europe. To put in in another way ,it had been said “If my cat gives birth to her kittens in an the oven I wouldn’t really believe that the kittens where muffins.”
glpage says
First off, I thought air quotes were so passe. I guess the silly little girl is glad her white parents were natalists.
TRex says
I thought she was pretending to be the Lion from the Wizard of Oz expressing her ferocity.
Ron Kelmell says
Blaming anyone else for one’s own failures is easy. Live the ‘hip hop’ life and get the hip hop consequences.
The success that wife and i enjoy after 85 years in the work force was not on the backs of them that refuse to get up and work an honest career.
Mo de Profit says
filmmaker Michael Moore Made a fortune out of white people and also some coloured people too. Does he think the black community will welcome his fat backside ?
Jeff Bargholz says
People in and from India are white.
Coco says
Actually Caucasoid
Allan Goldstein says
Kamala is caca-soiled?
Then how is she different from Biden??
Coco says
Seems like most of the virulent White haters are pasty white gays and trannies and fat tubs of shit like moore. They HATE themselves for being so repulsive and they hate the normal and attractive Whites. That they are mentally ill is a given
Rob A says
If the left were truly honest and sincere and had the courage of their convictions, they would delete themselves from this reality via conventional methods (e.g., poison, a fire arm, the top of a tall building, a wood chipper, a can of gasoline and a lighter, play chicken with a lit stick of dynamite, hand feed french fries to a wild grizzly bear, etc., etc..)
I call the end result addition by subtraction. The quality of life always improves when you subtract leftists from the equation!
Goro says
Trump’s awesome. Treat it like anything else. Take the high ground. Be the bigger man. Give it back as good as you get it.
The funny thing is, they like Trump. They like him better and even act like him. Most still vote Democratic out of family pressure, or apathy about voting, or to give flack to Republicans they know.
Wouldn’t be funny if liberals did all that work to change demographics only to have immigrants hate them more than natives do?
TRex says
Throw a rock into a pack of dogs and the one that yelps is the one you hit. (Cornfucious 59 b.c.)
W. Layer says
Vance’s “bi=racial children”? News flash: Indians of Mrs. Vance type are Caucasian. VP Harris’ mother, an Indian by birth listed her race as Caucasian on her immigration papers and Harris’ birth certificate. But here’s on for Jong-Fast, what’s wrong with more white children?