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The bad news is that the Biden administration is ramping up its gun confiscation agenda in the form of a whopping $750 million dedicated to establishing so-called “red flag laws” in every state in the Union. The good news is that epically incompetent Vice President Kamala Harris seems to have been put in charge of the push.
On Saturday, Harris toured parts of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, where a former student with a legally purchased firearm massacred 17 innocents on Valentine’s Day, 2018. She then announced two administration proposals purportedly aimed at quashing gun violence.
The first would create a federal entity called the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center, funded with three quarters of a billion dollars to implement red flag laws across the nation. “Part of why I am here today is to challenge every state to pass a red flag law,” Kamala said:
Red flag laws are simply designed to allow communities a vehicle through which they can share, and have somewhere to share it, information about the concern about the potential danger or the crying out for help of an individual and then let’s give it to them before tragedy occurs.
Red flag laws sound reasonable, don’t they, considering how often gun violence is preceded by the perpetrators dropping blatant warning signs of murderous intent (signs which the FBI and DHS then ignore)? But make no mistake – red flag laws, which enable authorities to disarm someone who has been deemed a potential gun violence threat by family members or others in close contact with the “suspect,” will be used to target political enemies of the Biden administration. Under the guise (as usual) of keeping Americans safe, the government will exploit these laws in totalitarian ways.
Own a MAGA hat or a Gadsden flag? The Biden administration sees you as a potential danger. Complain about woke schoolroom indoctrination at school board meetings? The FBI already considers you a domestic terrorist. Post support on social media for the J6 political prisoners? You’re a threat to American “democracy” (i.e. Democrat one-party hegemony). Does anyone doubt that the government will use red flag laws to neuter such “threats”?
Kamala’s second proposal urges state legislatures not only to enact red flag laws but to use federal funding to enforce existing laws to disarm those who might harm themselves or others. The Biden administration says 21 states have enacted red flag laws, but only six have obtained federal funding to implement them. The administration wants all 50 states to enact these laws and take advantage of federal funding.
Remember when then-candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke said the quiet part out loud during a 2019 presidential debate? “Hell yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” he declared, accidentally giving away the left’s game. The usual dismissive response from the left to conservative concerns about endangered gun rights is some variation of, “We’re not coming for your precious guns, you right-wing conspiracy nuts!”
As I wrote in the Freedom Center pamphlet The Top Ten Woke Lies,
The left’s insistence that they have no intention of confiscating guns but simply want “commonsense gun laws” is one of the most blatant of woke lies. First, we already have commonsense gun laws in this country. It will never matter how many more restrictions we pile on, we are never going to end all gun crime because criminals by definition do not respect the law. Indeed, the areas with the strictest gun control, such as the Democrat-controlled killing fields of Chicago, suffer the most gun violence. The only people burdened by tighter and tighter gun restrictions are law-abiding gun owners.
But that is exactly the demographic that leftists want to control. Today’s pro-crime left is completely indifferent to the scourges of gang-related or black-on-black gun crime. They never launch protests or grandstand in Congress about children killed in drive-by shootings or by stray bullets in the inner city. They have no interest in understanding, much less addressing, the cultural or moral reasons that might explain why America suffers more mass shootings now than in decades past when there was widespread, easy access to guns. They call immediately for more gun control in the wake of a mass shooting rather than waiting for all the facts or ascertaining the shooter’s motivation because the left doesn’t actually care about getting to the root of gun violence, but about exploiting the most-publicized tragedies to demonize gun ownership itself.
Leftists crave total power, and one of the primary obstacles to aggrandizing power in this country is our historically unique Second Amendment. If they were not constrained by the Second Amendment, is there any doubt that given the opportunity, all the “Beto” O’Rourkes in the Biden (or any other Democrat) administration would immediately impose a moratorium on all gun sales and implement a nationwide confiscation in the name of public safety (like the COVID vaccines and lockdowns)?
Leftwing smear organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center view supporters of the Second Amendment as brainwashed, white supremacist pawns of the National Rifle Association (NRA). It is these law-abiding Americans – not jihadists, not Black Lives Matter rioters, not Antifa thugs – whom the Left deems the greatest threat to American “democracy.”
The woke Left’s fever dream is to ditch the Second Amendment and then move to disarm these law-abiding citizens altogether – or failing that, to make gun ownership so financially, legally, and socially onerous for the average American that patriotic gun owners who believe in the right and the necessity of bearing arms to resist tyranny become a diminished minority and a de-fanged threat to government control.
This is not conspiracy-mongering; this is commonsense realism.
Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott wrote in a statement that Kamala’s “radical” proposals trample due process and 2nd Amendment rights. They are also, he added, unnecessary:
The Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act improved school safety in Florida and has helped law enforcement make appropriate interventions with people who pose a threat of violence to themselves or others while robustly protecting due process rights that stop unlawful infringement of the 2nd Amendment rights of law-abiding Floridians.
This stands in stark contrast to the Biden-Harris administration’s push for nationwide implementation of radical policies, like California’s red flag law, which abandons due process to more quickly and easily take constitutional rights away from law-abiding Americans. That is unacceptable.
Indeed. On the hopeful side, Kamala botches every crisis she is tasked with managing by puppet President Joe Biden, from the border crisis to protecting abortion rights and now to leading the first-ever federal office of gun violence prevention. She is out of her depth on every single political issue; with luck – and with line-in-the-sand resistance from American patriots – her new mission to clamp down on law-abiding gun owners will come to the same dead end as the others.
Follow Mark Tapson at Culture Warrior.
“COMMUNIST CHINA RED FLAG LAWS” courtesy of their collaborators in the Biden Red House!
We should not be comforted by what we perceive as her failure at the task she was given. The desire to break the border held up just fine. She will again fail at stopping the real threat to violence towards many but succeed at stopping any threat towards the justice they know they deserve.
If anyone can screw up gun confiscation, it’s Heels up Harris. That’s how she got where she is. Screwing.
Sucking and more sucking. She was very fond of Willie Brown’s brown willy.
didn’t black willy once say her best quality is that she has no gag reflex?
There is only a single legal gun law in America- the Second Amendment and that ends with “shall not be infringed”
Hear, hear! 🍻🇺🇲
Here in Texas, we have “right to carry”, albeit I’ve carried long before that law (especially when in any DNC run cesspool such as east Dallas or Oakcliff.)
Any AntiFa or BLM mob that attempt to surround my truck or house will have a bad day at the office.
(Andy Ngo & Professor Bret Weinstein now carry a piece. They haven’t forgotten their encounters with leftist mobs.)
Unfortunately, it’s wishful thinking to assert that the 2nd Amendment gives us a legal right to own and bare arms. America is no longer a Constitutional Republic. If it were, then explain how and why the US Constitution is routinely the legislative and executive branch of government.
We live in a post Constitutional America under authoritarian rule that is steadily and unmistakably becoming totalitarian to serve the interests of the oligarchs (national and international), their political class apparatchiks and their obsequious bureaucracy (aka the “deep state.”)
These days, the notion of fidelity to the US Constitution on the part of the ruling class is more fiction than fact. The US Constitution applies to the little people; not the ruling class.
Yes you are….no one is fooled.
This tyrannical Democrat Party is like rust. They never sleep. These desk bound paper pushers
sit around in their stuffy D.C. offices and dream up ways to control the people. Even to the point of disarming them during an invasion and a crime wave. These Marxist radicals realize that universal confiscation will not work. So they are coming after us one red flag at a time.
Right, they said similar things to the Jews before the holocaust and transporting them to Auschwitz. There will be no peace with the breach of our borders, anyone who thinks so is a fool.
I will not comply.
Antifa and BLM will not have their weapons confiscated.
Convince me that I am wrong.
Neither will the gang bangers or the cartels. They have actual battlefield weapons, but taking them is dangerous.
Perhaps, we should start education od qhy rgw founders put the second amendment in the Constitution in the first place.
It was not so the people could hunt wildlife for sustance but to be able to protect them self from a government that is trying to force you in to submission!
Does that ring any bells? Think about whart they are now trying to talk you into!
Of all the venues in the country, the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is the least plausible to start a “red flag law” movement. Nikolas Cruz, the shooter at Stoneman, and his family pleaded for years with local authorities, police and school officials to do something; all to no avail. Even Nikolas himself was highly visible in his threats. He was flying more red flags than a Mayday parade in Moscow.
Add to that the deliberate inactivity of the police on site during the hooting which allowed Cruz to walk out of the building after the massacre unimpeded.
Obviously no “red flag laws” will be used to stop actual shooters. Where else will Kamala Harris get her talking points? They will be used against conservatives, Republican leaders (like Trump), veterans, and anyone else who so much as uses the word “gun” in a private conversation.
Be careful what you say anywhere you are. The folks who control “The Lives of Others” have ears everywhere.
Until we ascertain what causes the mindset that life has no value, gun violence will only continue. No amount of gun control will change that fact.
200 Useful Bulsheviks/Useful Idiots Blocked Rittenhouse from his Freedom of Speech at the University of Memphis I hope he sues the University and those 200 Useful idiots and those who financed them
IMO, our constitution was based on the idea of the Sovereigh Individual. Our second amendment ensures that sovereignty, as articulated in the Declaration of Independence. In our republic, government was not supposed to rule so much as to protect and govern. And who protects us from our government? Our Bill of Rights. And what protects our Bill of Rights? Our second ammendment. Quite simple, really. It’s called checks and balances. That this debate continues as it has since the JFK assassination confirms my suspicion that our government dangerously lost its way. We have power-hungry career politicians who lie like hell and are in bed with corporations. We have protesters in prison for three years without charges or a day in court. We have a political opponent perpetually endicted for silly reasons. And our FBI has acted like government assassins. It’s all about power, isn’t it? Well, they can’t have power over an armed population, can they? At least not according to the lessons of history. And please don’t say this is about mental illness. That’s a ruse. In fact the only mentally ill who shouldn’t have guns are in Washington. Meanwhile, molon labe…
To be fair … law-abiding gun owners are a major threat to THEIR “democracy” (fascism) …
Maybe not the greatest, but certainly in the top three. Personally I think the 1st Amendment – albeit an almost useless right honored more in the breach than in observance … is still more powerful than the 2A. … And I point to the censorship as proof.
Churches are also a major obstacle … albeit 97% rolled over and complied with the Covid plandemic … and no doubt will leap to their feet and shout Zeeg Biden, mein gott! … but still … they could remind their flock that G-d did not make the world for warmongers or pedophiles or abortionists …
… And I point to the lawfare, detentions, and arrests of pro-lifers. (Moloch demands blood)
It’s 1934 folks … and next year will be 1935. We’re out of time.
And I think the only point of the 2A at this point …
… is for brave men to take an honorable end when they come to take them away.
Only a miracle will fix this. So … let’s pray for one.
G-d bless America …
I nominate them for Pinocchio’s do I have a 2nd Vote?
When the MSM screams loud after a young guy shoots up a School and the immediate reaction is to blame the Gun and not the shooter and most certainly not the Parents of the young guy and its never the question of what kind of parents are they and what kind of values did they teach him and how did their kid get hold of a Gun and what did they teach their child that would cause their child to think it makes sense to run into school and shoot his playmates.
When somebody drives their Car directly into a Bus Shelter and kills the folks waiting for the Bus, does anybody call that Car violence.
If somebody stabs somebody do they call that knife violence.
If somebody is in a War and shoots the enemy do they call that murder.
There is no such thing as Gun Violence, there is however violence caused by some nutter using a Gun.
The words written on a piece of paper are not the fault of the Pen but the hand that holds the Pen.
This ” lady?” has callouses on her knees to prove of her tactics to climb to her present position. Even more incompetent than Dementia Joe!
“We’re here, We’re queer, and we’re coming for your children!” was the sign carried by a derange pervert leading the ‘pride parade’ through the New Orleans French Quarter. These people and their morally twisted enablers need to be shown the door (in a matter of speaking).
Guns are hardly the important thing when the country has already gone over the cliff.