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[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
While the Leftist-Islamic alliance is cracking elsewhere due to the Left’s determination to normalize gender delusions and fantasies and sexualize children, in France, it has the whole country aflame, and could conceivably bring about the end of the Republic. What is happening now in France was entirely foreseeable, but few dared foresee it, for fear of being called “racist,” “Islamophobic,” and “far right.” Once again those who have been smeared with such terms turn out to have been right all along.
The now-nationwide riots started as video spread of an incident that look place last Tuesday, when a 17-year-old Muslim, who has been identified only as Nahel M., was shot by police. According to the New York Times, “French news media, citing anonymous police sources, initially reported that the teenager, driving a yellow Mercedes, had plowed into police officers, leading one of them to shoot.” However, “video soon surfaced on Twitter that seemed to contradict the police. The teenager, the video shows, was stopped by two police officers, one of whom has his gun drawn. As the teenager drives away, a loud bang is heard as an officer appears to shoot within point blank range in broad daylight. The police officer who fired the shot later told investigators that he was trying to stop the driver from fleeing and was worried that he or his colleague would be hurt if the driver got away.”
That officer has now been charged with homicide, but that did nothing to quell the rage on the streets. Muslim migrants in France, along with their far-Left allies, contend that the shooting of Nahel M. is (according to the Times) “emblematic of a deep-rooted racism within France’s law enforcement agencies and its history of disproportionately targeting Black people and immigrants of Arab descent, particularly in France’s poor urban suburbs.”
And so the George Floyd riots have come to France, featuring the same dubiously-based righteous rage cloaking organized and clearly planned operations designed to destabilize the state. As in the George Floyd riots, Leftists are out in force, as journalist Andy Ngo described in one of several videos of the riots that he tweeted: “In scenes reminiscent of the 2020 American BLM-Antifa insurrection where police stations were attacked, officers witnessed black bloc militants carrying out a coordinated assault on the Fresnes Prison near Paris during the ongoing race riots.”
Antifa black bloc militants, however, were by no means the only forces taking advantage of the situation. Another demonstrator shouted: “Allahu akbar, we are Muslims, if the police kill us we have the right to kill, it’s written in the Qur’an!” Many, if not most, of the rioters and looters are Muslim migrants. France is around ten percent Muslim, and that population is significantly more youthful, and growing more quickly, than the non-Muslim population.
When France embarked upon its policy of admitting Muslims into the country in massive numbers, there were many who predicted that a significant percentage of those Muslims would refuse all efforts to assimilate them into French society and culture, out of the belief that French culture was the product of the “most vile of created beings,” as the Qur’an calls non-Muslims (98:6), while Muslims were “the best of people” (Qur’an 3:110). The French government did little or nothing to stymie the growth of Sharia enclaves all over France, as these enclaves were the natural product of the ethos of multiculturalism; anyone who noted how inhospitable they had become to non-Muslims was shouted down as “Islamophobic.”
Likewise marginalized and silenced were those who pointed out that given the Islamic imperative to wage jihad against non-Muslims in order to extend the hegemony of Sharia (“Fight them, till there is no persecution and religion is all for Allah,” says Qur’an 8:39) made conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims in France (and elsewhere) inevitable. While some Muslims would ignore this imperative, French authorities were foolish in the extreme if they were counting on all of them to do so. It’s more likely that those authorities neither knew nor cared that such a passage existed, or that Islam has a doctrine of jihad involving warfare against and the subjugation of unbelievers.
As is so often the case in our victimhood-obsessed modern age, this jihad proceeds by means of grievances. The alleged plight of individual Muslims, or of the Muslim community as a whole, both stirs up the believers to fight and provides a theological basis for doing so: when a Muslim land is attacked, it becomes incumbent upon all Muslims to fight to defend Islam. The jihad proceeds on this basis against Israel, India, and other countries, with injustices magnified or concocted outright in order to provide a pretext for fighting back. The Leftist establishment media happily amplifies these fabricated atrocities.
Will the French government be toppled? Macron is ostentatiously unworried, even to the Marie-Antoinettish extent of attending an Elton John concert as his nation burned. But his position is more precarious than he is letting on, as the riots are ubiquitous and so far uncontrollable. Will an Islamic state be imposed in France? Almost certainly not, or at least not yet. Given demographic trends, one may be inevitable, but there will likely be a few intermediate steps first. Since the rioters are both Leftists and Muslims, the first government after the fall of the republic could be an authoritarian Marxist one. But for the Left’s allies in France, that will not do in the long run.
As the Leftists of Iran quickly discovered in 1979, their alliance with the warriors of Islam was one of expedience, not a lasting partnership. As they languished in the prisons of the Islamic Republic, those Leftists had plenty of time to regret having done so much to bring the rule of Islam to their nation. Now that the next act of France’s prolonged drama is unfolding, the black bloc militants who are being so helpful this week may have plenty of time (behind bars, of course) to muse upon how unwise it was for them to enable the rule of Sharia in France. But none of them can say that they weren’t warned.
dani says
this is what you get when you let thousands of 14th century, knuckle-dragging savages into your country.
Susan Y says
I get your point but it is 7th century, not 14th.
dani says
what’s a few centuries between friends? Thanks for the correction (-:
roberta says
These knuckle dragging savages are doing their part. This is why they were let into france.
The chaos is causing the people to call for a hard line crackdown.
The crackdown is the reason.
The crackdown will be for french and muslim alike. The state/leftist will be all powerful—and do it at the request of the scared shitless people.
Big picture.
Kara Jorges says
This is why we have the Second Amendment in the USA!
TruthLaser says
Macron attended a concert and left the people to face the music because he was never in concert with them.
When you open up the gates to the Huns and this happens shows why liberals with sawdust for Brains shouldn’t run any nation
ProudPagan says
The only lasting solution is to deport all non- French and establish Chinese type concentration camps for the others
Lethal says
The Left serve as Islam’s ‘useful. idiots.’ Once Islam takes over, they will rewarded with a swift beheading.
Mohammed Mossadeq says
The real (((controllers))) of Europe will never allow that
Crusader says
You would say that how’s the 🐐 goat you islamist
Jeff Bargholz says
If the French authorities had any brains, they’d break out the machine guns and automatic rifles and eradicate all the vermin in the streets, but they don’t and they won’t, just like our authorities refused to do so against BLM and Antifa here.
As bad as the cartels are, at least they don’t live and breed in America. Of course, who knows how many Chinese saboteurs have invaded along with the other 7.5 million and counting illegal intruders. And quite frankly, all of them are a dangerous drain on society, even the ones who mean no harm, and none of them will be a benefit to society.
America needs to learn from the ongoing islamopithecine conquest of Western Europe but our government won’t. It’s only interested in controlling our lives, not protecting them.
Mo de Profit says
7.5 million illegal immigrants to the states and a similar number to Europe.
Somebody somewhere is orchestrating this and there’s only one organisation big enough to make it happen, the United Nations. The same organisation that owns the World pHarma Organisation that made convid happen.
The same organisation that has Agenda 2030 calling for depopulation of us peasants.
Equality of Outcome.
Semaphore says
There’s a big difference between the French invasion and the Us invasion. At lease France knew where they came from. Hell, we have no idea what we ‘re dealing with in the US.
Larry_Mondello says
The difference between the U.S. and Europe is that the populace here is armed. The BLM & Muslims can riot in city streets here because U.S. cities are populated by unarmed left wingers. Much different story in the smaller towns and suburbs. The barbarians know not to venture there.
Cat K says
I do believe they’re there too. They’re everywhere.
That’s what those midnight planes & busses are doing.
Not all transported illegals are Muslims, but some certainly are.
My experience with Muslim immigrants (mostly here legally) is that, they’re your friendly new neighbor or coworker. They are raising their family like you are. They attend the new mosque in town. .
Who knows what’s next?
Jack Diamond says
They are not raising their families like you are, unless they are Muslim in name-only and barely practicing, nor if they are attending mosque (and every mosque in the land of kaffirs is a forward operating base). The teachings of Islam are not nice, they actually mandate hatred of you and yours, and your subjugation or demise, Counting on “nice Muslims” will get you nowhere, there are countless examples, contemporary and for 14 centuries, of infidels counting on their nice Muslim neighbors, much to their regret.
Islam is not about individuals, it is a collective. An ummah, Islam behaves a certain way in America because it is still a tiny proportion of the population, It behaves a different way in France where is it has become massive. It can be seen for what it is, a colonizing trojan horse, with constant demands for Islam and Sharia norms (not to assimilate), backed up with threats of violence and actual violence. This was the example Muhammad set for the Muslims with the foundation of the very first mosque in Yathrib/Medina, also a forward operating base.
Mohammed Mossadeq says
You are sending your kids to the army to slaughter them in Muslim countries thousands of miles away
Jack Diamond says
Mohammed Mossadeq — You know the Arab saying? “He hit me and then he cried and was the one to run to the police!” The innocence of the Muslims, in a nutshell. Slaughter is more your way:
“Fight (qital-kill, make a slaughter) those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book (Jews & Christians), until they pay the Jizya {a ransom for their lives} with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” Surah 9:29
Last revelations on warfare in the Qur’an, not abrogated, a clear declaration of permanent hostilities until we live on Planet Islam. We all know who hits first.
Jack says
Yes but as their numbers increase the aggressive and murderous ESSENCE of Islam shows it’s ugly face. It’s a well-documented progression from friendly neighborliness to “kill the infidel.”
John Hart says
The only thing that protects us from people like these are our guns. I bet the French citizenry wish they were armed and could fight back. Without our guns, Biden’s unconstitutional communist government and the terrorist/criminals could easily wipe us out! Who knows what has come through our southern border. It could be Chinese terrorist? Ask God to protect you and your family. God bless America!
Dana says
Shoot any and ALL rioters. There will be war or peace when that happens but it will not be any worse than the violence taking place now.
sumsrent says
Are you kidding!?
There’s a difference in destroying property vs killing humans!
You might as well be a communist dictator…
Do you believe everyone on Jan 6th should have been shot!?
Semaphore says
What news sources have you been watching?? There is ample footage of these rioters bradishing mil-grade assault guns, firing them in the air, while buildings burn in the background. Show me two seconds of J6ers burning anything, firing at anybody, carrying ANY weapons at all (unless you include American flags). Not even close to the same.
sumsrent says
It doesn’t matter what you or I think about the Patriots on Jan 6th!!!
They were called rioters! That would mean according to y’alls stupid opinion… they would all be shot dead by the Police…
Do you have a brain? Try using it.
David Ray says
The Jan 6th patriots weren’t rioters; they were set up by being lured into the ellipsis and then fired on for half an hour before Ray Epps finally convinced someone to cross the barrier.
Just before that happened, Kevin Greeson was hit in the eye by a “sting”bomb pellet – inducing a fatal heart attack.
That’s how Nancy’s goons provoked a festive, well behaved crowd into bewildered rage.
My 1st clue that Jan 6th was a set up is when I learned that officer Sicknick wasn’t killed by a fire extinguisher. He died of a stroke the following day.
My 2nd clue was the FBI’s absolute disinterest in the fake pipe bomber. (The left had previously pulled that fake pipe bomb stunt as a manufactured October surprise in 2018.)
My 3rd clue was AntiFa was there; caught changing into MAGA gear.
My 4th clue was that FBI agents were there dressed as MAGA.
My 5th clue was that the only one advocating arson was John Earle Sullivan – a BLM member.
sumsrent says
Blah. blah, blah…
Again… it doesn’t matter what you or I think about the Jan 6th Patriots… they were called rioters… and that would mean… they should all have been shot dead.
Do you really believe the solution is to shoot people dead!? Even bystanders that aren’t doing anything beyond watching what’s going on?
Ugh… the stupidity in this world is amazing!
Kara Jorges says
The protesters on January 6 were not violent or armed. It is hardly the same. This should be likened instead to the riots in Minneapolis and Portland, and I definitely support shooting those rioters.
Hardball1Alpha says
I thought the media told us that when Biden yanked the plug on Afghanistan that all the intergenerational religious warfare zealots became pacified lovers of Freedom.
Spencer, one of the finest scholars on this topic, has truly been on the ramparts with sword in-hand. And although FPM is great, I just wish there were a “Marxist/Anarchist Watch” website that was as focused as Jihad Watch.
Paraphrasing Jesse Kelly’s new book “The Anti-Communist Manifesto”, … “All this quibbling over the virtues of Representative Gov’t and how great the Constitution is doesn’t mean squat if the Marxists take over.”
David Ray says
Your point is valid.
Dan Bongino listed more than a few tin-horn republics with constitutions that would work, IF they were adhered to.
They’re not. They are relegated to empty pieces of paper, and totally ignored as such . . . just like flaming leftist jurists do here when finding “penumbras” in our “living, breathing” constitution.
Kasandra says
As with nearly every other issue, the Left is being delusional with respect to its current alliance with Islam. While both have the objective of destroying Western civilization, the Left is so delusional and narcissistic that it believes once that goal is achieved, they will either rule or share in power with Islam. They apparently are unaware of the facts that Islam has 1400 year history of eliminating competitors and doesn’t share power with the kuffar. Ever. So, if it’s any comfort, be assured that the joke will be on the Left.
David Ray says
Dinesh D’Souza interviewed a muslim businessman (with a Christian wife) that explained your point concerning the bitch Ilhan Omar.
Islamists celebrate Omar’s secular, leftist agenda because it undermines our great Republic.
Once their numbers increase to a higher percentage, the true adherents to the Quran take over.
Remember that the Taliban fanatics took control of Afghanistan after the Soviets were purged in early 1989.
(They took over again when *Biden purged our troops in September 2021. He was in a hurry for a photo-op.)
Horace Yo says
Maybe the leftists trashing their country for the invaders will be
jailed or killed by the Muslim Jihadis, or maybe they will want to join them. Jihadis get to do whatever they want – rob, steal, kidnap, rape, burn and pillage their country, They are slimy sellouts and will likely join the enemy.
American made says
You reap what you sew. Couldn’t happen to lousier country.
This is just a foreshadowing of what’s in store for America.
Ezekiel says
You should mention a difference. G floyd was not shot. He died of his own accord. If you read the autopsy and competent medical opinion. Of course maybe not relevant since the truth is irrelevant to bad actors
David Ray says
Hear,hear! 🍻
The low-life succumbed to a fentanyl overdose. He had overdosed in Chicago once before, but the cops saved his useless ass. (They should’ve left him on the sidewalk. It would’ve spared that pregnant woman her terrible ordeal.)
When will they tale out the Guillotine against Christians and those who refuse to convert to Islam?
Guy Jones says
French Jews will be similarly victimized.
dani says
they already are and have been leaving in droves.
Guy Jones says
The destruction of a Holocaust memorial that obviously has nothing to do with the shooting of the teen by police should be ample evidence that this violence is manifestly a jihad against non-Muslims, and, has nothing whatsoever to do with “social justice” or whatever other contrived and fallacious rationalization the perpetually aggrieved, goose-stepping, brownshirted Muslim supremacists/terrorists choose to justify their belligerent and hateful conduct.
David Ray says
Extremely valid point.
Remember that those “religion-of-peace” scumbags shot up a Jewish delicatessen after killing those employees at that Charlie Ebdow magazine.
RobL says
There are so many of us who’ve predicted this over the last twenty years. France will likely be the first to fall to the vile, hating muslims, as the French are weak souls. Sweden will be next, then most likely Great Britain then Germany. These fools allowed the marauding hordes in, and now will pay the price.
The only solution is to begin returning all who are not citizens to their home countries, without exception, without mercy. The citizens who remain must not be allowed to bring any relatives into the country. Even the citizens who remain must be on notice that their citizenship may be revoked, and individuals deported if they become involved in any subversive activities.
To do any less will ensure the destruction of Europe as it exists today.
Mark Bradley says
The old sane what goes around comes around. Open the doors and let the Quran back out.
sumsrent says
America was/is behind all this!
It started by the American government allowing satanic islam to attack America on 911…
This led to the FAKE “War on Terrorism”… which led to spreading satanic muslims all ACROSS the world!!!
The satanic Luciferian Globalists in America had all this planned years ago…
BEWARE!!! America is not what we’ve been programmed to think it is!
ed says
Will he get his 72+ virgins?
Steve says
Interestingly, the Left and the Islamists don’t think it’s antisemitism if a Muslim immigrant throws his Jewish neighbor, an elderly Holocaust survivor, out a window, And the French “justice” system lets him off easy because he was smoking weed when he murdered her.