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One would have to be living under a rock to ignore the sickening carnage of October 7, the latest outrage in a horrific terrorism campaign that Hamas has been waging against innocent civilians in Israel for over thirty years. In 1993, all but a tiny sliver of American society, the containing its most radical and foreign elements, recognized Hamas as a monumental evil that must be eradicated without equivocation or regret.
But thanks to the toxic brew of mass immigration and K-12 indoctrination, the America of 2023 is a very different place. Now, college professors applaud bestial acts of rape, murder, kidnapping as “de-colonization,” students rally in support of inhuman aggression, and elected officials in Congress advocate for “Palestine” and for Israel to stand down and then disappear. As a Stanford University student named Julia Steinberg put it in The Free Press, “I am 21 years old and Jewish. Apparently, 48 percent of my peers want people like me dead.”
Years of indoctrination in the name of “critical theory” lies at the heart of this genocidal blood lust. “Critical theory” and “social justice” were sold as tools to combat “systemic racism.” But as these teacher training slides from Loudoun County Public Schools and Tredyffrin/
Thus, our children are taught that every white person is a racist, all men are evil, and American is a uniquely despicable nation. “Privileged” girls in elementary, junior, and high school must share bathrooms, locker rooms, and athletic fields with biological males because “trans” people are “oppressed. Even people who are “average/thin” and people that “[a]dhere to rigid time schedules” are despised because, by their very existence, they are “oppressors” of the obese and the indolent.
As it was for Mao’s Red Guards, the purpose of the exercise is to create the ignorant and mindless cadres needed to erase the designated “oppressors.” And it is working. San Francisco voted in 2021 to remove the names of Washington, Lincoln, and Dianne Feinstein from their schools. Many school districts have eliminated Columbus Day because Columbus “stole land” from Native Americans, a label that has similarly been applied to lessons about the Pilgrims. And now, in schools across the nation, they are coming to erase the Jews.
Parents Defending Education’s “Indoctrination Map” clearly shows how twisted American education has become. A teacher at Gotham Tech High School in New York changed his Facebook cover photo to a Hamas terrorist paragliding into Israel, while also posting on social media that supporting Israel is to “support white supremacist terror.” After a moment of silence for the victims of Hamas’s heinous terrorist attacks, a member of the Fairfax County School Board in Virginia stated, “no justice, no peace,” and called Israel “an apartheid regime.” In Massachusetts, the superintendent of Revere Public Schools sent an email to staff promoting the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Learning for Justice” resource on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which claims that “Israeli terrorism has been significantly worse that that of the Palestinians.”
None of this should be a shock. Parents have been ringing alarm bells for years. Public schools hired high-priced consultants to help them push leftist “equity” and “social justice” while bashing the foundations of western liberalism – the rule of law, meritocracy, and equal opportunity. And nearly all the children fall into line. As Ms. Steinberg put it, “The cheering of Hamas among people my age on college campuses in the U.S. might seem shocking to older people. But it doesn’t shock me … At my college campus, the tiny group of people who publicly celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade were mocked mercilessly. And so, even a terrorist group’s mass murder of innocent Jews—babies, grandmothers, entire families—cannot defeat my generation’s Manichean belief system. Jews are the worst, and October 7 is about justifiable revenge.”
Generation Z’s indoctrination will be extremely difficult to undo – this is what we have learned from our experience with Soviet Russia, Communist China, National Socialist Germany, and the Islamist Middle East. But to save the next generation, parents must reclaim K-12 education. State and federal legislators must defund the higher education industry and enforce immigration laws prohibiting student and other visa holders from supporting terrorism. Furthermore, “teaching degrees” should not be required to teach in a public school – most “schools of education” are leftist ideological training centers that should be shut down.
As we process the horror of the atrocities committed against the Israelis and watch with fear and anger as our most “educated” young people bay for innocent blood without regard for history, facts, or humanity, it should be crystal clear that those running our education system are destroying America itself. The time for action is now.
Ian Prior is a Senior Advisor at America First Legal and the author of the book Parents of the World Unite!: How to Save Our Schools from the Left’s Radical Agenda.
Good article. All of the HTML links are dead.
My favorite: “Queers for Palestine.” A Go-Fund-Me page to send all of the LGBQTWXYZ (I add wxyz because they’ll soon a name for every letter so just A-Z) to Palestine and protest there.
Banning Columbus Day: A group here in Albuquerque complained about the UNM seal that had a Conquistador on a horse, now banned. The group was associated with ANSWER and used their yellow and black letter signs. They then started their own group, THEREDNATION.ORG and they protested with ANSWER, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Revolutionary Communist Party, and CPUSA fronts. Here in NM, they were successful in tearing down statues, an Obelisk in the Santa Fe Plaza, with police watching the hundreds of people cheering, another Obelisk two months ago in front of a Federal building, The FBI is on that one… no arrests yet but they’ll catch ’em… really… no really! NEXT WILL BE THANKSGIVING, The White Invaders, which started two years ago, very little coverage but they’ll get their first national one this year.
“Revolutionary Socialism
Third General Assembly formally adopts revolutionary socialism and liberation as the primary political ideology of The Red Nation. While incomplete, the purpose of this proposal is to articulate the basic principles of revolutionary socialism and Marxism and its connection to Indigenous socialism and communism. Read in full.
Palestine Will Be Free
Palestine is the moral barometer of Indigenous North America. While there is widespread agreement among Native people that European colonialism and Indigenous genocide is criminal and immoral, there are a surprisingly high number of Native politicians, elites, and public figures who don’t extend the same sympathies to Palestinians, Arabs, and Muslims. They range from outright Zionists who support Palestinian ethnic cleansing to liberal centrists who don’t support Palestinian rights of protest and resistance. We, The Red Nation, pledge to fulfill our commitment to Palestinian liberation.”
OKAY, “We” can change names too: Straight Pride Month! White History Month. MLK Day, nope, changed that day to Billy Graham Day. Native American Heritage Month… NOPE… Now Pilgrim Heritage Month. JUST DO IT!
The Useful Idiots are everywhere
In an otherwise excellent article, Ian Prior states the following: “Generation Z’s indoctrination will be extremely difficult to undo – this is what we have learned from our experience with Soviet Russia, Communist China, National Socialist Germany, and the Islamist Middle East”.
Our problem, in terms of indoctrination, is an Islamist West rather than an Islamist Middle East.
Amazing Petition to support Hamas. “Sure… oh wait.” So this proves they follow without investigating what they’re supporting. 99% of them don’t know the leaders of the protests are Communist groups. Their signs prove it.
We see alot of behavior that is disgraceful, nay even sickening. Antisemetism is hostility, predjudice, and discrimination of the Jewish people. Its racism, and its irrational. Let us start judging people by their behavior, character, and attitude….not their race.
This antisemetism is repulsive to most people and will never be accepted. This is the same maniacle hatred that is pushed on society for the purposes of eliminating people, never comply with it.
But the goal of our command is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and an unhypocritical faith.
1 Timothy 1:5.
None of this is an accident. The Brazilian communist Paulo Freire created his theory and practice of “critical pedagogy” in order to transform education from conferring knowledge from older generations to younger generations through teaching the standard academic subjects into indoctrination, creating within students a “critical consciousness” to turn them into activists and revolutionaries. Teaching them to be competent in academic subjects would, he believed, simply prepare them to replicate the existing “oppressive society.” Critical pedagogy is taught in all U.S. teachers colleges and Freire is the third most cited social scientist by American academics. So it is no surprise that most of our students are academically incompetent in math, reading comprehension, English, logic, history and science but very competent in finding the “oppression” in any situation.
A true critical consciousness is a wonderful thing, and mindless rote learning can be very dangerous and soul-destroying, but the Left always distorts the meanings of words and ideas and harnesses them for their totalitarian goals.
I only see one way out of this. That is a civil war. This is only beginning and will get worse at a yet to be determined flash point. When? I don’t know. However, it’s coming.