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Ganging up with the debate moderators, Kamala Harris still hasn’t immobilized Donald Trump. The Dems thought their fellow Lilliputian press agents masquerading as “journalists” and “moderators,” along with some mean-girl snark from Harris, could bait Trump enough to make him hang himself, and so distract millions of voters from noticing that Harris is still dodging questions about her complicity with Biden’s disastrous term, his cognitive decline, and the far-left policy proposals that have marked her entire political career.
Despite the post-debate crowing about Harris’s victory, their ropes still aren’t tight enough to keep Trump down. For eight years, the progressive Democrats have labored to restrain Trump, but he keeps loosening his bonds. Let’s hope that the Dems don’t catch on that you can’t beat something with nothing.
Trump’s term was still young when federal agencies began trying to tie Trump down. The Russia, Russia, Russia hoax; turning an unexceptional phone call with Ukraine’s president Zelensky into a flimsy impeachable offense; Trump’s private conversation in 2005 Access Hollywood leaked that turned some sexual braggadocio into evidence for a sexual assaults; numerous statements by Trump distorted with selective editing, like the “very fine people” comment edited to hide’s Trump’s exclusion of neo-Nazis and white supremacists; and the Big Lie that on January 6 Trump instigated an “insurrection” when he told attendees at a rally to march “patriotically and peacefully” to protest at the capital. And don’t forget the multiple indictments by four Dem prosecutors, all based on creative if not duplicitous reading of the laws.
All those efforts and hundreds more failed to end Trump’s political career and clear the decks for a Democrat president. In fact, they’ve increased the size of his support. So now the lies are proliferating beyond those fed to a compliant media–– just like Harris, the moderators, and the media flacks during the debate every time they opened their mouths. But what else do they have to convince voters? They can’t run on the Biden and Harris record in the White House, which is as useless as Jimmy Carter’s record was in 1980.
The Biden-Harris administration has been a similar failure. Inflation, stagnant wages, and stratospheric levels of debt at home; Chamberlain class appeasement of Iran replete with billions in cash; 13 U.S. soldiers killed during the Afghanistan skedaddle; and support of sadistic terrorist murderers abroad, are difficult to spin even for Democrats. All the Dems have, then, are Hitlerian Big Lies, “colossal” and “impudent untruths” debunked repeatedly.
During the debate, Harris told one of the left’s favorite Big Lies: the dull cliché that Trump “is all about tax breaks for the richest people.” Here are the facts about Trump’s tax cuts from the Wall Street Journal:
“Seven years into the weakest recovery in postwar history, as the economy slumped toward a recession, the 2017 tax cuts and the Trump administration’s regulatory relief sent real median household income soaring by $5,220 in 2019. That’s 49% higher than the previous highest annual gain in 2015 and 11 times the average percentage gain over the previous 50 years. Real median income rose more in inflation-adjusted dollars in 2019 alone than during the entire Obama recovery from 2009-16. The poverty level plunged at the fastest rate since 1966, to the lowest level since the Census Bureau started collecting the data in 1959.”
Or how about “climate change,” “renewable energy,” and the war on fossil fuels known as “net-zero-carbon emissions”? As Biden’s V.P., Harris supported the U.S.’s return to the 2015 Paris Agreement, which like previous such deals is failing for one simple reason: two of the three largest emitters in the world, China and India, have no intention of harming their economy by reducing fossil fuel energy.
These are just two examples of her leftist prejudices. Such policies also have a problem with the truth. Take EV mandate and subsidies, based on the claim that they will reduce carbon emissions and save the planet from Armageddon. The facts say otherwise:
“When Washington spends hundreds of billions to lure some drivers to use EVs, guess what? It ends up making gasoline cheaper and more available for other consumers around the world to use. The 2023 data have arrived. Fossil-fuel use, emissions and green energy all have grown right alongside each other, as economics predicted. Global emissions finally broke the 40 gigaton threshold, having doubled since 1984.”
Or think about this datum from Gatestone Institute: “The European Commission estimates that to achieve the target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 90% by 2040 then 100% in 2050 — the main objective of the “European Green Deal” — Europe will need to invest €1.5 trillion a year from 2031 to 2050.
1.5 trillion euros a year. That is equivalent to 10% of the Europe Union’s entire GDP for 2022 — every year! Apart from a war effort, there is no objective of any kind that has ever required the diversion of 10% of a continent’s GDP by political decree.”
These suicidal policies in the West are the fruits of bad science and lupine grifters who have damaged energy supplies, raised the price of fuel, and increased industrial costs.
But what about 2020? Wasn’t that proof that the MAGA Gulliver could be bound? That election year, however, was a black swan event brought on by the Covid crisis, which itself was manipulated by government agencies so that mitigation protocols could control people’s behavior, and most important for the election, frighten them from voting in person. This meant that absentee ballots would proliferate, and in fact double the number used in 2016.
What difference does that make? Absentee or mail-in ballots are notoriously susceptible to fraud, since the chain of custody from voter to vote-counter is easily interfered with. That’s why large numbers of countries don’t allow them. Consider this tweet on X:
— Rothmus 🏴 (@Rothmus) March 27, 2024
Even after Covid, internationally paper ballots are the overwhelming choice for voting.
Given the higher risk of fraud, questioning the 2020 election was not as egregious as Hillary Clinton’s ongoing claim that Vladimir Putin rigged the 2016 election on behalf of Trump. Yet Trump’s admittedly impolitic challenge was, and still is, hysterically dismissed as an “assault on our democracy” –– as if it were an obvious fact that an election with the winner determined by a mere 44,000 votes in three swing states, and twice 2016’s tally of easy to defraud mail-in ballots–– was free of fraud. The fact is that without a serious investigation, we don’t know if it was on the up and up or not. But the aggressive claims that it wasn’t fraudulent sound like the excessive protestations of Hamlet’s mother.
Of course, Kamala Harris could win the election, given the free support the corporate media are giving in in-kind contributions. But even if she wins, don’t think that Trump will stay on his back, crisscrossed with ropes, any more than Gulliver did. Trump’s political career has been defined by his relentless willingness to “fight!”, as after he was shot, he chanted while defiantly pumping an upraised fist, with blood pouring down his face.
Last week, a second assassination attempt was foiled while Donald Trump was playing golf at his West Palm Beach course. But that changes nothing. Trump will continue to fight the odds, take on the bipartisan guild and their consultants, ignore and mock the self-proclaimed keepers of the sacred “norms” of our republic––and never say die.
I am glad I am not a “smart” republican as you are. It is so sad you cannot see or at least feel that Trump is only a bully of the worst type and has been ever since he was in school. His “Kingly” desires come out in every speech and his so called loyalty is only one way, him. He doesn’t have loyalty toward any as evidenced by his loyal followers who die, go to prison, lose their fortunes and his MAGA supporters who are blinded by his methods. So very sad. Perhaps he will win and those who believe in him will finally see his malignant narcissism come full hilt!
Enjoy your increased taxes, high gas prices, and increased inflation should Commiemalala win. And the endless word salads and the cackling blackcents. You deserve it.
You will be “unburdened by by what has been” for the last 4 years and the “significance of the passage of time”
you are not smart at all – you’re a putz – better to know where putz’s like you are than you hide in your dark rat holes with the other demonKKrats
oh, he’ll win, a long as the Dems aren’t successful again at their specialty, CHEATING. such honorable folks dims be.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Congrats, Rocky. You hit all of the anti-Trump talking points. Give the man a Kewpie doll!
It would be too smart for him
LOL LOL LOL…how pompously pseudo-prescient you posture as. So YOU and you alone psychically divined and witnessed trump as a school boy? You are a liar, through and through, crippled by peenie envy of an alpha male who continually exposes the cowardice and malice of your ilk. You sound very John Brennan-ish, karen.
You are not only “not a smart Republican” I’m afraid. But by the sound of your imbecilic comment you are not very smart full stop!
The Demo-Rats Ropes cant keep Trump pinned down if anyone remembers the Cartoon movie Gulliver just stoop up and the topes broke or were pulled up
Perfect description of Kamala Harris at the debate as having mean-girl
snark. This is an excellent and encapsulating article.
May I add something else. Something so dangerous to We The People
and to Trump himself which he has experienced horrendously as he stands
between us and the dictator-wannabes: The Flouting of the Law.
When J6 defendants were placed for lengthy times in solitary confinement –
before even being indicted, never mind convicted of a crime – that threw
their rights as citizens under the Constitution right out the window. What
would be the next excuse to do that to any of the rest of us.
When Biden and border czar Harris brought in millions of illegals to overwhelm
and endanger our cities and communities – they broke immigration laws, over
and over again. There’s an article on Gateway Pundit now dated 9/18/24 with
a video of Kamala when she was D.A. of San Francisco. In it she says that they
will go into gun owners homes to make sure they are storing the guns properly.
Really? Did Kamala Harris ever hear of the word ‘warrant’? Or of the Constitution
which protects us from search and seizures. No matter – she would flout them
Now lefty fiends are trying to murder Trump. If he does not become President,
those guns will be aimed right at us. It’s called oppression and birthed from a
continual flouting of the law.
Cowards always attack courageous men.
The peasants have a leader, if they only will follow.
… and Gagged …
(by court order).
“You can’t beat something with nothing” used to be a truism of American politics. No more. First an Alzheimer’s patient and now a nymphomaniac, whoever is named the Democ-rat candidate for president will get lockstep support from Democ-rat voters. Why? Because, they say, “at least it ain’t Trump.” Clearly, nothing can grinningly beat something in 21st century America’s putrid politics. A word of neighborly advice: Don’t drink the Democ-rat Kool Aid.
Hey – a nymphomaniac is not a bad thing – in fact in Think and Grow Rich = transmutation of sexual energy is what makes successful entrepreneurs – A strong libido – a whore for profit and position is not one of them –
I know, I have that strong libido and once unleashed as an entrepreneur a strong sex drive is essential –
That’s why many successful people have many mistresses or boy toys or whatever – sometimes you just can’t go to bed and switch it off – you need to release the energy
Without ethics and standards and some morals you’re just a tool for the devil
One can be saved by the Blood of Jesus (YESHUA MESSIAH) and use that powerful libido for success in life as well as love —
Elon Musk has 12 children…..very typical Biblical
Ok class dismissed — you coupling with another – I said class dismissed! :-p
I like your optimism, but…..
After they another steal, do you really there’s fight possible.? Certainly not through voting, with 20, 50, 100 million illegals entering and voting for tyrants, for their freebies, and supporting the violent anti Semitism, the censorship, taxing us to death. How is there a fight remaining?
Only if we leave this fetid union. So, maybe but it’s hard to imagine when DC politicians are getting so wealthy in the current system.
Not hard to imagine when we see the proof of how do people in CONgrASS or even a POTUS get multiple multimillion dollar estates and ranches.
GHW Bush 41 cow towed to the Saudis and no doubt kick backs followed — Dick Head Cheney VPOTUS under GW Bush 43 made a killing on Halliburton once they invaded Iraq
Why they detest POTUS Donald J. Trump so violently is President Trump threatens to drain the swamp and therefore their gravy train – Ukraine is nothing but a money laundering scheme using our tax dollars to enrich those deep state globalist oligarch commies
P Diddy and Jeffrey Epstein ran sexual pleasure domains with a lot of unwilling youth who many got hooked and/or snuffed!!!!
Do not tell me President Donald J. Trump is not a man of YHVH!!!!!!
The Uniparty hates change
By Eric Utter
The Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, Kamala Harris, the Cheneys and the Bushes, they are the dinosaurs, the would-be kings. It is MAGA that is the resistance, Trump supporters who are fighting for all of our freedoms and unalienable rights. We are the counterculture. We are the ones trying to preserve “our democracy,” which we know is more accurately described as a Constitutional, representative republic.
We permit and expand mail in voting so we can expand voter fraud.
It would be too smart for him