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Journalism has been dead and buried since the 90s. What exists today is public relations, opposition research, agitprop, and the other elements of a communications apparatus for a political movement.
Occasionally people notice that everyone in the media is saying the same exact thing in the same exact way.
Now that the media got its marching orders to demand that Biden step down (mere weeks after denouncing the idea that there was anything wrong with him as dangerous disinformation and cheapfakes), the hive mind is once again marching in unison to an absurd degree.
Take this “key” meme that seems to be proliferating through the media hive mind.
Sometimes you have to take the car keys from an old person. Like Biden!
And sometimes you have to realize that the entire media is one big echo chamber that exists to loudly shout the same things at the general public in order to get it to do what the people running the show want.
This naturally leads to the same diversity of opinion and subtle argumentation that you get in North Korea or Cuba where every outlet says the same things on cue.
Two weeks after insisting that Biden was good to drive, the new memo is he must give up the keys! This particular meme was apparently tested by some Dem consultants somewhere and has been sowed throughout the media. This is what mainstream media journalism now looks like. Coordinated campaigns that only an idiot would mistake for anything except the creaks and groans of a propaganda machine.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Good coverage, thanks Daniel !!!
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, I don’t think most people realize this is going on. The coordination between the DNC and its fake news media is obscene. The Dirtbagocrat fake news media seem to be doing it pro bono but I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s some type of quid pro quo going on.
MuggsSpongedice says
be assured, these are the carpet bagging demoncRats whoring for the biggest payer to turn their tricks in their media gaslighting bait-and switch slight of hand. All because CCP treasonous money launderer Joe Bite-Me dementia is too big to hide anymore. World leaders saw this at the G7 and now against President Trump in that debacle of a debate for TaliBiden the world sees this dude is Weekend at Bidens – Biden is brain dead walking zombie with dilated pupils and the face and features and mannerisms of full blown dementia –
Domenic Pepe says
It has been obvious for at least 4 years that Biden is as close as is physically possible to being a corpse, without actually being dead.
It is also clearly obvious, as has been proven by the House Biden influence-peddling investigations, that Biden and his family are morally and politically corrupt to the core.
One would think that the democrat party and its leaders would reject and repudiate Biden without hesitation based on obvious and proven facts.
Since the democrat party and its leaders and members are so reluctant and hesitant to do so indicates that they too are also thoroughly corrupt.
And yet, the polling for president shows that Trump leads Biden by a miniscule 2 to 5 percent in general and in the swing states, a number that could easily be reversed by a bit more intensive woke leftist democrat media choreography and lies.
I would think that the polls should now show at least a 15 to 20 percent lead by Trump. A morally upright people would not hesitate to demonstrate their intolerance and revulsion against Biden, and so repudiate Biden and his administration. Something is not right with much of America and its people. Something is very wrong with their understanding of right and wrong and their mind and soul.
I believe there is a message here: At least half the American population and electorate is either deaf, blind, ignorant and dumb, or it too is as morally and politically corrupt as the Bidens and the democrat party.
Therefore, I think there is a fairly high probability that Biden the corpse and the depraved psychopathic berserk corrupt leftist deep big state democratic party will prevail in the November elections, and gain total control of the government which would lead to an American political, social, cultural, economic, and moral Apocalypse.
Trump’s and the GOP’s small leads in many polls are misleading, and could disappear easily overnight. These small GOP leads in the polls currently must not breed complacency.
Too much is at risk for America and US citizens in the November elections.
Banastre Tarleton says
Support f or senile Biden means a national divorce is inevitable where the country is partitioned 3 ways
Jeff Bargholz says
Real America’s Voice and Newsmax regularly play montages of Dirtbagocrat fake news trolls all repeating the same memes from the DNC, usually word for word, doubtlessly brain farted by D-Bag consultants, as you wrote. “Take the keys,” “a threat to democracy,” or whatever the latest meme is. They also play audio of the memes overlapping each other like a Tower of Babel recording. “A threat to democracy” is their favorite. Since Alzheimer Joe was installed as meat puppet Resident of the United States, it’s been used every time Trump, the MAGA movement, or anybody else criticizes the sorry state America has been in or the D-Bag policies responsible.
internalexile says
Years ago it was “gravitas.” Now it is “car keys.” It really is insulting.
Intrepid says
Media 1 Guy to Media 2 Guy:
“I don’t know about you but I am not carrying water for that demented old fool anymore. We need to find a more vibrant, aware person to run for President that we can carry water for. I mean, after all, we are still carrying Obama’s water, and he has been out of office for almost 8 years”
cat says
No, I don’t think he has been out of office. & it’s his team not him as he’s a mental lightweight and emotionally stunted. &They’re smart but malevolent.
Jeff Bargholz says
Exactly. The notion many conservatives have that Bareback Hasbeen Osama runs the Alzheimer Joe administration personally is beyond ridiculous. That lazy incompetent didn’t even run his own administration, his apparatchiks did. I don’t know how many times I have to tell those people that Obama had a pen and a phone to implement the policies his apparatchiks conceived and his only instructions seem to have been stick it to whitey instead of help blacks and strengthen islam worldwide however possible. He’s about as much of a mastermind as Alzheimer Joe. The only difference is that Obangi isn’t senile, dumb, corrupt and incompetent, he’s just dumb, corrupt and incompetent.
Alzheimer Joe’s handlers are HUNDREDS of times more extreme and to the left than Obangi is or ever could be.
Greg says
Imagine the question to the following pretend Jeopardy answer in the category of Political Neologisms: “The Democ-rat political party and its legacy media mouthpieces.” The correct question is… [soothing Jeopardy music theme]… “What are Cheap Fakes?” Surely, you’ll agree that pretend Jeopardy is a lot more fun than pretend democracy.
Jeff Bargholz says
“Media mouthpieces.” Very good and very descriptive.
Kasandra says
I strongly suspect that, somewhere, “Journolist,” or whatever it was called, is still alive and well.
Sword of The Spirit says
Bottom line, Daniel, is the elections are rigged for DemoCraps to win. All this about Biden is a cruel charade. And so-called “conservative” news outlets are playing along and boosting the idea we will have a fair and honest presidential election.
MuggsSpongedice says
that’s why I parse the internet for the truth – there is no so-called conservative or truth media
Jeff Bargholz says
There are conservative news sources which do their best, which in many cases is very good, FPM as an example, along with Real America’s Voice and Newsmax, which has two televised news networks and a magazine. Breitbart is great for headlines and Commentary Magazine is excellent although it covers much more than just sociopolitical news.
cat says
Yes. What can we do about it? Thats what I never see addressed. I like “too big to rig.” But what if it isn’t. It’s an unfair challenge to have to outvote rigging. And an invalid outcome if they win anyway.
I think some people don’t realize that communism and Islamism isn’t just a long line for bread. They really starve people, target people, they hurt your kids, and sometimes they mass kill people,
Jeff Bargholz says
I want to volunteer to be a vote counter, particularly in the middle of the night when the majority of fraudulent D-Bag ballots seem to come flooding in. I have to figure out how to do it.
We all know of that quote attributed to Stalin: “it’s not the people who vote that count, it’s the people who count the votes.”
Most of all what we get from the M.S. Media is Fake NYT,s/CNN just the typical leftists propaganda we can expect from these lowlife gutter dwellers from the Fake News Service
Onzeur Trante says
Well said. Thank you. What does the media have in store for us next????
Jeff Bargholz says
Instructions on how to turn ourselves into reeducation camps and avoid being shot when the government seizes our property and money?
Jan VI says
“Coordinated campaigns that only an idiot would mistake for anything except the creaks and groans of a propaganda machine.”
In America we have a lot of Useful Idiots and ordinary