After listening to the State of the Union address, Americans know why the latest Reuters poll has President Joe Biden at 41 percent approval.
Vice President Kamala Harris polls even lower – despite the obsequious efforts of the most biased media in history that has, in effect, merged with the Democratic Party.
The nation was reminded again why only 37% of Biden’s own party want him to run again.
Only a quarter of Americans believe the country is headed in the right direction under his leadership.
Given all that, what could a president possibly tell a nation when he entered office inheriting a 1.4% inflation rate only to spike it to 7%? How did Americans’ 30-year mortgages of 2.7% soar to 6.5% in less than two years?
How does a president explain that eggs climbed to $7 a dozen, or a thin steak hit $15 a pound, or a sheet of plywood reached $95?
How does a president explain to Americans that gas averaged $2.39 a gallon when he took office and, even after draining the strategic petroleum reserve, it is still $3.50 a gallon – and recently spiked at $5 a gallon in many states.
Can Biden explain why once affordable, or even cheap natural gas more than tripled in price in less than a year?
What can a president say when in his first two years over 5 million foreign nationals poured into the United States – all illegally across a nonexistent border?
How could Biden explain the humiliation in Afghanistan? The draining of our arsenal of key weaponry? Or the inability to take down a communist Chinese spy balloon when it first brazenly floated above America – photographing military bases and missile sites as it crossed the entire United States with impunity?
We know the answers to all these questions.
Biden simply did on Tuesday in his State of the Union address what he always does: misinform, ignore, and attack!
Misinform. After sending inflation, energy, and interest rates to astronomical rates, and then seeing them momentarily taper off a bit, Biden declares that he “lowered” these indices that remain far higher than they were when he entered office.
He brags of a low unemployment rate. But Biden never discloses the better indicator of the labor participation rate that has declined under his tenure – or the fact he inherited a growing economy naturally rebounding on autopilot from a disastrous 2-year COVID lockdown.
Ignore. Consider what he will never mention. China just violated international law and U.S. airspace. How did Beijing assume rightly that they so easily could get away with it?
There is no southern border. Biden destroyed it. He greenlighted over 5 million illegal aliens to enter the United States without audit or legality – even as smuggled Mexican drugs kill 100,000 Americans each year.
He never will concede he stopped the building of the wall. He omits that he demonized innocent border patrol officers. He nullified the immigration laws he swore to uphold.
Biden ignores the $4 trillion he has borrowed in just two years to inflate the national debt, now on its way to over $32 trillion this year. The middle class has bled 20-30% of their 401K retirement plans representing years’ worth of lost hard-earned savings.
Yet Biden promised hundreds of billions of dollars more in borrowing with no idea of how to pay back the already crushing national debt that will incur $450 billion just to service this year alone.
He skipped over how he demolished U.S. deterrence abroad after the greatest humiliation in modern military history, with the flight from Kabul and the abandonment of billions of dollars in military equipment.
He never mentions that Russia went into Ukraine because Russian President Vladimir Putin saw no downside after this debacle in Afghanistan, or that Biden’s own inept remarks about not worrying over a Russia invasion of Ukraine if it just proved to be “minor” probably played some role.
Attack! Remember Biden comes to life only when he smears his enemies while calling for “unity” and “bipartisanship.”
Only then his voice rises, his brow furrows, and his face reddens. He claims that “the rich” avoid “paying their fair share,” even as he knows that just one percent of the country pays over 40% of all income taxes.
Biden somehow demagogued the lethal violence of Black police officers against a Black victim in Memphis into evidence of America’s supposed racism. He smeared all law enforcement – even as inner-city violent and hate crimes soared as never before.
He utterly lied about Republicans demanding a sunsetting of Social Security and Medicare.
He beat the dead horse of January 6 (while insanely connecting it to the attack on Paul Pelosi!), despite the stacked congressional investigative committee and the suppression of critical video evidence and email communications involving security lapses.
In sum, it was the same old, same old dishonest Biden: misinform, ignore, and attack – and then call for “unity,” as the country collectively slides into ruin.
Being a fan of people who think logically and Biblically, it’s no surprise that VDH would see this whole situation correctly. But what needs to be pointed out is that we have been played as ignorant fools believing that the GOP will rescue us…..
Not gonna happen…..
Our once great country is toast, we will never return to 2018, we’ve been sold out to the WEF and the WHO, both of whom are controlled by wickedly evil people who want the USA to end.
Hair plug Joe is just the latest tool to be used by those entities.
What a shame….
Approval rating of 41%….certainly indicates how stupid the people of this country really are.
I believe Bidens approval rating is closer to 8 0r 9%
One reason the GOP has been neutered is because of the power of nearly all of American media being a department of the Democrat party. Any GOP politician attempting to truly change the Democrat agenda will have a target on them with ABC, NBC, CBS , PBS and the rest of it running a hate campaign intended to ruin the life of the dissenter.
Alternate media is growing, but most Americans still believe ABC, NBC, CBS, etc are honest and fair news sites and what they say is just the way it is.
It’s how the most incompetant president (and possibly world history) in history can still enjoy a 41% approval rating.
We’re pretty much done. I don’t see any way out of our spiral. The younger generation is a disaster. There is nothing positive to say about our future.
He blew up Russia’s undersea pipeline. He’s provoking nuclear exchange.
I can’t say he’s provably corrupt because the federal enforcement apparatus has the skinny, but is too corrupted to act upon it.
I am ashamed my country has allowed this to happen.
I am terrified of what follows.
“ I’ve seen the future, brother
It is murder”
L. Cohen
I tried to like what you said. Did not happen. Agree 100%. . It is hard to believe that anyone likes what he has done to our country. That % must be profiting. We have many strong people fighting him and I will not give up on the USA🇺🇸
His puppet masters had prepped him well.
It was very hard to listen to him, but it is hard to talk while chewing twenty pieces of bubblegum at the same time.
He sounded like an eighty-year-old record with a bunch of scratches with him skipping so much, throwing off the listeners, and especially the dancers. “Where’s one?”
A good thing: We didn’t have to suffer watching The Wicked *itch of the West licking her botox lips.
“ALL GOVERMENT BUILDINGS must use materials made in the USA.” COMO? Where do we get the steel, minerals, lumber, when mining and forests are off limits? How are these materials made, and transported/delivered, without gasoline?
Huckabee: “NORMAL OR CRAZY!”
I agree with your third paragraph. But her/its younger version was sitting next to McCarthy.
I reluctantly have to agree with the writer who said that the GOP (cavalry???) ain’t comin’ to save us from the oncoming national disaster. Although I have been a bedrock Republican for over 60 years, I have absolutely NO faith in the party’s ability to do any better than Democrats. The entire Romney family has spent their careers undermining the GOP and providing aid and comfort to every enemy attacking the United States. They ALL are traitors…pure and simple. Worse, with few exceptions, there isn’t a Republican in D.C. or the state capitals that have even the semblance of a spine. We’re doomed. Accept it and have another dry martini.
Did you give up your balls too? Cowards all!
Never give up, NEVER surrender!
Some actually did! (maybe not among commenters here -at least I hope not). But some did. Its an industry now- cutting up confused influenced children and the mentally ill adults.
This Warwick guy said that he followed the G O P for (60 years ) ! That should make him at least 80 years old ( too old to fight ) ! Most people don’t get into politics before reaching the age of 20 ? He could even be in his 90’s now ? I think you could give him some slack for being an elderly man ! But I also whole heartedly agree with you 100% on “” NEVER GIVE UP “” !!!
So you don’t think DeSantis has a spine???
WHERE WAS HUNTER? Busy watching whoever paint his next $500,000 work of art? Smoking crack? Still searching the homes for Ped0-Joe child *orn before the FBI finds it, that’s if they didn’t already find it and now covering it up and blackmailing him like China and Russia are?
If there’s nothing to hide, why didn’t Hunter show up to watch his dad? Where were the grandkids? His Brothers?
The words of Joe Biden’s in any speech that he may give are unimportant because he is a chronic liar.
To put thing in anther way “,Big Brother Biden,” is a pathological liar. So much so, that it must be a thoroughly ingrained part of his deceitful and wicked nature. Likewise, it may be called part of “his horrendously awful character.”
To the evil extreme, that If Biden tells someone “It’s raining outside.” That person would be to first look out of the window before believing lying creepy old Joe.
Xi Xinping owns uncle “sniffy” Joe lock stock and barrel. The entire world knows that. Bernie and Xi are running our country. And the country club wing of the GOP is happy to be a minority party.
Remember that old saw,”How can you tell he’s lying?” “When his lips are moving !” Interesting how he always has to act outraged at every subject he mentions.That’s ,in my opinion ,to convince the audience he has a backbone and VIGOR!. He can save his fetid breath,as far as I’m concerned. I’m waiting for Donald Trump to return to office!.
Please stop pandering to BLM
Capitalize the b word, not the W word. Typical
Bravo, VDH! He is the most dangerous man on the planet. He is so clearly mentally ill. He is a liar, the king of lies, and he reeks of decay. His entire family is a rotting stump.
I saw a clip on tv comparing this years SOTU to last years. He plagiarized himself. Much of what he said was, word for word, what he said last year. It’s pretty sad when you have to repeat the same statistics year after year. For anyone paying attention, that means nothing has changed. There have been no improvements. The dismal SOTU of last year is the dismal SOTU of this year and the liar in chief doesn’t have the wherewithal to, at least, make up some new lies. (By the way, his staff said he spent hours composing this new address to the nation. More like his staff handed him a copy from last year and he didn’t have the sense to recognize it.)
We have never seen a President this angry and hateful. I’m sorry for my fellow Americans and families. We all need to turn to God, he is the only one who delivers truth and salvation, HEBREWS 12:26. At the End of the Age, God has warned that He will shake the earth and the heavens, that everything will be changed as a great shaking occurs. Every offensive thing that has not been established by God will be shaken loose and removed from its place. Every nation will be shaken, not one will escape this momentous shifting.
So true. As Pastor Doug Wilson, Christ Church, Moscow, ID, observed, we have the government we deserve (though God is more merciful than we deserve). How I pray God saves us from ourselves, from stupidly, blindly turning our backs on him and pretending we ca save ourselves, something our vastly wider and more educated Founders sternly warned us was certain suicide.
I do not deserve this. Speak for yourself.
We have an illegitimate government we don’t deserve. Americans are not bad people, by and large. We may be ‘soft’ now and some are brainwashed by incessant media and indoctrination schooling. But we all deserve better.
Self esteem first=we deserve a better government. Then, action comes after.
If we cannot vote it in, we must together decide what other options we have.
Option 1: Get “sum”
Option 2: Get the rest
The shaking has begun in California, Western New York, and in now in Turkey & Syria ! Who will be the next Earth Quake ? We are so near the end, and the book of REVELATIONS is being activated by mankind’s actions ! I only exist on this planet !
Yes, Shaking all over the world in failing Governments too. Many people don’t understand that the Great Tribulation is a brief, brutal seven-year period immediately after the Rapture filled with unprecedented horrors, upheavals, persecutions, natural disasters, massive death tolls, and political turmoil, lasting until Christ’s physical return to earth. Simply, yet soberly stated, the Tribulation is a Time of blistering judgment and withering destruction as God pours out His judgment on rebellious humanity. As harsh as this sounds, all who accept the authority of the Bible believe in the reality of the Tribulation, and as time marches on, people will see the events unfold before their eyes. There will be no way to deny or diminish what is happening.
Biden is angry and hateful and he is also an idiot who is force fed a cocktail of speed, cocaine, memory enhancers, mood enhancers, etc. before every public appearance. He isn’t in charge. Look to the Obama-Soros team if you want to see the head of the Hydra.. Biden is their puppet and their sacrificial anode..He is disposable and replaceable once he gets too toxic. He’s about ready to be retired in disgrace and will be blamed by his own people as a means of keeping Obama clean.
Obama is essential to motivating the left’s black army. The left has built an army of leftists, radical blacks, muslims, fascist corporations, perverts, and even demons to help in Night of Nihilism for America.
These are all people who subscribe to unrestrained evil…but the advantage is still ours. We have God on our side, or should I say we are on God’s side.Their paroxysm of hate will fail to destroy creation but it will destroy them. Once their hatred is spent and all of their attempts at spiritual alchemy fail, they will end up in the Lake of Fire, where their hair will still burn fiercely even when they go below the surface..Only then will the cruel irony of “Burn Baby Burn!” be properly understood..
How on Earth has this bag of pigeon manure manage to still have 41% approval rating for gawds sake!!!
The Radical Leftist Demonunist formula is very simple.
When exposed as liars, cheats, traitors, thieves and murderers, they:
If the accusations persist,
If the pesky accusation continues to fester,
3)-Deflect. Keep deflecting for as long as it takes for their propaganda arm (legacy mainstream media) to either launch a fallacious counterattack (RACIST! WHITE SUPREMACY!)
4)-Triumphantly proclaim that accusations against them are “Russian Disinformation.”
5)-Rinse. Repeat
You left out “attack the messenger”… That is usually the 2nd thing they do.
They say a CROOKED MAN WALKED A CROOKED MILE ! Joe Biden has been doing this for over 50 years, and somehow, HE managed to become the ILLEGITIMATE PRESIDENT OF USA ? F. J. B. !!!