When the news broke that an armed man had entered Club Q, an “LGBTQ” nightclub in Colorado Springs, at about midnight on Saturday, on the eve of something called the “Transgender Day of Remembrance,” and had proceeded to kill five people and wound at least twenty-five, one thing seemed all but certain. It was too early to know what had motivated the perpetrator, Anderson Lee Aldrich (who apparently was arrested last year, after a “brief standoff with law enforcement,” for making a bomb threat against his mother). But it seemed a safe enough prediction that the usual “LGBTQ” activists and their allies in the media would soon be spinning this atrocity to their advantage.
Sure enough, within a few hours, Colorado’s largest daily, the Denver Post, had posted an article in which one Elizabeth Hernandez linked the murders to “hateful rhetoric directed toward transgender people and the broader LGBTQ community.” The recently re-elected Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, stated Hernandez, “has been vocal against LGBTQ and transgender issues, including in a June tweet saying ‘Take your children to CHURCH, not drag bars’ and a 2021 speech on the House floor during which she warned of ‘young girls across America who will have to look behind their backs as they change in their school locker rooms just to make sure there isn’t a confused man trying to catch a peek.’” Hernandez also noted the controversy surrounding “all-ages drag shows at public libraries and other locations” and a Colorado librarian who was “fired from her job for planning LGBTQ youth programming.”
What do all of these specifics cited by Hernandez have in common? Simple: not a single one of them is about hatred for transgender people or anybody else. They’re all about legitimate questions of public policy. Questions about whether small children should be encouraged to attend drag shows and stuff dollar bills into the drag artists’ panties. Questions about whether teenage boys claiming to be girls should be permitted to use girls’ locker rooms and showers. Questions about the proper ages at which children should be taught about various aspects of sex and sexual orientation – and whether they should be introduced at all to gender ideology, a cockamamie new set of propositions that deny biological reality and that might well have been designed with the explicit intent of confusing the hell out of small tykes.
And then there’s the most important question of all. It’s about underage boys and girls who’ve been brainwashed by mentally unstable teachers, by dimbulb school counselors, and by pusillanimous and/or money-grubbing doctors into thinking that they want to be butchered for life. Should such kids have the power to elect to go under the knife in order to look more like a member of the opposite sex? Should teenage girls be allowed to choose to have their breasts and uteruses mutilated? Should teenage boys be able to have their penises and testicles removed on demand? These are deadly serious questions. For the overwhelming majority of rational, compassionate adults, the answers are clear.
But for professional “LGBTQ” activists, the shooting at Club Q was a splendid opportunity to connect such rational, compassionate adults to a mass murderer. “You can draw a straight line from the false and vile rhetoric about LGBTQ people spread by extremists and amplified across social media, to the nearly 300 anti-LGBTQ bills introduced this year, to the dozens of attacks on our community like this one,” Sarah Kate Ellis, who reportedly makes around $200,000 a year as president and CEO of GLAAD, told Hernandez. In fact, the bills being introduced around the U.S. are about nothing more or less than protecting minors from a frighteningly infectious and highly toxic set of ideas that have already ravaged too many young American lives.
What Hernandez fails to note is that many of the most outspoken critics of these horrible ideas are themselves gay people who profoundly resent the replacement of the words “gay and lesbian” by the term “LGBT” or “LGBTQ” and the takeover of formerly gay venues and organizations by hard-core propagandists for transgender ideology. On YouTube, a Dutch gay man named Mr. Menno and an American lesbian named Arielle Scarcella regularly stand up to the lie that a man can become a woman and a woman can become a man. American gays who oppose the creepy targeting of kids by transgender ideologues have formed a group called Gays against Groomers, and their counterparts in the UK have founded the LGB Alliance. I’m only one of a number of gay writers who have repeatedly criticized transgender ideology. If you want to say that I’m therefore complicit in the mass murder at Club Q, be my guest. I’m used to it. After the 2011 mass murders in Norway by Anders Behring Breivik, who claimed to be motivated by a hostility to Islam, every prominent critic of Islam, myself included, was accused of being, in effect, a Breivik co-conspirator.
So it is now. Hours after the atrocity at Club Q, its Facebook page still featured an announcement of an “all-ages drag brunch” that had been scheduled for Sunday. One of the comments included in the thread below the announcement was by Andy Humm, a veteran gay activist and broadcaster. “Blood on the hands of Republicans who spent $50 million on ads this election cycle targeting drag queens and transgender people,” Humm wrote. “Looking at you Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio and Kari Lake. Decent people MUST speak up against this hate!”
Humm, who’s pushing 70, has been a prominent figure in the gay media and in queer-left activism for decades. Not until the latter part of his career were transsexuals – newly re-branded as transgender persons – merged into the gay-rights movement and “gay and lesbian community” under the new LGBT label (which soon enough became LGBTQ, LGBTQI, and so on). No gay person that I know of voted for this change; I never heard it debated or discussed. But professional gays like Humm, whose modest career as a “gay broadcaster” was threatened by the rapid mainstreaming of gay people in America (which, for example, all but eliminated the gay bookstore), went along with it.
This meant buying into – or pretending to buy into – dogmas to which virtually nobody would have assented a generation ago. It meant pretending not to recognize that the ballooning numbers of young people claiming to be transgender was reflective of a social-media-driven trend. And, worst of all, it meant pretending that the surgical destruction of confused young people’s private parts should be celebrated as “gender-affirmative.” One of the most appalling betrayals of our time is the readiness with which veteran activists like Andy Humm, who represented themselves for decades as champions of gay rights, sold out gays and lesbians in a trice in exchange for careers in a newly overhauled movement whose goal was not equal rights but the undermining of biological truth itself – no matter how many innocent lives might be destroyed in the process.
Decent people? How dare anyone who supports such sheer evil speak of decency?
Spurwing Plover says
The Media Vultures and Sharks will be circling Biden and his fellow Democ-Rats will demand More Gun Control Code Pink and March for our lives band of useful idiots will be there with the big news coverage Its predictable and we know that Vultures and not the only opportunists so are the Democrats
Mo de Profit says
They will demand gun control and then let the criminals back onto the streets without bail.
Lonnie S Kwartler says
The treatments being called gender affirming care are gender denying. Politics and profits are the motives behind that. Coming for the children this way involves destroying not just the sacrificial victims, but marriage, family, education, law, medicine and other institutions.
Kasandra says
I think that’s their goal. Going back at least a century to Hungary’s short-lived Second Boshevik Revolution, communists have been trying to use sexualizing children to destroy traditional values and to separate children from their parents. The revolutionary government’s Deputy Commissar for Culture, Georgiy Luckash (sp?) introduced a sex curricula into Hungary’s schools specifically for this purpose.
Lightbringer says
Well, it looks like Hungary found its way back to morality and normality after a century. They’re doing pretty well under the much-maligned Viktor Orban, the man the left loves to hate.
Irwin says
More dangerous idiocy that weakens the country to the advantage of those who seek to destroy.i
Mo de Profit says
Sadly Bruce, normalizing homosexuality has led to this point, namely children being abused and having ‘education’ in sexuality.
Did you need education to find out you are homosexual?
The truth of the matter is, particularly for male homosexuals, is lots of them are obsessed with youth, they become homosexual because their first sexual experiences are often by being abused by an adult, or, they have no access to girls and need to share their sexuality with someone, anyone.
THX 1138 says
I agree with you.
You can’t normalize homosexuality or lesbianism any more than gender confusion. None of those mental confusions are normal. We are a heterosexual species. Our biological and physical reality is that we live in bodies that are heterosexual. The male body is for the female body, the female body is for the male body.
If that doesn’t satisfy you, if that makes you unhappy, the problem isn’t heterosexuality or heterosexuals, the problem is you’re not sexually at peace with your physically heterosexual reality.
Imagine a group of people that have a mental condition that makes them walk upside down. They claim they were born that way. They were born to walk upside down. How do you normalize that? You can’t. The physical, biological, reality is the human body is meant to walk right-side up.
THX 1138 says
But the upside down walkers organize politically and get laws passed that punish the right-side up walkers (the normal walkers) if the right-side up walkers discriminate against the upside-down walkers in any way whatsoever. The normals must legally treat the abnormals as normals or suffer legal punishment.
It’s insane and opens the door to all other forms of sexual insanity. It’s the “emperor wears no clothes” situation. If the normals say it out loud that the emperor is wearing no clothes they get thrown in the dungeon by the emperor and all those that fear the power of the emperor. In this case the “gay’ emperor.
I’m sick and tired of it. Makes me just want to say please go back in your closet and stay there. Don’t ask, don’t tell. Don’t push it in my face. Your sexual preference is none of my business nor do I care for you to advertise it.
Heterosexual abnormals also exist and they’re now emboldened too and out of the closet and trying to normalize things like polyamory, bondage, sado-masochism, etc. And normal heterosexuals who are perfectly happy with what is now derisively called “vanilla” sex are being put in the position of being the abnormals!
It’s an inverted sexual pyramid the abnormals of all stripes are after.
Mo de Profit says
100% accurate plus they now call normal people cis and that is insulting.
Tionico says
and the wierdoes today would bash and cancel YOU for using the term “wrong side up” as a slam in them.
Up is down, left is right (AND correct), evi is good…
whatever happened to simply looking into God’s Word and seeing what HE says about these things? Wasn’t it HE who “said “let US make MAN.. and then “male and female created He them”. And when that first pair were the only humans on the planet he said of she “HERE at last is one like me”.
David Ray says
One would think that after failing to twist that erotic encounter-gone-wrong with Paul Pelosi into, yet, another opportunity to slander MAGA, that flaming leftists would be more hesitant.
But if you’re a flaming leftist, you can’t help it; it’s what you do.
When not manufacturing race hoaxes, false narratives, or election rigging, you’re clumsily seizing onto any opportunity that presents itself.
(At least Jug-eared Barry dialed it down several notches from the painfully obvious bullshit that Jussie Smollet dreamed up. He only hung a noose.)
Kynarion Hellenis says
“It’s about underage boys and girls who’ve been brainwashed by mentally unstable teachers, by dimbulb school counselors, and by pusillanimous and/or money-grubbing doctors….”
All though this may all be true, the foundational issue is one of good vs. evil. They may be “mentally unstable,” but who cares – they are evil. They may be “dimbulbs” but they are evil. “Pusillanimous,” but evil. “Money-grubbing” evil.
The “most important question of all” is not even a question, and we should not treat it as such. Children do not have the power to consent to permanently mutilating surgeries that will forever make them sterile and monstrous. That we treat this as “an important question” only tells us that we have ceded the field to evil. We have ceded our children to evil.
Every rational, normal human being knows these “policies” should not be countenanced. This is war. Good or evil. Choose and focus like a laser on the enemy. This is war.
Nutherguy says
Sterilizing a child is a monstrous crime. Nine out of ten of those kids will curse their parents for allowing (or encouraging) it within five years.
I think the first of the lawsuits has already been filed; hopefully the cost of liability insurance ends the practice swiftly.
Steven Brizel says
Such assaults are caused by mentally ill people who don’t belong on the streets, as opposed to social conservatives who oppose the LGBT lifestyle and its goals of grooming the next generation
THX 1138 says
But the upside down walkers organize politically and get laws passed that punish the right-side up walkers (the normal walkers) if the right-side up walkers discriminate against the upside-down walkers in any way whatsoever. The normals must legally treat the abnormals as normals or suffer legal punishment.
It’s insane and opens the door to all other forms of sexual insanity. It’s the “emperor wears no clothes” situation. If the normals say it out loud that the emperor is wearing no clothes they get thrown in the dungeon by the emperor and all those that fear the power of the emperor. In this case the “gay’ emperor.
I’m sick and tired of it. Makes me just want to say please go back in your closet and stay there. Don’t ask, don’t tell. Don’t push it in my face. Your sexual preference is none of my business nor do I care for you to advertise it.
Heterosexual abnormals also exist and they’re now emboldened too and out of the closet and trying to normalize things like polyamory, bondage, sado-masochism, etc. And normal heterosexuals who are perfectly happy with what is now derisively called “vanilla” sex are being put in the position of being the abnormals!
It’s an inverted sexual pyramid the abnormals of all stripes are after.
Tionico says
so ignore what you know is the lie and carry on with the truth that “male and female created HE them” and that a “man shall leave father and mother and cleave to his WIFE.. note that the male (singular) is to hold fast and exlusively to the one female for te rest of their life.
anything else is perverted wrong evil.
Victoria says
Satan rules the earth and until Christ returns chaos will ensue.
Tionico says
NOT what God’s word says. Sonce ALL THINGS are put under Jesus’ feet, Satan is there too UNDER His feet.
He has wnon nothing and can only lie. It is YOUR decision to heed his lies or cling to the truth. We ARE to take dominion in the earth. By and large we have simoly been too lazy to do tt, or too fearful of the monster in the shed or under our bed
Grow UP into the Head, which is Christ who had put ALL things under His feet.
Read the acciunt if Job.. the devil had to approach God’s throne and ask permission to torment Job, and that permission was granted, but carefully restricted. God remained in charge that devil was kept on a short chain powerless to slip it and do what he wanted to do.
George says
Homosexuality is immoral and a sin. It should surprise no one that tolerance of homosexuality leads further down the path of total sexual anarchy and destruction of civilization.
Lightbringer says
Something that Mr. Bawer did not mention about “gender affirming medical care” is the use of powerful drugs that cause a lifetime of deleterious health effects and retard physical and mental development when used on children and adolescents. These drugs must be continued throughout the patient’s life and are rather expensive, giving the pharma companies lots of profits. If that isn’t evil I don’t know what is.
Stephen Triesch says
” . . . including in a June tweet saying ‘Take your children to CHURCH, not drag bars’ ”
So, this now counts as hate speech? It is hate speech to steer your young children away from explicit adult entertainment? Meanwhile, the left can demonize Christians, conservatives, white people, and Republicans all day long without fear of censure.
J Buchanan says
I was expecting the media to blame Trump’s announcement he’s running for re-election. “He’s empowering hate!”
Tex the Mockingbird says
Vultures are not the only opertunsists who thrive off death so to the Donkeys(Democrats)and Hollywood pinheads and useful idiots
Dani says
Just heard the shooter is “non-binary” whatever that’s supposed to mean – besides being a deranged psychopath with a rap sheet.
Steven Brizel says
The perp has been identified as a so called binary male-you can’t blame anyone opposed to drag queen hours for this