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There was a time when simply mentioning that COVID-19 came from a Chinese lab got you banned on Facebook and YouTube. Now with the CIA’s endorsement of the lab leak theory, it’s now the official view.
Notably, the FBI already supported the lab leak theory, so did figures in the Defense Intelligence Agency, but an official linked to WHO, which Trump just withdrew from, managed to bias the official Intel Community assessment.
The CIA assessment isn’t even a product of the new Trump administration but took place under the Biden administration. It’s just being released now by the new incoming Trump administration team.
Within a matter of years we’ve gone from the lab leak theory being so dangerous that even mention of it had to be banned, to the FBI and the CIA both endorsing it.
By Occam’s Razor, that was the simplest explanation from the start.
Not only due to the massive amount of investment in Bio-War by the great powers over many decades, but due to the difficulty of avoiding lab leaks and such, especially in China.
There was even a huge leak off San Francisco Bay the week before I was born, which was covered up by the government.
Plus lots of covert experiments in the SF Bay Area over the decades.
I still think that the “leak” was deliberate and was intended to cause panic. The mRNA “vaccines” were made ready and waiting for the terrified gullible proles who lined up for the poison shots. The skeptical were threatened and bullied into taking the poison. What a hideous episode in the history of this country.
*hideous episode in the history of the World.
It’s odd that so many people were banned from social media websites (e.g., Facebook, pre-Musk Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, etc.) for even bringing up the possibility of the now-official pandemic origin. While I don’t necessarily fault social media for entertaining doubt, I do fault them for fact-checking, removing or banning such speech from their platform.
Following President Trump’s inauguration in 2017, The Washington Post changed their slogan to “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” This “Triple-D” principle was obviously meant to stand for its Trump-era mission of skepticism against just about everything in his administration (as if the Trump presidency was akin to 1930s Germany).
Yet, the grand irony is that more reputable papers like The Washington Post, New York Times and the Los Angeles Times went along with the Democratic Party’s narrative with very little fact-checking. They typically cited “leading experts” like Dr. Fauci without questioning Fauci’s claims — as if his claims were above such scrutiny or skepticism.
Worse: The entire social media industry of the United States (and most western nations) seemingly embraced a level of censorship unseen before in human history (well, outside of Nazi Germany or communist nations). It was shocking.
If history is permitted to be uncontrolled in the future, I believe that hindsight will show that the Biden era (and even 2020 Trump era) were a time of shifting priorities in which media aligned with partisan politicians’ demands. The narratives were presented by one side (i.e., the DNC), influenced by international sources (i.e., the CCP) and controlled by social media outlets.
In 2021, we watched a German drama entitled “Line of Separation” on PBS. The drama focused on a small town in Germany in the final days of World War 2. The town went from Nazi control to US post-war control before finally being split down the center when East and West Germany — with the west controlled by the U.S. and the east controlled by the Soviets.
In that drama, the level of propaganda depicted in Soviet East Germany reminded me quite a bit of the censorship and highly-controlled narratives that were very much a part of 2021. Not only did those controlled narratives shift, but it was interesting to watch the pro-Soviet population shift too.
At first, they were very accepting of the ever-changing narratives. Eventually, however, even the most ardent supporters of communism entered a phase of realization that the narrative itself was a construct — pitting the good people of communism against the “enemy” of socialism. Eventually, the voices of skepticism began to disappear because the state would investigate and, ultimately, arrest them.
During that time, the origin of the virus was either unclear or unimportant. The skepticism of the people was deemed “dangerous.” No one could question the validity of the “transgender” public affirmation push by government and social media. Even the language utilized by the DNC and parroted by the media turned a silly January 6th protest-riot into an “insurrection.” Why? It is likely due to issues regarding Section 3 of the 14th Amendment — a last-ditch attempt to prevent a Trump reelection that ultimately ended up happening in 2024.
Thankfully, President Trump was reelected in 2024 (and even won the popular vote). Already, I feel a sense of normalcy returning to the nation and the world. I just hope that we never again submit to politicians in government who attempt to utilize the media, tech industry and social media as a partnership.
While the mainstream “news” media and Hollywood seems to have meandered beyond the point of no return, it seems that the tech and social media industries are finally coming clean. They’ve apparently seen the error of their ways and are attempting to make amends. Let’s hope that it lasts long beyond the Trump presidency.
New York Times and reputable in the same sentence is laughable. Anyone remember Jayson Blair? The NYT has not been reputable in decades, perhaps not even in my life time. It is hard to tell with all the legacy media because before just a few years ago, there was no way to fact check them and Dan Rather, NYT, Peter Jennings defined what was fact.
I think he’s young. Don’t spoil his future.
Oh, I agree. I probably should have included quotation marks over the word “reputable.” In many ways, The New York Times has relied upon controlled narratives and a well-written form of yellow journalism since the days of Walter Duranty.
Duranty was an editor who received the Pulitzer Prize for Journalism during the 1930s. He wrote a series of Times articles about the “miracles of socialism” in Stalin-era pre-WW2 Russia. It turns out that Duranty was essentially publishing Soviet propaganda narratives in exchange for access to (and contact with) Soviet officials along with high dollar alcohol, women and living conditions in Moscow.
Given the revelations of Duranty’s journalistic impropriety, many modern journalists (worth their weight in salt) have argued that the Pulitzer Prize should have been rescinded. Duranty was applauding Soviet communism at a time when Russia was fleecing food from Ukraine. The people of Ukraine were starving so that Moscow could put forward the face of success.
so 5 years later our government finally admits what the rest of us “nobodies” knew in the first week. I don’t know about you but this doesn’t build my confidence in our “intelligence agencies”. Would we find out in 2030 if China took over California in 2025?
So..I think this was Fauci’s gig….He had been going around O’Bama’s ban of gain of function research. They funded the wuhan lab while knowing many of their safety protocols were sub-standard. Thus the leak. If Fauci had admitted to that, he would have been burned at the stake because responsibility would fall on his shoulders. ONE INTERESTING FACT…..do you remember how they shot down any other valid medications (Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquin)-To release an experimental vaccine….there had to be NO alternatives. That’s why they came down so hard on the doctors that were getting good results with these drugs. They wouldn’t have been able to have a worldwidxe vaccine program that ended up hurting people and not being a vaccine at all.
Based on the the people most often killed by this engineered virus, the old, the sick, the very highest draws on healthcare systems, all the while leaving the young and healthy population relatively unscathed. Which in turn solved a “greying” problem in the “boomer” population around the world, leads me to believe that neither its creation nor its release was any more “accidental” than ‘handsy’ Andy locking covid patients in nursing homes causing the death of 15-17,000 expensive, elderly people.
To be fair: I’m sure they intended to kill a lot more people than just boomers.
It’s just fortuitous that their bioweapon mutated to a less-lethal ‘variant’ before it reached the West.
And their jabs have had a terrible impact on 18-54 yos.
So I don’t think they really care who they murder.
My theory exactly – but it makes more sense to assume that the virus was intended to cull China’s retired seniors only. China’s one child policy has created a population imbalance with dependent elderly outnumbering workers.
China may have thought that originally, but when they looked at what it was doing to their economy…they decided to take everyone around the world on the same ride.
Leak?? My shiny red!
It was not a leak is was a test release!
There was a report about this very thing on a different site, stating that the Data didn’t match what Fauci was saying, and the Pharma industries said the same thing. Still, it was taken off of their sites, and then they came up with a ruling that the people that were being harmed or had died because of those vaccines could not cure them, that said the whole thing. When you watched Fauci dawn on a mask and then another mask on top of one another, that showed a lot of people how absurd this was. Covid was a real thing for a lot of people, and a lot of people died, so what was the real problem, Covid, or the Vaccine? Investigations have been ongoing, they don’t want the people to know, they are protecting big pharma.
Wondering….remedesivir was the only protocol for the hospitals. Remdesivir shuts down the kidneys and all of the bodily fluids back up into the lungs. Sound familiar? Then people are put on ventilators with few ever coming off of them alive.
It was NOT “a leak”. It was instead an intentional release by th eChicoms!
Someday we’ll find out it was released on the orders of the DNC to create exactly the circumstances that allowed them to steal the 2020 election.
Another conspiracy theory proven true.
One thing is for certain. “Dr.” Fauci had his dirty hands in the process from beginning to end.
China will be China. But the WHO and Gain-of-Function-Fauxi should be standing tall before the man.
A lot to say about this.
But the one point to make at this moment:
The CIA knew.
And they lied.
Heads should roll. There should be prosecutions.
Real justice would see Nuremberg trials – to expose what they did – and prison (at least) – consistent with what we already can guess happened.
The most unfortunate part of this origin is that China prohibited travel from Wuhan to the rest of China but allowed travel from Wuhan to the rest of the world, thus infecting the rest of the world while protecting China.
In addition, after many years of intense research, surveillance. and espionage the CIA has declared they believe grass to be green.
Russia wants him as a condition to end the war – sounds feasible to me! Wrap him up and send him over but confiscate his wealth to be used against the COSTS he caused! Let Russia foot the bill to prosecute and then do whatever with him!
It was a coordinated bio-attack on the population involving the military and pharmaceutical industry – THAT will be the final verdict.
Call it what it is: the China Virus.
There was never any covid. It was the ordinary seasonal flu blown up into a scamdemic. Four years later no one anywhere in the world has isolated the alleged virus.
Seasonal Flu Cases in the US
2012-2013 34,000,000
2013-2014 30,000,000
2014-2015 30,000,000
2015-2016 24,000,000
2016-2017 29,000,000
2017-2018 45,000,000
2018-2019 36,000,000
2019-2020 38,000,000
2020-2021 1,822
Draw your own conclusions….
Considering the devastating Spanish Flu pandemic, governments thought it best to err on the side of caution, despite an inevitable downside. We can never know the consequences of “the road not taken”. Instead of endless recrimination, let’s move on and prepare for future pandemics which will surely occur.
Sorry, but Spanish Flu was BS too. Do some basic research. The gov’t responses were completely outside their jurisdiction. Under no circumstance whatsoever do you force businesses to close nor require people to subject themselves to medical experimentation. How is the tyranny of what occurred so lost on people like you? People like your are exactly how the Stalin’s and the Hitler’s of the world come to power.
I should have specified that I was actually referring to the vaccination program only.
World economic sanctions and trade bans would be a start to punish China. Then we could file global international lawsuits and if they do not pay we can cancel loans that China owns to reduce our debt. Tarriff’s would be the first action that could be taken right now.