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As the House Homeland Security Committee advanced articles of impeachment against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over an invasion of the country by millions, Democrats and some Republicans argued that it was a “policy dispute” and not impeachable.
“Political and policy disagreements aren’t impeachable offenses,” former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff argued in a Wall Street Journal op-ed. The Journal‘s own editorial board used that same line in its own subheader opposing impeachment, arguing that, “a policy dispute doesn’t qualify as a high crime and misdemeanor.”
Democrats have been making that argument all along.
The Democrat Committee on Homeland Security put forward a 45-page statement which mentions the word “policy” 45 times, and argues that, “iImpeachment is an extraordinary remedy under the United States Constitution. It is not a tool for policy or political differences.”
“This is simply a policy dispute, a disagreement about how a different party is attacking a policy problem. And the Republicans are trying to abuse their power and the Constitution to convert what is simply a disagreement into somehow some way, a high crime and misdemeanor there is no crime, much less a high crime or misdemeanor here,” Rep Dan Goldman contended.
Impeachment is not an “extraordinary remedy”, it’s just the ultimate form of congressional oversight. Presidents are not kings, they do not have unlimited power to do whatever they please, and cabinet members may be appointed by presidents, but they must be approved and serve at the pleasure of two branches of the federal government, and not just of one single man.
The same Democrats protesting that impeaching Mayorkas is an abuse of power were responsible for sending Peter Navarro, a former Trump official, to prison for refusing to testify before their partisan committee. That was and is an extraordinary abuse of power.
Mayorkas, unlike Navarro, is a sitting government official. Impeachment, as Alexander Hamilton wrote in the Federalist Papers, involves those “offenses which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or, in other words, from the abuse or violation of some public trust.”
Impeachable offenses “relate chiefly to injuries done immediately to the society itself,” he wrote.
It’s hard to think of a better example than allowing millions of illegal aliens to invade the country, and doing everything possible to wilfully impede the efforts of states trying to slow that invasion.
As the internet meme goes, Homeland Security had one job. Is our homeland secure?
Entire cities have been overloaded and are groaning under the weight of an invasion that has no precedent in American history. Major cities are swarmed, police officers are being assaulted in broad daylight and stores are being cleaned out by massive mobs of illegal migrant invaders.
There were 2.5 million encounters at the border in the last fiscal year alone. And that does not count the millions more who were never ‘encountered’. The same House Committee on Homeland Security moving to impeach Secretary Mayorkas had released statistics showing that there were 269,735 encounters in just the last month of the fiscal year.
Nearly 7 million illegal alien invaders have shown up on Mayorkas’ and Biden’s watch. They include tens of thousands of gang members and criminals, hundreds of terrorists and enough fentanyl to kill every American ten times over… and those are just the ones that we caught.
Is 7 million illegal invaders a policy dispute or a war?
Biden, Mayorkas and other officials claim that they’re helpless to act and that they’re doing the best that they can, and that House Republicans can fix the problem with a “border deal.”
All of that is a lie.
The Biden administration calculatedly set out to dismantle every border security policy. It ended construction of the border wall and sued Arizona and Texas for trying to fortify their own borders. It fought in court to end Title 42 authority by claiming that the pandemic was over even as Biden tried to justify his massive student loan bailout plan because of the pandemic. It went to court to be able to not only release illegal alien invaders into America, but to do so without court dates.
When a court blocked the release of illegal aliens without court dates, Secretary Mayorkas denounced it as a “very harmful ruling.” During the negotiations for a ‘border deal’, the Biden administration insisted that preventing it from releasing illegal aliens into the country was a ‘red line’ that it could not compromise on. That’s because releasing them is the whole point.
You can file this under “treason” or “high crimes and misdemeanors”, but it is at its most elemental, a profound breach of the public trust with massively catastrophic consequences.
It is a “policy dispute” in the same sense that announcing China can freely invade California or that anyone born before 1959 can be freely killed without fear of prosecution is a policy dispute. In theory every policy position, no matter how horrifying, is a policy dispute. Public officials should not be casually impeached over policy disagreements, they should however be impeached when their malicious actions violate their duties and cause tremendous harm.
Of all the impeachments over the years, impeaching Mayorkas may be the most justified.
Past impeachments have often been partisan exercises or like the impeachment of Judge Alcee Hastings for bribery (who then became a long serving Democrat congressman) a matter of personal corruption where the overall public harm was either intangible or negligible.
The impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas is not a matter of personal misconduct. There is no evidence that he is stealing, conducting an affair, taking or soliciting bribes or corrupting the government for his own personal agendas. His only actual crime is following orders.
And that’s the only argument against impeaching Mayorkas. He’s not acting on his own.
Enabling the mass invasion of the United States is not the action of one man, but of an administration, which has used every federal agency at its disposal, including the EPA, to enable that invasion, which has dispensed a fortune to the invaders to encourage them to invade, and another fortune to the refugee resettlers to make sure that they never leave.
And it’s not just the policy of one man or one administration, but of a party that has spent decades conniving, scheming and maneuvering, since the Kennedy administration, to fundamentally transform immigration law in order to shift the national demographics and the political culture through laws, UN treaties, economic incentives and the neglect of existing laws.
Elected officials can advocate for laws, no matter how destructive, and they can even lie about the consequences of those laws, as JFK and Ted Kennedy did about the shift toward third world immigration, as LBJ did about the disastrous UN refugee treaty that is at the heart of our asylum problem today, and as Senate Democrats did about their amnesty in 1986. But that amnesty, part of another in a series of “border deals” became part of the trend of not only advocating, but ignoring and refusing to enforce immigration laws. And then creating anti-immigration laws, such as sanctuary cities and states, and a federal crackdown on state immigration enforcement.
Beyond a refusal to enforce laws, Obama initiated a unilateral amnesty for some illegal aliens as part of what was deemed “selective enforcement” and “discretion”. That already illegal policy evolved under Biden into virtually no enforcement for anyone except the worst of the worst.
Elected officials and appointees have certain responsibilities, regardless of their partisan agendas, and there are consequences for failing to uphold them. As a partisan political appointee, Secretary Mayorkas would inevitably work toward open borders, as has every Democrat before him, but that did not change his responsibility to his official duties.
Overseeing and implementing an invasion is incompatible with those duties.
Elected officials can have policy disputes, but appointed officials are managing the machinery of the state which must continue to run despite their partisan leanings. An anti-war secretary of defense cannot simply drive all the tanks into the ocean and announce that the United States will no longer defend itself against enemy invasions. And, contrariwise, a conservative EPA head cannot reject the concept of pollution and refuse to fulfill the responsibilities of his office.
That is what Secretary Mayorkas has done. He was following orders, but that’s no excuse. Cabinet members may be chosen by presidents, but they answer to two branches of the government. That second branch of the government is preparing to impeach Mayorkas for actions that have wrecked entire cities, trashed much of the country and cost countless lives.
No one died because of anything that Clinton or Trump faced impeachment for, but people have died in sizable numbers because of the action and inaction of Secretary Mayorkas and Biden. The murders, fentanyl overdoses and diseases spreading across the nation are a crime. They are a high crime whose origin lies with the policies of Mayorkas and the Biden administration.
If a political official willfully refusing to do his duty leading to an invasion of millions and the deaths of over a hundred people doesn’t justify impeachment, what possibly does?
Judith says
That sweaty little subterranean, a white worm right out of Edgar A, Poe, is a subversive, an Enemy of the People, who should be condemned to spend the rest of his days naked in a cactus patch.
Ron Kelmell says
Mayorkas is nothing but the front for Biden’s treasonous non enforcement of immigration law. these belated complaints are an act performed by those seeking a defense for their three years long silence.
Beez says
The House of Reps should pull all funding for him and his agency.
NL Celt says
And Biden is just a front for Obama. He and his people are running things behind the scenes. It, along with things like trying to force Israel into rewarding Hamas’ terrorism with their own state and sanctioning Israelis in the West Bank for disrupting the peace (not including the arabs there who are never peaceful), has Obama all over it.
Domenic Pepe says
If a political official willfully refusing to do his duty leading to an invasion of millions and the deaths of over
a hundred thousand US citizens every year by drugs from Mexico doesn’t justify impeachment,
what possibly does?
Please note the correction.
Domenic Pepe says
Mayorkas is a certified depraved psychopathic truly evil man.
The mindset of Mayorkas is identical to that of depraved psychopathic murderous lying Islamic swine.
The same is true of Biden and blinkin Blinken and the rest of the woke leftist DEI CRT dem lunatics.
Impeach, Try Convict and give him Life without Parole Pardons Clemency or time off for good behavior. Lock him up and throw away the key
Algorithmic Analyst says
Penalty for Treason in England: dragged, hanged, drawn, beheaded, quartered.
Mo de Profit says
The UN has the International Organization for Migration lead by Amy Pope who was Senior Advisor on Migration to US President Biden and served as the Deputy Homeland Security Advisor to President Obama.
Do we need to know more?
Depopulation of the western world is at the heart of Agenda 2030
Kynarion Hellenis says
Not depopulation but repopulation. First, destroy legacy Americans (genocide), then replace with foreigners who have no American heritage, culture, language, roots, place, family or historical connection to America (another form of genocide).
The millions of lawless people crossing our borders with impunity, raping and murdering us with impunity will next be permitted to invade our homes with the same impunity. Is this not the next logical step? It is what our Texas residents in counties near the border experience already. Can you imagine trying to sell your property when it is routinely invaded and occupied by armed, violent third-world thugs financed with your own tax dollars coupled with financing from hostile globalist nations and entities?
What is happening now is like eminent domain, but exercised by our own government and globalists, except it is without payment to the property owner whose choice is between financial ruin or death. If payment were to be made, the fair market value would be at or near ZERO.
We are being overrun by a hostile enemy in a war upon us by our own government in confederacy with hostile foreign nations and globalists cabals.
We need a national “Martha’s Vineyard” response and restoration of the rule of law with immediate prosecution of crimes of treason.
Mo de Profit says
The establishment is sitting and waiting for one of you to use the second amendment and then they will respond with military force, that is what they need.
Chief Mac says
A policy of treason may be a policy but it sure as hell is also a high crime. By all means impeach every TaliBiden appointee and TaliBiden himself for his millions of crimes
Intrepid says
If we cracked open that egghead of Mayorkis-a$$ out would pop Obama and his fundamental transformation. If Trump can be impeached after his first term why not Obama. The dhimmicrats forgot to put a time limit on when a post presidency impeachment can occur.
Steve Chavez says
They Created the Problem so They can Fix It.
SOLUTION, “Their Dream is America’s Nightmare!”
Biden WILL soon, very soon, solve it by granting FULL AMNESTY to millions and the Democrat Machine, newly paid groups will pop up to help them with the paperwork and to fill out their VOTER REGISTRATION just in time to vote in November. “Overwhelm Texas and Florida so we can turn them Blue and get those massive Electoral Votes, enough to win.” One NY Democrat: “Send them to my district so they can vote.”
Notice that THE BORDER is the main topic now for Democrats. It’s suddenly a crisis. Why? Because it’s turning off voters so they’ll turn it around to blame Republicans like what’s in the news now!
Here are the Democrats now blaming Republicans for the open border: “Where’s the money to secure the border? Republicans won’t give Biden the tools to secure it.” WOW!
mgoldberg says
The only issue I have with the article is the idea of impeachment of one official. President Biden demanded his secretary do these actions, and Mayorkas indeed was a willing participant. But it is Biden, and it was Obama, who crafted these absurd immigration policies. Impeachment certainly should be undertaken but it should be Biden, and Mayorkas. The other problems are the obvious elephant in the room- the entire democratic party and those republican enablers who allowed for these and voted along with the legislative actions.
Beez says
It’s Obama. It’s him driving this.
Ed Snider says
It is impossible for the Obamanoids to turn the USA into a socialist hellhole without changing the demographics to something other than a self-sufficient majority. Therefore the massive importation of third worlders with no experience with modernity, or any skills in confronting it other than as permanent beneficiaries of the welfare state.
RAM says
Democrats will impeach their foes at the drop of a hat, based on nothing. They and their RINO friends (Hi Liz!!) have to meet a different standard, “no bad deed goes unrewarded”. Throw every last bum out.
Onzeur Trante says
“Shove his lies back in [his] face…” (IBD) Republicans need to do this relentlessly until their job of impeaching Mayorkas is done. Nothing else will do.
Dr2xFour says
Does anyone here truly believe this will amount to anything?
Our weak sauce will furiously pound podiums, scream to the bloody rafters. Gosh Trey Gowdy is the man for these times. What a bulldog! Oops sorry I threw up in my mouth a little bit there.
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say it will ultimately come down to “intent.”
The “intent” was to provide a better life for anyone other than American citizens. That provides these demons cover every single time.
Bread and circuses continue unabated.
If you are not preparing for the inevitable you truly are not paying attention.
Kasandra says
Lying to Congress while under oath and violating his oath of office are not policy disputes.
Gerald Mucci says
“Does anyone here truly believe this will amount to anything?”
Nope. And the former US is toast – burnt toast.
Intrepid says
Fine, you don’t have to vote. MAGA folks won’t care if you do or not.
I just love that “fighting” spirit of yours. People like you are the reason Biden and the Left are in power.
I guess being a loser appeals to you, I guess. If you had been around in the late 1770,s you would have been rooting for the British to win. That victory was more hard won than this one will be.
Dr2xFour says
I’m fighting in my circle of influence.
Trying my damndest to turn lost hearts and minds.
My point is “the adults” in the room nationwide are morally adrift. They ain’t changing or fixing a thing. Just more of the same. Worse every day if we are going to be honest.
All we get from “our side” is words of outrage and Nice video clips of word salad.
And nothing changes.
And they have the audacity to come knocking on my door for another handout. Stupid is as stupid does.
2024 is the year for men to reclaim their ballsacks.
Guys that have their balls intact are preparing for the inevitable.
I’m looking out for mine. Are you?
Angel Jacob says
Why is everybody still assuming that there are laws to be enforced in the US.
The Obama 3.0 admin is run by the criminals and terrorists, cheaters and liars.
They make up their own rules as they go. As long as it’s according to sharia law. They are grooming people to be submissive for what’s coming. A full dictatorship.
Domenic Pepe says
Daniel Greenfield, you too the words right out of my mouth ….
US citizens are dying and have “died in sizable numbers because of the action and inaction of Secretary Mayorkas
and Biden. The murders, fentanyl overdoses and diseases spreading across the nation are a crime. They are a high
crime whose origin lies with the policies of Mayorkas and the Biden administration.
If a political official willfully refusing to do his duty leading to an invasion of millions and the deaths of over a
hundred thousand people doesn’t justify impeachment, what possibly does?
Frank says
Dave Hodges has intel that armed Taliban forces are advancing towards the southern border, and could arrive at any time.
Atikva says
This traitor who accepted to stab his country in the back is beyond contempt and deserves to be jailed – as are all the members of the clique who set up Mr. Biden in the White House by means of election fraud in 2020.
Martian Vaslovik says
The impeachment charge should treason.
rubiconcrest says
‘He’s not acting on his own.’ I beg to differ Daniel. When the man, a lawyer, repeatedly states that the border is secure he is violating his oath as a lawyer. He has chosen to lie for the administration. The only honorable thing to do would have been for him to resign. He has no honor or integrity.
Eliyhau says
Right on Daniel !
I suppose that Buden also was just “following orders” – that is, from Obama and Soros.
Maybe time “im” them too – if cannot impeach, then imprison!
Atikva says
Mr. Biden’s advanced state of mental decay makes it impossible for him to follow anyone’s orders – but the clique who set him up at the White House doesn’t mind, they meant to use him only as an emblem.
SkippingDog says
Not remotely justified, and very unlikely to pass on the floor of the House. The Senate won’t even get the chance to vote quickly for for acquittal.
john blackman says
when has a swamp creature ever been impeached ?! sorry folks it aint goin to happen .