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Cornel West, Marxist, 9/11 Truther, Hamas supporter, took his 2024 presidential bid outside the Green Party because apparently it just wasn’t evil enough.
And is currently attacking Senator Bernie Sanders as insufficiently supportive of Hamas.
West called Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), another popular progressive in Congress, “window dressing at worst, and, at best, people to appeal to every four years.”
“But the Democratic Party is beyond redemption at this point when it comes to seriously speaking to the needs of poor and working people,” West maintained.
Nothing says appealing to the needs of “poor and working people” like supporting Hamas.
Discover the Networks, a project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, recently updated its profile of Cornel West. And its shows that Cornel West has been playing this game for a long time.
In “Black Anti-Semitism and the Rhetoric of Resentment,” a 1992 article that West wrote for Michael Lerner’s Tikkun, he blamed black anti-Semitism on, among other things, “the [Israeli] occupation of the West Bank and Gaza”
Yes, I can’t help but think that’s exactly where black antisemitism originates from.
The Cornel West profile is one of the many profiles of leftist radicals and extremists destroying America at Discover the Networks.
Angel Jacob says
West is a muslim terrorist in not so much disguise.
His goal is to radicalize the left, and use muslim and black votes, plus riots and fraud to get to power.
Of course anybody who disagrees will be labeled racist and cancelled, if not jailed or killed.
Sharia law at work.
Heltau says
I wonder why this libturd is not dead yet?
Steven Kardas says
Comrade West does quite well spewing commie stupid talk to the stupid people. He pulls in $50,000 – $100,000 per speaking engagement and is a $Millionaire. Just how much he is worth is a gray area of course with these rich c9mmies….
Kynarion Hellenis says
Mainstream reporting must reveal the kinds of information Daniel Greenfield unearths every day. It is the truth and it is unassailable. We need a separate, parallel culture and society that venerates the truth and its purveyors. Children must once again be taught to think and to test every claim for its weight on the truth scale. It cannot be done without faithful Daniel Greenfields doing the hard, talented work he does.
World@70 says
Cornel West isn’t running for POTUS, he knows he has no chance of winning regardless of whether he runs as a Green Party, Independent or Marxist and he knows it. It seems to me that he is the only person who can benefit from this by getting a census of those who truly support him. And why does he alienate Bernie Saunders and AOC? Because he needs an accurate count of his supporters and the level of his power and influence, AOC and Bernie would only pollute that accounting.
West gets his accounting to assist his future agenda planning furnished by USGov.conman.
js says
“his supporters and the level of his power and influence” To think he has any support, power or influence is sick. Loud and falsely proud and a recipient of “free stuff” his whole useless life. I would agree with that.
World@70 says
To think he has any support, power or influence is sick.
I agree but there are always a bunch of idiots who will follow anyone. Just look at those nut cases throwing tomato soup on masterpiece paintings and gluing themselves to Berlin streets.
Jews voting for Hamas is like the Sheep voting for the Wolves
Algorithmic Analyst says
Ironic that he loves Muslims so much, when Muslims were the main slave traders who enslaved black Africans.
commonsense says
Cornel West is too ignorant to be aware of the contempt that Muslims have for blacks, which derives from Muhammed’s contemptuous view of blacks, e.g. referring to them as “raisin heads” and racially inferior to white Arabs. West is a clown, who does, albeit unintentionally, provide comic relief whenever his ugly, gap toothed, grimacing, hunched over presence appears on TV. He reminds me of Algonquin C. Calhoun from the Amos n’ Andy show, but with a much lower I.Q.
Jeff Bargholz says
It’s amazing that somebody as stupid as West could become a millionaire. Race hustling is lucrative and obviously easy.
TruthLaser says
There are still black slaves in Muslim North Africa and Asian slaves in all but name in the Emirates.
RAM says
The inversions of meaning that typify pro-Hamas and PLO/PA propaganda are all throwbacks to those of the Red-inspired US antiwar movement of the 1960s and 1970s, and are often put forward by the very same people.—such as Noam Chomsky.
Kasandra says
Oh, so there was no black anti-Semitism before 1992, 0r 1967, or whenever he dates it back to. None whatsoever. Good to know. Please. And this guy is running for President? Have you ever seen how he discusses an issue or debates. He just talks loudly and continually and doesn’t let the other side get a word in edgewise. He’s a jerk in every possible way.
Taylor says
President West, eh?
Now there’s a guy with a “cluster B” personality disorder.
TruthLaser says
This poor excuse for a communist candidate has always been a racist and an anti-Semite against freedom.,
RS says
Please, the Black Slave Traders were guilty of selling their own people. Trace the money factor and you see where the root of all evil begins, especially on slavery. We find nothing in the Democrat party to vote for anymore, they have went complete anti-civilization, and anti-freedom, and anti-truth.