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The Democrat press agents known as “the media” are frantically attempting to convince us that until the June 27 presidential debate, they didn’t know the extent and severity of Joe Biden’s cognitive and physical decline. That’s why since 2020 they smeared thousands of columns and videos documenting the decline as “disinformation” or “deep fakes” manufactured by the MAGA Ministry of Information. Essentially, they’ve been relying on the Marxist––of the Chico variety–– question, “Who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes?”
But for over a century we’ve known that the left is the mother of Big Lies, ones so preposterous that it takes an arrogant and outrageous shamelessness to tell them. That’s what sets them apart from the ordinary lies that pretty much every politician tells.
The Dems’ current fantastical narrative––that they were unaware of Biden’s deterioration–– is itself an obvious Big Lie. The signs were there during the 2020 presidential election, when the Dems went to great lengths to keep Biden hidden away from voters, conducting a campaign––unprecedented for the Modern Age––from Biden’s basement with limited travel. So, if Biden’s decline was “fake news,” why were they keeping him from the voters? You’d think that the media’s shills would want to debunk the “lies” by highlighting Joe’s vigor and mental acuity as much as possible.
Another problem for the current mendacious special pleading in order to explain their dereliction of duty, is that millions of Americans are intimately familiar with the signs of dementia and can judge for themselves. Currently there are about six million people afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease––and millions more with personal experience of cognitive diseases, from living with or tending family members or patients.
As the Wall Street Journal wrote, “Well, the American people knew, since they are not oblivious to evidence they can see. They have said so in every poll for a year. Special counsel Robert Hur knew. His account exposed what many Americans have suspected based on Mr. Biden’s many public misstatements and faltering physical presence. He couldn’t recall which years he was Vice President or even when his son Beau died. He said an ally in the Obama Administration’s debate over Afghanistan was on the opposite side.”
Millions of Americans know the signs: difficulties with speaking, memory, word recall, walking, climbing stairs, and maintaining focus, along with sudden angry outbursts, and a tendency to wander––with a zombie shuffle and a slack-jawed thousand-yard stare, as was obvious in the footage of Biden at the G-7 conclave. Those of us who have witnessed all these signs haven’t needed doctored videos or “deep fakes,” just Occam’s Razor to get what’s going with the president. The regime media’s claim that they were unaware is a Big Lie they’re trying to spin.
And thanks to the Wall Street Journal, we know how they did it: “Senior White House advisers for more than a year [actually much longer than that, I’d bet] have aggressively stage-managed President Biden’s schedule, movements and personal interactions, as they sought to minimize signs of how age has taken a toll on the oldest president in U.S. history. . . [the White House staff] have limited Biden’s daily itinerary and shielded him from impromptu exchanges. Advisers have restricted news conferences and media appearances, twice declining Super Bowl halftime interviews—an easy way to reach millions of voters—and sought to make sure meetings with donors stuck to scripted pleasantries.”
Yet we shouldn’t be surprised or shocked at such mendacity. The Democrats filled Trump’s presidency with Big Lies almost daily. With help from corrupt federal agency officials and state prosecutors, the regime media created a dishonest narrative about Donald Trump, from being a wannabe dictator and an intelligence asset for Vladimir Putin, itching to destroy “our democracy”; to being a “rapist” and a “racist” in solidarity with tiki-torch-brandishing “white supremacists.”
And no matter how often the charges have been refuted by evidence, and their blatant dishonesty exposed, the lies continue to be circulated, the regime news-readers often using the exact same phrases and formulas––bespeaking the shameless impudence that is the hallmark of the Big Lie.
But the most consequential Big Lie was the signed letter solicited by the Biden team from 51 so-called national security “experts,” meaning federal agency clerks and hirelings, and then circulated to an eager media right before the 2020 election–an election determined by just 44,000 votes in a few swing states.
In that letter, the embarrassing exposure of Biden family corruption discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop––which the FBI kept buried for a year––was claimed to be the product of Russian propaganda and kompromat for smearing Joe Biden. This willful act of deception and election interference didn’t seem to bother the Dems, who for nearly eight years have accuse Trump of that crime.
Most recently, we had the NATO presser at which Biden was supposed to show that the debate debacle was just a “bad night.” Democrats who aren’t trying to boot Biden from the ticket are now trying to spin his performance as proof of his cognitive health. As the Washington Post put it, “Biden shows foreign policy depth in news conference with a few stumbles.”
But the same signs of decline, though a bit improved over the debate performance, were still there. Phillip Klein of NRO lists several:
On the negative side of the measure, Biden was raspy and took a number of long pauses. He referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as Vice President Trump (on the heels of having mixed up Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and Russian dictator Vladimir Putin), claimed he was taking advice from the commander in chief, referred to a nonexistent broad federal rent-control program, and talked about how he had to do a better job of pacing himself. He mentioned how his staff had given him a list of reporters to call on and jabbed them for adding too many events to his schedule.
Another incident at the NATO conference revealed similar reminders that the dysfunctions remain. A reporter for Agence France-Presse told Biden, “Officials here are saying off the record that your decline has become noticeable,” and asked, “Hasn’t this now, frankly, become damaging for America’s standing in the world?”
Biden’s response featured all the tics, stumbles, and peevish boasting that make voters uneasy: “Did you see any damage to our standing in my leading this conference? Have you seen a more successful conference? What do you think? And the mo- — the Putin piece, I was talking about Putin, and I said, ‘And now — at the very end, I said, Here — I mean, ‘Putin.’ And I said, ‘Oh, no. I’m sorry, Zelenskyy.’ And then I — I added five other names.’”
And remember, the reporters were pre-approved, and no doubt Biden and his minders had seen their questions.
Finally, don’t think that the media who have spent years covering for Biden, and now are acknowledging Biden’s serious cognitive and physical decline, have suddenly acquired respect for their profession’s most important principle––telling the truth without fear or favor. They’re just employing a tactic in their efforts to keep Biden off the ticket. They read the polls and can see their party is floundering.
This whole sorry episode of our cognitive elites brazenly lying and trading in “Big Lies” is a reflection of their leftism that, from its beginning during the Russian Revolution, has been the Mitochondria Eve of all “Big Lies.” As French ex-communist Pierre Pascal in 1927 observed, “No regime has ever been a regime of lies to this extent.” For all tyrannies hate the truth, which, along with reasoned dissent must be silenced. Later, another apostate from communism, Boris Souvarine, captured the tyrannical modus operandi of Stalinism: “Not one fact, not one quotation, not one idea, not one argument: only impudent affirmations with a half-dozen interchangeable words come from the ‘heights.’”
It would hard to find a better description of our regime media and leftist discourse.
The stakes for allowing “Big Lies” to flourish are toxic for our freedom. We must defend truth and call out those who want to destroy it. For as scripture says, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”
I think it’s time for him to declare himself president for life like his Chinese counterpart.
Like his Chinese counterpart? …
Well O.K. ! …
“I decrare myself President for rife!”
°°°°° 🤓 °°°°°
It’s rone-ry at the top…
I wish I knew who to credit, but as a wise man on the internet said, “the U.S. defeated the Soviet Union only to become a gay, retarded version of it.”
Chico Marx disguised as Groucho:
Clint Eastwood acted in and directed movies well into his 90s. The problem with Biden isn’t age (that’s a dodge so media eunuchs can say President Trump is old too), it’s imbecility.
It’s a combination of both, in my opinion.
When normal people get dementia, they conflate episodes, and timelines, and sometimes they even forget people’s names.
But what happens when a serial liars and plagiarizer gets dementia? What does he conflate?
I would like to see a study of convicted confidence men who end up in nursing homes with dementia. I would bet they all more or less end up like Biden.
Friend of mune is 87 years old. His Wife of 65 years passed last year from the Covid. He carried the main load of taking care of her for two years before she finally wen Home.
These days he works is ten acre farm, goes downhill snow skiiing (he only knows one speed…FASTER!!!), rides mountain bikes, hikes, sill drives his Mercedes (aggressively….) sends time with his fifty five grandchildren and about a dozen great grandchildren, runs a cinference for about a thousand people on his property every summer, avidly reads, and shos NO sign of even considering slowing down. He may well have another thirty years left oh his clock.
Age is no a fixed facor. It is relative. How one lives has ore to do with one’s health and ability to function than the number of trips round the sun one has completed.
My Dad died of Perkinsins Disease at 67, pretty well incapacitated by the disease. Right till his last day his mind was still all there. but his bodyravaged by that disease, gave out. His mind was far sharper in his final year as Dopey Joey is today.
I’m sorry to read that.
My mom had parkinsons and was mostly sharp, but she couldn’t communicate. It frustrated her to distraction.
The M.S. Media Bottom Feeders are still trying to cover up for Bidens sloppy leadership his bumbling and stumbling and the rest of it all its no wonder Americans no longer trusts the M.S. Media anymore
Just so you and your readers know, Alzheimer’s is only one cause of dementia. The reason for Biden’s dementia is not Alzheimer’s, but his cerebral hemorrhage and the operations on his two cerebral aneurysms in 1988.
Those were aneurysms?
Or were they hemorrhoids?
….. 🫘
….. …..😫 ~
Puppeteers usually keep their puppets in a box until it’s time for the performance.
Fair point.
I sometimes post a tad too early, in the hope that even after awaiting moderation, my puppets get to act as a Greek chorus – immediately underneath the post on which they are commenting.