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Salwan Momika, an Assyrian Catholic refugee from Iraq, was murdered in Sweden by Muslim terrorists.
Momika, like many dissidents, knew that the track he was following by protesting against Islam would lead to his death. “I know very well that Muslims will kill me one day, but I am not afraid and I will not back down from my principles and defending Sweden and the West, and I am ready to pay the price for that,” he wrote.
Before his murder, the Swedish justice system had dragged Momika through a trial for burning Korans. That trial likely helped bring him to the attention of his killers and led directly to his murders.
Even though Momika had come from Iraq, he was accused of racism and put on trial. This was likely done to silence him and appease Sweden’s growing violent Muslim colonial population and the Islamic terrorist state of Turkey.
In death, the media covered him by implying he was a bigot.
The Washington Post whose infamous obituary for the Caliph of ISIS described him as an “austere religious scholar” dismissed Momika as an “Iraqi at the center of Koran burnings shot dead before court verdict” while the New York Times headlined its story “Salwan Momika, Man Behind Quran Burning in Sweden, Is Killed”.
Media outlets tend to cover Koran-burning protests as acts of hate. And that’s one way to look at them. Most people believe that other people’s holy books shouldn’t be burned and that’s a reasonable position. Burning those books seems like an act of hate.
But Momika was burning the Koran to draw attention to exactly what happened to him. Muslims call their terrorists ‘martyrs’, but Momika was an actual martyr willing to die to warn the West of what was coming.
He died, along with many others, to wake us up.
The tension at the heart of Koran burning is that religion within Islam is not a private matter, it is a matter of inflexible theocracy that demands the murder and enslavement of non-Muslims, the suppression of women and every evil we see from Saudi Arabia to Pakistan to Iran to Afghanistan.
Burn a Bible and Christians and Jews will be outraged, but they won’t kill you. Muslims will kill you for burning a Koran, but not just burning a Koran. The list of things they will kill you for is as long as the texts of Islamic Sharia law. That is the hard unhappy reality the West is up against.
As a refugee from an Islamic theocracy, Salwan Momika, like dissidents the world over, burned the Koran to be free even knowing, as many in Iran do, that doing so would likely cost him his life. Burning Korans, like women in Iran removing hijabs, is not an act of hate, it is a love of freedom. In those flames, they defy tyranny and declare that they would rather die as free men and women than live as miserable slaves of Allah.
Salwan Momika’s protests were flames of freedom. His death is another desperate warning that the time is drawing near where we will all have to choose between freedom and slavery.
This is what a free man looks like
Islam could kill Salwan Momika but it could never take his freedom away from him
Compare this to everyone bowing to Muslim sex grooming gangs, to Iran and to Andrew Tate
This is what freedom looks like pic.twitter.com/BJPEHr84RX
— Daniel Greenfield – "Hang Together or Separately" (@Sultanknish) January 31, 2025
George W. Bush: “”Islam is religion of peace.”. He is not Swedish, though. When is the UNIPARTY going to declare it is not a religion but a cult. My guess they would never do that because they are Marxist to some varying degrees.
Yes. Two of the three unholy books that Islam is based on, the hadith and sura, are biographies of Mohammad and the koran mentions Mohammad more often than allah. That’s the definition of a cult.
the spell check program on this site capitalized hadith, koran and allah. Twice. Once in the paragraph above and again in this one. It didn’t recognize “sura,” though that’s small consolation. I assume it’s a spell check program on this website and not my laptop but I don’t know. I’m not a computer nerd.
Something should be done about that if it’s this website.
“Gurgle” is getting worse, it does all kinds of strange things now (even to this post 🙂
Well, Islam is a religion of peace, but for a given value of “peace.”
Judaism has the vision of peace of every man under his own fig tree and the Christian vision is the lion lying down with the lamb. Of course, not all adherents of those religions live up to those ideals, but the point is that these are the visions, the ideals.
As far as I know, Islam’s vision of peace is not like that–it’s a vision of a world where Islam is triumphant, some religions allowed to exist if they accept a humiliatingly subjugated legal and social status, others suppressed altogether, but Islam dominant.
Your comment makes me think.
Islam’s vision of peace through violent subjugation has a point. It is a kind of eternal scapegoat-ism in which the subjugation or elimination of the “other” is a pathway to peace. That it is motivated by envy and the prospect of plunder doesn’t hurt, either, because it appeals to our baser instincts. Nevertheless, there is some truth to the idea that elimination of the troublers among a people does solve certain problems – at least temporarily.
This morning, I finished Esther and dug a little deeper and discovered a Jewish practice of saying the names of Haman’s 10 sons (slaughtered by the Jews in about 470 B.C.) in one breath during Purim. Surely the elimination of the children of an ancient enemy brought a measure of peace and gives hope for future deliverance?
Some religions teach the elimination of desire. That, too, has merit because our wars and fightings come through our sinful desires to have what we do not.
We Christians have an eternal scapegoat – the LORD Himself in the Person of Christ – an idea repugnant to just about everyone who is not Christian, but the very cornerstone of our faith. Further, we do not eliminate desire, but these become changed by God when He gives us a new heart with new desires. Obviously, we are still imperfect, but, under the power of the Holy Spirit within us, a good work has begun and will be completed by its Author and Finisher.
The Book of Esther is a good story. I liked how her husband, King Ahasverus, had the scheming Mordecai killed and allowed the Jews in the provinces to kill their enemies who had wanted to kill them, and how the King’s officials sided with them because they hated Mordecai and feared his influence on the King. Plus, they were obligated to obey the King’s commands, of course.
I wish the story explained why Esther had Haman’s sons killed. She even had their corpses strung up, as a warning, I suppose. Whoever came up with the story probably knew people of the day would know why their corpses were hanged but I can only surmise. I seriously doubt she had the sons killed out of blood lust. They must have been as evil as him and also wanted to murder all the Jews but whoever recounted the story should’ve included that detail. It was an oral story before it was written.
I’ve read that it’s a work of fiction and Ahasverus is loosely based on Xerxes but I wouldn’t know. It seems strange that Jews would mention the sons’ names in Purim but there’s a lot more about Judaism which I don’t know than I do know.
Every character named Mordecai I see in movies is always evil, which I think is funny. That’s what he represents. Evil.
Jeff, Mordecai was the adoptive father of Esther, and her protector. He was a goid guy. Haman was the villan.
I misspelled “villain.” How embarrassing.
To quote the Holocaust Encyclopedia: Purim marks the deliverance from a royal death decree in the 5th century BCE.
The sons of Haman were all evil, like their father (and mother).
They were as one. That’s why their names are read in one breath.
The scroll of Esther, ‘megillat Esther’, is read on the holiday of ‘Purim’, a Hebrew word that means ‘lots’.
Casting or drawing ‘lots’ means picking randomly something specific out of a pool of possibilities. In the case of all the Jews, having been exiled from Jerusalem and ‘living’ in Persia at the time of the unfolding events of the story, picking the day on which to destroy all the Jewish people, every one, is a cruel, sadistic game indeed of randomly choosing the date for exterminating all the Jews throughout the 127 states/countries of the Persian empire.
Any day would be good, but picking which day made it more fun….allowing time to psyche up non-Jews for the kill.
The meaning of the Hebrew name of the heroine queen, Esther, is derived from the verb ‘l’hastir’, to hide. Esther has hidden her identity.
God plays a significant role in the story, but is not mentioned by name at all in the story. So God’s hand in events is hidden as well.
These are the most basic commentaries on what the Purim story means and continues to mean to the Jewish people around the world and to the nation of Israel.
Especially now. The story is not fiction. It is a story of real deliverance against evil.
Time and time again.
The biblical record shows the king gave Haman’s house to Esther (8:1). The 10 sons of Haman were killed by the Jews in accordance with the king’s proclamation (at Esther’s suggestion (9: 13-14). that the Jews could defend themselves against hostile people (8:11).
I don’t think this story is fiction, for it names specific people and places that are part of the historical record. Ahasuerus, was likely Xerxes I. He was assassinated a few years after the rise of Mordecai and Esther. His assassination was not unlike the biblical attempt earlier foiled by Mordecai and Esther (2:21 – 23).
Xerxes I was assassinated by Artabanus, the leader of the royal bodyguard with the help of one of the king’s eunuchs. It is likely that Artabanus acted to put Artaxerxes, the son of Queen Vashti, on the throne. If this is true, then it is likely that Mordecai and / or Esther were likely killed shortly thereafter.
3 down votes, I see. Fanatical Christians, I guess. I forgot the book of Esther is actually in the Bible. Big deal. It’s been 10 years since I last read the Bible. It’s not like I have it memorized.
Ahasverus couldn’t have been Darius because the story took place in Susa, not Persepolis, and the timeline of the book and Darius’s rule don’t match. Of course, that means Ahasverus was a local ruler or satrap, not the King of Persia, no matter what the Book of Esther says.
Common sense is right. I meant Haman, not Mordecai. My memory sucks.
MJ’s comment about why the evil sons of Haman are mentioned in Purim makes sense. I don’t know shit about Purim.
And Kynarion Hellenis, I also believe the story is true. I have no idea if the story really took place in Susa or if Ahaservus was one of the Xerxes’s. I Haven’t read the Bible in ten years and I don’t remember where I read about Susa, either. I don’t even remember where I read that somebody thinks it was Darius, I just know it’s bullshit.
Jeff, If I were queen of comments, I would require a reason for all downvoting that is constitutionally protected speech. Yes, you misremembered Mordecai, but your context shows you generally understood the story line, innocently mixing up Haman and Mordecai. You even added an admission. What more could you do?
There is a tendency to simply downvote on the part of some any comment that does not fit a certain narrative about Israel and the Jews. I received downvotes when I correctly pointed out that George Soros’ crimes are aggravated because he was a traitor to his own people, the Jews. Is it not true? I think MJ was angry, saying he was not a Jew because of his evil. I do not understand her presuppositions behind that remark, because I think Jews are human and share in our good and bad proclivities. I think the Scriptures confirm this.
You said MJ and I both had good comments. I think so, too. But both of us are using some speculating. I am speculating about the identity of Ahasuerus in secular history and the fate of Mordecai and Esther after another palace coup taking place shortly after the end of the story told in Esther. MJ speculates that the killing of Haman’s sons was justified “because they were evil.” I think this speculation is a dangerous one, because it justifies genocide where God does not permit it.
Ironically, Haman was a descendant of Agag, the king of the Amalekites, inveterate enemies of the Jews. Amalek was the first to attack Israel when they came out of the Red Sea, attacking from the rear to kill the weak and stragglers. For this, God decreed their total annihilation in Israel. Israel failed in this (through Saul) and the Amalekites survived with other nations that were to be totally expunged from Canaan. Haman is a survivor of that incomplete, God-ordained genocide. And he definitely hated God’s people.
But Haman and his family were NOT in Israel. The bible does not say Haman’s sons were evil, and that supposition may or may not be true. God is always righteous, and sometimes ordered the total destruction by Israel, in Israel, of “all that breathes” INCLUDING babies, children and animals. Israel does not have a blanket prerogative to genocide (in whole or in part) everywhere at all times. In fact, Jewish law was first to declare that the children should not die (judicially) for the sins of the parents. We do not know the ages or moral status of Haman’s sons. We do know God sometimes ordains the death of the righteous, and He can do this because He is the Author of all that lives and can do what He desires with what is His own. And everything the LORD does is right. Go here and look at the cross references on Biblehub.com at Matthew 20:15 – especially the Old Testament references.
The killing of Jesus, the innocent Lamb of God, was the greatest evil of all time. AND it was ordained in the O.T. by the LORD long before Jesus’ birth, starting in Genesis 3:15. And yet, Jesus’ death, resurrection and ascension is the greatest blessing for both Israel and all the nations of the earth.
And the only reason the islamopithecines want Dhimmies is to do all the work they’re too lazy and incompetent to perform.
Not that those cultists could ever conquer the planet or stop killing each other.
I see we have some animal lovers here. (Islamopithecines.)
Here’s a suggestion: search “the enemies within” on Bitchute to watch Trevor Loudon’s film about how Marxists took over the Democrat Party.
Is it just me or is this some of the best reporting on the planet ?
RIP to this brave kid .
Best I’ve found.
The Epoch Times is a great newspaper (yes, a newspaper in this day and age!) but it isn’t free. Free is good and so is quality so FPM has the double whammy.
There is nothing at all peaceful about Islam for Backwards false Religion who throw gays off the tops or t all Buildings and mistreat women Gays for Islam/Sheep for Wolves
“Gays for Islam.” A genetic dead end in more ways than one.
I see we have 3 gays for Islam retards here. You’ll never breed and if the islamopithecines get a hold of you, you’ll end up thrown off a roof or strung up from a street light. Genetic dead ends, both.
Insightful coverage.
Sadly Daniel the West will never wake up until attacked by a force in uniform who destroys a city with thousands killed, and even then not sure it won’t be blamed on a off-shoot of Islam. As Liri Albag told her family there are two million terrorists there in Gaza, make no mistake. I sat with children aged 8 and 4 who were cursing ‘the Jews,’” Albag was cited as having told her father since being released as part of the truce deal. As someone who at one time was in Habonim I had a friend who married and settled in Ber-ri. His wife from Canada Habonim used to go daily to bring people from Gaza into Israel for medical treatments. After Oct.7th 2023 it took months to identify her body it was so badly burned, and one son wants to continue with his mothers work knowing full well he could be next if the terrorists are given the chance. So wake up doesn’t look like anytime soon or in our lifetime.
For Objectivism becoming a martyr is futile, stupid, and anti-life. Martyrdom is an act of altruist self-immolation for others and therefore immoral.
“A forced compliance is not a sanction. All of us are forced to comply with many laws that violate our rights, but so long as we advocate the repeal of such laws, our compliance does not constitute a sanction. Unjust laws have to be fought ideologically; they cannot be fought or corrected by means of mere disobedience and futile martyrdom.” – Ayn Rand
If your god is yourself, then your presuppositions are logically consistent. How can you fail to see the implications of your foundation?
Have you ever read Ayn Rand’s letter to her niece? If not, you should. It reveals the poverty of her heart in the ruthless logic of her thinking, for she also was her own god. I found an excellent reading of it online in a short video here:
If that link does not translate through the posting process, it is on Youtube and is entitled “Mariam Margolyes Reads Ayn Rand’s Very Stern Letter to Her Niece.” Enjoy.
Oh my goodness! How shocking that Ms. Rand wants her niece to learn to be a responsible capitalistic person who pays her debts and lives up to her promises and contracts!
If you had scrolled through the comments you would have come upon the fuller CONTEXT of the situation, it’s too long to be accepted here at FPM but you can find it below the video:
1 year ago
Some important portions of Ayn Rand’s letter to her niece, Connie Papurt, have been left out.
For instance:
I was very badly disappointed in Mimi and Marna (Connie’s sisters)
When I first met Mimi, she asked me to give her money for the purpose of taking an art course. I gave her the money, but she did not take the art course.
I supported Mama for a year—for the purpose of helping her to finish high school. She did not finish high school.
I will take a chance on you, because I don’t want to blame you for the actions of your sisters.
But I want you to show me that you are a better kind of person.
Furthermore, about two weeks later, here is another letter Ayn Rand wrote to her niece — presumably after the niece responded with appreciation to the earlier letter:
Dear Connie:
I must tell you that I was very impressed with the intelligent attitude of your letter.
If you really understood, all by yourself, that my long lecture to you was a sign of real interest on my part, much more so than if I had sent you a check with some hypocritical gush note, and if you understood that my letter was intended to treat you as an equal—then you have the kind of mind that can achieve anything you choose to achieve in life.
Just stick to that kind of thinking and you will be surprised how far it will take you.
Don’t let anybody discourage you or tell you that intelligence doesn’t pay or that success in life has to be achieved through dishonesty or through sheer blind luck.
That is not true. Real success is never accidental and real happiness cannot be found except by the honest use of your intelligence. When you have the time, let me know something about yourself and your future plans.
This is not an obligation; you don’t have to do it, but if you feel like it, I would like to know more about you.
Mimi told me that at one time you wanted to be a writer. Is that still your interest?
If so, we have a great interest in common.
I don’t know whether you remember me at all, but I remember you as a perfectly adorable kid who sat on my lap and criticized my shoes and haircut.
Let me see what you have turned out to be.
So dead jihadis terrorists are altruists? DERP.
For all those that the followers of Islam consider infidels, the only peace is the peace of the grave.
If so, peace be upon the followers of islam.
Islam teaches that nonbelievers will be eternally tormented in Hell by Allah. The Koran graphically describes their fate. So even in death, infidels will have no peace.
Sweden, Denmark, Germany, England have all reached the point of saturation where islam is a definite danger to their survival! It will take a MASSIVE, and probably, VIOLENT undertaking to resolve and remove the cancer growing within those Nations! The USA is getting close but we may be entering a phase of common sense and National SECURITY that keeps Our Nation FREE for a while longer! Those other Nations are not in a “defensive” position – they need to conquer their Nations again!
A bit of good news is that Sweden is deporting islamopithecines but the government will never deport enough.
Unless the citizens of those countries take things into their own hands and start executing the worst islamopithecines in their midst en masse, they’re doomed.
I’m not sorry I wrote that. Islamopithecines who are in rape gangs, are violent criminals and jihadis should be killed on sight. That includes imams who preach violence.
Hm. 3 jihadis here.
For anyone who thinks Islam is a religion of peace, it is worthwhile remembering that Islam’s key tenet is submission. Peace does not go hand-in-hand with submission. Domination does.
He should have been armed. Anyone who criticizes Islam or burns a muslim holy book has to be armed.