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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
Ever since Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists, along with ordinary Arab Muslims from Gaza, invaded Israel, murdered, raped and kidnapped women and children, the debate has been about how innocent they are. And how easy Israel should be willing to go on them.
In the weeks since, Israel has been lectured about a “disproportionate” response and the urgent need to avoid civilian casualties. That’s a little tricky when fighting an Islamic terrorist group whose only real defensive strategy is hiding behind civilians. Fighting Islamic terrorists without killing civilians is like trying to invade Russia while avoiding cold weather. It’s impossible.
But ever since the Bush administration decided that the real problem in Afghanistan and Iraq was not a cult and a culture of death, but a lack of democracy, our elites have been busy pretending that over a thousand years of terror was due to a lack of free and fair elections.
The Bush administration got its elections in the West Bank and Gaza. And Hamas won. Then Obama got his elections in Egypt and across North Africa, and the Muslim Brotherhood, the parent organization of Hamas and Al Qaeda, won. We’re still dealing with the fallout from that.
‘Democracy’ handed over Iraq and Gaza to Iran. And as a result ISIS emerged.
As Hamas uses ICU patients and babies in NICUs as human shields for its bases, what do the “ordinary Palestinians”, the ones liberals are convinced are innocent parties in all this, think?
A recent poll of Arab Muslim residents of the West Bank and Gaza, known as ‘Palestinians’ circa 1967, conducted by the Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD) asked them.
74% supported the Hamas atrocities of Oct 7. Of these 59% “extremely” support them and another 15% only “somewhat”. Only 7% were “extremely against” and 5% somewhat against.
That’s 74% in favor of murdering, raping and kidnapping Jews and only 12% against.
Only 7% were ‘extremely’ against murdering and abducting children.
Is this a moral or a tactical objection? Let’s look at the breakdown by region.
83% of those in the West Bank, ruled by the Palestinian Authority, said that they supported the Hamas atrocities. Only 7% were opposed. In Gaza, there was notably less enthusiasm at 63%. But after weeks of bombings and raids, only 20% seem to have decided it was a bad idea.
Why were only 7% of those in the West Bank, but 20% of those in Gaza opposed?
Do those extra 13% of Gazans reflect a people (slightly) more likely to value human life or terrorist supporters who, like their comrades in the West Bank, like it better when someone else is doing the fighting? If the attack had come from the West Bank, would 83% (instead of just 63%) of those in Gaza be enthusiastic about the massacre and beheading of Israelis?
The survey asked a few more questions that got to the heart of it.
A majority believed that the Hamas atrocities were an Islamic response to the “defilement of Al Aqsa” by allowing Jews to set foot on the former site of the Holy Temple.
98% in Gaza and the West Bank said that they felt ‘pride’ as ‘Palestinians’ over the war.
74% expect the fighting to end with the defeat of Israeli forces in Gaza.
Only 17% support a two-state solution while 77.7% want to destroy Israel and replace it with a ‘Palestinian’ state.
Are there innocent civilians in Gaza? Probably a lot fewer than in Berlin or Tokyo in 1944.
The Germans supported Hitler and the Japanese backed the Imperial war machine. Those dissidents and opponents who disagreed not just on tactical grounds, but on moral ones, were a small minority. They’re a far tinier minority among the so-called Palestinians.
The ‘Palestinian’ majority wants a war to destroy Israel fought by Islamic terrorists.
They’re not complaining and crying for a ceasefire because they don’t want a war, but because they’re losing the war that they wanted. They still want the war, they just want to be winning it.
When you spend all of your time dreaming of invading and destroying another country, you may be a civilian, but you’re no more innocent than your average Nazi Party member.
Currently Hamas is a good deal more popular in the West Bank (88% approval rating) than it is in Gaza (59% approval rating), but the Al Aqsa Brigade, the military part of Hamas, scores big in the West Bank (86% approval) and at (69%) in Gaza. Those are numbers Biden would kill for.
And don’t mistake even the nearly 9 out of 10 in the West Bank and 7 out of 10 in Gaza as a lack of enthusiasm for Islamic terrorism.
The Al Qassam Brigades, the direct terrorist arm of Hamas, is at 95% approval in the West Bank and 78% in Gaza.
Islamic Jihad scores 93% in the West Bank and 72% in Gaza.
The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade is at 88% in the West Bank and at 70% in Gaza.
But let’s go back to democracy. Whom do they want running the place?
75% of those in the West Bank and 68% of those in Gaza want a national unity government of the various Islamic terrorist groups that would naturally include Hamas.
Isn’t democracy a beautiful thing? The ‘Palestinian’ people want to be ruled by terrorists. They want a war. And then they cry to the cameras when the war they demanded actually happens.
That’s what ‘Palestinians’ want and whom they like. Whom don’t they like? Everyone.
98% of the Arab Muslim settlers in the West Bank hate America as do 96.8% of those in Gaza. That’s still better than the UK which is hated by 100% of Arab Muslim colonists in the West Bank and Gaza. They actually hate America and the UK more than Israel which is only at 97.3%.
But don’t feel too bad, Americans, Israelis and Brits, because they hate everyone.
Not a single country, and that includes Iran, gets even a 5% ‘very positive’ rating. 63% don’t like Iran, 27% like it, and only 4% really like it even though it bled itself dry financing their terrorism.
64% don’t like Turkey even though Erdogan, its Islamic dictator, pulled out all the stops for them.
85% don’t like Egypt, 86% don’t like Jordan, 95% don’t like Saudi Arabia, and 95% don’t like the UAE even though these are the fellow Arab Muslim countries that provide aid to them.
Proving that ingratitude is the one consistent ‘Palestinian’ characteristic: 92% don’t like the EU, 88% don’t like the UN, and 69% manage to be against the Red Cross.
Russia, which created the entire ‘Palestinian’ cause and continues to back them, gets some of the best numbers. Only 57% don’t like Russia and 60% don’t like China.
Even more ungratefully, 85% don’t like Western media.
The ‘Palestinians’ have their own dedicated UN agency (UNRWA) and have billions of dollars lavished on them. Their needs are taken care of by the people they hate, America, Israel, Egypt and the UAE, not to mention the UN and the Red Cross, whom they repay by hating them.
If you give them free food, they will really hate you, and if you give them free rockets, they will hate you a little less. The only things they want to do are kill people and then kill some more.
This isn’t a culture or a country: it’s a xenophobic death cult that hates the entire world.
You don’t want them as neighbors or as refugees. Israel is stuck with them. The rest of the world doesn’t have to be. Stop giving them money, stop listening to their propaganda and stop caring.
Our faith in democracy convinced us to waste blood trying to bring democracy to Iraq and Afghanistan. And then we handed Afghanistan to the Taliban on the understanding that they’d run for public office. The State Department is still asking the Taliban to open up elections.
What’s behind this insanity? We refuse to come to terms with the fact that some people are bad. No matter what horrors they commit, we’re certain that it’s only a “tiny minority of extremists” who have “misunderstood Islam” and are surely not representative of the vast majority of peace loving people who want the same things we want and just haven’t been given the opportunity.
The troubling question they don’t like to think about is what if none of that is actually true?
In the Book of Genesis, Abraham pleads with G-d to spare Sodom. The Lord agrees if some righteous people can be found in the infamous city. The patriarch bargains with G-d for increasingly smaller numbers of righteous people until it turns out there is only one. And he has to run for his life before Sodom is destroyed. Modern people are uncomfortable with the story.
We don’t really believe in evil. Even when we come face to face with it we make excuses for it. And evil is then able to manipulate us, to play on our sympathies when it has none for us.
You see there is one piece of good news from that poll.
90% of ‘Palestinians’ would like a ceasefire from the war that 77.7% of them would like to see conclude with the destruction of Israel.
How stupid would anyone have to be to give it to them?
Palestinians are not innocent. They voted for Hamas, and they will support Hamas no matter what. Palestinian women teach their little kids to hate and to kill Jews as soon as they are born. So don’t give me this “innocent women and children in Gaza” crap. They are all evil from birth.
They’re not evil from birth, that is a ridiculous statement. They are, however, taught by adults to hate everyone who isn’t a Muslim and they are taught that death is a wonderful thing.
Since they are being taught from infancy, it is as if it is from birth, a figure of speech that accurately reflects what is going on.
The doctrine of Original Sin claims that every man is born evil and depraved, which means all babies are born evil and depraved, and must seek supernatural salvation for Original Sin.
Now, on the other hand, we have the pagan, secular, Aristotelian, concept of “tabula rasa” (an empty slate), which claims that man is born free of sin. An innocent completely ignorant of any knowledge of good or evil. He must learn and acquire all knowledge of what is good or evil by work and effort, through the use of his reasoning mind. There are no supernatural revelations.
Which one is true? Within reason they cannot both be true.
“Since man has no automatic knowledge, he can have no automatic values; since he has no innate ideas, he can have no innate value judgments….
At birth, a child’s mind is tabula rasa; he has the potential of awareness—the mechanism of a human consciousness—but no content.” – Ayn Rand
For God’s sake please, Please, PLEASE stop asking us questions like you are some pointy headed intellectual professor lecturing us and we are your students. I am most definitely not your student.
So said the woman who had no children.
The innate spirit and conscience of man interwoven with love/hate and good/evil are the evidences of tools given for finding G*d. Also, remembering “somewhere” it mentions those who are seeking Him, must seek/worship him in spirit because He is Spirit.
To THX 1138-
“all babies are born evil and depraved, and must seek supernatural salvation for Original Sin.”
The souls of babies are not condemned by God. There are no babies in hell. God cannot judge a human for their sin until that person is old enough to know right from wrong. If you read the Bible instead of Ayn Rand you would not be confused on this issue.
You’ll have to take up how your God really judges man with your fellow Christians. You’ll have to take up the what the doctrine of Original Sin really means with your fellow Christians too.
Interpretation and exegesis of your Holy Scripture is an issue for you Christians to figure out.
I subscribe to Aristotle’s rational, objective, secular, and accurate idea of tabula rasa.
“In accordance with the principles of America and of capitalism, I recognize your right to hold any beliefs you choose — and, on the same grounds, you have to recognize my right to hold any convictions I choose. I am an intransigent atheist, though not a militant one. This means that I am not fighting against religion — I am fighting for reason. When faith and reason clash, it is up to the religious people to decide how they choose to reconcile the conflict. As far as I am concerned, I have no terms of communication and no means to deal with people, except through reason.” – Ayn Rand
I agree with you except “evil from birth”. No newborn baby is born with hatred on their brain! They breathe, sleep, pee, poop and lactate. It’s the poison that their parents feed them that turns them into evil Jew haters and that, in my books, is child abuse.
Abraham was the father of Isaac (whose descendants are the Jewish people) and Abraham was also the father of Ishmael (whose descendants are the Muslim people), The Lord in Genesis 16:12 describes the future of Ishmael and his descendants: “he shall be a wild man; his hand shall be against every man.”
I listened to a Rabbi recently who lamented that all Palestinians were born innocent and pure and then they were immediately taught to hate and kill Jews. They grew up in a society that celebrated the killing and torture of Jews.
What a human tragedy.
The question is, is there any hope for these terrorists?
An old link.
True then. True today.
This is exactly why those who want Israel to allow the “Palestinians” to stay in Gaza are setting up Israel for another Oct 7.
There is, unfortunately, no way to have peace for Israel without removing the enemy population.
No one wants them, however. No Arab nation wants anything to do with their “Arab brothers” except as cannon fodder against Israel.
This was done in the 1948 era – ethnic Germans removed from Czechoslovakia; Muslims and Hindus moved between India and Pakistan. Only the “Palestinians” were kept as permanent “refugees” to use against Israel. The problem started in 1948 and the 1948 standards need to be applied.
I entirely agree. The Muslim population of Gaza, and for that matter Judea and Samaria must be expelled.
Practically, woman who are past childbearing age might be allowed to stay. Most of the rest must be made to leave with their possessions and their sins.
I understand the reluctance of every Arab and Muslim country to accept the Pali refugees. I say ship them all off to a failed state like Somalia and let them figure out what to do next. Then bulldoze Gaza and send in the settlers. Same with Judea and Samaria, but no need to bulldoze everything. Just all the Islamic infrastructure.
“Innocent Civilians
Poll shows the vast majority of “Palestinians” supported the Oct. 7 massacres.”
Hell, it appears that the majority of Americans do as well.
Great work, American universities. Truly unbelievable.
Let’s not confine the dispersal of evil to only universities. The Critical Theorists, perverts and nihilists are running our public schools. They plant the seeds that are grown and nurtured at the higher levels. The cancer runs throughout.
Tribalism. Thanks Danel!
Polling the Arabs in Israel “palestine” area: since 1941 …
George W. Bush’s election will forever be known as the beginning of the end. Great points and another great article. Once elected Bush so dumbed down the qualifications for president that Obama’s lack of experience couldn’t be used against him. If there was no Bush, there would have been no Obama.
Bush’s battle cry was “We’re not at war with islam! It’s the religion-of-peace!”
Every normal American was fully aware that islam was the motivation behind 9/11, but Bush constantly denied it and steered us away from that fact.
He allowed rules of war that ensured our generals would fight more to win a Congeniality contest & that our troops would pay for it.
I hear over and over again, “the ‘palistinians’ hate hamas and vote for them out of fear or being forced.” That may be true for some, but the OVERWHELMING majority of the knuckle dragging gazans hate Jews more than they’ll ever hate hamas.
It is because Hamas has controlled the programing of the population for many years that Jew hatred is prevalent.
The hatred was the same before Hamas got control away from the PA.
Great article Daniel.
The children of Islamic parents are taught to repeat the koran word for word and not to question it.
The children are also taught that death is wonderful.
Therefore it is ok for the islamic Hamas cowards to hide behind them.
Western Judaism and Christianity has taught us that it is immoral to kill innocent people. It also teaches us to question our beliefs and to challenge our beliefs. Islam does the opposite and until they change their behaviours and start to question their beliefs nothing will change.
Unfortunately, it can’t do that. Its own doctrines, “revealed” to Mohammad by Allah, mandate these behaviors. To question them is to engage in blasphemy and apostasy, both of which are punishable by death in Islam.
The logic is as follows, white people are responsible for actions by their ancestors and governments before they were born, but brown people aren’t responsible for themselves and the government they produce. On account of racism. The pendulum will swing the other way, and the “white tribe” have teeth.
I have no doubt that the data presented here is accurate, but I tend to shy away from “polling” stories since pollsters have developed it into an art form and can extract any result required by carefully wording the questions to fit the takers.
The “innocent Gaza civilians” myth is just that, and can be proven very quickly by viewing the videos of October 7th and following. Not for the squeamish or Israeli family members, but once viewed, the question will never need be asked again.
The terrorists who made those gleeful phone calls to their parents seem to have been sublimely confident that the parents would think that their killing sprees were great too.
Remember Oct 7, 2023 atrocities:
Te thousands of “Palestinian” Arab Muslim barbarian (Hamas/PIJ, PFLP & ordinary Gazans) onslaught on southern Israel – under Allah Akbar cries: massacring youth at a festival, torching families alive at their homes, suffocating shelters with people in them, mass torture, mass rape – some even post mortem – all while laughing, slaughtering children in front of their parents – parents in front of their children, beheading babies, dismembering bodies, kidnapping kids, men women into Gaza while parading them to cheers of other racist Arab masses.
It led to operation Swords of Iron.
See All The Evil Committed By Hamas Terrorists In One Place – Foreign Affairs – Nairaland
Someone created a website called hamas.com
Obviously Hamas are daft they can’t create such a website themselves, if they could the domain name would have been in use since 2005 just like when you search Israel.com or IDF.com or even TelAviv.com
So that by the way it was a parody, meaning someone else created it with the name of Hamas.
But the bottom line was to show the world and the doubters the atrocities of the Islamic jihadist terrorists all in one collection instead of denying and debunking like Nigerian government.
The website is hamas.com if you open that website your brain will blow .
There are gruesome videos and pictures there hard core proof ….
Palestinian culture is genocidal against Jews. It is absolutely nihilistic in that even its future and the fecundity of its birth rates is directed to using its own children as shields and targets and projectiles. The ancient gods of Phoenicia with their child sacrifices are still very much alive in the indigenous of Canaan.
Genocide is taught to kindergarten like queer theory is taught in American schools, with similar results, a brainwashed, miserable, activist next generation.
Violence begets violence. As Palestinian culture infects the world globally, the response to nihilists beckons annihilation.
Until then, eliminating Hamas, and finding leaders from the two percenters of moderates in the House of Islam is the best that can be hoped for..
And get the UN the hell out of Gaza.
Excellent. It’s unfortunate but true that such accurate and clear analysis, which gives the lie to the received wisdom of the day, is so rare. “This isn’t a culture or a country: it’s a xenophobic death cult that hates the entire world.” No matter how much the Islamic world, and the “Palestinians” (i.e., the most toxic political culture on the planet) demonstrate this, most of our elite “opinion makers” remain willfully oblivious to it.. If you want to have some fun, do an internet search of “Islamic terrorist groups.” The list is nearly endless.
As Shrillary would say; ‘it’s the willful suspension of disbelief’. In this case the consequences are deadly.
Thanks, Daniel, for explaining why the “Democratic” Socialists of America are calling for the immediate admission of 1,000,000 Arabs who call themselves Palestinian into the U.S.
The horrible truth is that many jihad-minded “ Palestinian” Muslims have no regrets of remorse that vicious and murderous Hamas massacre on October 7th. 2023.
Moreover, the terrible reality is that many times history repeats itself, as then evil happenings do reoccur.
As with that October 7th. 2023 murderous jihadists attacks against all those young people at that music festival, which was intended by the Israeli’s to be a joyful event but the vicious and death infecting jihadist of Hamas turned it into a tragic event.
Six years before that Islamic abomination occurred at that place in the State of Israel ,there was that murderous jihadist bombing at a music concert in the city of Manchester of the United Kingdom, the British of the city had intended that concert to be a joyful event but that vicious and death inflecting jihadist suicide/homicide bomber turned it into a tragic event.
The deluded dangerous deadly and demonic evils of Islam’s jihadists has no limit.
It boggles the mind as to how the HAMAS terrorist could have operated covertly (or overtly), dug this network of tunnels, processed the funds for an army, and trained an army without the complicity of the people of Palestine.
By the same token, it also boggles the mind as to how Israel was not fully aware of the pending invasion, and yet could on day one go in with surgical strikes to dispatch mush of Hamas leadership (it is commonly known Israel probably has the best intelligence gathering outfit in the world). How, where and why?
They (Israel) knew what was going on with Hamas and therefore are also guilty the the tragedy that befell the victims of the terrorist.
Images of 9/11: A Visual Remembrance
Three-Fourths of Palestinians Support Hamas and Oct. 7 Terrorist Attack, 98% Have ‘Very Negative’ View of U.S.
hree-fourths of Palestinians support the terrorist organization Hamas and its deadly attack on Israel last month, a “Wartime Poll” gauging the opinions of Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip reveal.
The survey was conducted October 31 to November 7 by Arab World for Research and Development (AWRAD), after Israel declared war on Hamas in response to the October 7 terrorist attack, in which Hamas killed more than twelve hundred people, beheaded and incinerated babies, raped women and girls, and took hostages they still hold to this day.
Not only do three-fourths (75%) of Palestinians say they support the October 7 terrorist attack, but more than half (59.3%) say they strongly support the attack. “Strong support for the attacks was notably higher among Palestinians in the West Bank (68%) as compared to Gaza (47%),” AWRAD notes.
Three-fourths (76%) also say they have at least a somewhat positive view of the role of the terrorist organization Hamas, with half (48.2%) voicing a “very positive” view of Hamas.
In contrast, less than one percent (0.4%) have a positive view of the role of the U.S., while 97.6% have a “very negative” view of the U.S.
Palestinians are more than three times as likely to believe the Gaza conflict is primarily between “Israel and Palestinians in general” (63.6%) as they are to think the war is between just “Israel and Hamas” (18.6%).
Ninety percent (89.5%) attribute U.S. support for Israel in the confrontation with Palestine to “Hatred of Muslims and Islam.”
Palestinians are equally cynical regarding the prospects of coexisting with Israel, as nine in ten (89.5%) say their belief in that possibility has decreased. Likewise, two-thirds (68%) say their support for a two-state solution has waned.
“The vast majority of Palestinians hate America and support Hamas’ terrorist attack on Israel. Remember that next time you see someone waving a Palestinian flag,” Media Research Center President Brent Bozell said in a social media post Monday, reacting to the survey’s
Why is “God” “G-d” in the article???? An inquiring mind wants to know
religious Jews don’t fully write out G-d in keeping with not taking the name of the L-rd in vain
Poling Arabs in the Area : Israel “palestine” since 1941:
More files:
Spot on Daniel!
This article says it all. This piece expresses the most fundamental understanding of the enemy. There
need not be any negotiations. It is too late for negotiations. Gazans en masse must be shipped out, and Israelis en masse must be the ones to reside in a rebuilt Gaza. Jordan and other states must be incentivized to take them. Or Gaza could be made into a museum called the Museum of Moral and Spiritual Contamination. Goodbye perverse and hateful ones!!
The undisputed reality for Israel is the cutting off of the heads of the monster destroying them. Because of this reality, I’m patiently awaiting the news that Mosad has covertly entered the High Snakes Millionaires Den in Qatar, and terminated them on-the-spot. That would seem to be “Job #1”, if the endgame is the end of Hamas.
They tried that once. Too difficult. Perhaps the easiest way would be to shoot them down when they are travelling in a plane.
Here is my summation of the essential conundrum that Israel in particular, and the Western world in general, face in our century:
Say for argument’s sake that ONLY 10% of the Muslim world approves of the savage barbarities that have been committed in the name of Islam over the last quarter century.
Now, if there are say 1.7 billion Muslims in the world today, that would mean there are … ONLY (!!!) 170 million staunch adherents of a cult which is indistinguishable from Naziism! And of course nobody really believes that it is only 10%
How on earth is the sane part of the globe (diminishing daily) supposed to deal with such a monstrosity?
A huge percentage of Gaza’s population are young children. Obviously they are brainwashed, but if they are used as human shields willing by parents (not because Hamas forced them), they should lose custody and have their children adopted out to good families around the world who will not encourage more hostility. Instead of using the UN to distribute textbooks, a neutral group who will insist on the following: no Israel bashing, no antisemitism and general good character rather than the Quran. As things stand now, they have heard only militant viewpoints
“Even more ungratefully, 85% don’t like Western media.”
Well at least we can agree on something.
“We refuse to come to terms with the fact that some people are bad.”
Or certain religions.
There must be something useful to do with the bodies of dead Palestinians. Can we make glue? Can we make fertilizer?
We need to invest in portable crusher plants to turn the rubble of the buildings in Gaza into useful construction materials (aggregates).
If someone says they want to kill you, it is best to kill them first, )assuming you want to live)..
Show no mercy. Fight fire with fire. .
These are positive, uplifting comments.
Yes the Arab Muslims all delight in what Hamas did. There is zero evidence of any protest against Hamas, no calls to expel Hamas or for Hamas to surrender.
But the US Deep State is drumming out that familiar old lie: that it’s just the Hamas tyrants not the innocent people of Gaza.
This is not true. Yet this is what they are claiming. Mike Baker CIA (“former”) went on Joe Rogan’s podcast to issue the US deep state key message.
He said exactly that. Innocent Gaza civilians don’t support Hamas, and trotted out some bs poll showing only about 40% actually voted for hamas in 2006, as if that means anything. They handed out sweets and celebrated. They jubilantly shared snuff videos on socials. They ran from every doorway to beat the bodies of dead israelis paraded through Gaza. There is zero protest against Hamas. But still, CIA Mike Baker claimed the civilians are innocent.
This is the US mindset because it excuses them from dealing with the more difficult cannard of Islam. They are taught to deflect deflect deflect from Sunni Islam. Especially since Saudi/Qatari money is all up in washington, lobbyists, they own Biden admin and Obama before him. They owned Trump too and the MIC. And the US is dependent on the Saudi-controlled petro-dollar.
CIA Mike baker’s key message was hamas is Iran, iran, iran, iran – iran. Now why might that be? Oh because Sunni Saudi/Qataris hate Iran. They will manipulate the US to destroy Iran, and the problems won’t end they’ll just get worse. Then the Sunni Arab Muslims will redouble their efforts to colonise and take the West.
And we are helping them by banning criticism and mockery of religion.
There are any number of words which appear to describe a “good” action if Muslims are the perpetrators and a “bad” action if it’s anyone else. Genocide. Apartheid. Colonialism. Imperialism. Slavery….. Though, on a lighter note, akbar is a word that genuinely has more than one meaning as it means “mouse” in Hebrew and “jerboa” in Chaldean. I’m completely happy to say “Allahu akbar” as long as I can say it in Hebrew or Chaldean.
When your part of cult that murders innocent kids you don’t deserve any mercy until gods judgement after death
They have been fed on 75 years of hatred, much of it taught in UN schools. And before that 13 centuries of the Koran and other Islamic propaganda. While Westerners have been taught that everyone is right except themselves.
I think it is incorrect to say that all Palestinians are guilty. According to the article, about 7% said they were strongly opposed to the 10/7 attacks.
This is not to plead for a weak response by Israel. All wars cause collateral damage.