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There is no war that does not result in some civilian deaths. Israel is now fighting a war it did not start and did not want, a war for its very survival, like those it fought in 1948, 1967, and 1973. Hamas makes no secret about its aim, enshrined in its charter, which is nothing less than the destruction of the Jewish state and the expulsion, or killing, of all of its Jewish inhabitants. The question is: does Israel do enough to minimize civilian deaths? The answer is clear, though the NAACP appears not to be paying attention. The IDF makes tremendous efforts to warn civilians away from places, and buildings, that are about to be targeted. To this end, the IDF had by April sent 16 million text messages, made 15 million prerecorded telephone calls as well as 100,000 personal phone calls, and dropped nine million leaflets, to warn Gazans. For weeks it held off invading Gaza City while it continued to warn civilians to leave; only after 900,000 civilians had moved southward to safety did the IDF enter the city to fight Hamas. It did the same in Khan Younis, and done the same recently in Rafah, where IDF warnings have caused nearly one million people to leave for safer zones that were indicated on maps the IDF dropped onto Rafah. Only after those nearly one million Gazans had left the city did the IDF begin its major push into the center of Rafah. And the IDF also warns civilians about individual buildings — schools, mosques, hospitals, apartment housings — about to be targeted. Finally, Israeli pilots are instructed to abort any airstrike if they detect the presence of too many civilians in the area about to be hit. No wonder that British Colonel Richard Kemp has called the IDF “the most moral army in the world,” and Professor John Spencer of West Point, an expert on urban warfare, has declared that “the IDF has taken more precautions to protect civilian lives than any army in the history of warfare.”
Finally, the best indicator of the IDF’s solicitude for civilian lives is the ratio of civilian-to-combatant deaths. The UN has stated that in all the wars fought since 1945, that ratio has been 9:1, or nine civilian deaths for every combatant killed. In Afghanistan the Americans managed to push that ratio down to 4:1, and in Afghanistan, to 3:1. But in Gaza, the ratio of civilian-to-combatant deaths has dropped to nearly 1:1, an unheard-of low number, that testifies to the care the IDF takes to minimize civilian casualties. It is only through such a comparison that one can understand the magnitude of the IDF’s achievement.
Now the NAACP has spoken out to try to save the terror group Hamas from being destroyed by the IDF: “NAACP Asks Biden to Halt Weapons to Israel as He Seeks to Shore Up Black Voter Support,” Algemeiner, June 6, 2024:
Some 44 percent of Democratic registered voters said they disapproved of Biden’s handling of the crisis. Those who disapproved were less likely to say they would vote for Biden….
Some of those 44% may be disappointed that Biden has not been as firm an ally to Israel as they hoped, and expected. There is no way of knowing, from the polling results released, how many want Biden to be less of a supporter of Israel, and how many want him to be more of one.
Johnson said the NAACP does not believe Biden’s support for Israel is responsible for the trend but wants the US to more forcefully advance peace by withholding weapons.
By withholding weapons from Israel, the Bidenites would give Hamas reason take heart, and instead of advancing peace, that weapons embargo would make the terror group — realizing that Israel could no longer count on its American ally for resupplies of weapons— even more determined to hold on, with its four battalions still intact in Rafah, and with thousands of other Hamas operatives regrouping in the north, where the IDF now finds it necessary to return to areas it once thought had been emptied of Hamas combatants. Such a cutoff of American weapons, essential to Israel’s survival, will encourage Hezbollah to open a full-fledged second front, raining rockets, missiles, and drones down on the Galilee, and pouring its combatants across the border into the Galilee to confront the IDF while so many of its men are still tied down in southern Gaza. And behind Hezbollah, most worrisome of all, sits the malignant power of Iran, ready to be unleashed if the Iranians sense that Biden’s “ironclad” guarantee of Israel’s security has melted away. As, we know, it has.
The NAACP (original name during the noble and successful Civil Rights Crusade, “The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People”–now never, ever, used, except as pronounced, “the Enn Double-Ay-See-Pee,” as the “UNCF” — “The United Negro College Fund,” now self-styled on every piece of fundraising junkmail I still get from them as “The Fund”) has become nothing more than a cynical, corrupt fund-raising and political-pressure scam run by, and profiting, today’s race hucksters.
Any mailpiece I get from either of them goes, unopened, straight into the garbage can, along with my next-door neighbor’s urine-soaked, ammonia-reeking cat litter.
Which is exactly where all of them belong, together.
Yes, they definitely are race hucksters.
Booker T Washington hit it fully on the head when he warned us to beware of those who profit off racism.
If they send a postage paid return envelope, you can do a reverse donation. Wrap a brick in brown paper, and tape the envelope to the outside. It will be delivered and they’ll be charged the postage.
You can then say you’re a “cornerstone” of the organization.
I am going to keep this simple:
I regret that two Jewish college students gave their lives registering blacks to vote in Mississippi in 1964 and were thus murdered by the Klan. Their sacrifice has never been reciprocated.
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (their website uses only their acronym) can go to hell.
Jews were among the founders of the NAACP in 1909, and in fact well into the 1960s the majority of non black members of civil rights organizations were Jews (who made up no more than 3% of the population). Now race hustlers like Jesse “Hymietown” Jackson, Al Sharpton and BLM (who are little more than shakedown artists) and of course Barack Hussein Osama make a fetish of hating Jews.
Instead of handwringing and “How can we show the black community solidarity?” the Jewish response should be a collective middle finger. I can’t wait until the NAACP sends me yet another solicitation foe donation, They can solicit funds from their “Palestinian” friends who use the word abeed (Arabic for slave) as a colloquial term for blacks.
Don’t forget hubshi. They also call blacks “hubshis.”. It means ” wooly head.”. I don’t think they mean it to be a complement.
Tell Biden to stop endorsing Ham-A** and BLM
Unfortunately, Biden is cognitively challenged and now does not understand even remedial English.
The NAACP exhibits some very questionable values.
Remember its the NAALCP L standing for Liberal
SO the naacp endorses a TERRORIST group! What’s new? They have backed the DEMOcrats forever!! Now it’s time to RECOGNIZE their stance and END ANY FUNDING to them! Really, in an era of EQUITY should there even BE an organization dedicated to the ADVANCEMENT of a COLORED PEOPLE?? If EQUITY (stupid usage of that word) is the GOAL then ALL people need to be ADVANCED! Still, end any funding – US TAXPAYERS have done ENOUGH to support groups out to destroy Our Nation!
Good points.
Plus our Constitution already, originally addressed the rights and responsibilities of ALL citizens. One might reasonably argue today that Dems should be excluded from that list 😉
John O’Sullivan’s First Law states: “All organizations that are not actually right-wing will over time become left-wing”. Obviously this happened a long time ago to the NAACP; the oldest most venerated of “Civil Rights” organizations. This also happened to the women’s movement, the gay rights movement, the Boy Scouts, the Girl Scouts etc etc etc.
Now they’re supporting terrorists.
This is hardly news any more.
Would you feel the same way, if another country called for the Murder of all black people ?
Probably not, you’re a Fucking Idiot.
To those like this Plantation Slave of Islam Johnson, and his like-minded pals Omar, Bowman, Cori Bush, Summer Lee, Obama, James Clyburn, Charlie Barron and that ignorant darkie who screamed “I wish Hitler was still with us” this Jewish-American who was once beaten up for advocating fair housing for Blacks in a then-somewhat segregated Southern California, replies this:
“I wish Robert E. Lee was still with us and had won at Gettysburg so that Shvartz Nazis like you would be back in chains and picking cotton in Louisiana and Georgia. Abraham Lincoln was too good a man to sacrifice his life and those of 400,000 Union soldiers so that you could behave exactly as your own oppressors did over 150 years ago.
You promote Racism, you get RACISM RIGHT BACK AT YA..
And a little bit of history for you, Johnson. The NAACP was founded in 1909 in the wake of the Springfield, Illinois riots that claimed the lives of scores of innocent Blacks, including the aged former barber of the said Lincoln. It was founded, Johnson, by a coalition of Blacxs AND JEWISH AMERICANS.
So kindly shove your descipable Jew-hatred up your ass where the sun doesn’t shine.
The NAACP is an anti-American organization.
It has been Anti-semitic for decades.
It should have its tax status rescinded.
In today’s world he NAACP is an anachronism and no longer relevant. The NAACP, like the Congressional Black Caucus, extorts money from liberal white people to fund their lavish lifestyles and haven’t done anything for the people they allegedly advocate for but in truth haven’t done anything for in 50+ years.
Furthermore, the majority of the younger generations of blacks are only peripherally aware of the NAACP. Most regard them as race hustlers and “poverty pimps” (e.g., Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, et al.) who only come around when they smell money and there’s a bag of cash to be grabbed. Otherwise, they doesn’t give a sh*t about black people.
NAACP — dhimmi fools and a Jew hating 5th column
Would it be okay if I asked the people in the NAACP if they are still colored or the United Negro College Fund if they are still Negroes?.
Kinda hard to keep up with all their name changes.
The guy in the picture looks like he could just as easily be in the Nation of Islam. The NAACP has really lost its original mission. Unless they were lying to us all along.
How many times can Israel be betrayed by United States? As I’ve said in the past, Israel should offer to have a meeting with representatives of both Russia and China. Israel should offer to sell all it’s know-how and give access to its U.S. weapons systems in exchange for ironclad weapon deals. Also offer Russia the chance to sail some of its most valuable naval assets out of the Black Sea to protect them from future Ukrainian attacks and offer the Russian navy safe harbor to dock off the coast of Israel.
The bottom-line is Israel needs to be pragmatic, it cannot gamble its future betting away like it’s a roulette game. Where its entire existence relies on which political party is power, RED we win and BLUE we lose. Put yourself in the position of Israeli political leaders, why would you risk your nation’s existence on weapon deals with United States that in the future could be abrogated solely due to the fickle nature of American politics? Putting myself in the place of a high ranking Israeli politician, I would make the cold hard decision to dump United States in favor of seeking weapon deals with Russia and China. Because Israel needs to sign weapon deals that not only will be honored but will not be abrogated based upon a constant changing domestic political situation in Russia and China. Israel needs to look out for itself, first and foremost so where it gets weapons from should be irrelevant. The only issues are who to buy weapons from and guarantee the deliveries of weapons, especially in times when Israel is under attack from its enemies. Can Israel absolutely rely on United States in the future? Nope – so it’s time for Israel to dump United States.