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What happens when San Francisco gets put in charge of the military (and the country)?
Military recruitment numbers crater as traditionally patriotic recruits avoid enlisting. The Army is in trouble.
The Army does not expect to hit its ambitious recruiting goal of 65,000 new soldiers this year as the pool of young Americans eligible to serve continues to shrink.
“We are not going to make that goal,” Army Secretary Christine Wormuth told lawmakers at a congressional hearing Tuesday. “We are doing everything we can to get as close to it as possible; we are going to fall short.”
Ah yes, it’s that “shrinking pool” of eligible recruits that’s the issue.
I’m sure that Christine, a Clinton administration intern who, excitingly is the female Army Secretary, is on it. It’ll take a little more diversity, equity and inclusion so that the pool of eligible recruits shrinks to a puddle.
The Navy is having its own recruitment issues.
The Navy will likely miss its recruiting goals by 6,000 sailors for the current fiscal year, the vice chief of naval operations testified Wednesday.
The sea service is aiming to recruit 37,700 active-duty enlisted sailors for Fiscal Year 2023, a goal that VCNO Adm. Lisa Franchetti told the House Armed Services Committee the sea service will fall short of by 15.9 percent.
However, in Franchetti’s written testimony, the VCNO wrote that the Navy will likely miss its active-duty enlisted recruiting goal by 8,000 sailors. The sea service is also expected to fall short of meeting its reserve recruiting numbers by 3,300
Don’t worry, Lisa knows what the men want.
In an effort to increase recruitment, the Navy has invited a drag queen, who is an active-duty sailor, to join its pilot “digital ambassador” program.
As America’s military faces a historic recruiting crisis, the new tactic is intended to broaden the Navy’s reach of potential recruits through digital and social media platforms, according to a report.
Yeoman 2nd Class Joshua Kelley, whose stage name is Harpy Daniels, made an announcement about becoming one of the first “Navy Digital Ambassadors.”
The good news is that the US Navy is not actually going to be expected to fight China when it invades Taiwan. The bad news is that by the time China decides to go after Pearl Harbor, the Navy will consist of a nightclub act in San Francisco that occasionally shows up in pride parades.
If we’re going to survive any major military conflict, a future administration will desperately need to purge the wokes and the political generals, wipe out much of the brass, and bring in warfighters. It was bad enough when these people were rising to the top through virtue signaling, but they’re rotting out the military from the bottom up.
Going to war under those clowns could be a disaster.
Fortunately China seems to be having second thoughts about going to war, after seeing how badly Russia fared in Ukraine when faced with western weapons.
This is what happens when you put a woman in charge of things.
Amphibious warfare is the hardest combat operation to do in the world.
The Chinese military spends 25% of their day in political indoctrination.
The United States has the most experienced and trained amphibious force in the world. The US has the most amphibious trained combat personnel than the world combined. The US has the most capable amphibious equipment in the world. The US has more amphibious warfare ships that rest of the world combined. The US could not successful invade Taiwan – we do not sufficient numbers to do it
Thanks Chief!!!
So you’re saying that China doesn’t have a chance? That’s reassuring.
Unfortunately I think you underestimate the Chinese. There are more Chinese than we have bullets and their logistics line is very short.
What are they going to do? Swim Here? They don’t have the troop transports to bring a billion coolies here. You do know there are more guns in America than people, right? And that law enforcement is very well trained and very well armed?
The Chinks wouldn’t have a chance. They’d die like rats and they know it.
A lot of young Chinese people arent interested in any war.
China is also doing propaganda..
But still beware.
Vote out clowns in ofice; revamp the military
Incompetant leadership results in many more deaths – that is American deaths – should Biden’s bumbling get us in a war. The young men that normally would be interested surely see it.
People should fight without others saying how hard.
Fight to win if need be
No one lacking a distinct lisp need apply, but our navy needs every patriotic cocksucker it can find. Literally.
Astonishing destruction. Two years of fraudulent governance and two and a fraction centuries of honor and traditions are trashed. Total victor for the ugliest manifestation of venal corruption in our, soon to be concluded, national history.
Of course. Because using a drag queen as a digital ambassador worked so well for Bud Light.
I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within.
Douglas MacArthur
STFU and go take your adderall ya pathetic, limey wanker!
“Like”? “It’ll be like..”?
What are you, the frigging Valley Girl?
Why not devote yourself to crochet, or stamp collection?
Yea, that’s just what I want to see after months at sea or in the boonies, a drag show. Look at how bored everybody is in the footage of this dude performing on board, lol.
Dems have wanted to reinstate the draft since they ended it and the US military didn’t wither on the vine. That the volunteer military proved so stable and capable in the 80s, made them want to reinstate it even more. The dem run military’s leftist woke policies are keeping most of the people who would normally enlist from doing so. Watch for the dems to institute a new DEI woke draft to force them in. They’ll do that, or just downsize the military some more. It’s a win-win for the left.
Homosexuals and trannies are the new Janissaries. A “society of peers”, with no past or future; just a manifestation of the zeitgeist who’ll do almost anything no matter how evil.
Yeah, you know what? Every teenage boy I went to high school with all talked endlessly about the fever dream to room with lots of other men and watch men in costumes pretend to be women in a real live musical where people could break out into song at any time, with potentially a chance to sing yourself. It wouldn’t matter how bad their singing was or that my generation had developed particular hatred of variety shows and acts, which drag shows are at best, and never developed a liking for Ethel Merman or Cher, this is the promised land delivered. that will bypass my generation.
This is the closer. Sign up for four years and be in close quarters on a Navy ship unable to leave .
Christime? Not Ms
Wormuth? Lisa? Not Admiral Franchett
Two old women at the top. That’ll get the guys to join. Where are the men? I mean the unwoke ones.