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Save for a single columnist — Bret Stephens — the New York Times has no one on its staff, among its hundreds of reporters, columnists, and op/ed contributors, who could be described as willing to give Israel a fair shake. More on this grotesque imbalance in the coverage by the New York Times of the State of Israel and those who would destroy it can be found in a piece here: “Another Jewish ‘Timesman’ Doesn’t Let Facts Affect His Opinion,” by Mitchell Bard, Algemeiner, February 2, 2024:
I’m beginning to think that The New York Times must have a diversity, equity and inclusion policy that allowed the hiring of Bret Stephens as its token Jewish journalist without an anti-Israel agenda. It’s hard to otherwise explain how he got a column when you read the rest of the op-ed writers and reporters. The latest example is Ezra Klein, who, like a typical “Timesman,” opined on Israel’s failings while ignoring history and omitting inconvenient facts.
Like Old Faithful Thomas Friedman’s weekly eruptions expressing disdain for Israel’s democratically elected prime minister, Klein goes off on a rant against Benjamin Netanyahu. And, like Friedman, he is in high dudgeon over Netanyahu’s opposition to a Palestinian state.
Interestingly, he undermines the column’s entire case immediately after quoting Netanyahu’s position by citing Gallup’s finding that only 25% of Israelis support a two-state solution. Unsurprisingly, he omits the equally salient fact that only 34% of Palestinians favor it.
Klein ignores the latest poll of Israelis on the so-called “two-state solution.”
Netanyahu’s opposition to a Palestinian state, that Klein appears to think is the Prime Minister’s alone, is shared by three-quarters of Israelis. Netanyahu is not a “right-wing” outlier, but expresses the will of most Israeli when he insists that such a state would constitute a mortal threat to the existence of the Jewish state. Furthermore, Klein also hides the results of a poll taken among the Palestinians, two-thirds of whom oppose a “two-state solution” because they want a “one-state solution” — that is, a single Palestinian state, from which all the Jews will have been expelled, extending “from the river to the sea.”
Klein blames Netanyahu for a state not existing because he “allowed settlers to run wild and rendered Hamas’s rival, Al Fatah, feckless.”
There are some 500,000 Jews in Judea and Samaria (does he consider the 340,000 in Jerusalem wild settlers as well?). A tiny fraction are troublemakers, and I’ve written about the need to rein them in, but they are not the reason that the Palestinians don’t have a state. And like the U.S. Secretary of State, Klein doesn’t say where they’re supposed to go to make way for one.
How many “settlers” are behaving badly in Judea and Samaria? Of the 500,000 Israelis living in that area — “settlers” all — no more than a few hundred, that is, less than .001%, have behaved aggressively toward the Palestinians. And the Palestinians, let’s not forget, are also aggressive toward their Jewish neighbors in the West Bank, erecting structures on Jewish-owned land, letting their sheep graze on land owned by Jews, building illegal Palestinian homes in Area C, and of course, throwing rocks at Israeli cars which have sometimes caused fatal accidents.
Also, Netanyahu did not make the Fatah Party “feckless.” Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas did that all by himself. He allowed Hamas to take over the Gaza Strip, made himself a dictator by preventing elections and created a kleptocracy. An overwhelming majority of Palestinians want him to resign.
Netanyahu did nothing to help Hamas take over the Gaza Strip in 2007. He did not encourage Mahmoud Abbas to set himself up as the dictator of the Palestinians in Judea and Samaria, where Abbas is now in the 19th year of his four-year term as president. Abbas needed no push from Netanyahu to steal hundreds of millions of dollars from the aid money meant for the Palestinians. Greedy Abbas and his equally greedy sons Tarek and Yasser now have accumulated a business empire worth $400 million. Because of his colossal corruption, 80% of Palestinians want Abbas to resign; again, Netanyahu had nothing to do with the world of woe that Abbas has created for those in whose name he presumes to rule.
The Palestinians don’t have a state for one simple reason: They have rejected every opportunity to have one because they insist on replacing Israel. Hamas wants to destroy Israel, not live beside it, and Fatah wants to “liberate” Palestine in stages.
In 2000, Prime Minister Ehud Barak offered a generous territorial settlement to Yasser Arafat. Because the offer did not require Israel to give up every inch of territory Israel had won in the Six-Day War, including east Jerusalem, Arafat turned it down flat. In 2008, Ehud Olmert made Mahmoud Abbas an even more generous offer, including putting the Old City of Jerusalem under a five-nation trusteeship. That offer, too, was not even discussed — Mahmoud Abbas, like Arafat before him, simply walked out.
Like others making the argument lately that Netanyahu was strengthening Hamas at the expense of the PA to prevent the creation of a state, Klein makes misstatements and omissions. He says Netanyahu “allowed Hamas to hold Gaza” and “kept the Palestinian leadership divided.”
First, Hamas took over Gaza without Israel’s help. Afterward, Abbas refused to confront Hamas to avoid a Palestinian civil war. Netanyahu didn’t need to do anything to keep the Palestinian leadership divided. Hamas and Fatah repeatedly talked about reconciliation and never could agree because of disagreements unrelated to Netanyahu.
Netanyahu did nothing to help Hamas take over Gaza. He had nothing to do with Abbas’ unwillingness to confront Hamas; Abbas was afraid of starting a civil war that his side, Fatah, would likely lose. The divide between Hamas and Fatah was not in their ultimate aims — both share the same goal of eliminating Israel, though they differ on tactics and timing — but in the fact that each side wanted to monopolize the Palestinian leadership. It was simply a fight over power and money.
Second, until the massacre, Netanyahu preferred to keep Israel out of a war to eliminate Hamas, which was popular with everyone but the far-right. Those now complaining about what Israel is doing would have been even more upset if Israel had taken the same steps before Oct. 7.
Klein likes to depict Netanyahu as a warmonger. He has been the very opposite. He was unwilling to launch an attack on Hamas, as some in the IDF and in the right-wing parties in his coalition had urged, until the atrocities of October 7, which changed everything.
heartland says
Facts of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are irrelevant, though Fitzgerald does a good job in rounding up the important information for our perusal. ALL the people who would not mind seeing Israel disappear are rather pleased that they have caused Jews pain and look forward to more of the same. They truly believe they will conquer Israel, cause them pain, and finally attain happiness. A Palestinian state is NOT their goal. Anyone who claims that a state is their goal is lying to you.
Allow me to tell you the sorid truth of most evil in the world and particularly the Middle East and among the class of people called politicians. I chose the word ‘sorid’ because there is simply no remediation for the animus felt towards Israel and the Jews. Their hateful feelings arise from defective parenting. The children learn anti-Semitism at the breast. Once it is ensconced in their brains, it is hard to dislodge. This observation is true for all emotionally laden information presented to children who just soak it up. It is not merely the hateful attitudes of the parents! These children have not been loved unconditionally. The parents had to meet rigid standards and so do their children. Hating Jews and Israel is an irrevocable standard that tolerates no opposition. Fear and anger play a much larger role in the lives of the haters’ children than affection and happiness. Many people in the world love their children beyond reason and among them are the majority of the Jews. Jewish parents like their children from before they are born to well past their entering adulthood.
Florid caring makes those who do not have that feeling in their history mad as hell. Indeed, it makes them so angry that murderous feelings get justified every time they realize they were abused. Jew haters project their poor affectional histories onto Jews so they can hate them.
There are many exceptions to this process, but the formula fits the facts for the majority of haters whether they be elite politicians or your everyday Gazan. Believing in ‘realpolitik’ simply means other people’s suffereing and pain do not count. If we had purchased a product as faulty as these emotionally twisted children and young adults who would like to make homeless or murder the Jews, we would have returned it for a refund.
Kasandra says
The NYT isn’t fit for birdcage liner. Did any of its columnists identify any Israeli leader in or out of the current national unity government who, after October 7, is advocating for a “two-state solution?” Yet the Kleins and Friedmans and the rest are willing to take existential risks for Israel from behind their keyboards in the relative safety of NYC. They aren’t only dishonest. They’re delusional.
Steven Brizel says
The NYT was and has always been and remains hostile to Zionism the State of Israel and all individual and communal celebration and observance of traditional Jewish values
Chief Mac says
Calling Netanyahu “right-wing” is like calling TaliBiden a conservative
Edward says
Fitzgerald asks, “Is there no one at the Times – but Bret Stephens – willing to give Israel a fair shake?”
There was Bari Weiss, a member of the editorial board. She’s a centrist Zionist.
Fellow employees mocked her as a racist and a Nazi.
In 2020, Weiss, left because of the bullying.
Mo de Profit says
WHAT!!! Leftist elites bullied a woman and the media didn’t explode into rage?
Ed Snider says
For decades it was understood that the Times hated Israel because the Sulzbergers were self-hating Jews. This was the paper that assigned an A.M.Rosenthal byline to their managing editor, Abraham Rosenthal, because Abraham was too Jewish for the Sulzbergers’ tastes. The family left the Jewish people a couple of generations ago for a more comfortable place in Episcopalianism, but without shedding all of their old brand of Jewishness. They still despise Israel, hate religious Jews and many that are not. Ezra Klein is their lapdog, best to be ignored.
Not as all surprised the New York Slimes has been covering up for the enemy since 1932 and perhaps beyond that they covered up for Stalin and Hitler the Viet Cong and are behind the 1619 Project this leftists rag need to be on everyone’s Boycott list
Steven Brizel says
The NYT has long been anti Zionist anti Israel, woke as possible , whitewashing Communism and Nazism and loathing any and all traditional Jewish values for decades-Brett Stephens is a great writer but you have to wonder for how long he will stay there